Mysterious journey

Chapter 1072 Alienation 1

Spring turns to winter, and a year passes in the blink of an eye.

Above the Red Snow Star, a black vortex suddenly emerged, and a black-haired young man slowly walked out of the jumping vortex. His face was plain, and a wisp of ice-blue pure flame slowly burned in his right hand.

Swish, swish, swish!

There were three crisp sounds in a row, and the figures of three elders appeared in front of the young man.

"Carthage, are you responsible for the Yupin Sect!?" The second elder asked in a deep voice with an unkind expression.

Carthage looked calm, slightly surprised.

"Second Elder, what are you talking about? The affairs of the Yupin Sect have nothing to do with me. I am concentrating on refining my Cold Dragon Flame and have not left my territory."

"We all know what you have been doing this year, so why are we here pretending not to understand?" The great elder, who had always supported Carthage, was staring at him with a gloomy expression.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Carthage smiled, and suddenly turned his face to look in another direction, where there was an inexplicable chill rising into the sky.


A clear wolf howl came from afar.

The three elders also heard it, and their faces showed solemn and horrified expressions.

Looking in the direction of the Black Wolf Leader from a distance, the four of them could actually see white clouds like bracelet beads constantly rotating in the sky over there.

"It's too fast to not be demoted!" The third elder's voice was dry, with a hint of jealousy and disbelief. "How long has he been here?!"

"You are indeed my junior brother." The smile on Carthage's face became more and more obvious. "Three elders, I'll excuse you for a moment. The fourth member of the Chixue Sect is born without losing rank. Compared with the sect, there must be a celebration meeting, right?"

None of the three elders answered. They were vaguely jealous and afraid of Carthage. This so-called disciple was too unfathomable. Several tests in secret failed to find out his bottom. Compared with entering without falling, The level of Galleons is what they are even more afraid of.

"I won't let you go. Why did those three elders surround me today?" Carthage said helplessly. "You know, I still have a lot of things to be busy with."

The third elder said in a sharp voice.

"Putting aside what Garon said, someone saw that after you entered the Yupin Sect, a big change happened inside! How do you explain this!? The Yupin Sect is an allied sect of my Chixue Sect, are you really involved? Are you in the process of destroying the faction?"

Carthage smiled.

"I'm afraid, elder, you didn't see this with your own eyes, but you heard it out of thin air? Who told you this?"

"It's the elder of the Kongming sect!" the third elder said coldly, "You thought no one knew about you, but you didn't expect that the elder Kongming would pass by and find you, right?"

"Elder of the Kongming Sect?" Carthage suddenly laughed, "Three teachers, just now, there is no longer the Kongming Sect. The evidence is gone." He said softly with deep meaning.

"You!!!" The third elder was shocked, "You want to bluff me? Very good, very good!! Boss and second brother, I don't believe that we can't control him today, let's do it together!"

The first elder and the second elder were both staring at Carthage with solemn expressions. Finally, the internal conflicts in Chixue were about to be completely torn apart.


A circle of white bead-like clouds hovered above Garen's head.

He sat in the middle of the courtyard of the mansion, and the cold wind howled naturally. The cold currents surrounded him and turned into visible white cold air. These cold air were like white ribbons, constantly rotating around Garen at high speed.

On the head of each ribbon, you can vaguely see a crystal shape that resembles a peacock. It was as if many invisible ice peacocks were constantly flying around him.

Giant black werewolves surrounded Garen nearby, loyally protecting his safety.

"The Lord is supreme and holy. Thank you Lord for giving us life, wisdom, and strength. Everything in the sky and on earth surrenders to my Lord." Turing, a two-headed giant werewolf, knelt on the ground and chanted something in his mouth.

This chanting has been going on for a year. Since Jialong entered meditation a year ago, this place has become a restricted area for non-ice creatures. All creatures passing here will be surrounded by extremely terrifying cold currents. No one is excepted.

Even Aiwa and Jingmao came to see it a few times, but found that they couldn't get close, so they had no choice but to turn around and leave.

After Turing chanted for a while, he stood up and carefully observed the new changes around Gallon. He found that there was no new discovery except a circle of clouds. He silently prayed for Gallon in his heart, and then turned towards the territory. Walk towards the canteen.

At this moment, Garen, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly opened his eyes that had been closed for a year.

He lowered his head and looked at his chest, where a circle of red bead chains was slowly rotating. It was a wheel that was formed from the crystallization of the origin of Chi Snow Kung.

"It took one year and fifteen days to finally succeed. The Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu is so terrifying!" He sighed in his heart. The speed at which he devoured energy made him feel terrifying.

All substances can be devoured and utilized by the Cold Hell Peacock, the difference is just a matter of how much.

He looked inside his current body. The bones, muscles and internal organs were all glowing with a strange light like jade. This layer of light slowly flowed on the surface of the internal organs, and the embalming had a life of its own.

"This is the eternal light. Compared with the original inheritance-level force field, its intensity has been greatly improved. Generally, top inheritance-level ones cannot break this halo even if they stand and let him hit."

Garen clenched his fist with satisfaction and felt the incomparable power filling his body.

He looked at his current attribute column.

‘Nonosiwa Lin—strength 40, agility 40, constitution 40, intelligence 35, potential 48030%. Soul Limit 40.’

Except for the fact that intelligence has not been fully reached, the other three items have all reached their limit, which is a terrifying level of 40 points.

Standing up, Garen stretched out his left hand and flicked his fingers.

Chi! !

A substantial wave of air rushed out like an arrow and penetrated the ice of the wall not far away. It flew to an unknown place, leaving only a clear round hole in the wall.

"This is the limit." Garen took a deep breath. All the air in the entire courtyard seemed to be swept away by a huge beast for an instant. A strong pulling force instantly pulled the surrounding werewolves, trying to fly towards Garen.

Some of the surrounding gravel and ice also flew up, flying towards Gallon.

It was just the horrific effect of him taking a deep breath.



A terrifying stream of air suddenly burst out from Garen's mouth, whipping up a ferocious hurricane. The blow caused the werewolves around them who had been pulled and moved to roll towards the outside, looking extremely embarrassed.

"This is the level of non-relegation. It's really scary. I don't know if other non-relegation levels have such a strong body as mine."

Garen probably doesn't. The human body limit in this world is much lower than him. It should reach the limit at an average of 20 points. After that, the energy masters will not rely on improving physical fitness, but on integrating foreign objects to improve Strengthen one's own strength, and at the same time highly strengthen one's own skills, using the skills to form an eternal light to protect oneself.

In this way, they do not have high requirements for physical fitness. At the same time, their long life span allows them to slowly make up for it by integrating with foreign objects and improve themselves.

"Fortunately, physical fitness is not something I rely on." Garen knew that his quality was not very good among the energy weapon masters of Naga Planet. It was average at most. Among those energy weapon masters who integrated foreign objects, some were even stronger A lot of existence.

He could feel that his current state was somewhat similar to the totem world. Everything about him was covered with that layer of everlasting light, including the wisp of strong wind that just popped up at will. This was the case, covering an extremely After the tyrannical light, even a very ordinary attack becomes extremely terrifying.

After checking all his situations, Garen suddenly discovered that any of his moves would be covered with this eternal light, which was very similar to the original totem world.

At the same time, what satisfied him the most was Turing and other werewolves.

This layer of everlasting light not only covered himself, but also covered Turing and other werewolves.

"Is this the reason why the non-falling level is truly called non-falling?" Garen felt that this layer of never-falling light could only be seen by himself, and Turing and other werewolves didn't seem to notice it at all.


Suddenly, a slender figure appeared behind Garen. The man pressed his sword with one hand and looked at Garen calmly, completely ignoring the werewolves around him.

"Garen, just in time for your breakthrough, there is a ceremony that I need you to attend on my behalf." This person was Carthage who was confronting the three elders just now.

"Observe the ceremony?" Garen turned around, but his heart was slightly shocked. Even if he entered the non-falling level, Carthage still had such a calm expression. At the same time, he didn't even notice when he appeared. This made him even more afraid.

"Yes. The invitation from the magnetic field may lead to a genre competition in advance." Carthage said calmly. He glanced at Garen's chest, where the Wheel of Immortality was stored, "Your progress is still too slow." A black bead suddenly appeared in his hand, and he flicked it lightly.

The bead immediately fell into Garen's hand.

"Pearl of the Sea of ​​Blood, eat it." Carthage said calmly.

Garen didn't hesitate at all and swallowed the beads in one gulp.

He had guessed that the previous red beads not only had huge blood energy, but also had an extremely domineering role in stimulating potential. Being able to enter the level without falling down so quickly may be a sign of overdrawing his potential in Carthage's eyes. .

"Not falling down is the seventh stage. If you go up, you must understand the realm of the disk. This is the flawless disk. You can take it and comprehend it. I will come back to get it in three days. How much you can comprehend depends on you." Gatai Ji shook his hand and pulled out another white jade plate, which landed lightly in front of Garen and was caught by him.

"What is the Flawless Disk?" Garen asked with a frown. He had never heard of this thing at all.

Carthage waved his hand and released an isolation force field, covering the area around the two of them.

"The seventh level of non-falling will form the eternal light. The eighth level must comprehend the disk, so as to integrate one's consciousness and skill into one, and understand the quality and energy. Thus, one can initially control a thousand times of gravity. The flawless disk is the first The core of everything that an eighth-level master condenses. If you want to enter the ninth level, you must first achieve the Flawless Disk, then the Ascension Disk, and finally enter the Final Disk."

"In other words, the flawless disk is the symbol of the eighth level, the flawless disk, the sublimation disk, and the final disk. The last one represents the tenth level of the eternal mover, right?" Garen asked in a deep voice.

"You don't need to know so much. Your limit is at most level nine, and level ten will never be possible. Even if you are at level nine, you are now" Carthage didn't say any more, turned around and left slowly.

Garen watched him go.

"When does the viewing start? How far do I need to go?"

"After one month, everything is up to you. By the way, the Flawless Plate in your hand belongs to the guardian of the Blue Frost Sect." Carthage's voice came from a distance.

Garen's heart trembled. really!

Carthage's strength is actually able to kill an eighth-level guardian.

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