Mysterious journey

Chapter 1050 Action 1

Five days later.

Jump reception VIP hall

Garen took the initiative to greet the jump ship exit. With a hint of a smile.

Eva hurriedly walked out of the bridge entrance, escorted by several escorts.

"Sister, you are finally back."

"What have you been doing the past few days?" Eva looked at Garen calmly and asked.

"I'm in retreat, and I happened to have some new ideas, and I plan to test my feasibility." Garen replied with a smile.


The hall suddenly became silent, and the eyes of the guards and other senior officials of the Chixue Sect who came to greet them all focused on the two of them. All kinds of dull, shocked, puzzled, and excited eyes were cast over.

Garen stood in the middle, looking sideways at Senior Sister Eva in front of him. The left side of his face was slightly swollen, red and somewhat congested from the severe slap.

"You disappoint me so much." There was a trace of tears in Eva's eyes, and she shook her head in pain.

Garen touched his face, and a sharp pain was still irritating his skin.

"Senior sister, you mean that I should bend the law for personal gain and protect my personal relationship and help?" Garen actually smiled again.

Eva was speechless.

She was silent for a moment, then suddenly pushed Garen away and walked away with her guards.

"From now on, you are no longer my younger brother, Eva Reghar, and I cannot afford it." Her last voice came from afar.

Garen only felt his cheeks hurting more and more, and his head was a little dizzy. There was still a trace of force field power left in the brain that was seriously injured by Carthage and had not been completely eliminated. Now he was hit hard by Eva's slap. Although he didn't use his consciousness, the physical power of the top resonance level was already very terrifying. After this slap, if it were a low-level energy master, his head would be turned into a rotten watermelon in an instant.

He touched the left side of his face and sighed inwardly.

He was unwilling to violate his own moral principles of clear grudges, but he was also unable to expose his true actions. In the coming great changes, only by actively siding with Carthage can we get the most benefits possible.

Especially the large troops that will arrive in the three major cities soon. That scary man

The biggest key to their plot is that if they can get a share of the pie, they will be most likely to not only escape from this great change, but also to maximize benefits and growth! Be as prepared as possible for the future.

"There is too little time." Garen murmured in a low voice, turned around and left the reception hall.

Originally he came here to explain something to Senior Sister Eva, but now it seems that with her impulsive personality


Since Renee was rescued, the three boys who broke in seemed to have been let go on their own initiative by the people within the faction.

When everything was settled, with the tacit approval of the Second Elder and his group, the matter was dropped. No one knew how much the Second Elder paid to suppress this matter.

But everyone can see that he is in a very good mood at this time.

Time passes slowly.

Everyone seemed to have deliberately forgotten this matter, and no one mentioned it again.

The headquarters of the Red Snow Sect has once again restored its original quiet and peaceful environment. Everyone is practicing hard, traveling everywhere, and those who like to go to the void battlefield simply stay inside.

Garen's behavior in this matter was also recognized by the First Elder and Third Elder, but more importantly, it was recognized by Senior Brother Carthage. Successfully got closer to him.

Although this matter caused dissatisfaction among many senior brothers, due to the authority of the senior brother, it was left alone and no one dared to raise any objections.

Originally, Garen planned to continue practicing quietly until the school competition in three years' time. But something Carthage arranged for him forced him to interrupt his retreat and prepare to set off.


black wolf collar

A young man with short white hair strode into the large manor in the center of the Black Wolf Territory. He just walked in.


Subtle wolf howls surrounded him from all directions. Black wolves, as strong and tall as buffaloes, slowly walked out of the darkness, their green eyes shining like lanterns.

More than a dozen black wolves directly surrounded the white-haired man.

The man's expression was indifferent, but his eyes couldn't help but shrink. Not scared, but shocked by the intensity of the terrifying force field lingering on these black wolves.

"I am Shi Shibaiye. I came here under the orders of senior brother to ask senior brother Heilang to set out for assistance."

There was no sound in the dark manor.

It seemed that his voice did not reach the innermost part. The giant wolves around him began to slowly gather around him, and one black wolf even had saliva flowing from its mouth, with sticky drops falling to the ground. The air is also constantly filled with a fishy stench.

"I am Shi Shibaiye! I am here on the orders of my senior brother!"

"I heard it," a voice interrupted his repetition. "come in."

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

When he was still a disciple of Erxin, he had heard about the power of Brother Black Wolf. Now it seems that he is indeed well-deserved and not ordinary powerful.

"And several of my junior brothers and followers."

"Come in together." Garen's voice came from the deep darkness.

Bai Ye nodded, and the giant wolves around him quickly faded away, and then more than a dozen figures quietly followed behind him.

"Boss, this place is really amazing! It's much better than your Baiye Garden!" A strong man said with a grin.

"Be polite." Bai Ye reminded in a low voice.

"I know, I know." The strong man chuckled.

The group of people walked quickly inside, passing through some dilapidated courtyards, corridors, rockeries, small gardens, and then passed through an empty and somewhat dilapidated house. Soon we arrived at the deepest inner courtyard of the entire manor.

The circular inner courtyard was dark, with only four green lights burning faintly and eerily, emitting a dim light.

A tall and strong figure was sitting cross-legged on the flat ground between four lights. The ground seemed to be engraved with some mysterious special inscription, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling. Even the air felt a little oppressive.

Bai Ye took a deep breath, raised his hand to signal his men to stop, and stepped forward alone.

"Senior Brother Black Wolf, Senior Brother asked me to come over and invite you to go to the Winter Star of the Four Ring Star Alliance." He said loudly.

"I already know." Garen opened his eyes and looked at the white night in front of him strangely. "A group of ten of you are going to your family's ancestral land to search for hidden treasures. Is this your initiative or is it the intention of senior brother?"

Bai Ye lowered his head slightly and looked away from Garen.

"It's my suggestion, and it's also what Senior Brother means."

Garen was silent for a moment and then spoke again.

"The Four-Ring Star Alliance has escaped from the control of my Mechanic Master, do you understand?"

"I understand." Bai Ye nodded.

"Even if you have an extremely winter physique, you went to the Hall of Ancestors and reached the current fifth level all at once. It's still a bit reluctant to go directly out of the range of non-energy weapon masters." Garen said lightly. He already felt that something was wrong in this white night. It was not that there was something wrong with others, but that there was a vague feeling of causality in him that was the same as his.

This feeling is weird and wonderful.

"That's why Senior Brother asked me to come to you and ask for help." Bai Ye lowered his head and said.

"The Extreme Winter Star is a Death Star." Garen sighed, "Go ahead and take one of my black wolves with you. He will take action if necessary."

He waved his hand, and a giant wolf with an unusual shape slowly stepped out from behind him. This black wolf was a bit weird. It was different from ordinary giant wolves. It had two obvious muscles on each side of its body. It's like wings that haven't grown yet, very weird.

Bai Ye glanced at Hei Lang and suddenly felt a little creepy. The energy mark on the back of his head could not help but automatically alarmed and appeared, spinning crazily. This is a terrifying reaction that occurs when he encounters an extreme threat.

Bai Ye was a little shocked. Obviously, this giant wolf had the power to threaten his life. It was just a giant wolf belonging to Brother Hei Lang!

After the energy weapon master of Naga Star enters the resonance level, the most powerful person is no longer the energy weapon, but himself. But now, not even the strongest energy weapon can actually pose such a powerful threat to myself who is already at level five.

"Go. I will accompany you secretly if necessary." Garen closed his eyes and said softly.

Bai Ye lowered his head and exited respectfully, watching the giant wolf disappear into the darkness in the blink of an eye, quietly. He suddenly felt creepy. If there is such an enemy hiding in the darkness, and you can't even detect a breath, such an opponent is simply too terrifying.

A group of people backed away for hundreds of meters before they dared to turn around and leave quickly.

When they left the manor, the subordinates who were following Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and broke into a cold sweat.

"It is rumored that since Senior Brother Hei Lang went into seclusion, his territory has become more and more deserted and lifeless. Even the intelligent systems that can operate automatically have been affected and have inexplicable malfunctions. Looking at the degree of desolation of this manor, the rumors should be correct."

Bai Ye took a deep breath and whispered.

"Your Highness Fourteenth Night, what should we do now? Go back to Jidongxing directly?" Yuri, his confidant beside him, asked in a low voice. This was a red-haired woman with a long ponytail who had been following him since he left the family. She was as old as him and was a qualified girl he rescued during a wandering.

"Since Senior Brother Hei Lang said he would accompany him, it must be right. Let's set off directly." Bai Ye, or the man now named Bai Shishiye said in a low voice, "It has been so many years since I left my hometown. It's time to go back. when."

He breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he had seen the natural disaster when his family was destroyed.


Garen sat quietly in the darkness.

He calmly recalled the white-haired man from before, or should not be called a man, but just a child who had just escaped from the category of teenager.

Bai Ye, Bai Fourteenth Night, His Highness Sanxin, ranked fourteenth, is rumored to be an extremist who will do whatever it takes to pursue power. Born in the Jidong family of the Four-ring Star Alliance, after the Jidong family was inexplicably destroyed, he managed to escape and became the only survivor.

"I am going back now with the reputation of Chixue Sect, I am afraid it is not to hunt for treasure, but more to see if any relatives are alive. In other words, to find the whereabouts of my enemies."

A thought flashed through Garen's mind.

"The most important thing is that this White Night is still an indispensable member of the general trend. This time when I go to the Extreme Winter Star, I will meet Klin and the others. This is the key. Extreme Winter Physique. And it is also a century-old Extreme Winter Physique. It's rare to meet a genius. The troubled times are approaching, and two such geniuses and that mysterious boy suddenly appeared."

Thinking of this, he sighed lightly.

"Two geniuses appeared at the same time. Is it really time for our Chixue Sect to rise?" He did not hide this sentence, but murmured it in a low voice.

"I have such geniuses under my command. I hope the more the better, don't you think? Junior brother."

A dull voice came from the darkness behind Garen.

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