Mysterious journey

Chapter 1 Initial 1

Boom! !

Luo Jing's head shook.

Boom! !

Luo Jing's head was shaking wildly.

He's shaking! He moved! !

Bang! !

Luo Jing groaned as his head hit something hard.

Slowly opening his eyes, he looked at the dark gray in front of him with blurred vision. A figure was dangling in front of him, seemingly busy packing his things with the window closed. A window was vaguely visible to the left of the figure. There was a click outside the window, and another bolt of lightning flashed through, illuminating the room brightly.


Luo Jing groaned. He wanted to raise his hands to rub the back of his head, but his whole body refused to obey him at all. His body was filled with a mixed feeling of numbness and pain. His limbs seemed to not belong to him at all, lying alone and unconscious. Around him, there were like four thin wooden sticks.

"Am I dead?" His mind was still a little confused. I remember that in the end, he was electrocuted because he accidentally plugged in the power plug with his wet hands while taking a shower. He saw with his own eyes a ball of blue electric light explode between himself, his hand and the socket, followed by thick, stinking black smoke, and then he knew nothing.

My mind was in a daze, and it seemed like all the memories had turned into a mass of mush.

Luo Jing tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see clearly what was going on around him.


There was another violent shaking, and his head hit the bed board behind him. A sharp pain came again, and Luo Jing passed out completely.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe one day, maybe several days.

He finally felt that his body had some consciousness, and his consciousness gradually woke up from his drowsiness.

boom. There was a soft sound, which seemed to be the sound of a door closing.

"Is mom out?" my sister's voice asked.

"Well, she had breakfast first and went to buy some fresh vegetables. I will also go to your aunt's place in a while." A familiar man's voice replied, and then disappeared.

Luo Jing suddenly found himself sitting in a small bedroom with a rectangular desk in front of him. He was holding a black pen and writing lines of letters on white paper.

Bright white light came in from the right-hand window, and it was raining lightly outside. The red roof of the residential building opposite was dripping wet.

Suddenly, as if a flood had burst the embankment, a huge and complex torrent rushed into his mind.

"Hmm" He groaned unconsciously and covered his forehead with his hand. Countless strange memories rushed into his brain crazily.

Galleons? Am I Gallon? Did I travel through time?

He didn't care about anything else, suppressing his headache, and quickly browsed through the memories flooding into his brain.

This world is similar to the background of the European Industrial Revolution. There are cars, airplanes, and thermal weapons such as guns and cannons, but they have not yet developed to the level of weapons of mass destruction.

His identity is that of a boy from an ordinary family named Galen. He is sixteen years old this year. His parents are both ordinary employees of a rubber company. There is also a sister named Yinger. The surrounding living environment was similar to Europe during the Industrial Revolution, but the memory of his family and his own appearance made him understand that this was definitely not the Earth.

Because of their appearance, both he and his sister were born with purple-black hair and burgundy eyes. Hair color is inherited from the father, and eye color is inherited from the mother. Never before on earth was anyone born with such hair color and eyes. Moreover, in the historical knowledge Garen had learned before, the most powerful countries on earth mentioned were not China, the United States, and Russia, but the Asian Federation, the Weisman Empire, and the Tulip Republic. The rest of the world is the same as the earth, with hundreds of countries of varying sizes and systems.

Except for the different place names and environment, everything else is similar to Earth. People here need to receive quality education from an early age. From primary school, to middle school, and then to university, there are many steps. He is currently studying at the Holy Oriole Noble Academy, which is ranked third in the province. It is a high school. He has just entered the school for a year. It is now during the vacation. He suddenly developed a high fever at home. The original Gallon died. Luo Jing, who happened to have time traveled, picked it up. A big deal.

While sorting out his memories, he packed up and changed his clothes in a daze, waiting for him to react and come back to his senses. He was already sitting in a small, clean white room, eating soft cherry cake on the white dining table. The palm-sized cake is light yellow in color, and the white cream on top is dotted with bright red cherries arranged in a circle.

Luo Jing's attention at this time was still immersed in the memory left by Jia Long.

In my memory, although Garen attended a noble college like his sister, he could barely make ends meet as his parents scrimped on food and worked overtime. In order for the two siblings to attend this school, all the daily expenses of the family were reduced to a minimum. The parents were reluctant to even buy clothes and jewelry. All the welfare bonuses from the excellent rubber company were turned into the tuition and living expenses of the college.

It's a pity that neither brother nor sister seems to have any learning gene. Their grades in the academy have always been below average, and they can't improve no matter how hard they try. And not only that, most of the other students in the college are either rich or noble. In comparison, the conditions of the two brothers and sisters are far worse than others, which naturally leads to feelings of inferiority and other emotions, which in turn affects the originally healthy personality. Garen's temperament has become weird and introverted, while his sister Ying'er's character has become taciturn.

"I'm going to school soon. Don't fight with your classmates at school, study hard, and try to get into a good university." His father, Lombard, sat across from him and warned in a deep voice while eating the salad on the plate. "The same applies to Ying'er. Don't read novels all day long. Focus on studying."

"Oh." Ying'er responded obediently. She sat on the right side of Luo Jing. She was wearing an exquisite white tunic with a white corsage on her chest, highlighting her young and cute figure. The lower body is wearing a black and purple pleated miniskirt, and the legs are wearing thick black pantyhose as a cover for the short skirt. Ying'er was eating the cake, with the toes of her two small black leather shoes facing each other, her head lowered, and she looked submissive.

Luo Jing lowered his head and ate the cake in silence, taking a sip from the milk at hand from time to time. He glanced at his sister's outfit and noticed that there was a black and silvery logo on her heart, a logo with a row of letters surrounded by a wreath. It means that this outfit is the girl's school uniform of Shengying Academy.

He looked at himself. He was wearing a slim-fitting white shirt with similar black and silver horizontal stripes on the cuffs and collar. He was wearing similarly slim-fitting black trousers, paired with black leather shoes. He looks equally handsome, beautiful, and classy.

Both brothers and sisters are quite average in appearance, but their black-purple hair color and burgundy eyes make them look a little more colorful. The younger sister's facial features are very ordinary, with quite a few freckles and acne on her face. As for Garen himself, his hair was messy, his eyes were dull, and his eye sockets were sunken, as if he had been ill for a long time, which made him look uncomfortable.

Luo Jing didn't manage to absorb most of Gallon's memories until he finished breakfast. The brother and sister helped pack away the tableware, and each went to their own room to prepare their luggage and books for school.

"Brother, have you seen my history book?" Ying'er asked loudly in the room.

"No." Luo Jing, or should be called Jia Long now. He replied casually.

He himself is also packing up books. There are a lot of history, geography, etiquette, mathematics and other subjects. There are several more subjects than high schools on Earth. There are actually swordsmanship and archery skills. Stuffing the books into his black school bag, Garen let out a breath, slowly walked to the window, opened the window, and felt a rush of moist and cool air.

Below the window is a gap between two residential buildings. The ground is a gray-black square chessboard. On the left side of the venue, some people were lining up in front of a strong man holding a sign. More and more people were slowly gathering, and it was unclear where they were going to line up. The slogan actually said ‘Corinth must win’.

Directly below, a gray-yellow wooden cart was being pushed by a woman, coming out of the entrance of the building where he lived. It was filled with tools and ingredients for selling the snack pancakes.

With a whoosh, a white bird flew past Garen's eyes, made a few turns and disappeared again.

He suddenly woke up and felt that he had truly entered another world. He was in his own home on the fourth floor, looking down at a completely different environment in China below.

People out there are either blonde, silver-haired, or red-haired, and have different eye colors. Skin color also ranges from black to white. And the written language they use is a special alphabetic language similar to English. Galen, who has gained his memory, can naturally understand and understand.

He is no longer the adult he was on earth now. He is an ordinary boy who is only sixteen years old, with an ordinary family and an ordinary background and appearance. And a weak body. His parents go to work every day and go out in the morning and come back in the evening. He and his sister come back from school once a week. Their life is completely about two o'clock and one line, going back and forth between school and their home. After high school, take the unified examination, and if you are lucky, get admitted to a better university, then have a good background, and get a good job after graduation. One of the thousands of students who passed the unified examination.

Having a good job is the biggest expectation that parents have for their brothers and sisters.

"If it weren't for my physical weakness, maybe I might not be able to come over successfully." Garen smiled wryly. He had a hunch that when he was unconscious on the carriage home, it might be Garen's body that was instinctively resisting his consciousness. Invasion. If he had a stronger body, he might be completely rejected.

"According to the knowledge in my memory, this world should still be in the industrial revolution period. There are thermal weapons, but there are no decisive strategic weapons. It is completely similar to the world pattern before the emergence of nuclear bombs and missiles." He combed carefully, "It is not at all imagined. It’s a magical, fighting, fairy-like world with no signs of the supernatural at all.”

Thinking of this, he himself didn't know how he should live. When he first learned that he had traveled through time, he still had some expectations in his heart. Unexpectedly, after careful analysis, he found that this world was just a backward technological and civilized world.

"Forget it, let's just take it one step at a time. The current situation is to take good care of your body first." Garen raised his thin arm like a bamboo pole and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Carrying their schoolbags, the two siblings walked to the door of their house together and closed the door. Garen walked ahead with the family's garbage bag in his hand and walked down the stairwell. As he walked, he also observed other residents and the situation of this era.

The stairwell is a bit dark, and there are only two residents on each floor. There are brass mailboxes with names engraved on the left side of each resident's door. It looks very old.

Most of the residents going in and out were wearing decent suits and long skirts, and their waists were straight. Although their faces looked tired, their steps were still hurried, showing that the pace of life was extremely fast. There are only a few residents who seem to be in poor condition, and there are also hawkers who rent their houses.

The two siblings remained silent until they exited the stairs. Throw away any rubbish on your hands in the trash. Jia Long glanced at his sister standing on the left. Ying'er was half a head shorter than him. She was the sister brought in by her father who had been married once. And he is related to his deceased husband from his mother's side. Therefore, although the two have the same hair color and eye color, they are not actually related by blood. Moreover, the relationship between brother and sister is also very average, only slightly better than that of friends.

As usual, the two of them got on the college shuttle bus, which was already filled with a few students.

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