Mysterious journey

Chapter 1090 The details 1

"I need you to come up with an emergency plan." The man sitting in the main seat said in a low voice. "That's a city, and Titan City is one of our most important bases! We can't just be trapped and frozen!"

This man was the boss of the White Light Organization, the Destroyer who took revenge on the Black Disk Realm. Now he has become the new leader of the Aurora Realm after completely defeating the Aurora Realm.

Those present here are either the original royal nobles of the Aurora Domain, a group of his former subordinates, and the subordinates of the Black Oblivion Sect who rebelled.

At this time, the Black Annihilation Sect and others were the most embarrassed, and others turned their attention to them intentionally or unintentionally.

"Everyone from the Black Annihilation Sect, tell me, how did this person come about?" an Aurora royal family member said calmly. "This kind of strength belongs to a master who will not fall down. I don't believe you don't know how to provoke such a master."

"Indeed, even if the boss wants to protect you, you have to figure out the cause and effect." Another person said with a smile, "That is a master who will not fall down and can be compared with the leader of the Black Annihilation Sect back then!"

For a time, all the leaders' attention was focused on the Black Annihilation Faction and others.

As the representative, the Fourth Wind God General sat in his seat with a stern expression and said nothing.

Next to him was a young woman with long red hair.

The silence of the Black Annihilation sect made the others gloat over their misfortune.

"Okay, okay, Godot, let's talk about this. What's going on?" The leading man also set his sights on the Fourth Wind God General.

General Fengshen cleared his throat and looked around, expressionless.

"Dear Lord Holy Light, we have never seen this person before, and we dare not lie to you about this." The Fourth Wind God can ignore other people, but he cannot treat him the same way. He stood up and answered solemnly.

"It's impossible for such a master who doesn't fall down to the next level to appear suddenly, right?" Holy Light was a little displeased.

"In my opinion, now is not the time to worry about this person's origin, but the time to protect the reputation of our Aurora domain. If a domain is intimidated into submission by a terrorist who suddenly comes to the door, it will be a joke to all other domains. !" An old man said in a low voice.

"We must issue a joint terrorist attack letter immediately! Notify other domains to join forces! Titan City is our most critical trading city for importing star core fragments! There is no room for error!" Someone said firmly.

After a brief shock, everyone realized that since that person was so arrogant and ignored millions of lives and deaths in the entire city, he could definitely treat him as the biggest mutant biological threat and issue an emergency announcement to unite experts from all other domains. .

"No matter how strong he is alone, can he be stronger than all of us?" A leader sneered.

"Although it's nothing to be afraid of if you don't fall down, I can't be easily dispatched. It seems that I can only trouble you." Since the great revenge of the Black Pan Domain was avenged, the Holy Light's mood has become much calmer. It was quite calm at this time.

"My guess is that this person took advantage of the change in the weather and the greatly increased power of his ice ability to amplify his strength. In fact, his strength should not be too strong. After all, if he was strong enough, he would have been able to do it earlier. I jumped out instead of waiting until now." An old man analyzed calmly.


"Then we will dispatch twelve Great Light Mechas. In order to prevent being attacked from east to west, I will be stationed in the capital. Bailu and Guangheng, you guys will go there together." The Holy Light took out a pure white disk and handed it to a leader who stood up.

"This disk stores one of my half-powerful shots, and I leave it to you to deal with." As the pinnacle of non-degraded masters, the Holy Light had killed one-on-one including the leader of the Black Annihilation Sect and the Dean of the Black Pan Academy. Of course, he didn't care at all about the two Buluo who didn't fall below the limit.

"At the same time, go up to the headquarters to inquire about the man's information." The headquarters he was talking about was the artificial intelligence intelligence headquarters jointly created by Maria Domain and Luoyang Domain, which collected the most comprehensive and large amount of various information.

"Don't worry, leave it to us." The young man who took the disk grinned and showed his white teeth.


If the strength that does not fall down is spread out, and combined with the snow and cold air in the sky, the result will be so terrifying and deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Titan City is frozen, and the ice cannot be broken at all. Once broken, the people inside will be completely shattered together.

Garen vented his anger and somewhat relieved the murderous intention in his heart. He is currently waiting on a barren grassland in the radiation zone between the Aurora Realm and the Black Disk Realm.

In the distance ahead was the mysterious and strange No. 7 ruins. He had gone in before and almost couldn't get out.

From a distance, the current ruins of No. 7 are still the same as before, abandoned and dilapidated, with stage props and factory-like machines everywhere mixed in. There was an indescribable awkwardness in the air.

Garen did not show up, but hid in the air, completely covering himself with optical invisibility and breath wave isolation devices. This was something he specially prepared when he came back this time, just to wait for the moment when Klin and others returned.

"Master, Bamenent has been found. Do I need to take you there immediately?" Turing's voice came from beside him.


Garen casually threw a small black ball out of his hand, letting it fall freely into the soil on the ground, and automatically drilled deep into the soil.

Then he turned around and left.

Xilin deceived him. Bameng Ent also wanted to assassinate him, but was seriously injured by the nine-headed dragon soul seed that automatically rebounded. This revenge must be avenged.

It just so happens that the preparations for the main business here are completed, and this free time is just enough to settle all the past grievances.

"Anyway, there should still be some time before the energy tide explodes.":

Garen's eyes glowed with a faint blue light.

He will not touch Xilin for the time being. He must wait until her specific address is determined before dealing with it. Now that he thinks about it, she should have taken away all his resources in the first place.

This is the person he has seen in several consecutive worlds who can tell the most powerful lies.

Following Turing's guidance, Garen quickly passed through the radiation zone, silently entered the protective light curtain, and returned to the Black Disk Domain.

Flying to a mountainous area in the wild with ease. Soon a large white house built on the top of the mountain appeared in view.

There are also many guards placed around the house, holding firearms and wearing micro-mechas, and they appear to be heavily guarded.

Garen's approach immediately attracted the attention of these people. It seems that they sensed it through some instrument. You must know that Gallon has the most advanced instrument to make it invisible.


Inside the garden of the big house

Ba Meng Ente was following a woman with a slightly flattering look on his face, saying something with a smile on his face.

The woman was wearing a black dress that hugged her body, revealing her beautiful figure. She had phoenix eyes and was a rare beauty.

"Don't worry, the materials promised to you will be delivered as soon as possible, but the potion you prepare must also be delivered on time."

"Of course, of course, it is also an honor for me, Bameng Ente, that the eldest lady comes here in person this time. Being able to lead the eldest lady to visit the Black Disk Territory together is a blessing that many people can't imagine." Bameng Ente replied with a smile. .

"As long as you know, if you serve me well, you will benefit from it. If you don't serve me well, you know the consequences." The woman sneered.

"I understand." Bameng Ente replied quickly. "This is the three-domain joint mecha competition." Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a somewhat abnormal aura suddenly penetrate the defense layer of the house and shoot directly towards the two of them.

Suddenly, he felt a deep sense of crisis, and an extremely terrifying killing intent surged toward him.

In his field of vision, a white light suddenly shot out from the distant sky, heading straight towards him.

Hiss. The sharp whistling sound caused by the white light stung his eardrums severely.

But at this moment, he didn't have time to think too much. He shook his hands and quickly threw out two mechanical boxes, from which two ferocious black beasts rushed out to face the white light.

Ouch! !

The two ferocious beasts couldn't see clearly what species they were. As soon as they rushed forward, they were easily penetrated by the white light. The speed of the white light did not slow down and it rushed directly towards Bameng Ent.

Garen was in the white light with a calm expression. For him now, killing him was just a matter of taking a breath as a mere biochemist Bameng Ent. The resistance was no better than tissue paper. Before he could take the initiative to break it, he was naturally oppressed by his own force field and collapsed.

"Help!!" Bameng Ente shouted with a look of defeat.

"Bold!!" An angry female voice came from the side. At the same time, a step faster than the sound was a dark red steel wheel, with a sharp edge with jagged edges, and it cut directly towards Garen's neck in an instant.

Garen casually stretched out his finger to point at the wheel.

boom! ! ! !

Countless red lights burst out, and the entire house and garden were instantly shrouded in intense red. All flowers, branches and plants quickly withered and rotted. The red light impact contaminated the micro-mechas that had just rushed into the house, and immediately threw these people away. It was corroded by the red light in mid-air and no longer made any sound.

"Huh?" Garen let out a soft cry, and when he reappeared, he had landed lightly on top of the wall, looking down at the cold-faced woman below and Ba Meng Ent hiding behind her.

Just now he reached out and touched the wheel, and there was a strange force that wanted to teleport him to another area instantly. Fortunately, he controlled the wave to avoid this teleportation, and landed lightly on the wall not far away.

"It's interesting." He stared at the red wheel in the woman's hand and seemed to be interested in it.

"You actually dare to attack my princess's servants, come here!! Capture this guy who breaks in and disturbs my pleasure."

The surroundings were quiet, and Garen looked at the woman with interest.

"Your physique is very interesting." He touched his chin and seemed to be more interested. "Originally I just came here to settle a small matter, but I didn't expect that I would get something unexpected. It's not bad."

The sound was still floating in the air, and Garen's men instantly turned into white light and rushed towards the two of them.

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