Mysterious journey

Chapter 1022 Turning 1

"When others are about to kill you, and you stupidly wait for them to do it, it's not as simple as stupidity."

This has always been Gallon's philosophy.

Standing in front of Ronbeier Base, the headquarters of the Red Snow Sect, he looked up at the vehicles and pedestrians coming and going from the base, as well as the various airships and airships that took off and landed from time to time, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

Ron Base City is one of the famous trading points in the headquarters. It has the best mutated beast auctions and a variety of stolen goods sales points. Among all the aristocratic national forces on the entire Scarlet Snow Star, the top stolen goods sales points are here. here.

This is called the Black City.

Ron Belle is the uncrowned king here.

The entire base is located on a snowy plateau near the polar circle of Chixue Star, and is the size of a large city.

Standing on the sloping grassland where Garon is located, looking from a distance, one can see that the entire Black City is filled with various trade caravans and people flowing continuously.


A huge red transport ship slowly floated in front of Garen's eyes and flew towards the sky. The surface of the red transport ship was full of flashing electronic lights, and some protruding mechanical devices were constantly rotating automatically, as if they were scanning or sensing something.

The transport ship was in the shape of a huge parallelogram, followed closely by frigates of different sizes taking off, all of them fish-shaped, mostly fusiform, and also red.

A frigate floated from the air more than 20 meters in front of Gallon. You can clearly see the driver sitting in the glass window, smoking a cigarette and looking around.

The location where Garon stood was on the side of the main road in and out of the Black City, on an unmaintained grassy slope. It was sparsely populated, and there were more people around Garon taking wedding photos, and tourists coming to sightsee and take photos.

Garen himself acted like a tourist. He was dressed in ordinary black clothes and was unremarkable.

He lowered his head and looked down from the edge of the slope. From here to the main road below, there was still a distance of at least a hundred meters. From this angle, he could see the flow of people and vehicles on the main road like a stream.

"For us, each of the Three Hearts has its own territory and city. The distance in between can be covered directly by teleportation, which only takes a few seconds. But for ordinary people, the distance in between is enough for them to walk Maybe it takes several years, but it takes several days to fly in an airship." Gallon sighed, "This is the height difference."

He did not jump down in a shocking way, but followed the tourists slowly down the repaired path downhill.

He found that the technological level of these people on Chixue Star was lagging behind that of Naga Star. Thinking about it carefully, it was natural. After all, Naga Star was one of the three major cities of energy masters. Naturally, it was not a small The genre of Planet can be compared.


Suddenly a warm body bumped into him, hitting him right in the back.

"Ouch, it hurts!" A pleasant voice came from behind.

Garen turned around and saw a young girl with long white hair in a ponytail squatting behind him, covering her forehead with tears in her eyes. The dress is very fashionable and beautiful, highlighting her slim figure.

"Hey! You hit me!" the girl stood up and shouted.

Just an ordinary person.

Garen recognized the girl's physique right away. There were not many people from Chixue Star practicing here, and even fewer people with consciousness. After looking at the crowd for a long time, he didn't find a few people with high consciousness. On the other hand, there are quite a few people who practice secret martial arts similar to Chixue Gong. However, most people just regard it as a way to strengthen their body, and there is no trace of murderous intent in them.

Garen looked at the girl with interest, not knowing what she was planning to do. She had also taken the initiative to bump into her just now.

Seeing that Garen didn't speak and just looked at her, the girl's usual blackmail tactics suddenly became a little unfamiliar for some reason. She felt a little uncomfortable in her throat, and her heart felt a little panicked as Garen stared at her.

"What's wrong, sister! Who bumped into you!!?" Several strong young men behind seemed to rush over in a hurry, but in fact they had been hiding aside for a long time, ready to come out to trouble people at any time.

Garen smiled at the girl. For some reason, his smile seemed gentle, but it gave people a completely devoid of warmth. The girl was so frightened that she took a step back slightly.

She has been hanging around here for so many years, and has been making a living through blackmail since she was thirteen years old, but she feels that she has never met such a weird person.

When she was in a daze, she realized that the man in front of her was already planning to turn around and leave.

The Black City is the most chaotic place in Chixue Star. It is a famous Sanjia city. It is not large in area, but it is a famous haven for criminals to escape. As long as those who have committed crimes in the major empires and kingdoms can come here, they can You will no longer be restricted by the laws of your home country, but once you join here, you will no longer be able to clear your identity.

This is a city frozen in black ice, a paradise for crime. If you are not cruel enough, you will not survive here.

"Nu Ya, what are you doing! Stop him!" The big man behind him yelled angrily.

The white-haired girl suddenly came to her senses. This was the second business today, so we couldn't mess it up! She quickly looked for the man again, but was surprised to find that the man had just disappeared, completely disappearing on the entire downhill path.

"What are you doing!?" The accomplice behind him complained loudly. When he ran over, he found that the man was gone. "What are you doing standing here in a daze? Chase him!"

"In a daze?" Nuya was stunned, "When the hell did I become in a daze? You bitch, you saw me in a daze?" She was also furious, and she immediately started arguing with her accomplices, and two companions stood in the middle. Hurry up and make a draw.

I don’t know why, while they were arguing, Nu Ya was still thinking about the weird person just now. When ordinary people are blackmailed, they either panic or try to escape, or they get angry and resist and argue, but that person didn’t have any A manifestation of this.

I don't know why, but recalling the look in that man's eyes, Nuya couldn't help but shudder. Seeing the companion in front of her turning around and trying to chase after the previous person, she suddenly felt panicked and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of palpitations.

"Anda, don't go!"

"Why don't you go!? You have to go to a meeting in the afternoon. The regional boss is giving a speech. In the morning, there is just a single fat sheep. If you don't go, everyone will eat and drink!?" Anda was the strong man who had quarreled with her. He turned around and said impatiently. He shook his fist. "Don't think that because you are my sister, I won't dare to beat you!"

"Recently, there have been frequent reports about aliens. I feel like there is something wrong with that person. Don't go!" Nuya frowned, feeling increasingly uneasy.

"Aliens? Huh?" Anda and his two companions were completely speechless. "Sister, have you taken too many medicines? You have been reading too many novels and movies all day long. Are you hallucinating? How can there be any aliens in this world? Star?"

Chixue Star is a relatively closed planet. All the rulers here are the Holy Church Chixue Sect, and the headquarters of Chixue Sect is the highest symbol and ruler headquarters of all countries. But only the top leaders of various countries know these things. Ordinary people are not qualified to know these things. They don't even know that this world can be connected with other planets. Only people with higher status know the secret of relative connectivity. Ninety-nine percent of the people are living in a lie spun by the government.

"Anyway, don't go! That's all if you don't do it this morning! I won't allow you to go!" Nu Ya simply grabbed the brother's ear in a domineering manner, causing the other brother to scream out in pain, "Come home with me!"

The boss was taken away, and the group had no choice but to disband.


Garen walked slowly to the side gate of the Black City and entered the sidewalk. There were already two formal men in black waiting there. The formal clothes here look a bit like Tang Dynasty clothes from Earth, but the buttons are pulled down from right to left and extend to the left waist.

"Sir, the master has been waiting for a long time." One of the men inserted his hands into each other's sleeves, and his palms could not be seen. He bent down and bowed his head and saluted. He always had a harmonious smile on his face, as did the other person. Their faces actually looked exactly the same, as if they were twins. Even the standing posture is the same.

"Senior brother, are you already waiting for me? It's such an honor." Garen replied with a polite smile.

The three hearts are not allowed to kill each other in public. Since there is no way to completely destroy each other, it is meaningless to do it in a place where satellite surveillance cannot be blocked at all times.

And he also wants to test the opponent's strength.

Blind action is not his style. The best way, of course, is to keep the other party’s death unclear and you will not be implicated in any way.

"Please lead the way." He smiled lightly.

The two nodded, turned and walked forward.

No one opened the way, and there was no fanfare to greet them. The three of them walked among the crowd, looking like ordinary wealthy businessmen ushering in guests.

Soon we walked into the city, and there was an endless stream of people, car horns, curses, advertisements for airships, and open-air stage performances, with scantily clad beauties, miniskirts, black stockings, bikinis, luxury cars, luxury. Empty boat, loud and noisy explosion sound singing.

The chaotic sounds and lights merge together, giving people a chaotic and coquettish feeling in the entire city.

The ground is a little dirty, and blood stains on condoms and wine bottles can be seen everywhere in the corners. The chaos here is evident.

Two smashed cleaning robots were lying in the corner with red warning lights flashing, and they still smelled faintly of urine. It was unknown who had peed on them.

Garen was led into a black luxury airship. It looked like a large oval with a black horn on top. There were large photos of beauties and shemales printed on the side. It was more than ten meters long. It looks a bit domineering and flamboyant on the street.

"Welcome aboard the Gurney." The electronic voice sounded slowly.

As soon as he boarded the airship, Garen saw a man wearing sunglasses and an open-chested gold suit sitting on a white sofa inside, hugging a blonde beauty on both sides, and two beauties at his feet giving him careful kisses. Pinch your calf muscles.

The man in sunglasses has a bunch of golden horn-like hair on his head that is very eye-catching.

"Welcome to my kingdom!" The man stood up and opened his arms, with a arrogant and arrogant temperament. "Fifteen, as a senior brother, I am very happy that you can come to my place as a guest."

The man took off his sunglasses, and although the face revealed was not very eye-catching, his arrogant temperament and extremely powerful consciousness instantly made Garen understand who the man in front of him was.

"Senior Brother Ron, it's a great honor for you to come and greet me personally." He smiled slightly and walked forward. Naturally, two blond beauties moved the sofa facing him.

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