Mysterious journey

Chapter 1000 Intelligence 2

"You underestimate yourself too much. The Chixue Sect, one of the three major sects in the Northern Territory, the twelfth-ranked Master of the Erxin Peak, has a high status. Compared with a promising and powerful weapon master like you, our status and position are not as good as yours." What’s praiseworthy?”

The two began to talk nonsense, and secretly began to test each other's price bottom line.

One thousand tons, this quantity is not a small amount. The total output of the Mills Kingdom in a year may only be around tens of thousands of tons. In this way, one thousand tons will be taken away at once. Every slight price difference will be amplified by the huge amount into a terrifying number.

Even if Garen is an elite weapon master and is not short of money, he still has to be careful when spending such a large sum of money. His main income is only from selling the energy weapon marks he made and some fixed resources distributed by the sect, which are only worth tens of thousands of crystals a month. If converted into general points, it would be billions, but thousands of tons of red malachite. One ton costs tens of millions of general-purpose points, and one ton costs tens of billions. Such huge expenses are terrifying.

The two bargained for more than half an hour before reluctantly settling on a price that was slightly higher than the market price by 10%, but it had to be delivered in one go.

After completely deciding on the deal, the two of them relaxed.

Princess Aini does not have the qualifications to be a mechanic, nor is she a pilot. She only has the ability to practice beauty and slow down aging, but she has no fighting ability at all. Her safety mainly relies on the two maids and guards around her.

The sun was setting at this time.

Garen was in a good mood after receiving the resources and materials for practicing the Cold Hell Peacock Skill, and his eyes towards the eldest princess became more and more friendly. Simply leave the three of you to dine together in the villa.

This villa is not the one over there in the centralized residential area. This is a residence built by each peak owner on his own mountain. The one assigned by the faction is a separate residence built inside the base. I usually only go back and stay for a while after the occasional galleon.

Call Bernstad back to discuss the specific transportation method, location, process and other details with one of the eldest princess's bodyguards and part-time maid.

After Gallon had dinner with Aini, he walked alone in the tourist corridor on the side of the peak.

On the side of the corridor is a fully transparent glass floor-to-ceiling window, through which you can see a vast sea of ​​white clouds below, which is spectacular and shocking.

"What a spectacular design." Aini admired sincerely.

Garen smiled.

"This is a corridor I designed based on the residence I once lived in. Isn't it decent?"

"It's beautiful." Aini nodded, her gaze resting on the distant sea of ​​clouds for a long time, showing a look of yearning.

"Compared to you, we, small mortals, will not see the opportunity to control our own destiny in the future, and we will not be able to resist a lot of force and oppression. Now that I think about it, I feel really sad."

"It's not true that being strong is good," Garen said softly. "When you are strong, you will be noticed. The greater the power, the greater the influence. The more powerful you are, the greater the impact of every move you make. Various crisis risks will also follow. It is precisely because everyone yearns to be powerful, so powerful people themselves are the source and goal of their desires. How can such a life be peaceful?"

"You are right." Aini nodded. She stretched out her hand to gently straighten her hair. "No matter what stage of life you are in, you will have your own troubles and dilemmas. Everyone yearns for a better life." But when it really reaches that point, the troubles and difficulties we face will already exist, it’s just replaced with new content.”

"It seems that you are very enlightened." Garen smiled.

"Isn't it the same for you?" Aini chuckled and spread her hands. Cold air slowly gathered in her palms and turned into a condensed ice crystal.

The ice crystals automatically deformed and carved, forming an ice sculpture the size of a palm in just a few seconds.

What is carved is a sharp snow peak above the sea of ​​clouds.

"This is.?"

"This is the Black Wolf Peak." Aini answered affirmatively, "The beauty consciousness I cultivate can only have so much effect besides delaying aging."

"Excellent carving skills." Garen sincerely admired the lifelike carvings, and the level of detail was terrifying. He even saw a slender corridor on the side cliffs of the top of the mountain, and from the corridor he saw a pair of scattered... There was a man and a woman, and that was clearly him and Aini now.

Being able to carve such a delicate work on a palm-sized place in just a few seconds is really impressive.

"I heard that the Lord of Gallon Peak and the Regent of Wenda are going to have a decisive battle on the decisive stage?" Aini gently threw the ice sculpture, and let it explode in mid-air and turned into a cloud of snowflakes.

"This news spread so quickly?" Garen was a little surprised that even the Mills Kingdom knew about it. He thinks he's not that famous yet, right?

"You are being too modest. You must know that we have recorded the top twenty masters of the three major sects. You peak masters are no better than those legendary Sanxin disciples. It is impossible for them to be stationed in Beisumi Province. , only the Second Heart disciples are most likely to stay as spokespersons of the sect and take charge of the affairs of various countries. So it really seems that what we need to contact are the Second Heart elites like you." Aini explained.

"Then Chief Wenda was released like this?" Gallon asked in return.

"That's right." Aini nodded, "He is the regent of the Leidan Kingdom in the Red Snow Sect's domain. He originally had the status of a royal family, and the Leidan Kingdom is weak. Of course, for you, these identities are irrelevant."

"You can't say that. No matter how bad a kingdom is, there are still inheritance-level masters." Garen shook his head.

"The entire Leidan Kingdom only has the support of a few inheritance-level veterans. If you want it, just ask, and I, the Mills Kingdom, will fully support you and become your backing." Aini showed a charming smile.

There are many kingdoms under the Chixue Sect, among which the Mills Kingdom ranks in the upper middle. It has good national strength and a deep foundation. If it is used as a backing, it is indeed a good choice.

"So what do I need to pay?" Garen asked with a smile.

"My father's youngest daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Heman, has been admiring you for a long time. Perhaps we can further strengthen our closer relationship." Aini smiled slightly and said softly.

Another marriage.

Garen was helpless. Princesses in the royal family were actually tools for marriage. There were countless such princesses in the royal family. They spread marriage alliances everywhere to attract powerful elites and strengthen bloodline genes. Such actions were not uncommon.

Seeing that Garen remained silent, Ani's eyes flashed with an inexplicable luster.

"I heard that Master Yunda himself has just broken through the tenth level of the Red Snow Technique, and his strength has greatly increased. Of course, Master Jialong Peak must be aware of this information, but I have a piece of information here that you may be interested in. Just treat it as An added bonus for our collaboration.”

Aini raised her hand and turned the white jade bracelet on her wrist.

Suddenly, an invisible electric wave was transmitted to the Garonne energy machine mark.

Garen quickly decoded it with the energy weapon mark. Each energy weapon master's energy weapon mark was equivalent to a portable high-performance computer. Naturally, this little thing couldn't trouble him.

After quickly decompiling according to the decoding method given by Aini, a piece of intelligence information about Werder was obtained.

'Prince Regent of Wenda: real name is Charles Wenda, 128 years old, tenth level of Chixue Kung Fu, other general information. Latest news: In addition to Chixue Kungfu, Wenda also practices additional training. He has developed a mysterious technique, the Ice Cicada Technique, which can temporarily increase the amplitude of the Chi Snow Technique, and its explosive power is unknown. ’

Below is the rest of the video intel on Werder’s previous matches.

Garen frowned and looked over it quickly.

It has to be said that at first, he just regarded this guy as a helper and follower around March. Unexpectedly, it seems now that this guy is very hidden, and he fights very frequently, winning almost every time. And it's just that there's often a fight in the front, and the fight is suddenly resolved in the back.

"Based on the investigation, we found that Yunda must have a very strong explosive ability. Of course, everyone has their own hidden strength, just strong or weak. However, we were lucky enough to find Yunda's Ice Cicada Skill. I learned a little bit of information." Aini continued to explain, "The Ice Cicada Technique is a technique imitating a killer move of a master pilot. It can instantly release a cold, sharp flying insect called Ice Cicada. This Ice Cicada The whole body is extremely hard, extremely fast, and very sharp, and can penetrate very high-level armor instantly, depending on how well the ice cicada is cultivated."

"Is the ice cicada cultivated in the body?" Garen asked.

"Yes, so you must be careful not to fight with him up close." Aini nodded.

Garen was silent. He had just broken through the blood eagle state. Then we would see whether his blood eagle state was stronger or the opponent's ice cicada skill was stronger.


A month goes by in a blink of an eye.

Finally, the date for the decisive battle between Garonne and Werder has arrived.

The decisive battle at the two-heart level is different from that of the one-shin level. Usually, the one-shin level comes to the stage to resolve disputes. Very few two-heart members are really willing to go on stage and take action.

After all, most of Erxin's energy weapon masters are at the third or fourth level. Even in the entire energy weapon master world, they are considered to be good elites. In addition, they are from a big sect, and they are superior to ordinary energy weapon masters when they go out. You can have a good time wherever you go, and it's enough to live a stagnant life and live a good retirement life. No one wants to go on stage to fight with others.

On the huge indoor decisive battle stage, in the center of the pure white stage, a cylindrical white light curtain was projected, forming an independent area in the middle of the decisive battle stage.

At noon, many people had already arrived in the empty audience seats. There were also many people coming out to watch the game in the always deserted sub-base.

The decisive battle may only occur once or twice every few years, and the opportunity is rare. Many energy masters from Yishin arrived one after another and took good positions to watch the battle.

The auditorium was extremely crowded, and the seats that could accommodate thousands of people were filled with ninjutsu masters and their relatives and friends.

Fortunately, the energy masters who always liked to be quiet did not make too much noise, and most of them discussed the causes and consequences of the decisive battle in low voices.

March and the others slowly walked up to the seats reserved for them, and sat indifferently on their seats with their eyes closed to meditate.

The final stage allows for disability, even life and death, and is a good place to resolve conflicts within the genre.

Yunda and Yi Ling were sitting next to March and glanced at the entire audience. A smile appeared on Wen Da's face.

"It's just a good opportunity to show off my Yue Hui's strength. It can also be regarded as a publicity. It's a pity that those from Erxin didn't come."

March shook his head.

"It's just a showdown between juniors. They won't come. After the fight, you can challenge the swarm directly and give it a try first."

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