Mysterious journey

Chapter 1043 Special Resonance 2

Recalling the memories he saw in the space-time diagram, Garen focused all his attention on one of them.

It was a tall man covered in white armor and a white mask, with long white hair shawl, and a slim and slender figure, like a woman, especially the eyes, which were long and narrow with a cold and stern temperament, the left eye was red and the right eye was blue.

"Rabid Heather."

Garen held a piece of malachite essence in one hand and quickly absorbed it. The essence in his hand continued to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon disappeared in his hand.

The first piece disappears and the second piece is picked up again.

The White King's subordinates guard the supreme king of this star field. He was also one of the culprits who led the team to destroy the entire energy weapon division. He is also the number one person responsible for destroying Naga Planet.

His strength is unfathomable, and no one has even seen his true face.

"If we follow history, I will eventually die in the hands of this man. In the Battle of Ice Valley more than a hundred years later." Garen recalled the scenes in the time and space map in his mind.

"The White King's subordinates had various hidden identities before the turmoil. If we can find out and expose their disguises through memory, there may be a glimmer of hope."

Garen was thinking about it, but now he doesn't have the strength to expose it even if he wants to. The difference between the two sides is too big. After the inheritance level, he was like a baby in the opponent's hands, without the power to resist. Not to mention that the resonance level has not yet reached it.

Take back your mind.

Garen picked up the last malachite essence and quickly absorbed it into his palm.

Finally started to break through the resonance

His eyes fell on the black red cold crystal placed in front of him.

He didn't take any immediate action. He concentrated on holding his breath and quietly adjusted his condition.

Time passed slowly, but Garen never made any move.

One hour.

two hours

Three hours

Buzz! !

Suddenly, Garen's eyes opened suddenly, and a large red halo bloomed all over his body, instantly covering all the wolves around him.


The wolves raised their heads and howled. Their bodies all lit up with a faint red light, which complemented Garen's body.


Garen growled.

Two near-substantial energy marks appeared behind him, a winter night giant wolf and an ordinary wild wolf. Under the red light, the two actually trembled slightly.

Almost like lightning, Garen suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the black red cold crystal and squeezed it violently. At the same time, all the other ordinary red cold crystals placed in front of him also exploded.

The red cold crystals gathered into a stream of black and red fragments, floating up and heading straight towards Garen's head.


Garen opened his mouth and sucked in the entire fragmented stream like a whale swallowing sea water.

As he absorbed it, the resonance vibrations between him and the wolves in the entire secret room became more and more intense and stronger.

The two trembling energy weapon marks behind Garen were also vibrating violently.

In an instant, a crisp sound suddenly occurred.


The two energy mark marks were shattered at the same time, turning into crystal-like transparent fragments, floating behind Garen.


A red light suddenly shot out from a giant wolf.

tsk tsk

Two giant wolves shot out red light at the same time, landing on the fragments of the Garonne energy weapon mark.

Then came three heads, five heads! Ten heads! !

More and more giant wolves shot out red light, accurately landing on the fragments of the energy mark behind Garen.

More than fifty rays of red light suddenly squeezed and condensed the fragments into a ball, tightly clinging together into a red ball, floating in mid-air.

‘The resonance-level new moon is entering during monitoring. ’ The sound came slowly from the surveillance system in the secret room.

‘5%, 10%, 29%, 45%, and 60% of resonance levels have stagnated and are about to stagnate.’ The monitoring intelligence faithfully reports detailed data according to Galleons’ settings.

Garen's heart was tense, and he was constantly micro-managing the re-aggregation of a large number of fragmented energy machine marks.

The seemingly irregular aggregation of fragments actually follows a special structure and pattern.

"60%!" Hearing the voice of the surveillance camera, he felt slightly happy.

The increase is 20% at the new moon level, 40% at the half moon level, and 60% at the full moon level.

It seems that he used the black red cold crystal to directly skip two levels and reach the full moon level. When a pilot reaches the half-moon level, he can initially integrate with the mecha and transform his own body. The same is true for energy weapon masters. At the half-moon level, they can initially fuse and devour their own energy weapons and quickly increase their strength.

At the full moon level, this resonance has reached 60%! It's very terrifying. In other words, fifty giant wolves with powerful weapons can instantly lend 60% of their power to focus on Garen.

Garen's own current consciousness is equivalent to the level of an average weapon master, and there is nothing unusual about it. After all, he is not a genius.

But once the resonance has gathered 60% of the power of the fifty giant wolves, although each of these giant wolves only has consciousness between the new moon level and the half moon level, their number is enough, and fifty of them can be gathered in an instant above

This strength

Just when Garen was feeling delighted, the belly of all the giant wolves suddenly lit up with a hint of blue again.

Bang! !

Suddenly, a giant wolf exploded, and blood and flesh flew everywhere, splattering the entire secret room with blood and minced meat.

Bang bang bang! !

As if starting a chain reaction, there was a second giant wolf, a third, and a fourth.

Giant wolves exploded one after another, and in the exploding flesh and blood, streaks of blue light continued to light up, converging into the fragments of the energy mark behind Garen.

A trace of galleons' extremely familiar cold energy radiation force field was slowly released.

"This is! The Seed of Distortion!" Garen's heart was slightly shaken. He could rebuild these giant wolves without him, but at this time, the Seed of Distortion had occurred.

Quickly glancing at the soul seed in his mind, there was no warning of danger. Garen felt slightly at ease. This series of changes should be related to the twisted seed of the Secret Martial Arts of Life.

‘Abnormality found in resonance stagnation! Anomaly found! ! 'Suddenly, the sound of the monitoring system sounded an anxious alarm, and the voice started to speak rapidly. ‘Unknown changes have occurred, please stop resonating immediately, please stop resonating immediately! ! ’

Garen hesitated for a moment, looked at his soul seed again, gritted his teeth and chose to believe his soul seed warning instead of the intelligent detection.

More than fifty giant wolves soon exploded, and all the twisted seeds gathered behind Garen.

A circle of crimson halo suddenly exploded from behind him. There was no sound, just a deep red, which almost illuminated the entire secret room in blood red.

Snowflakes slowly fell from the void above Garen's head at some unknown time.

It was not white, but blood-colored snowflakes.

Pieces were like the most exquisite hexagonal patterns, spinning and floating, falling on the ground beside Garen, falling on the giant wolf and spattering on the flesh and blood of the surrounding walls.

‘The resonance level increases when the unknown force joins. The resonance level increases.’ The voice of the monitoring system sounded again.

Garen suddenly opened his mouth and spit out five streaks of red clouds, which flew around and flew into the mass of bloody debris behind him.

The fragmented mass finally changed slightly under the fusion of Chixia.

It began to shrink, shrinking violently, from the size of a fist to the size of a fingernail, and then suddenly shot towards the back of Garen's head.


Garen's body trembled slightly and his eyes opened.

"It's done!!"

‘Congratulations, master, for being promoted to the bi-monthly level! ’ The mechanical female voice of the intelligent system came slowly.

"Originally, it was only at the full moon level, but I didn't expect that the Seed of Distortion would suddenly increase the resonance between me and the energy machine so much! It's understandable if you think about it. After all, the Seed of Distortion is about transforming the energy machine into a physiology similar to mine. It’s strange that the resonance is not high!”

Garen quickly understood the role of the secret weapon in this life.

The Cold Hell Peacock, which is originally the mother body, and the biological weapon units it has contaminated naturally have a very high degree of compatibility and resonance, and it is natural that this result can be achieved.

Garen even felt that even if he didn't use the black red cold crystal, he might be able to reach the full moon level resonance at once. After all, the resonance of the twisted seed itself was already very high.

In the secret room, Garen stood up. The clothes on his body were stained with broken flesh and blood everywhere, staining a large area red.

Finally, he picked up the secret book of cold-type exercises and opened it gently. There was something unexpectedly mixed in it.

Zhiyin cane!

This Zhiyin cane is very small, very short, only a small half of the page of the book, but it is enough to solve Garen's urgent need.

Princess Aini has indeed paid a lot of effort and price, and he is completely undecided on this favor.

"But I hope that such favors will come as often as possible."

‘Master, there is a new transmission package, please check it carefully. There is a new transmission package, please check it carefully. 'The intelligent system rang again.

"Clean the secret room." Garen gave the order, took off his coat stained red by flesh and blood, threw it in the secret room, opened the door and walked out wearing his underwear.

Entering the bi-monthly level, it feels completely different from before.

Everything you look at seems like there are many pairs of eyes looking at it at the same time, and there are dozens of pairs of perspectives. It feels like you are splitting into dozens of parts at once, which is very weird.

Garen knew that this was the perspective of his own energy weapons. All his energy weapons exploded, but they did not die, but lost their bodies. They were all integrated into his own consciousness, fighting with him in a very strange form.

This is the characteristic of the Naga Star Energy Mechanics. The Chixue Sect's method of condensing the core is just like this. It absorbs all the flesh and blood of the energy weapons and condenses them into one point for its own use.

The energy weapon masters of Naga Planet are different from other energy weapons masters. They cultivate energy weapons in order to absorb them and become a part of themselves in the future.

"What a strong force"

Garen gently clenched his fists, feeling that his whole body was horribly energetic. Power was pouring out from his abdomen and flowing throughout his body. Only then did he look at his attribute bar.

This sight gave him a sudden shock.

The power is increased enough by blackjack! The agility has also been improved by five points, and the physical constitution has been improved by twenty points on top of the already terrifying level!

This is simply an extreme and terrifying change.

The strength has now soared from the original single digits to the twenties!

After carefully looking at his numerical value again, Garen confirmed that he had read it correctly.

‘Nonosiwa Lin——Strength 24.1, agility 12.1, constitution 24.8, intelligence 8.1, potential 230%. Soul Limit 40.’

"The power of resonance is so strong!! No wonder those resonance levels and the ordinary fifth level are two different levels at all! No wonder." Garen instantly understood why the resonance levels were divided separately and became New Moon to Double Moon and so on. level.

"Indeed, this is no longer an ordinary level gap, but two completely different levels!".

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