Mysterious journey

Chapter 1101 Tide 4

The huge star is approaching, and the bloody sun is getting hotter and hotter. As the approach gets closer and closer, everyone on the entire mother planet feels the terrifying heat rising rapidly.

Garen was the first to feel this terrifying change.

As a peacock in the cold region, he has used the red snow and ice armor to completely transform into his true form. Although the peacock in the cold realm is just a shadow, the peacock in the cold realm is frantically devouring the infinite pure energy of this energy tide. The extremely violent energy flow of ordinary people is nothing compared to the near-immortal physique of the cold peacock.

The huge white peacock shadow is frantically devouring this energy-flowing light.

As for those who were not defeated in the siege of Garonne, they did not survive the energy tide for ten minutes before all their energy was completely washed away.

If Galleon's aura hadn't covered and protected these two realms and absorbed the incoming energy tide, it is estimated that these deadly tides would have washed away all the conscious masters in these two realms at once, destroying everything. human consciousness.

Chixue Gong surges crazily and improves.

The blood vessels all over Garen's body were clearly exposed, all floating on the surface of his skin, looking extremely terrifying.

Endless black clouds hovered above his head, and above him was the huge body of the Cold Peacock, but here he could only see a white flow of cold air, which was the flow of a blood vessel in the Cold Peacock's body. The entire peacock is not visible at all.

All rainbow tides are blocked out by this white cold air.

All the non-residents also realized something was wrong at this moment. The person they attacked seemed to be the one who really protected this area. They all looked at each other and fell to the ground, not knowing what to do. We can only wait and see what happens.

Binglong and others also walked out of the villa and looked at the changes in the sky in shock, as if the entire world was completely centered on Galleon at the moment.

On the ground outside, the white snow melted and was covered with a layer of white snow again. The forest went from vigorous to withered, from green to scorched black, and then covered with snow again.

This strange scene of the changing color of the world and the vicissitudes of the sea is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart, and I'm afraid they will never forget it for the rest of their lives.

Garen's aura quickly broke through the fifteenth level of Red Snow Technique, which did not fall down, and entered the sixteenth level without any delay, and the sixteenth level was still rising crazily with the tide of absorbed energy.

In just a few minutes, level 16 was broken through, and a bright ice seed slowly emerged behind him.

The seed seemed to be carved from ice crystals, round and delicate. It was slowly planted into the void, took root and sprouted, growing out strips of white ice crystal vines, automatically weaving a pattern like a screen behind Garen.

"Level 17" Garen closed his eyes and felt the slow growth of ice seeds. At the same time, in his own mind, a soul seed representing the extremely cold peacock in the cold domain slowly took shape.

This soul species seems to be different from other soul species. It is no longer purely ethereal, but faintly carries the unique essence of the original consciousness of energy mechanics.

Embed a trace of original consciousness into the soul soul seed!

This is the new path of improvement created by the ancestors of the Chixue Sect in order to circumvent Pan.

Gu Yinduo's highest masterpiece, the soul seed, and the strongest power in the mecha world, the original consciousness. A fusion balance between the two.

"Half-soul species didn't expect that." Garen also didn't expect that Chixue's ancestors would actually use this method to break through the limit and enter the ninth level, which is equivalent to the level of Pan.

The huge energy tide crazily poured into Garen's peacock. This was no longer something he actively swallowed, but the tide crazily squeezed into his peacock. There was no need to swallow it at all, just digest it.

At this time, the horror of the peacock in the cold region was fully demonstrated.

Garen clearly felt that as his strength improved, the digestion ability of the cold peacock also improved rapidly.

The energy tide that was squeezed into his body was still barely digestible, but now it is gradually becoming more manageable.

It is worthy of being the cosmic behemoth that Gu Yinduoya was rampant for a while. This terrifying digestion ability is what makes the peacock mother in the cold region so powerful that she can be called immortal!

Ding! !

At this moment, Garen seemed to hear a soft sound coming from behind him, as if the glass was colliding with each other.

The vines grown from the ice seeds, and the vines weaved into a fine and huge screen, were finally completed at this moment. Countless ice crystal tree vines glowed with a faint white fluorescence, and at a glance, it seemed as if Garen was carrying a huge screen of white light vines behind his back.

The original ice crystal wings were squeezed further behind the vine screen.


The ice-crystal white vines behind Gallon began to grow and spread crazily towards the surrounding space like tree roots. Soon, they covered the entire sky thousands of kilometers away. The sky and the ground are covered with a network of ice crystal tree roots and vines.

The dark clouds in the sky have long since dispersed, and now the sun seems to be getting closer and hotter.

Garen raised his head, and before he had time to feel the changes that had taken place in him, he looked at the sky in horror.

"What is this!?" He actually felt that the sun seemed to have turned red and was hitting the mother star at high speed!

"The sun is approaching!!"

Fearing Huo and others also seemed to sense something was wrong.

The interference from the endless energy particle storm at this moment was too powerful, and no instruments could be used. They could only judge through their eyes and senses.

But even so, everyone can feel that the sun is approaching at high speed, and the mother star is getting hotter and hotter.

"If this continues, the entire mother planet will be destroyed!!" Diofi murmured, and for a moment he became a little confused. Under such a natural disaster, even if he was the leader of a domain, there was nothing he could do.

"What the hell is going on!!?" Terror Fire roared, but his voice was distracted by the infinite energy flow and could only be transmitted within a few meters around him.

At this moment, he thought of a lot, including his family, children, college, brothers, friends and wives, and familiar faces kept flashing before his eyes.

"Oh my God! God, why are you punishing me like this?" Xing Huo was completely stunned. A series of sudden changes caught him completely off guard. Now that the sun was rapidly approaching and the end of the world was coming, he didn't know how to react.

In the face of such a natural disaster, if the sun cannot return to its original position, the entire mother planet will be completely scorched. No one alive could survive.

Not only him, but all the masters who came to attack Garen also collapsed on the ground, their eyes were dull, and they didn't know how to react at all.

No matter how powerful they are, they cannot cope with such absolute power.

Unconsciously, everyone's eyes fell on Garen.

"It must be him! He must be the one who caused this kind of apocalypse!!"

"As long as you kill him, everything will be restored to its original state!!"

Each of these people looked ferocious.

"We can't delay it any longer!! Everyone do it!! Get rid of this devil!!"

A man jumped up and rushed towards Garen.


His whole body was quickly frozen into ice by the cold air that spread from his feet. His whole body opened his eyes wide and stood in the ice. His body actually began to melt and rot quickly, like a candle.

This change frightened everyone else.

At this moment, Garen had no time to pay attention to these people.

He concentrated on swallowing the heat of the rapidly approaching star.

Terrifying heat was mixed into the energy tide like a tide, and solar particles that were more difficult to digest than the energy tide poured into his body crazily.

What the sun itself spews out is not pure energy. Many things take a long time to digest and absorb and convert into cold energy. This is why Gallon did not choose stars to absorb.

In an instant, a white cold light erupted from his body, and he completely entered the eighteenth level of the Red Snow Technique.

puff! !

But at the same time, Garen also spat out a mouthful of blood.

It was an internal injury caused by various gaseous substances mixed in from the star.

Cold energy and heat energy are fighting crazily. Two completely different energies are constantly colliding and tearing apart in the sky between the parent star and the star.

The huge gravitational force gradually spread out, and the control of gravity around Gallon could no longer be suppressed. It spread violently, and except for the protected area of ​​​​the villa, all places sank instantly and quickly turned into a pitch-black abyss.

The entire villa became an island.

"Who is it?!" Garen remembered that in the original situation, there was no star approaching this show. "Who is it?!?"

He was in severe pain all over his body, and waves of tearing pain came back from the cold peacock's body.

His consciousness gradually blurred, but the star got closer and closer.

The digestion ability of the cold peacock was finally a little unable to withstand it. After all, she was not the real cold peacock mother, but still had an incorporeal body. Such a result was beyond Garen's imagination.

"It's sister!! It's Gersha!! Hahahaha!!!" Suddenly a burst of wild laughter came from Garen's mind. It turned out to be the voice of Jie Liusi who had been devoured by the Nine-Headed Dragon Soul Seed.

He was not completely eliminated, but the remaining part of his consciousness reawakened at this moment, and while Garen was severely injured and weak, he made a sound of ecstasy.

"You're dead! You're dead!!" Jie Liusi roared crazily with his last laugh. Even if his last soul was quickly devoured by the nine-headed dragon, he didn't care at all.

Garen's consciousness was already a little blurry.

At this moment, the star is not only destroying the mother star, but the main target is himself.

The huge traction force of the star has completely locked him, making him unable to escape or avoid. We can only resist! !

The half-soul seed that had just condensed showed signs of cracking under the tremendous pressure.

"How could I die here?" Garen's deepest subconscious roared, trying to break through this huge pressure.

"How could! How could he fall here!!" He roared crazily, but he could not resist the terrifying pressure of the star at all.

"You are the last hope of our Red Snow Sect for thousands of years, how could you fall here!!" Angry roars suddenly came from the ice armor on Garen's body.

The humanoid souls of ancestors flew out from it, spinning crazily around Garen.

"You are destined to become the strongest person in Chixue for thousands of years!!"

"No!! We can't let Chi Xue's hope die in a place like this!!"

"Anyone who stops us will die!!"

The ancestors were so angry that they burned crazily, and the souls in the red snow ice armor burned fiercely, erupting with unparalleled terrifying power.

boom! ! !

Huge icy air currents rushed upwards, flying toward the rapidly approaching sun.

A fierce bombardment hit the top, exploding into a stream of red hot magma and particles. But everything is in vain, the sun is still approaching the mother star steadily.

boom! !

Another stream of icy air suddenly rose into the sky and hit the star.

The power of the ninth-level ancestors burned crazily, and the soul seeds melted, mixed with the power of Galleons and soared into the sky.

boom! ! boom! ! ! boom! .

Amidst the continuous ferocious impacts, the sun finally seemed to show signs of slowing down.

After all, the power of the ninth level has reached a terrifying limit, and Garen is still devouring the power of the tide, turning it into cold energy and his own source of power. As long as his body can support it, he can have a steady stream of energy. of energy.

The mother star trembled again, followed by bombardments again and again.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took, but the sun seemed to gradually start to move away.

"It's not that the mother planet has moved." The Garonne energy mark came to this conclusion in a blur.


He fell to his knees. The surroundings were desolate. Except for him, the villa was destroyed. The rest of the people were frozen and melted. Although such an impact was not aimed at them, there may be only a few who could survive.

At this moment, Garen was kneeling alone on the stone pillar where the villa was located, with no one around him.

The parent star and the sun finally returned to normal distance, and the color of the sun returned to its original color, no longer blood red.

Garen's whole body was broken at this moment, and his blood was frozen by the cold air, like bloody scars on his body.

The earth was red and yellow, with alternating high and low temperatures, turning the entire surface of the stone pillar and the surrounding distant land into a desert. .

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