Mysterious journey

Chapter 1047 Surprise Attack 2

The night was extremely dark, and the black clouds slowly covered the moon, leaving only a tiny gap to project the white beam of moonlight.

Chixuexing Heavy Water Prison is located directly below the Central Tribunal. There is only one passage around it, which is a straight passage from the outer area where His Highness Three Hearts lives.

This road, from the outermost fifteen halls to the innermost first hall, is the residence of the Chixue Star headquarters assigned to all Sanxin disciples. It is also the only way to defend the headquarters from foreign enemies. There are fifteen halls in total. The Tao Villa Palace represents fifteen different levels of defense.

However, the ranking of the three hearts is not necessarily based on strength. Some are ranked low, but their strength is not bad, and they stay in their positions just because they have not officially challenged for a higher position.

The entire Chixue headquarters, centered on the Tribunal of Chixue's highest peak, is shaped like a huge nail, with the tip of the nail being the entrance to the fifteenth collar.

The rest of the surrounding area is covered with snow for thousands of miles and sparsely populated.

The elders' different seasonal realms, as well as the cliff library, are far to the right of this place. It can only be reached instantly by jumping and teleporting.

At this time, white snow was flying at the entrance gate of the Fifteenth Hall. The entrance to the huge white building complex was the huge gate of the Fifteenth Hall, which was 162 meters high.

The snow-white ice gate looks like a polar iceberg that has never melted for thousands of years. The lower part is almost condensed with the ground and blends into one. This door has not been opened for hundreds of years.

Everyone has either teleported or leaped from above, and no one has ever walked through here.

But at this moment, this huge 100-meter gate finally welcomed its first visitors in hundreds of years.

Three young people were standing in front of the giant door, looking up at the ice-covered door that was hundreds of meters long. They are not invited guests of the Chixue Sect, so they are naturally not qualified to fly in. They will be instantly defeated by the huge defense system, and they are not qualified to use the teleportation device to instantly jump in.

So we can only find a way through the entrance on the ground.

"Is the old woman locked up here?" The blond boy standing at the front had a solemn face and was dressed in a simple gray cloth. His arms and wrists showed traces of being wrapped in circles by white bandages.

He was not tall, but the black heavy sword carried on his back gave him a simple sharpness.

"If you want to rescue Renee, the only way is to pass through this gate." A voice in the void slowly sounded. "Hongguo, this is the first test level."

"The first one?" The blond boy frowned, "In other words, there are many more after that? Let's talk about it together, there will always be a way."

"You have the information provided by Fatty. You should know that the Chixue Sect, as one of the schools of energy masters, is one of the most powerful existences in the entire galaxy." The voice spoke again. "So, you must first find a way to pass through this giant gate, and then you are qualified to enter it and face the fifteen defensive levels inside."

"Are the fifteen strongest members of the Chixue Sect?" the young man Hongguo spat. As soon as the saliva fell on the ground, it froze into ice cubes and made a crisp sound.

"This is too difficult." A weak young man among the three looked embarrassed, "We have only been exposed to energy weapons for less than a year."

"Turn around and go back if you're afraid." The third person was a girl, with a bright golden short hair already covered with a thick layer of white snowflakes. She had a cold face and an indifferent expression, as if nothing could move her. There is a dagger tied to each side of his hands, and he is dressed in a tight T-shirt and white tight jeans. He looks very capable, fully revealing his good figure and slender legs.

"Now that we have come here, can we go back?" Hongguo said calmly, "I don't know how strong the three hearts inside are, but there will always be a way to solve the difficulties. If you stop moving forward because of fear, then at the beginning You shouldn't have come in here."

The weak young man lowered his head and clenched his fists.

"We will die together." The blonde girl said calmly.

“Courage is worthy of commendation, but by the way, I am bringing you here because if you can really open this road, then the Chixue Sect will give those who can open this road a chance to fulfill their wishes. "The voice sounded again, and it was impossible to distinguish between male and female.

"Oh? Any wish can be made?!" Hong Guo's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Any wish is acceptable."


Hongguo's eyes were fixed on the hundred-meter giant door in front of her, she laughed strangely, and slowly drew out the black epee behind her.


Inside Chixue Headquarters

The biting cold wind brought snowflakes flying and falling continuously.

In a small small courtyard. The mysterious young man who had just entered the house with Bai Ye was currently holding a rapier and standing quietly in his small courtyard with fifteen collars.

There is a masked man in white guarding his safety in each of the four directions to prevent anyone from disturbing him.

The wind and snow slid down around him, but not a single bit accumulated on his head and shoulders. He was just assigned to the Fifteenth Territory of His Highness the Fifteenth, and he didn't feel tired for a moment. He immediately went to the cliff library to get a secret book to practice.

"Speaking of which, it's really not easy to sneak into this place." No one noticed that this mysterious young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was silently communicating with a certain existence in himself.

"As long as you successfully enter, there will always be a chance to enter the Ice Hell. Don't worry, as long as nothing happens, the Red Snow Sect will definitely focus on training you and that boy with an extreme winter physique, and will not slack off at all." A demon The voice came into his mind. It was neither male nor female, but it seemed to have the slightest accent.

"After all, your talent gene is the blood of the legendary white dragon. As a fantasy dragon species that masters ice, there is no room for the top management of Chixue Sect to ignore it. When the critical moment comes, as long as you find the right time, you can take action quietly."

The young man smiled slightly.


The rapier in his hand suddenly thrust forward, shooting a bright white light in the wind and snow, straight and long-lasting, like a slender beam of light.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a subtle cracking sound coming from a distance.

The sound was small and faint, but it was impossible to ignore.

The mysterious boy was stunned for a moment, then turned to look in the direction from which the sound came.

"what sound?"

His level 5 consciousness exploded with all its strength, turning into a white light and shooting out, heading straight towards the source of the sound.

The straight and slender white light suddenly emitted pure light, illuminating everything in its path clearly. White light swept across rows of sparse buildings, illuminating each faction member who was startled by the sound and walked out of the building. These people were carefully selected from the outside world and selected the best humans on Chixue Planet to work here. Over hundreds of years, a perfect and self-sufficient inheritance has gradually been formed, and generations have lived in this huge territory without ever changing.

At this time, there were sounds at night, which had never happened in hundreds of years.

The white beam shot out for thousands of meters, directly illuminating everything in its path.

The mysterious boy suddenly showed an expression as if he had seen something interesting.

"As expected."

Just before he finished speaking.

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by the sound of countless glass shattering, the giant door that had never been opened in the distance opened a huge gap in an instant on this dark night.

Countless ice jets fell from the cracks and hit the houses and streets on the ground.

The people who were close below let out panicked screams, rolled and crawled and ran away in the distance.

Shouts, sirens, shouts, and the wails of being hit by huge heavy ice were all drowned out by the huge roar, appearing and disappearing.

"Interesting. Really interesting!" The young man held the rapier upside down, and the smile on his face was in sharp contrast to the protectors around him who had lost their cool.


Just after walking out of the prison, Garen turned his head and looked in the direction where there was a huge roar in the distance. That giant door that was said to have never been opened for hundreds of meters, that almost everyone thought was abandoned, actually opened this night?

Standing at the door of the prison, Garen gently held the handle of the blue scimitar and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes again and walked quietly towards the direction of the Twelve Territories where he lived.

Behind him is the huge, tall and sharp Red Snow Peak Tribunal.


Within the first collar

In the middle of the desolate snow-white First Territory, Carthage sat cross-legged in the snow. There was nothing around him. There were no buildings, only the remains of buildings buried underneath by the heavy snow.

Standing in front of him was the second person, the mysterious woman wrapped in a white robe, who was also Renee's sister Alice.

Alice is a very common and popular name, but when used on this woman, no one thinks it is common.

As the original top master of the Red Snow Sect and the supreme leader of Yuehui, Alice has been in the Red Snow Sect for who knows how long, maybe hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years, no one knows.

She is one of the earliest disciples of the entire Chixue Sect. There have been many genius-level figures in the past, but as those figures either left or died, she still remained at Yuehui's leader position without any change.

Every time a talented junior brother came up from behind, she was always willing to give up the first place and settle for second place. No one knew what she was thinking, and no one knew what she looked like.

At this time, Alice only revealed a pair of light blue slender eyes, quietly staring at Carthage sitting cross-legged on the snow.

"Did you hear that? The trial door has been opened." Her sweet voice came from under the mask.

"So what?" Carthage said calmly. But he didn't even open his eyes.

"What would you do if they could come to you?" Alice asked calmly.

"What do you want me to do?" Carthage opened his eyes, and there seemed to be dark whirlpools in his eyes. Those eyes met Alice's.

A trace of invisible force field slowly spread, and the atmosphere was slightly solidified. .

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