Mysterious journey

Chapter 1108 Integration 1


Garen suddenly appeared in a boundless mountain forest with Tesna, with no one around. The slanted golden sunlight cast down from the forest, giving people a pure and clear feeling.

Waves of horn sounds came from a distance, and the Feiyun Tower was clearly visible in the distance. Layers of cloud rings were rotating around the tower, which was quite spectacular.

"Teacher, where is this place?" Tesna asked with a somewhat uncomfortable look on her face. Her physique was just that of an ordinary person. Even after being protected by Garen, she still felt uncomfortable all over after being transported over such a long distance.

"This is my place." Garen replied calmly.

After he left, the Red Snow Sect had Osho Bingyang and the Second Elder there, as well as the newly appointed His Highness Sanxin and various groups of party masters. The entire sect had no problem sticking to it.

The reserved resources are enough to be used for a long time, so there is no need to worry about insufficient consumption in this catastrophe.

Just because you don't take the initiative doesn't mean others won't come and hit you.

"Let's go."

Garen strolled towards Feiyun Tower, while Tesna was shocked to see this huge tower. The entire tower could be clearly seen from the gaps in the woods.

She didn't react until Garen had walked out several steps and followed him.

The two seemed to be walking aimlessly, but Garen knew that people from the Red Snow Sect were approaching here quickly.

The strongest one in the Scarlet Snow Sect now is not the Three Hearts, but the eleven newly set Ice Demon Generals set by Garen, all of whom have been upgraded through the Seed of Distortion and will not fall down. Extremely powerful.

Among them, Osho Bingyang was the acting leader after Garen left. Equivalent to the deputy faction leader, his strength is not to be degraded. After passing through the distortion seed, even Garen does not know what level he has been promoted to, but the only thing he knows is that he is definitely more than seven levels.

The current Scarlet Snow Sect, even if Garen leaves temporarily, is still no worse than the average medium-sized sect.

There are many talents and terrifying strength.

The two walked a distance, and soon a figure appeared in front of them. Several disciples in red snow and white clothes arrived and bowed respectfully to Garen.

"Take her to the junior disciple area and start learning from the most basic things."

Garen motioned for the two of them to take Tesna away.


"Teacher." Tesna looked at Garen in astonishment, as if she didn't know what to do.

"Go ahead and learn the basics of Dongxie first, and I will arrange it." Garen smiled gently at her.

As the purpose of accepting Tesna, he also wanted to test how far he could modify the human body. He used the biochemical pool to modify the human body to form a high-strength biochemical army. This was also a development direction for the energy master. It belongs to the direction of modulation devil.

Tesna saw the unquestionable look in Garen's eyes and knew that she could not avoid this problem, so she had no choice but to leave quickly with the two of them.

Garen was left standing alone.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

In an instant, several rays of white light fell around Garen, forming a circle. Divided into four persons.

"Leader of the faction." One of them was Osho Bingyang. This old gentleman with a cane looked respectful at this moment.

The others were newly promoted Ice Demon Generals, and they all looked at Garen with extremely enthusiastic expressions. Because if it weren't for Garen, they probably would never have been able to break through and avoid being relegated.

"Have all the preparations been done?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"It's all done." Osho Bingyang responded with his head lowered.

"Then let's get started." Garen looked at Fei Yun Tower from a distance, "This will be the time when we can truly show our strength in front of the world."


Four people answered at the same time, well-trained.

"The first target, the Double Key Sect." Garen's voice was low. When the competition began, it was the time for him to fully launch his plan to revitalize the entire Chixue Sect.


Two Keys

There is a medium-sized sect in the star field near Chixue Star. Its main skill is wind, which is to control the air flow. From the highest to the lowest sect, there are a total of 130,000 people. The strongest one is the Guardian, a biochemical giant whose strength is unknown. It was said to be at level eight thousands of years ago, but I don’t know what it is now.

The Double Key star is completely light yellow and looks similar to an ordinary uninhabited planet. However, the light yellow atmosphere on the surface is their protective camouflage color. In fact, the atmosphere inside is a different component.

The Double Key Star rules this solar system called the Double Key Galaxy. With it as the core, there are two surrounding planets that have been transformed into resource and tourism stars.

In the dark space, at this moment, a group of densely packed white spaceships slowly flew out from nearby galaxies in the distance. Their whole bodies were shining with a silver film. They were those that had just returned from anti-space and could stay connected.

Tens of thousands of white spaceships are all marked with one symbol - Chixue's twisted text logo.

The spaceships were speeding toward the Double Key Galaxy without any disguise, and the dense blue flames ejected from the tail end were extremely magnificent, looking like blue fireworks that filled the sky.

"This is the Double Key Galaxy. This is the Double Key Galaxy. Friends of Chixue Star, please inform us of your purpose, otherwise it will be regarded as an intrusion and we will fight back."

A clear female voice on the radio sounded loudly, directly ringing in all Chixuexing's battleships.

Gallon is in a war fortress at the core, looking at this beautiful yellow galaxy from a distance.

The war fortress is surrounded by tens of thousands of cannon barrels like a hedgehog. This is a veritable war machine, a mass murderer created by a capable weapon master with terrifying financial resources that rivals the enemy's country.

There were more than twenty people standing beside him, divided into two groups, one group was the Ice Demon General, and the other was the emperor or queen of the major empires and kingdoms under his command.

During this war invasion, Garen gave a direct order to mobilize all the imperial forces under his command with the ability to make expeditionary jumps, activate the warships, and form a legion. Except for leaving a few manpower in place, most of the rest were launched and went straight to the Double Key. Star, start a war.

Because they were gathered in a hurry, the battleship jumped away before many other factions had time to deliver the message.

Above the group of people is the dark space with twinkling stars, and below is a huge fortress of white metal alloy. There are no protective facilities around it, giving people the feeling that they can easily enter space with just one jump.

The surroundings were densely packed, and all that caught the eye were all kinds of white warships. Some of them were not even white, but had been painted white in a hurry, and the paint in some places was not even dry.

Garen was dressed in a white robe, and except for his head, the rest of his body was covered by a wide white robe.

"The Dual-Key Sect of the Dual-Key Galaxy is the main exporter of large-scale stargate technology. If we capture this place, our future operations will be much easier. It's up to you to decide whether to use some small fish or shrimps in this battle."

Garen said in a low voice with a smile.

"Don't worry, leader of the faction, our ice demons will live up to their trust. Anyone who dares to resist us will be torn to pieces by our subordinates!" A newly promoted ice demon general wears ice demon armor all over his body. This is a twist. Naturally, in order to break through the limits of human beings here, and the naturally formed amplification outer armor, they only rely on the Ice Demon Armor to be promoted to the Ice Demon General without falling down.

Some of the newly promoted ice demons will show their eagerness to try, and they obviously can't help but want to show off themselves. The older generation of ice demon generals, such as the two brothers Osho Bingyang and Bingkai Binghao, are extremely calm. They know that what determines a war is not only command and strategy, but also the confrontation of high-end forces.

"We come with unified sincerity, not with destruction. Be careful not to affect too many innocent people. The people are the foundation of everything." Garon warned.

"I understand!" A group of people responded one after another.

The emperor, queen and other national leaders on the other side looked a little uneasy. Faced with such an effort to launch a war, most of them disapproved of it. However, due to the intimidation of the Chixue Faction, they did not dare to object and could only obey. Most of them have no strong consciousness at all, that is, the ordinary consciousness of practice, which is mainly used for refreshing and maintenance.

But now they are concentrated here, more for the purpose of centralized control of the fleet.

In their view, this kind of seemingly riot move, if unsuccessful, is equivalent to a desperate move, which will plunge the entire faction into defeat. After all, they are the active party, while the other party is the defensive party, and the headquarters is absolutely well-run. It's like a barrel, so it's very difficult to completely defeat it.

In their opinion, Garen's actions were more of a young and energetic person who did not understand war and just thought that he could suppress everything with his own force.

"Don't worry, maybe this time we don't really have to take action." Xiao Yi behind Garen specially put on a ferocious gold helmet made of imitation of red snow ice armor. His entire face was covered at once, only his eyes were exposed, but it was still pitch black.

Of course, he is not here to start a war. The energy master's original strength is insufficient, and the internal friction will be even worse. Gallon's purpose is to integrate strength.

After putting on the helmet, the sharp helmet extended forward from both sides of the neck like golden horns. It looked extremely majestic and mysterious. In addition, Garen's whole body was shrouded in white robes, which immediately gave people an even more mysterious feeling. .

Outside the war fortress, on a battleship, Alice and Aloran were marginalized at this moment. Although Alice was also one of the ice demon generals, she was still recruited into the fleet.

Although there are only tens of thousands of warships in the war of aggression launched by the Chixue Faction, they are all very high-end fleets. They are several times more expensive than ordinary warships, and their natural combat effectiveness is much higher.

Coupled with the hired pilots and various energy machines of the sect, the legion formed is much stronger than before.

"Sure enough, when Garen takes over, it will bring disaster and destruction." Alice frowned and looked at the beautiful Double Key Star from a distance.

Aloran also looked bad next to her.

"Garen's ambitions are too great. Destroying the Ice Hell is not enough. What does he want to do? Does he want to completely destroy the entire Red Snow Sect? Why is it that no one unites to oppose such an obviously unreasonable plan? ?!”

"Coming!" Alice looked far away in the direction of the Double Key Galaxy. A large group of light yellow battleships rose into the sky, jumped instantly, flashed this way several times, and gradually appeared directly in front of the Red Snow Sect fleet.

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