Mysterious journey

Chapter 1068 Limit 1

"Is this Hanye Pond?"

Suddenly there was a faint sound of voices in the distance.

A group of men in white riding on this one-man airship quickly came from a distance and stopped at the periphery of the crowd not far away.

A tall, strong man stepped off the airship and threw aside the flying instrument that looked like a motorboat.

This man's face was calm and calm, and his whole body exuded a solemn aura that could not be ignored. In comparison, although the other people behind him were also quite impressive, they were invisibly overwhelmed by him.

"They are from the Scarlet Snow Sect!" Long Guang's Scarlet Dragon Armor Fati curled his lips. It was another foreign sect. Originally, the two local sects joined forces, which made him feel a little tricky. Now there is another sect. Let's see how they deal with it. .

People from Chixue Sect.

The other local Black Dragon Sect and Sky Sword Sect also found information from the energy weapon marks. Becoming more and more alert.

"This was the first place discovered by us, the Black Dragon Sect and the Sword of the Sky Sect. If friends of the Chixue Sect want to find Hanye Pond, please go to other places around. There are many more Hanye Ponds here." said the Sword of the Sky sect. the woman said loudly.

Garen and his group got off the airship and took a quick look at the situation in front of them.

Two local sects are joining forces to deal with a Longguang sect. Obviously this Hanye Pond is the biggest and best nearby, otherwise it wouldn't attract so many people to snatch it.

"It's really stupid. Even when disaster is imminent, you are still fighting for these petty profits." Garen shook his head slightly in his heart. It would be strange for an energy weapon master who has become so greedy not to be destroyed.

Perhaps in their view, the destruction of these sects should be caused by enemies and an internal war among the energy mechanics. As for outsiders and others, they simply do not believe that the organic masters dare to attack their energy mechanics.

"This cold night pool" Garen immediately saw the huge blue crystal standing in the middle. The terrifying coldness contained in it made him look sideways.

"Such a powerful cold energy. At least equivalent to five blood energy essence beads given by Carthage." Looking at the dirt and dust remaining on the surface around the crystal, it was obvious that this thing was dug out of the ground not long ago.

He calculated that if he wanted to enter the non-falling level, he would need to form a wheel of energy, and he would have to condense at least three source crystals.

"I want this Hanye Pond."

Garen didn't bother to pay attention to the nonsense of this group of people, and spoke directly. "You can leave now."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes suddenly focused on him. Dozens of lines of sight were like searchlights, all shining on the Chixue Sect and his party. Especially the leader, Garen.

"Who does he think he is? How dare he say such things?" Someone couldn't help but sneered in a low voice.

The three strongest people, Dragon Light Red Dragon Armor Fati, Black Dragon Kato Si, and the woman in yellow from the Sky Sword Sect, all looked at Garen with idiotic expressions on their faces.

"Is this guy telling a joke? It's so cold." Kato Si from the Black Dragon Faction dug his ears and laughed.

"This is the Almanac Star. If you dare to speak loudly on our territory, you probably have something wrong with your brain." The woman in yellow sneered.

Even Jingmao and Eva looked at Garen with some confusion, wondering why he would say such arrogant words. Before knowing the strength of the opponent, speaking such big words will easily make people look down upon.

Garen smiled slightly and took a step forward.

"Three breaths. Deal with you."

boom! !

A violent chill rushed towards everyone like a tidal wave.

The terrifying cold air instantly froze the hot gravel on the ground, instantly covering everyone living within a hundred meters of the site.

Click, click, click..

The extremely strong ice layer quickly froze the ankles of everyone present from both groups, and spread crazily upwards.

Without a vision field and ignoring resistance, everything was in vain. Even the screams and fears were not heard. In an instant, more than 90% of the people present were frozen and condensed into crystal icicles. Standing on the sand.

The three leaders frantically mobilized the force field and source power, but they could only slow down the spread of ice.

"You!!" Before they even had time to say a complete sentence, the three of them were completely frozen in the icicles with horrified expressions.

In just the blink of an eye, there was only dead silence in the crowded venue just now, and everyone, including the three inheritance-level leaders, was frozen in the hard ice.

"It's so boring." Garen let out a disappointed sigh. He originally planned to test his current limit, but his opponent had no resistance and was instantly frozen.

He vaguely heard the chattering sounds of the Chixue Sect disciples' teeth behind him, as well as the rapid acceleration of Qi and blood in Eva's body. The moment the cold air was released, Jing Mao's body suddenly tensed up, appearing extremely nervous.

"You killed them?!" Jingmao's voice was dry.

"Maybe." Garen smiled, walked forward, and gently pressed his hand on the surface of Hanye Pond.


A creepy hissing sound suddenly sounded, and then everyone in the Red Snow Sect saw that the Hanye Pond in front of Garen was shrinking rapidly, as if the ice and snow were melting, shrinking in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the people around him, of course he would not kill them casually. After all, it is not really releasing all things to wither, but just a force field of freezing cold energy. At most, it can only seal their movements and cause severe cold injuries. Of course, if no one is there within ten days, Smash the icicles to rescue them, then your life may be at risk.

"His Royal Highness Gallon is indeed the number one genius after His Highness Carthage!" Jing Jing realized at this moment from behind and quickly flattered him, but his voice sounded a little dry.

As for the remaining five ordinary team members, they have only just recovered from the shock, and they are all swallowing their saliva. Originally, this moment should have been a collective moment of pride and applause, but they felt a chill rising from their hearts.

"Is the Chi Snow Technique really so perverted?" Jing Mao looked at Garen's back and was a little shocked. He also had the same thirteenth level of Chi Snow Technique, but even if he exploded with all his strength, he couldn't push the technique to the limit. This terrifying level has simply surpassed a simple skill and reached the level of a natural disaster.

Eva clenched her teeth and stared at Garen's back, obviously frightened by his terrifying progress. If he had been growing up and progressing in such a terrifying way, he might not have any hope of avenging Renee in this life!

While the group was still in the shock, Garen had already absorbed Han Yechi and turned back. But his expression seemed a little disappointed, and no one dared to ask any more questions.

"Let's go to the next Hanye Pond."

Garen said calmly. All the disputes ended before they even started, which made everyone who was fully prepared feel like they were punched in the cotton.

"His Royal Highness Garen is simply too strong to be human!" A team member behind the mirror couldn't help but recover from the shock and whispered.

"Is it really possible for Chixue Kung to be that strong!!?" Another female team member muttered absentmindedly.

"Perhaps our Red Snow Sect will finally rise again." Another female team member looked at Garen's back, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

When the gap between you and your peers is so huge that people cannot imagine it, such distance will breed natural admiration. Divide yourself and the other party into two levels, completely put the other party into another category, and do not use it as a comparison, so as to preserve your own self-esteem. This is human nature.

This is the case for several Erxin members of the Chixue Sect right now.

Seeing this, Eva's hand holding the dagger tightened.

Garen accelerated towards the direction of another Hanye Pond crystal. The mirror signaled a team member to hold a detector and continuously locate new Hanye Ponds one by one.

Although the cold energy of the Hanye Pond crystal just now was huge, after refining and purifying it and absorbing Galleons, it only barely completed the first original crystal, and not even the slightest sign of the second crystal was seen.

This also gave him a deep understanding of the difficulty of entering the level without falling.

Someone was already fighting over the second Hanyechi crystal. The golden light flashed, and groups of purple-black birds were flying all over the sky. Among them, there were also several large mechas fighting fiercely in the sky, dyeing the sky. Half red and half green, it is obviously inheritance level.

Garen didn't bother to care what school the other party belonged to. Anyway, with Carthage as the backing, that guy's strength is unfathomable. He is vaguely the number one person in the current Chixue Sect. Even the three elders are unable to check him. As for the guardian, he is still invisible. Now Most of the Chixue Sect has been controlled by him. Although a few of the core Sanxin disciples hate him, most of the other disciples are more proud of him. What they value is not who is in charge, but who can bring them more glory and confidence.

And Carthage was undoubtedly able to do this.

"Absolutely freezing."

Garen didn't even draw his sword, he just walked towards the blue cold night pond crystal. He completely ignored all the fighting around him.

Wherever he passed, birds fell to the ground and froze into ice cubes. Before the fighting crowd had time to react, they were instantly frozen by the cold air and solidified into icicles, unable to resist.

No matter it is resonance level or inheritance level, there is no exception.

As if they were in a deserted place, the Chixue faction walked directly to Hanye Pond. Garen stretched out his hand and pressed it against the surface of Hanye Pond.

The people behind him didn't know what he was doing and didn't dare to ask. Garen's almost invincible image was already engraved in their minds. No one could struggle and resist in front of him. In just a moment, the opponent was completely frozen in the ice and snow, leaving him to be slaughtered. Such Chi Xue Gong is simply unimaginable!

After a while, Garen withdrew his hand and looked at the much smaller Hanye Pond in front of him.

"I have absorbed the cold energy inside, but there are still some traces of the use of cold energy that can be used as data for research. It seems to contain some secrets of the Blue Frost Sect. It can be taken back to the people in the technical department for research. You keep it."


Mirror quickly stepped forward and used the prepared space ring to put away the Hanyechi crystal, which was only as tall as a person.

"Next one." Garen turned and walked towards the third place.

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