Mysterious journey

Chapter 1093 Collision 2

Garen's own innate physique is extremely terrifying. I am afraid that purely based on his physical body, he should be unmatched by anyone in this world. After all, potential points are in terms of growth.

The most terrifying innate body, the body tempering film naturally derived from it, has an unknown level of strength.

He tried to stretch out his hand, and the eternal light covered his palm fiercely, and struck the knife with his hand.

Bang! !

The blade of his palm struck his chest, making a dull sound like a leather drum.

Without force field defense, Yi Chengli was unscathed.

There was a hint of joy in Garen's eyes. Then slowly increase the force.

Twenty percent!

Bang! !

The palm of his hand hit his chest hard.

Still okay.

Thirty-five percent, ten percent.! !

It took 100% of the attack power to cause Garen to feel some pain. Obviously, the film seemed to be unable to completely filter the force, causing part of the force to penetrate and injure the skin.

"Amazing! At the second level, I can reach the point where masters of the same level can't hurt myself. Although it is because of my strong enough physique, it is still very scary."

Garen's original physique is strong, and the body tempering technique increases it based on the practitioner's own physique. Therefore, it is very beneficial for ethnic groups with innate divine power and strong physiques to practice this.

But for everyone in this world, the limit is twenty points of physique, and cannot go higher. However, Galleons are different. At forty points, they have completely surpassed the category of ordinary people and have reached racial genetic transcendence.

And who would practice this secret martial art after reaching the peak like him? After all, although the ninth-level body tempering technique is not difficult to cultivate, it takes at least more than ten years to cultivate the first level. Most people don’t practice it at the beginning. There is no way to get started after you are too old.

If Garen hadn't had potential talent, he wouldn't have been able to practice this secret martial art despite his age.

"The wisdom of the predecessors is really incredible." Even he didn't know the defense principles of this secret weapon.

"The current physical defense strength should be between 60 and 70 points." Garen looked at his status bar.

Sure enough, the ninth-level body tempering technique has undergone new changes.

The Secret Technique of the Mechanic Master - Ninth Level Body Tempering Technique: Level 2. Increases physical fitness by 8 points. (The increase is 40*20% of the current physical fitness).

At the same time, the property bar has also undergone new changes. But it's not as big a span as imagined.

‘Nonosiwa Lin——Strength 40, Agility 40, Constitution 40 (+8), Intelligence 35, potential 113082%. Soul Limit 40.’

No longer thinking about it, everything was ready, and the strongest man in Aurora City was frozen beside him. The huge city in front of him had no resistance to him.

Only then did Garen turn his attention to the entire Aurora City.

At this time, Turing had carefully removed the space equipment from the frozen Holy Light and respectfully presented it to Garen.

"Master, there seems to be something good in here."

Garen took it and found a ring and a pair of glasses.

When I penetrated it with my consciousness, I found that the things inside were extremely rich, including large swaths of Zneng mineral essence, and all kinds of weird mecha parts and weapons. A large number of data disks for storage, as well as some sundries for daily use.

"Let's get it over with. There's no time to delay here."

Garen stretched out his hand, and just like when he was in Titan City, the black clouds in the sky slowly intensified and started to rotate.

Countless white gas gathered on his palm, as if his whole arm was smoking.

He held his hand towards Aurora City from a distance.


In an instant, a huge white air arm suddenly emerged from the whirlpool of black clouds in the sky, and the arm slowly pressed downwards in the same direction.

"Let everything end with the thirty-second ancestor's unique skill." Garen shook his hand slightly. "History freezes!"

Bang! !

The huge arm shattered suddenly, turning into countless white cold air falling from the sky, scattered into countless white air raindrops, and fell suddenly.


A shrill alarm sounded.

What surprised Garen was that the countless white energy was blocked by a white light curtain with snake patterns.

Like a hornet's nest being stirred up, swarms of countless white dots suddenly shot out from the Aurora City. They were batches of pilots manipulating the glorious mechas and shooting towards them.

"Destroy the intruders!!"

A cold electronic sound sounded over the city.

There was no negotiation, just a naked fight.

A large group of white mechas rushed towards the top of the mountain where Garen was with their huge combined consciousness.

Before the mecha arrived, large white lasers and cannonballs arrived first.

boom! !

The violent explosions made a sound, and for a moment the entire top of the mountain where Garen was standing collapsed completely. Countless snowflakes and flames were mixed together, and the soil and gravel were swept up high by the explosion, forming a striking pillar of gray dust.

Invisible radio waves flowed and exchanged rapidly in the air.

"Enter him first, wait for the high-energy rail gun support, and prepare the battleship cannon to recharge!"

"The opponent is a high-energy dangerous creature, at least level five or above!"

"Be careful to avoid and keep your distance!"

"The Great Light will be here soon, everyone, please support us!"

"Prepare the death cannon!"

In an instant, a dazzling black light fell from the sky, hitting the area where Garen was, completely covering the entire area of ​​several hundred meters.

The mountain collapsed!

It was severely hit by this cannon from a height of several thousand meters, and it was directly reduced by half. At the same time, the top of the entire mountain was torn apart and divided into three huge mountain fragments. They tilted towards the surroundings and were killed by mechas while they were still in the air. Their cannons were smashed into smaller pieces.

At this time, the masters in the city also flew out in their own mechas, suspended in the air and looking in the direction of Garonne from a distance.

"The city's defense that can withstand the non-relegation was actually collapsed by the attack just now! The opponent is the non-relegation!" an old man whispered. He was driving a Great Light mecha, and there were more than ten others like him. people.

The Black Annihilation faction and others were on the other side. The mechas they drove had different shapes, but they all had one thing in common, that is, their body shells were as smooth as a mirror.

That is the unique mecha material of Fengshen General.

The Fourth Wind God General and the Seventh Wind God General, the two masters who rebelled against the sect back then, all drove their own mechas next to each other.

The last group of people were five heritage-level mechas including Ice Dragon and Fila.

Fila actually entered the inheritance level in a short period of time, obviously not relying on herself.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the destroyed mountains in the distance.

"Can you detect the movement inside?"

The old man with the highest leadership position asked in a low voice.

"It's difficult. The wave radiation is too large and the instrument interference is too strong." A big light mecha behind the old man replied in a low voice.

The old man frowned. He glanced at the Black Annihilation faction and the others.

"The other party said before that they are here for you. Why don't you show your reaction to the trouble you caused!?" He has always looked down on people who betrayed his organization. People all have bad natures. For the first time, The second time you do something like this, you will feel much less guilty. In other words, if you do it the first time, you are likely to do it the second time or the third time.

So he has never trusted these Black Annihilation guys.

"Beluga, we are just the victims in this matter. Although the other party is here for us on the surface, in fact...hehe." The fourth Fengshen general opened his mouth to defend. "Besides, what's the use of talking about this now? The fight has already begun. Do you still expect that the other party will stop and make peace after being bombarded so many times?"

The Seventh Wind God General was suspended slightly behind him without saying a word. His life in Baiguang was even worse than his previous life in the Black Pan Domain. He had long regretted his rebellion. Unfortunately, there is no turning back. Since Having already come through, there is only one way to go.

"Why is the general leader invisible at this time?" someone asked.

"Perhaps he went to other places and couldn't come back in time." The old man frowned. "But it doesn't matter. Even if the opponent is not downgraded, spreading the power so widely will not pose a threat to us. Each white energy has only level four power at most. As long as we don't let him break it one by one."

"Yes, it should be no problem to hold on until the general leader returns." Someone agreed.

At this moment, a suffocating and terrifying aura suddenly condensed from the sky above his head.

Another giant hand with a diameter of thousands of meters appeared! !

The huge white energy formed an extremely huge hand, and it fiercely grabbed downwards.

Buzz! !

The huge concussion instantly shook a large number of ordinary people in the city to the point where their ears bleed and they were immediately deafened.

The snake-pattern film and the giant hand were in a fierce stalemate, making violent vibrations. It only took a moment for it to completely collapse.

All the floating mechas around were knocked away by the huge shock, like dust blown by the wind.

Above the giant hand, a figure covered in white robes floated quietly. The wind blew his robes loudly and kept fluttering to the left.

The white-robed man's eyebrows clearly lit up with a silver V-shaped mark. The mark glowed with a striking halo, like the only light under the entire dark cloud.

"History. Frozen."

A clear and cold voice reached everyone's ears.

The giant hand reaches down!


Aurora City Underground

A dark shadow sat quietly cross-legged deep in the dark underground palace.

At the moment there was a huge wave of chill coming from above. The figure slowly opened his eyes, and a purple halo slowly lit up in his eyes.

"Jie Liusi! You push people too hard!!"

A low roar sounded from the figure's body, as if countless bells were ringing at the same time.

He suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed the top of his head fiercely.

In an instant, countless purple and black shadows in the underground palace gathered crazily into his palm, as if all the air flow and material energy were instantly compressed into the palm of his hand.

Boom! ! !

The ground in Aurora City was completely shattered.

The ground cracked open, and a huge black metal hand thousands of meters wide thrust out, facing the giant palm of white air in the sky.

Countless buildings shattered and collapsed under the impact of the giant hand. A large number of people cried and made sounds of fear. Countless air currents swept through, driving a large amount of dust and debris around the black hand.

Two equally huge terrifying palms collided fiercely.

The world stopped for a moment.

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