Mysterious journey

Chapter 111 Cleaning 4

"Alright, let's go meet that cute fat man Buvini first. I miss him a lot after we haven't seen him for a long time." Garen couldn't help but laugh.

"Think about his money?"

Cynthia looked contemptuous.

Garen didn't take it seriously either. The two of them walked out of the stairs one after the other, exited the main building and boarded a white carriage under the awed gazes of the surrounding students.

"By the way, how is the master's condition now?"

"It's very good. My body is well maintained. I just can't wake up for some reason." Cynthia has now become Gallon's full-time secretary, taking over the position of Grace, who was originally sent by the company. Unexpectedly, I did not achieve my goal at the time, but now I have achieved it after leaving the company.

"Can't wake up?" Garen frowned, suddenly thinking of Xianflan's original hallucination method. "Is it them?"

"what did you say?"

"It's nothing, let's go." Garen came back to his senses and said calmly.

Ever since he defeated Andrela, he had a fearless and strong confidence in his mind, as if there was nothing worth fearing, and he could face everything with integrity and bravely face it.

This is a characteristic of one's own Qi and blood being so powerful that it is inhuman. He didn't know if other fighters felt this way, but his feeling was obvious.

The carriage moved slowly, and the streets on both sides gradually moved back.

It is already early spring, and some peasant women have come out to sell fresh vegetables on the streets of Huaishan.

The ground on the street is still a little wet. It obviously rained yesterday.

The two people's white carriage quickly stopped in front of a black marble building.

Fatty Buvini was standing at the door with a big smile on his face. There were bruises and bruises all over his face and body. There was a piece of white gauze taped to his forehead, and one eye was so swollen that he could barely open it.

"Welcome, Mr. Gallon, the directors and I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The other people around him also smiled and nodded. Like him, all of them had bruises on their noses and swollen faces, and were in an extremely miserable state.

Garen said calmly from the car.

"You have to understand that there are some things that you cannot take. Just spit it out and leave Huaishan. In view of our previous friendship, I will make the decision on behalf of the master, and I will not pursue it this time."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Cynthia sitting beside him.

The latter nodded and got out of the carriage with his handbag.

"Just leave it to me. You can go ahead. I will handle all the transfer documents." Cynthia said affirmatively.

"Just transfer everything back to the master's name." Garen does not need these properties, and it is easy for him to make money now.


"Then I'll leave first. My uncle is still waiting for me."

The carriage started slowly again, taking Garen with him and running toward the Burnington neighborhood on the other side.

My uncle's wife's family had been dissatisfied with the inheritance for a long time.

This time when he heard that Garen was back, his uncle immediately asked someone to let him go over and attend a meeting with the elders over there.

Compared to uncle Angel, Buvini and his like are simply vulnerable little characters.

Angel Company's industries are spread over more than half of Grant Province, and it is a well-known large-scale gray group in the entire province. It is even said that it has taken over business such as assassinating armed bodyguards.

It is simply equivalent to an enlarged version of Manleyton Company. Smuggling, drugs, gambling, arms, Angel Company does whatever it takes to make money. Of course, it has been cleared up a lot over the years. In reality, even Baiyun Sect's previous dominant position in Huaishan was only because he, Angel, did not control it. Only for the sake of whitewashing did he give up his power.

Compared with these industries, antique selling is just a small lane that he despises, a little bit of broth leaking through his fingers to other local companies.

This time, my uncle also knew the news of Galen's return. It can be said that the reason why Buvini and others had no intention of revenge or death after being humiliated by the people of the Golden Circle was partly due to his uncle's contribution.

Therefore, Jia Long's attendance at the party could be regarded as a thank you on behalf of the Baiyun Sect.

Just because of the industrial dispute between Angel and Company, this issue is a bit troublesome.

The other party is not someone who is easy to deal with. Angel's company group spans more than ten major cities and most of the province. The strength is so strong that it is no less powerful than the July Gate.

Of course, this simply refers to the mid-to-low-end strength. The strength of high-end martial artists is not clear. But being able to stand still will definitely not be simple.

Garen was also thinking and analyzing the situation of his uncle Angel along the way.

From his childhood, the Angel Group seemed to have always been stable, extremely peaceful, and its development had no setbacks. This is obviously a manifestation of strong strength.

Obviously my uncle is not as simple as he seems. What is certain is that there is definitely a powerful force of his own behind his uncle, protecting the entire group.

Judging from his uncle's unfamiliar knowledge and contact with the martial arts world, it does not seem like the influence of martial artists.

Garen recalled that in the past, his uncle had shown disdain for martial arts training many times. But he even once had a friend who was a martial arts master come to visit as a guest.

Calling him over this time was obviously to get him recognized by the wife family. Obviously the other party still has some influence on the group. Although it is not enough to influence the uncle's decision, if something goes wrong, it will still have a certain negative impact.

Sitting in the carriage, Garen considered all the factors, then slowly closed his eyes and rested his mind.

More than ten minutes later, the carriage slowly stopped at the end of the street in the Burnington neighborhood, just opposite the former Dolphin Antique Shop.

There is a garden-style private courtyard that has been unoccupied all year round. Unexpectedly, it is the property of uncle Angel.

The white courtyard is surrounded by green gardens and pink roses, and is surrounded by a white arabesque wall.

On both sides of a white stone path leading in and out were large green grasslands, on which two children were chasing and playing.

On the left side of the white three-story main building, there is a black parasol standing in the garden. There is a round table and four tables and chairs underneath. Three ladies in long skirts are chatting and drinking coffee. They all wear White or black round hats with different colored feathers make them talk and laugh freely, looking calm and elegant.

Looking in from the open door of the main building, you can vaguely see men in luxurious suits talking to each other inside. Some were holding red wine, some were puffing away smoke, and some were writing something down with paper.

From far away, you can hear the faint sound of music floating in the galleons. It is the sound of piano and violin.

At the gate, two bodyguards in black came forward and bowed respectfully to Garen.

"Master Gallon, the chairman is waiting for you inside. Please come in quickly." Someone behind him immediately led the carriage to stop at another place. Although the white carriage was not bad, the luxury cars parked around the courtyard looked a bit shabby and inconspicuous in comparison.

Garen frowned and looked at the black jeans and black shirt he was wearing. Although the style matched well, the workmanship and material looked a bit ordinary. It doesn’t quite match the occasion either.

"It doesn't matter. The chairman has already prepared the clothing." One of the bodyguards whispered. It could be seen that he was not a gatekeeper, but someone who came out to wait for Galleon. "Please come with me."

"That's fine."

Garen followed the bodyguard and changed into a black slim-fitting suit with a dark red tie at the collar. Her short purple-black hair was arranged, and she had beautiful eyes with a hint of red.

The whole person gives people a cool and elegant temperament. There is just an inexplicable luster that occasionally flashes in the dark red eyes. When looking at others, there will be a faint sense of vastness and vastness.

That is the temperament produced by the simultaneous sublimation of body and mind caused by huge martial arts strength. It means looking down on ordinary people from a higher level.

Garen looked at his outfit in the mirror, and frowned slightly when he saw the majestic look in his eyes.

He adjusted slightly in front of the mirror and calmed down his inner state.

The indifferent mood in his eyes slowly faded and disappeared.

"No matter how powerful a martial artist is, he is still vulnerable to hot weapons. Now is the era of hot weapons, and it is also the era of ordinary people. Being overly affected by this momentum will make people more arrogant. We must be vigilant." He said to himself Be alert. Although bullets pose no threat to him now, it would not be possible if they were replaced by explosive shells. Either the explosive force or the huge impact itself could shake his energy and blood.

Although he had not tried it, he had a vague feeling of danger.

Momentum is one of the by-products of courage, which is generated by absolute confidence in oneself. Unlike momentum, the presence or absence of momentum has little impact, and momentum with an unstable foundation is bluffing and vulnerable.

The spirit is different, it is the foundation of the spirit. A good fighter must cultivate and strengthen his spirit, which is equivalent to the essence of aura. It is not only related to martial arts strength, but also related to spiritual cultivation, which is the synthesis of the whole body's energy and spirit.

Momentum is something that any fighter has. If you are overwhelmed by your opponent before fighting, your energy and blood may not be a big problem, but your spirit will be shaken, hesitant, panic and other negative emotions.

Once you are mentally unstable, you will not respond vigorously and promptly, and you will fall into short-term hesitation when facing critical moments. This will lead to delayed response time, slow step by step, and slow step by step. In the end, he lost his first move and died in despair.

Once you overwhelm the opponent's courage, you can attack the opponent with full strength, energy and spirit, completely defeating the opponent from mind to body. In the end, the opponent's defeat is the only result. An opponent defeated in this way will not even think about making a comeback. That is a complete collapse of spiritual self-esteem.

This is the fundamental power of a powerful fighter's powerful spirit.

A truly powerful fighter must also have a strong spirit.

Apart from the help of his innate abilities, what really makes Garen better than other geniuses is that his actual age is not just seventeen, but also his past life experiences.

In his previous life on earth, he lived to be in his twenties. The environment and stage determine the experience of contact, which ultimately determines a person's maturity. The extra twenty years of experience just made up for his shortcomings in spiritual cultivation when he entered the fighter level.

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