Mysterious journey

Chapter 1024 Void Battlefield 1

Life is so fragile, just like Ron and Barrow in front of them, two high-level weapon masters who have lived for hundreds of years, but they are dying like ants under their own knives.

Garen had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Ron and Barrow are the top masters of the Red Snow Sect who are about to break through to the inheritance level in the future. Each of their experiences can be written into a legendary inspirational novel, but they died so simply under their own swords.

They were simply careless.

"Yes, it was just a moment of negligence that caused such serious consequences." Garen took out the blade that had stabbed Barrow between his eyebrows, and held the magic knife upside down.

"So, I have to be vigilant at all times to prevent others from using the same method to deal with me."

He took a warning in his heart.

"Just like many seemingly impossible sieges, just like now, an inconspicuous little person may lose his life."

He raised the Sunlight Demonic Sword in his hand.

The blue-gold flames on the blade were still burning continuously. These flames could not harm him, and were all neutralized by the golden sunlight in his body.

Putting away the magic knife, Garen suddenly remembered the other things in his space ring and was slightly startled.

"The sun's flames are so strong, won't other things be burned out?"

He quickly tried to take out other things from the space ring.


A black thing like charcoal appeared in his hand.

Garen's face darkened, and he took back the things. Another piece of charcoal appeared in his hand, and then pieces of black stuff appeared in his hand one after another.

"never mind!"

He had no choice but to walk up to Barrow and search his belongings.

A space ring, a pale golden rhombus crystal, and some less valuable personal belongings.

Throw away all your belongings and put away all the space rings and pale gold crystal galleons.

In the same way, Ron was searched again. He only had a space necklace and a pair of floating shoes that were still usable. The items he carried with him were all rubbish and not worth mentioning.

After putting away his things, Garen looked around.

The blue-gold color has completely disappeared, and only the ignited fire is burning brightly again.

The sky was filled with billowing black smoke. It was the scene after more than a dozen airships were burned by explosions and fell down to ignite the woods.

The billowing heat wave almost scorched everything around them. There were explosions from the fires in some places, and some people were moaning as if they were still alive.

"Xiaoqin. Xiaoqin!" A woman's painful cry could be faintly heard from somewhere.

It was hard to see clearly through the flames how the people who survived there were doing.

Garen was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand.

With a chirp, a transparent air bullet was shot out, passed through the flames, and made a crisp sound behind it. The sound stopped suddenly.

With a slight sigh, Garen turned around and jumped up quickly. The suspended shoes he put on took him flying lightly into the distance, and completely disappeared from the edge of the sky in less than ten seconds.


"What!! Dead!? Ron and Barrow are dead!??"

At the Chixue headquarters, an old man sitting at the triangular silver-white table had his eyes widened, and the pipe in his hand trembled slightly.

Under the dim light of light blue, three old men with different expressions were sitting at the table.

One of the old men had an extremely ugly face. He was holding a black crutch with both hands. A terrifying chill was exuding all over his body. Centered on his body, within one meter nearby, natural weather changes occurred, and little snowflakes and black clouds continued to gather and disperse. Surrounding him gave people a terrifying and unusual feeling.

The old man holding the pipe glanced at the old man on crutches. He is the second elder of Chixue, and he is also the Chixue reformist who has always been at odds with the boss and the third. Although he has always wanted to convince the boss and the third brother of his plan, he also did not want to see the elite disciples of the sect being killed so easily.

The second elder took a puff of his pipe and blew out a faint white smoke ring.

"How did you die? Have you found out?"

"I don't know." The third elder's face was also gloomy. "We haven't had a meeting in thirty years. I didn't expect that this meeting would be because of the death of a disciple." The third elder's temper was always gloomy, and now there was something in his eyes. Movement flashed past, I don't know what I was thinking.

"The disciples are dead when they are dead, and they can be recruited again. What I care about is that they died on the Scarlet Snow Star, and they were killed by thermal attacks. This is a violation of the rules!" The boss's voice was deep and powerful, and his eyes moved. to the second child’s face, “Lao Er, what do you think?”

"We, the Chixue Sect, believe in the theory of the weak and the strong. If Carthage killed them, we might consider mitigating the punishment. However, if they died because of undercover spies or under conspiracy, they should be investigated strictly!" The second elder nodded in agreement. . "It's just that what I hope is that we won't make random suspicions because of the investigation and chill the hearts of the disciples. After all, we are a sect, a whole, and the cohesion of the sect is the most critical."

"After being gentle for so long, the result is that the two disciples I trained just died. Second brother, your ideas are still so useless." The boss said coldly.

"If you want to find out who it is, you only need to rule out who was still on Chixue Planet during this period, and then use satellites to monitor who the deceased interacted with during his lifetime, and you should be able to find clues. But if it is found out that he is not a spy, But how should we deal with the fight between disciples within the sect?" The second child said with a faint smile.

"Those who kill will always be killed! If you break the rules, you will be punished!" the boss said flatly. “Otherwise, what would the supervisors still in office think?”

The second child smiled and did not answer.

The third child shook his head. It was none of his business anyway. It seemed that there was a conflict between the second child and the eldest brother. He just had to wait to take sides and get the benefits.


Many days have passed since Garen killed Ron and Barrow.

The Chixue Sect has sent several inheritance-level supervisors to intervene in the matter and conduct a thorough inspection, but because the crime scene was completely burned by fire, there are no valuable clues. In addition, there are crystal interferences set up to shield the place. Under the interference of the crystal, the clues were almost confused before the investigators arrived, making it even more difficult to find the clues.

Jia Long himself returned to his temporary residence and continued to practice and rest.

He sent all the little ones out to help Bernstad with the chores, and in a blink of an eye it was time to go to the Void Battlefield.

I originally planned to do a mission to accumulate some experience points before this, but I didn't expect that after something like this happened, Garen naturally stopped going out.

Instead, he concentrated on staying at the temporary station and carefully figured out the use of the magic sword Riyao. He initially integrated the double speed fist with the Riyao sword technique.

In addition to using its sharpness and destructive power to break through the force field defense, the use of Sun Yao is the only move - Sun Yao.

This move can form a huge beam of light attack instantly after it explodes. It can reach inheritance-level lethality from the front, and the killing range is extremely terrifying. However, once this move is activated, it will also consume a lot of itself.

Once used, it must kill someone. If no one is killed, the energy of the magic sword Sun Yao will quickly weaken. Therefore, it cannot be used easily. Once used, the opponent must be killed.

But Garen observed carefully that the blue-gold flame of the Demon Sword Sun Yao did not seem to absorb energy such as the enemy's life soul, but he just didn't know what it was absorbing through killing people.

This is also the key to why Ri Yao is called the Demon Sword in the secret scroll.

Once used, one person must die, otherwise the power of the magic sword will decrease rapidly.

Under normal circumstances, the power of Sun Yao is only able to penetrate all defensive force fields below the heritage level unless it is fully activated. Once activated, it can reach the point of breaking through the heritage level. As for the specific level of inheritance level, Garen is not very clear.

And not long after, because Ron and Barrow of the Great Elder's lineage both died, the people behind them moved forward, ranking first and second. After that, people from the Great Elder's lineage went to add two more people from the second heart. Become three-minded.

Garen was also asked for clues about the murder case, because someone had seen him and Ron together before, but no one would believe that he, a guy who had just entered the Three Hearts, could kill two two-month-level masters. After all, the gap between them is three levels: Crescent Moon Level, Half Moon Level, and Full Moon Level. Even if the two of them stand still and let Galleon slash them, it will take at least half a day to break through the defense, let alone solve it in such a short time. fighting.

According to the investigation, the fight was resolved within almost five minutes. Naturally, Garen could not be suspected.

After some investigation, Gallon was released by the helpless supervisors of the investigation team, safe and sound.

Everything seemed to be calm again. The storm of Ron Barrow's murder gradually subsided, and people from the Red Snow Sect would die every year, either in the Void Battlefield, in competitions between other sects, or in accidents such as exploring secrets.

Although the update speed of the Three Heart Disciples is not fast, it is not too slow either. However, this time it was because the two people who died were ranked too high that it caused such a big fluctuation. But no matter how big the fluctuations are, they will eventually subside.

Finally, the time has come to leave the genre and head to the void battlefield.


At the top of the Scarlet Snow Star headquarters, on top of an unusually tall snow peak.

In the white wind and snow in the sky, a huge black hole vortex is slowly rotating, with a large amount of black mist swirling inside. There is an extremely deep black passage between the black mist, which seems to lead to the unknown depths of the universe. .

Below the whirlpool, several people from the Chixue Sect were already waiting here quietly.

Garen also sat cross-legged on the ground among several people, closing his eyes to rest. In the past few days, his level of secret martial arts has not improved. From the space rings on Ron Barrow and the other two, he has not found anything that can strengthen himself. These things have resources. It had probably been used by the two of them a long time ago, so naturally it wouldn't still be there.

But the wealth obtained from it is huge, especially for Ron. There are at least tens of millions of crystals stored in the space necklace, all of which are extremely high-quality golden crystals. This kind of gold crystal is a high-concentration agglomeration of crystals. The body, a crystal wave equivalent to between one million and two million, is very rare.

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