Mysterious journey

Chapter 109 Cleaning 2

"No problem." Garen nodded, "Before that, I need you to help me find where my senior sister and second senior brother are now. Before leaving, I also have to stabilize the situation in Huaishan and deal with some minor troubles."

"Of course, I will help you with this. I will do the official thing. Only after the little mice are completely eliminated can you have no worries." Su Lin smiled in a good mood.

"Manreton Company, as well as that guy like Bouveni, need to be completely eliminated. In terms of management, do you want me to allocate manpower to you? By the way, there are also matters related to your uncle's family."

"I will deal with it together in a short time." Garen said calmly.

He is no longer who he was before. With the support of Su Lin's powerful forces and his own fierce strength, solving these problems is just a trivial matter.

It's a pity that his parents and sister didn't know anything about him. They just thought that the exchange he went out with his master Fei Baiyun was just a disguised trip. I never thought the consequences would be so serious.

Su Lin also saw his determination at this time.

"Other aspects are fine. It's just that finding Losita and Farak is probably more troublesome. They seem to have disappeared and they can't be found at all. This will take time."

"It's okay. Just keep looking for me while I'm at your place." Garen didn't take it seriously. The matter between the senior sister and the second senior brother didn't happen in a day or two. He also knew there was no rush.

"Then this will be easier to handle."

The meal was finally served, which was typical oriental rice and stir-fried vegetables. Although the taste is very ordinary, it is in line with the taste of galleons.

Su Lin was very efficient. When Manleyton Company withdrew from Huaishan City, he accused them of reselling cultural relics and mobilized special forces to encircle them all. Only a few elites escaped because they had received intelligence in advance.


More than ten days later

In a sparsely populated dense forest on the outskirts of Huaishan City.

The last group of resistance personnel of the Manleyton Company were surrounded and huddled in a temporary manor.

Gunshots were fired one after another in the woods, surrounded by numerous guards. Sulin and Garen stood in the woods, looking at the surrounded white manor from a distance.

"Our people can't get in for the time being. The opponent's firepower is very fierce. They are not ordinary characters. They are obviously the absolute elite and the last resistance force of Manleyton Company." Sulin smiled and glanced at Garen behind him, " Otherwise, we can surround them like this and attack them by force, and there will probably be casualties."

Garen looked at the muzzles of guns protruding from the white manor from a distance and shook his head.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

He didn't wait for Su Lin to answer, and strode towards the manor without any cover.

With every step he took, his body expanded a little, and the surrounding soldiers made way for Garen to enter at Sulin's signal.

"Is this guy looking for death? He's not even wearing a bulletproof suit. Who does he think he is? A lone hero? His body is still swollen?" A young soldier behind the tree trunk couldn't see and taunted in a low voice.

"Don't fucking scream if you don't understand!" A black-faced soldier next to him gave him a slap on the head. "That gentleman is Garen, one of the three generals of the Nantian Holy Fist Sect. Isn't it something that ordinary people can resist?"

"No matter how powerful he is, it's just one shot." The young soldier lowered his head and refused to argue with the boss.


Garen didn't hear the conversation between the two, and he strode towards the gate of the manor.

"It's Heavenly General Gallon!!" A slightly trembling voice came from a shooting hole in the manor. With fear and despair.

"Fight them!!" "Can't sit still and wait for death!" The voice quickly dropped, and then there was deathly silence.

The gunshots suddenly fell silent.

Garen stood at the iron gate and felt that there were no less than a dozen guns pointed at him. Since entering the level of a fighter, his senses have become more and more acute. His sight, which does not even hide his own murderous intent, is like a burning torch in the dark night, clear and bright.

For a moment, all gunfire stopped.

The soldiers on Su Lin's side all poked their heads out to check in confusion, only to find that the manor seemed to have given up resistance and collectively turned off the fire.

"What happened? Surrendered?"

"I don't know, why did everyone cease fire?"

"Wait for the commander's order."

Garen stood quietly at the gate, his body having swelled to 1.9 meters. This was a state he named himself. It's not as powerful as the final second stage, but its defense power is also terrifying.

The sound fell silent for a moment.

The sun penetrates the leaves, falls on the ground, and sways with the wind. As the gunfire stopped.

The rustling sound, the crisp chirping of birds, and the faint chirping of insects all gradually echoed.


The breeze blew, and a few yellow leaves fell with the wind.

Garen's hand slowly reached towards the tinplate door.

The moment his fingers touched the door.

boom! ! !

Gallon's violent stampede and gunfire sounded almost simultaneously.

Violent gunfire erupted in an instant, and all firepower was focused on Garen. The gunfire was so dense that it was difficult to hear clearly which direction the sound was coming from.

The heavy iron-clad wooden door deformed and shattered under Garen's fist. Then it turned into countless fragments and flew inwards.

Four bullet chains in the yard locked onto Galleons and fired straight at them.

Clang, clang, clang! !

Garen braved the bullet and rushed in, covering a distance of more than ten meters in three steps. Punch a one-eyed man holding a submachine gun.

With a snap, the blood and brain matter splashed out from the head. A gunshot stopped suddenly.

Followed by the second and third courses

Each gunshot went silent under Garen's rapid movement. Although his speed is slower than that of powerful martial artists, it is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

And the bullet hitting him was like hitting a steel plate, without any effect.

Finally, the last Manleyton Company elite collapsed. He choked with sobs, tears and snot running all over his face, and he was unconscious. He looked at Garen rushing towards him, and the terrifying huge figure quickly enlarged in his eyes.

He laughed nervously and took out a black thing from his waist like lightning.

"Let's die together. Hey, let's die together..."

He pulled the tab hard. Hold it in your hand.

Garen looked indifferent and hit his right hand holding the grenade with a palm.


The entire right arm was torn apart and was blown away far away. Blood spattered and fell in the far corner.


The grenade exploded, and a large pile of soil spread everywhere with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Garen grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand and lifted him up into the air. This elite maniacally shot Garen in the chest with a self-defense pistol.

"Death struggle." He exerted slight force, and with a click, the neck bones were crushed.

Throwing away the body in his hands, Garen strode towards the inner door of the courtyard.

The gunshots and bullets from the second floor were still hitting him one after another, and black grenades were dropped from time to time.

Bang bang bang! !

Only the grenades that were particularly close were knocked away by Garen, while the grenades that were further away did not pose any threat to him. Explosions continued to sound all around, but they made no sense at all.

Standing in front of the inner door, he dug with his fingers and dug out a large piece of the door lock and threw it away. Push the door open and enter.

The gunfire in the manor stopped, and the gunfire from Sulin's side rang out, directly suppressing the other side.

The elite soldiers following Gallon rushed in and poured into the small building from both sides of Gallon.

Garen stood at the door and looked towards the stairs to the second floor with an indifferent expression.


A bullet hit his eyelid, bursting out a little golden spark.

The moment he saw the opponent sneak up and shoot, he closed his eyes.

With just this one shot, the faces of the soldiers pouring in around him were stunned for a moment, and the sound of gasping could be heard faintly among the soldiers.

"That one just now, I want to live." Garen said calmly.

"Coco" The team leader who followed and stood next to Garen felt his teeth chattering. It was not fear, but an instinctive physical reaction to danger. His body was shaking unconsciously.

Garen ignored him and strode directly into the first floor of the small building.

The first floor is a spacious living room, all in white, with delicate religious angel-style sculptures and patterns everywhere. A spiral staircase on the left leads upwards to the second floor.

However, the soldiers who entered were suppressed at the entrance of the stairs, and the sound of gunfire exchanges could be heard from time to time.

Garen ignored the others around him and walked directly up the stairs.

The moment he went upstairs, the stairs collapsed.

With a bang, white dust suddenly flew from the first floor, and a large amount of lime stirred up.

Garen also fell back to the first floor.

He raised his head and looked towards the second floor.

Among the few fleeting faces, Cynthia's face was among them.

This elite Manleyton girl who had been the captain of his bodyguard was now in a state of disgrace, with her face covered in blood.

"It's no good. I never thought that I, the Bhikkhus, would die in such a remote place. It's cramped, has no audience, no suitable opponents and nothing. It doesn't fit in with my majestic nickname of the Assassin Bhikkhus at all."

The only four people left on the second floor were guarding the stairs and windows.

The leader, a scarred uncle, said with a face full of vicissitudes of life, while pulling out the scimitar on his leg and preparing for close combat.

Cynthia's expression was calm. Although she was embarrassed, she still looked relaxed and at ease, even whistling silently in her mouth.

"I knew that the Heavenly General Garen of the Nantian Holy Fist Sect was dead! I knew that following you would not bring good results! Well..." There was another person who sobbed softly. He was a tall and handsome man. Shi actually cried like a child, and his whole body was trembling with fear.

"Just die! Kesha is a loser! If you have time to cry, why not think about how to deal with that monster!" The last black woman yelled while holding a submachine gun.

Bodies were lying everywhere on the second floor. Blood dripped down the broken staircase to the first floor, and the sound of dripping water could be heard. The air was filled with the stench of blood and water, which made people sick.

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