Mysterious journey

Chapter 1002 Fighting 2

Garen used Wan Zhen Gong's Destruction in this attack, but the explosive power was even weaker than before. This made him sigh slightly, retreat quickly, and reappear at his original standing point.

"Is this all you can do?" Wen Da's face showed a mocking look.

At the VIP table, March had a sneer on her face.

"It seems that Galleons are no longer enough."

"According to the regulations, you can admit defeat now. As long as you pay some spoils, you can step down." Yi Ling frowned at the side.

"Step down and admit defeat? It depends on whether I agree or not." Yue Yue clapped her hands lightly.


A layer of soundproofing film suddenly rose up on the decisive battle stage below, directly blocking all sounds inside.

On the fighting platform, Garen raised his head and looked at the sound insulation film slowly rising from the edge.

"What's the use of this protective film?" he asked with a frown.

"What's the use? Of course it's to isolate the sound." Wen Da smiled grimly. He reached out and pressed the handle of the whip.

With a snap, his entire whip suddenly split into three slender black whips.

He looked through the protective film at the swarm of bees on the VIP table.

"Lord Fengqun, Lord March asked me to say hello to you." He raised three whips and threw them gently. Suddenly the three whips turned into three black pythons in mid-air, and they opened their big mouths ferociously and rushed towards Garon. go.

The bee swarm at the VIP table looked a little ugly.

"Four level five experimental subjects? Sure enough, you have the ability to be arrogant!"

The audience was already immersed in excitement at this moment. Werder was indeed a veteran master with profound knowledge, and he became a four-headed experimental body as soon as he made a move! It was obvious that he had used some special method to increase the number of controllable experimental subjects.

A normal weapon master, even at level five, can only control two or three heads, but he can actually control four.

Bai Ye and the other three were staring nervously at the final stage.

"Master Jialong Peak is in danger!" Huang Mao's voice was tight, and no one could stand Yun Da's arrogant look. Naturally, he is the same, and of course he hopes that the much lower-key Garen will win.

"With four experimental bodies, to increase the upper limit that has been finalized, the resources and resources spent are definitely not a simple number. It is really a generous amount." Baimao sighed. He has certain knowledge in this regard and knows how much it costs and how much it costs. Giving, I sincerely admire you at this time. "Master Garen Peak is probably about to admit defeat."

"Not necessarily." Bai Ye suddenly said, "Look at Lord Jialong's face."

When the two of them heard him speak, they immediately paid attention to Garen's face. They were shocked to find that not only did Garen's face show no trace of fear or panic, but it was actually calmer than before.

"Look at his hands!" Bai Ye suddenly shouted, and his eyes suddenly opened wide, as if he had seen something incredible.

On the decisive battle stage.

Garen slowly raised his hand. There was a light golden ring on his white finger, and the ring slowly shimmered.

Giant black wolves slowly appeared around him, one, two, three, four, eight, ten. Twenty-thirty.

A dense pack of wolves appeared next to Garen, surrounding him like stars holding the moon. Each giant wolf is at least two meters long and more than one meter tall. Their muscles are strong and their claws are sharp and glowing with cold light.

As soon as the four giant pythons pounced on them, they were swarmed by more than a dozen giant wolves. They pounced on them and suppressed them on the stage, entangled and fighting.

In almost just a few seconds, the entire decisive battle stage was filled with giant wolves released by Garen. More than thirty wolves looked up to the sky and howled wildly.

Woo.! !

Accompanied by the huge wolf howl, the whole area around the decisive battle stage instantly became uproar.

"You!! How is this possible!!?" Werder stared at Garen as if he had seen a ghost. "So many biological beasts!! You"

Garen calmly took a step back. Giant wolves were crawling beside him and roaring.

"kill him!"

boom! !

Almost at the same time, dozens of giant wolves soared towards Yunda at the same time. The huge stampeding sound that erupted at that moment merged into a loud noise, like countless black shadows rushing towards Yunda overwhelmingly.

Each one was a level 3 giant wolf. Facing the four black pythons, these giant wolves fought hard and bit at them frantically. They scratched the force field protection in a few scratches and tore them into nothing but their skeletons and ate them.

Werder didn't have time to think any more and fell into the siege of the wolves crazily.

Garen stood quietly on the edge of the fighting platform. Whenever a black wolf died, he would quickly add another one from the ring and rush in. His face was so calm that it made people feel chilling. He looked quietly at Werda who was being bitten and dragged away, as if he was not in a decisive battle, let alone looking at his opponent. Although his eyes fell on Werder, his spirit was still there. But it seemed that he had drifted to nowhere.

The outside world was now in complete chaos.

March had already stood up, his face was ashen, his hand was hanging tightly on the button to cancel the decisive battle in front of him, but the other hand with black gloves tightly grasped the wrist he wanted to press.

The arrogant man who had been holding the slave's hand before didn't know when he arrived at his side, and was grabbing his wrist with one hand with a smile on his face.

"Why don't you let them finish this good show? You can't see such a rare plot all the time."

The corners of March's eyes were red, and she stared coldly at the arrogant man beside her.

The two of them looked intimate, but there was a biting chill between them.

Yi Ling, Joey and others were right next to him, but no one dared to move. Two men and women wearing silver-rimmed white clothes also held them hostage.

Many people in the audience stood up, and some were already using video cameras to record this rare scene. Lively exclamations came one after another. Some people had already informed their friends, and more and more people poured into the auditorium around the final stage again.

No! ! ! !

The soundproof shield on the decisive battle stage was finally removed, and a shrill scream finally came out.

Wenda's force field protection finally failed to support it, and dozens of giant wolves swarmed it and tore it into pieces in an instant. For a moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and it was too horrible to look at.

The silver-white ice cicada was finally used by him, but it only penetrated the bodies of the four black wolves and failed. Several black wolves pounced on it, slowed down their speed, and then bit them.

Wen Da and his four black pythons were all bitten into pieces of flesh and blood, shapeless. The battlefield was a mess, with broken clothes and flesh and blood everywhere. The wolves, however, were eating the food with gusto, lowering their heads and chewing it with gusto. Many people were so disgusted that they wanted to vomit.

‘Garon wins, and gets one thousand points for leapfrogging the life-and-death battle. After the video is archived, it will be used for rental viewing, and you will get half of the cost for each viewing. ’

A cold electronic female voice sounded in the sky.

The shrouding beam of light on the decisive battle stage was finally completely removed.

Garen put away the wolves, walked slowly down the duel stage, and nodded towards Princess Aine who was sitting on the royal seat.

The space ring was borrowed from Aini personally. If it hadn't been for her, this decisive battle would have been a bit troublesome.

The smile on Aini's face was full of flowers, and she barely maintained the elegance of her face, but she couldn't hide the surprise and surprise in her eyes.

"Congratulations to Your Highness, Princess, for meeting such a future genius."

A princess from a neighboring country said with genuine envy.

If members of the royal family have such a powerful genius to support them, their status and voice in the country will be greatly improved, and it is not impossible to even directly compete for the position of queen.

After this battle, as long as Garen is fine, Princess Ani's status can be said to be as stable as a mountain.

In the auditorium.

Bai Ye watched Garen walk off the stage with twinkling eyes. He just stood still while countless wolves around him swarmed up and easily tore his opponent into pieces.

Such a fight. No! This is no longer a battle, but a killing! Unilateral killing!

"Too strong!" Huang Mao couldn't close his mouth, and his situation suddenly reversed, leaving him completely stunned.

"Medium and high-level energy masters are all powerful beings with special trump cards. As expected, no one can be underestimated." Bai Mao's face showed deep envy.

"No wonder." Bai Ye whispered.

"What's the wonder?" Huang Mao looked at his companion. Previously, he was the only one who discovered Garen's anomaly, but now he really showed his extraordinary eyesight.

Although the white hair on one side was reluctant, he had to admit that Bai Ye's vision was indeed powerful.

"No wonder Master Jialong Peak calls himself Black Wolf Snow Peak. It turns out that the real reason is here. He is the king of controlling black wolves. If the wolves bite him, who can be more suitable for the name Black Wolf Peak Master than him?" Bai Ye His heart is surging, this kind of capable weapon master is what he yearns for the most! is truly powerful enough!

This kind of energy mechanic is the real energy mechanic! !


At the end of the decisive battle, March and the arrogant man separated. The two looked at each other coldly for a moment. March with a cold snort turned around and left.

The arrogant man glanced at Garen from afar, and Garen smiled at him gratefully and nodded, which was considered a token of appreciation. Then they all exited in tacit agreement.

Bernstad and Hilke came up to him with expressions of respect on their faces.

"Senior brother, you are so powerful! Forty-two black wolves! Forty-two!! Oh my God! What is that concept?!" Bernstad's voice was so excited that his voice shrilled.

"As expected of senior brother!" Xie Ke only said one sentence, but there was so much respect in her eyes that her voice trembled a little.

From being at a disadvantage at the beginning to instantly killing the opponent, the gap was so big and so fast that neither of them could adapt.

"Help me find out who is the person who helped stop Yue Yue. This time I accept his favor." Garen tossed the space ring on his hand, which contained a large amount of financial resources that Werder carried with him.

Hei Lang has all of them under his control, and he keeps these things that are still useful to him without destroying them.

"Okay." Hilke nodded.

There was a lot of noise outside, and there seemed to be a lot of people gathering at the exit.

Garen looked at Bernstad, who immediately reacted and explained.

"It's the representatives of the royal families from various countries who came immediately after your victory, as well as the heads of the chamber of commerce, and some senior brothers and sisters are also there, but the most important thing is Master Sanxin Senior Sister Reghar."

"Is it Eva Reghar?" Garen was stunned, and suddenly remembered that this was the one who personally came to pick him up when he joined the faction. At that time, I was mainly impressed by the image of fifth senior sister Renee as an old woman, but this third senior sister was not very impressive. Unexpectedly, she arrived in person as soon as possible this time.

But it’s normal to think about it.

Although Yunda seemed to be killed very easily, he was, after all, the person in charge of the external deployment and a fifth-level master. The fifth-level weapon master was considered a high-level talent even by the Chixue sect, so there should be enough for this incident. The person with the right to speak will announce the specific details. Stabilize the overall situation. .

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