Mysterious journey

Chapter 1110 Alliance 1

The intertwined red light pillars are like a huge woven cage. Completely filling the small space of less than tens of meters without any gaps.

Roar! !

Suddenly, the painful cry of the giant snake came from within the beam.

"it's useless."

The red light dissipated, but there were still large bright spots on everyone's retinas, and the black clouds had been completely dispersed by the particle beam.

Garen was still suspended in place, unscathed, as if there was an invisible barrier around him, blocking all attacks.

Including the giant tail of the giant snake.

"My Barrier of Decline of All Things can shield and devour any attacks that are harmful to me." Garen explained calmly. It's really boring to bully an eighth-level snake with his tenth level. "With your level, even if the attack is twice as strong, it's meaningless."

"Okay, the drama is over. For the future we are waiting for, obediently dedicate your strength." Garen stretched out his hand, and with a terrifying 10,000-fold gravity on his palm, he pressed hard against the giant snake that turned around and tried to flee in fear.

hiss! !

The giant snake looked up to the sky and screamed, being caught by the invisible gravitational field.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

Red particle beams were shot out again, trying to stop Garen from capturing the giant snake. It was obvious that the people from the Double Key Sect were in a hurry.

Soon, there were some faint auras rising into the sky, and some flew out from the spaceship in the distance and shot towards this side.

The red light fell on Garen and disappeared completely less than one meter in front of him. The masters who were not downgraded were intercepted by the Chixue Sect's unstoppable ice demon generals who were not downgraded. The Chixue Sect did not mobilize everyone, but only seven ice demon generals, and intercepted all the masters of the Double Key Sect. The Chixue Sect at this moment is far from the weak sect before.

"Be obedient and obey me, Chixue! Hahahaha!!" Besent laughed wildly and got into a fight with a man in black armor. Huge amounts of energy escape like fireworks, exploding white and red in space from time to time.

"Response to Mr. Andes!!" Some people rushed directly towards Garen, regardless of the pain and attacks, but they couldn't get close to him and were blocked by the huge force field.

"It's over." Garen stretched out his hand to hold the giant snake's neck and lifted it up.

laugh! ! !

Countless white vines spread crazily towards the giant snake, wrapping it inside. A twisted seed silently shot along the vine towards the giant snake.

On the war fortress, the originally flustered king and others looked dull and didn't know how to react. Soon, their faces became more and more happy. No one could have imagined that Garen would be so strong.

"But those who rashly break the alliance's treaty will be punished!!" Soon the leader and others began to worry again.

The biggest rule of the genre alliance is that they do not allow attacks on each other. Otherwise, if the big fish eats the small fish, wouldn't the entire faction alliance be left with only the Holy Lord-level forces long ago? How could it be Chi Xue's turn to attack the Double Key Sect?

But at this moment, everyone was calmed down by Galleon's sudden outburst.

Even Osho Bingyang, Bingcrack Binghao and others were completely suppressed by the terrifying fluctuation just now.

"As expected of the enlightened master we follow! I'm old and old." Osho was also slightly excited. He was the one who issued the support order just now. In Garen's absence, he was the temporary leader.

"It seems that even without a guardian, I, Chixue, will surely usher in a new glorious era!" Binghao said slowly. There was also a hint of excitement in his tone that was difficult to conceal. Power, along with it comes wealth, power, everything!

No one will not be moved by these things. There may be such noble people, but they are definitely not the ones here.

The masters of the Double Key Sect were quickly subdued, but they were all unruly, and they obviously didn't think Chixue's people dared to kill them. The alliance's contract is not vegetarian. Once it is broken, it will bring absolute destruction. There have never been such examples. A powerful sect ignored the agreement and attacked other small sects. They were razed to the ground by the masters of the Instant Alliance. The elite disciples were destroyed and the ordinary disciples were dismissed. The entire legacy of the genre was destroyed.

The entire battlefield was illuminated by the huge light of stars, and the universe surrounded by stars was only wrapped in countless ice crystal vines, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

There are only Garleons and the Guardian Serpent in the inner white space.

"I've told you everything. You decide for yourself how to choose." Garen calmly looked at the giant snake in front of him. He directly told the other party about the catastrophe of the energy mechanic, and then placed the twisted seed in front of the other party.

I believe that masters of this level definitely have their own methods to judge whether the seeds of distortion are useful to them.

So all he had to do was calmly lay out the pros and cons. After all, if a strong person at this level is willing to be controlled by himself, even if he succeeds in parasitism, at most he will not be able to control himself, but he will not obey his orders.

After all, the original body of the Cold Hell Peacock Mother does not have the ability to control pollutants. If it could be controlled, the twisted seeds would not have such a powerful amplification effect. There are pros and cons.

Especially now, after Galleon has entered level ten. The Peacock Skill has also been promoted and improved, and has truly entered the pinnacle of Dacheng. It has begun to evolve towards the Cold Hell Peacock Mother. The twisted seed seems to have also increased to a very short and terrifying level with the further peak of the Cold Prison Peacock Skill— —12 times.

The ability to enhance the terrifying quality of ordinary people by 12 times is the true power of the twisted seed.

It can pull together all the chaotic emotions of oneself, turn it into substantial energy improvement and strengthen itself, and finally control everything with its cold heart. This is the power of controlling chaos with the heart of ice, and it is also the true meaning of the chaotic cold realm.

Therefore, all the parasitized people can release the natural chaotic cold area, further expanding the scope of pollution of the cold area peacock.

The eyes of the black water snake kept flickering and changing. At this point, he knew that even if he didn't eat, he had to eat. Moreover, the thing in front of me has been tested several times, and it is not harmful in any way. On the contrary, I feel that it is very good for me.

"This is the general trend. If we don't stick together, everyone will die!" Garen finally added.

"Whether what you say is true or false, at this point, do I have a choice not to eat?" the giant snake mocked. Although he could destroy the twisted seed in one go, at this point, as he said, he had no choice.

The giant snake opened its mouth fiercely and swallowed the twisted seed suspended in mid-air.

As soon as his huge body swallowed the seed, it immediately began to emit glistening white light. A light path like a white silk network emanated from his body and appeared on the entire skin scales.


The surrounding vines quickly retreated.

Exposed to the outer space of the universe, the people of the Double Key Sect have been suppressed. At this moment, seeing that the giant snake is safe and sound, both sides seem extremely peaceful, and they can't help but gradually slow down the pace of the battle.

"Everyone stop." Garen's deep voice came from the helmet.

The Chixue faction quickly retreated and left the battle group. Without the entanglement and obstruction, the masters of the Double Key Sect gradually stopped. Originally, they were similar to Chi Xue in terms of not falling in level. However, among Chi Xue's masters, there were several who were not falling in level. After eating the Seed of Distortion, they became more powerful. Increased, suppressed them until they completely lost their temper. If it hadn't been for Garen's advance arrangements, they would have been killed right now. You must know that there is still a gap between not being demoted.

Garen looked at the giant snake.

At this moment, the giant snake's body aura is becoming more and more powerful, and it seems that there are some signs of being uncontrollable. The 12 times physical enhancement is simply a killer weapon for such a terrifying existence that relies on its body for food.

"This kind of power!!??" His disbelieving voice sounded dull.

laugh! !

A stream of black energy spurted out from the giant snake's mouth and spread all around. The black energy twisted into painful human shapes. They danced hand in hand, as if they were the most primitive dance sacrifice.

boom! !

Suddenly, the black air around the giant snake exploded and dissipated, revealing his current body. From the previous huge snake body, it suddenly expanded to twice its original size. Then it quickly shrank and turned into a snake-headed man similar to Garen, wearing white robes and a gold headdress on his head.

In just a moment, his aura fluctuations had entered level nine, and stabilized only after reaching the middle level of level nine.

"Thank you for your help!" The snake man opened his eyes, showing a hint of sincere gratitude and respect. Now that he has truly believed what Garen said, if it were not at stake, how could the other party generously hand over such a twisted seed treasure for outsiders to use.

"We are all able masters. If we don't unite in the face of such a disaster, we will not survive." Garen shook his head and sighed. "So I didn't mean to do this, it was just the situation."

"If what you say is true, I am willing to form an alliance with you Chixue on behalf of the Double Key Sect. Even a strong man like you is so afraid, I can't imagine how terrifying the upcoming disaster is." The giant snake said in a message. , and he did think so.

Garen is not in a hurry. The effect of the seeds of distortion on the mind is not immediate, it takes a while, so there is no need to worry. Only when the parasite really wants to harm itself, it will naturally eliminate this idea. Only then will the influence of the Seed of Distortion become apparent.

And once Garen is in danger and his life is in danger, all the twisted seeds will feel the same and come to actively protect him, because Garen, as the origin of the twisted seeds, is the source of power that strengthens all twisted seeds.

Once he dies, all seeds of distortion will cease to function, thus instantly returning the enhanced parasite to its original shape and losing its amplified power. This is often the most intolerable thing for any strengthened parasite.

"Okay, Chixue's legion needs some maintenance, so it's all up to you." Garen said calmly. He brought the army here just to create a big battle, so that the people of the Double Key Sect would not pay enough attention and only come out with small fish and shrimps.

"If you maintain it, there will be no problem." The giant snake had already believed in Garen at this moment, and he was overjoyed that his strength had truly entered the ninth level. He originally thought that he would encounter a disaster this time, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

After thinking about it, he finally decided.

"I, the Double Key Sect, officially join the Alliance of Your Excellency, the leader of the Red Snow Sect, in order to advance and retreat together." His voice suddenly reached every master of the Double Key Sect.

As the guardian and the strongest person in the sect, he has full power to decide the affairs of the sect in the Dual Key Sect.

This order spread, and all the Dual-key sects were immediately confused.

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