Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 981: Double standard

When Ye Luo heard that Sandy was going to make lions pets for three buns, her face turned pale with fright, and she quickly brainwashed her daughter.

"Little lion lion is very fierce, I will bite you when I am not happy, and then bite you are scarred all over it is ugly, Uncle Sandy does not like you."

Fanfan friends can't be shaken casually: "No, mommy, lions are so cute, cute."

No matter how cute and cute she is, she is not as cute as her daughter.

Ye Luo smiled and said, "That's not cute. Fanfen, you haven't seen a panda cat. That's cute."

Ye Luo quickly took the tablet and found the picture of the panda. He pointed to the cute baby bear and said, "Fenfen, do you think this is more cute than the lion and lion? You think he still eats bamboo and bamboo."

The two brothers leaned forward and took a look, and immediately felt that pandas were not as cute as lions.

Lions are majestic like that.

It's amazing at first glance.

This baby bear is just as stupid as his sister.

But the other fans looked at Baby Bear and liked it: "Wow, cute bears are cute, Mommy, can I have baby bears?"

The two brothers looked at their sister contemptuously, what to do if they are so stupid.

Mommy just used a picture to turn her attention away, don't you know if it was Mommy's purpose?

It seems that the lion is gone.

The two brothers have always focused on what their sister wants, supplemented by their own personal wishes.

"Yes, mommy will buy baby bears for Fanfen."

Ye Luo answered very simply, and when he got home, he asked someone to make a giant panda-like doll.

I gave Fenfen, Fenfen really likes it.

I didn't know that what her mother gave her was just a doll, not a real baby panda.

The two brothers looked at their stupid sister, really worried about her future IQ.

Ye Luokeng's daughter was so pitted that there was no Yali.

But there was someone who couldn't stand it. Seeing that his daughter was cheated and still helping her mummy count the money, Yan Shao hurriedly went through a series of approvals to get a little bear baby back.

Fanfen Xiaopen saw the baby panda that Daddy had brought back, and immediately threw the panda doll.

Then he later realized that he complained to his daddy: "Uncle said that Mommy gave a fan to the fake panda BABY, and that what Daddy gave is true, and Mommy is bad."

Yan Yu touched her little head: "Mommy is afraid that you are arguing about asking, so I will give you a doll to play with first, and then Mommy will find the real one. Mommy asked Daddy to find this. Be disrespectful to Mommy, or Daddy will be angry."

Fanfen hugged Yan Yu's neck and said coquettishly: "Daddy, where have you been these days? Fanfan misses you so much. Fanfan misses you so much that you can't sleep at night."

Both brothers didn't see the doglegs of their stupid sister.

She couldn't fall asleep, every day she sleeps like a little pig.

Although Yan Yu did not doting on his two sons as much as his daughter, he must have been unrestrained to get what they wanted.

"The lions and lions you two want have also been brought to you. They are kept in the forest behind, and Uncle Sixi will take you to play."

The two brothers happily gave Daddy a bite, and went to find Uncle Sixi.

Yan Yu held the cute little panda he hadn't seen for a few days and went to play with the baby panda.

Ye Jian can’t stand his patriarchal son: “Somehow, you also occasionally hug your son. You’re going to put a shadow on them. You see, Sandy’s fondness for noodles is also good for steamed meat and meat..."

Yan Yu didn't take it seriously: "Boys need to be raised like this, what kind of hugs do big men want."

"Your son is less than eight months old, what is a big man!!!"

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