The three keys are very exquisite, and they are pure gold, and they have a lot of weight in the hand. Even the chain with the key dropped is gold.

Yan Yu thought for a while and said, "Just put it away first, and ask him tomorrow."

The next day Ye Luo asked him what the key was for.

Sandy said calmly: "Treasure."

Ye Luo became interested: "What treasure?"

Sandy raised her eyebrows and stopped talking.

Ye Luo pursed his lips: "What is so mysterious to do, it makes sense to tell others what the gift is."? Sendi said mysteriously: "Grow up."

Do you have to wait for a few small buns to grow up?

The little buns changed every day. By the end of six months, they would have left. Others could only climb for six months. The three of them could walk hand in hand and sway their short legs.

She fell down and smiled cute without crying.

But the servants who guarded them, the concubines, felt bad.

Sandy didn't feel distressed about this, and let the little buns work hard to become stronger.

Fanfen can still call Sandy uncle uncle.

The tender voice of milk smiles every time Sandy calls.

Fenfen is the first one of the three buns to speak, maybe that's why she is doomed to talk!

By the time she was seven months old, she could already speak a lot.

Xia Zhi gave birth to a little prince. The family went to see Xia Zhi. Sandy was unwilling to let go of her fans, so she went together.

Fenfen looked at the newborn baby in the cradle in her cute little skirt: ", little brother."

He stretched out two chubby hands to hug him: "Hug little brother."? "You can't hold your little brother yet, wait until the fan grows up a little bit, then hug the little brother." Ye Luo told her.

Fenfen was very upset, pouting her little mouth and said: "Fenfen is not too small anymore, Fenfen can talk, and will go.... Uncle said that Fenfen is the best."

The little man is very articulate and his pronunciation is accurate.

Unlike the two older brothers, they can only pronounce two overlapping words in simplified accents.

The two brothers called most accurately: "Sister."

However, they felt that their sister was really chattering. They talked endlessly every day, and they dragged them to talk, but they couldn't speak clearly. Yiyi often spoke alien language.

Fenfen has a headache and thinks that the two brothers are so stupid, neither can speak.

Ye Luo scratched her little pink nose: "You are the best, but you still can't hold your brother."

Fanfen was very angry when Mommy said this: "I eat a lot and I have strength."

She ran over and took Sandy's hand over: "Uncle hugs the little brother."

Among the three small buns, the fan is the smallest. She knew that she was younger than her two brothers, and was very unconvinced.

Now she also has a brother.

Naturally I think my brother is the cutest.

Sendi glanced at Ye Luo, and Ye Luo nodded, before he picked up the little prince and put it in front of Fanfen. Fanfen pretended to hug the little brother with the strength of his hands.

Then Fan proudly said to Ye Luo: "Mommy, I hold my little brother."

Ye Luo received her stinking beauty: "You are the best."

Fenfen threw her calf into her arms, and Ye Luo picked her up and said to Xia Zhi: "Has the little prince named him?"

"Not yet, I haven't taken the nickname, anyway, the first child, just call the little prince, they have a lot of rules for naming the little prince, I don't care about it."

Xia Zhi is quite energetic after giving birth, and has already slept after giving birth.

Seeing the three little buns in Ye Luo's family, who looked exactly the same, Xia Zhi couldn't like it. If her close relatives couldn't get married, she wanted to give the little prince a pink baby kiss immediately.

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