Mysterious journey

Chapter 1113 Union 2


The dazzling white light suddenly bloomed, and a dark figure suddenly appeared.

Realizing that something was wrong, a jumping wormhole opened directly behind the black shadow, and he quickly retreated, trying to escape.


Suddenly, a transparent invisible sound wave instantly spanned the middle distance, sprayed out from Garen's mouth, and hit the wormhole directly.

With a pop, the wormhole burst like a fragile soap bubble. The black shadow that had just entered it with a normal body screamed, and its body was cut in half by the space and exploded.

"There's more here!"

Bingcrack snorted coldly, and took action at the same time, using one claw to hold down the head of a black figure in another place. He was about to subdue the opponent, but he didn't expect that the person exploded, forcing him to retreat quickly, but his clothes were messed up after all. Suddenly Bingcrack's expression became a little unswerving.

In just a few moments, the dark dragon was almost digested. Garen saw that the evolution progress of the Cold Hell Peacock Mother in his body slowly increased by 1 point, reaching 6%.

The masters of Gin Lingliu all around were dying and being captured.

"Stay in the ice crack, kill all the senior officials of Yinling on this planet, and the rest will continue to set off. Meet at Naga Planet." Garen dropped an order, and countless threads flew back to his palm, and they were all wiped out quickly. Then he turned and left.

"Yes!" The ice crack was filled with huge uncontrollable energy fluctuations and gravitational fluctuations. It was a symptom of being unable to perfectly restrain itself after just entering the eighth level.

Garen and Binghao return to the War Fortress. After a short jump, it quickly disappeared into space.


"Is Jie Liusi crazy?!"

In a completely dark space somewhere in the universe, a voice suddenly sounded. Can't tell if it's a boy or a girl.

"He actually led the Chixue Sect to invade sects everywhere. How bold he was. He destroyed 13 sects in two days and reached alliance agreements with eight sects. What is he trying to do?" Another woman's voice sounded.

"If his sister wasn't still here... Huh!"

"His sister has been named the Evil Shadow King. She is now competing with her father, the old Evil Shadow King, for hegemony. She will probably challenge His Majesty in the future. The Evil Shadow Royal Family is a run-down noble family after all. It was indeed glorious in the past, but now it is an antique. ”

"Times are advancing, and those who do not follow the changes will be eliminated."

Noisy voices kept ringing, as if many people were talking at the same time.

boom! ! !

In the distant starry sky, a star exploded, erupting with a dazzling and coquettish halo, illuminating the space at once.

Suddenly everything here was illuminated.

There is actually only one huge figure here. This is a huge monster whose upper body is human and whose lower body is rooted in a dark planet.

The weirdest thing is that it doesn't just have one head, but dozens of heads, all growing on one body.

The densely packed human heads include both men and women, all with long snake-like necks connected to the torso. These heads were arguing, discussing, and talking with each other, as if they were not one person at all but a large group of people.

The monster looks like a big black tree. The roots are vague roots, the trunk is his torso, and the crown is his countless heads.

"Do you want to kill Jie Liusi?" Among a large group of people, an old man slowly spoke. As soon as he spoke, the people around him fell silent.

"Where's Nila? Let him decide."

"I'm afraid he won't agree. Even he is probably no match for the new Evil Shadow King. Among the two nebulae of our human race and Fenite, apart from His Majesty and the Black King, only the Golden Thread Flower King can stabilize the Evil Shadow King. For one thing, the rest are no match for her.”

Another old woman's head also spoke.

"Among the twenty-five kings, unless we find three top-ranked kings to join forces at the same time, we can't touch Jie Liusi for the time being." The old man nodded.

"Then just watch him plunder. What if the plan is ruined?"

"Isn't the plan considered a conspiracy?" the old man said lightly. "Inform the other Nine Stars that it's time to take action."


boom! ! !

Amid the violent vibrations, a dazzling and terrifying golden light exploded in the space in front of Garen.

In the space between Gallon and the opposite planet, Bingcrack and Binghao were teaming up to besiege a mummy-like guardian covered in tatters.

This is already the third day of their departure. They have jumped through many genres, all of which are medium-sized. The small Galleon has been ignored directly. It is not a big threat. He has also parasitized more than a dozen eighth-level guardians along the way. Now this The one whose name is being suppressed is the nineteenth.

Soon the golden light became dimmer, and the white bandages all over the mummy guardian's body were gradually solidified and frozen by the ice. Many of them were broken and broken. He was still struggling to hold on, while the other masters of this genre had been beaten by Chixue's masters and Zhongzhong. All the remaining masters of the conquered schools were captured, leaving no room for resistance.

Garen didn't even need to take action, he just stood in space, watching quietly as his men surrounded the opponent without any trace of temper.


He shook his hand and secretly detected a trace of the twisting seed. Taking advantage of a flaw exposed by the opponent's siege, the seed instantly sank into the dim mummy guardian's body.

The mummy gave a hard meal and froze up.

The surrounding ice-cracked Binghao also stopped tacitly at the same time, and relaxedly watched the changes that the mummy was about to undergo. They knew that a powerful new member was about to join them.

This is the horror of the peacock in the cold region. The power will grow bigger and stronger like a snowball. Even Gu Yinduo, no one dared to let Han Jing Peacock let go of its development power.

Because this kind of creature itself is not the strongest, but they can make already powerful creatures stronger. Even beyond themselves!

In an instant, an even more dazzling golden light erupted from the mummy's body, and each golden character formed a streamer-like thing that appeared around him, slowly rotating, mysterious and extraordinary.

The mummy's head was raised, and a terrifying ninth-level aura erupted.

The aura quickly expanded from the low level of the ninth level to the middle of the ninth level, and then directly entered the peak of the ninth level.

"Oh? Another guardian with his own quality as the foundation?" Garen was a little surprised. Generally, the growth rate of a guardian stops at the low level of ninth level, but this guy is not the one. He rushes directly to the peak of the high level. .

"Power. Such a powerful power!!!" The mummy roared manically, almost addicted to this state that seemed to be able to improve itself endlessly.

laugh! ! !

Another golden light suddenly exploded from his body.

This time, even Garen was slightly stunned.

"This is.!!??"

Bing Hao's ice crack was directly hit by the golden light, and large blood bubbles appeared all over his body, as if he had been burned, and he quickly flew away with a strange scream.

The golden light quickly condensed and formed into a thick golden whip, twisting and sweeping through space, hitting Gallon.

"Die!! Hahahaha!!"

The mummy laughed wildly and controlled the golden whip to hit Gallon.

Garen didn't make any move, letting the golden whip get closer and closer.

The strange thing is that when the golden whip was about to approach Galleons, it quickly shrank and became thinner. From its original thickness of several thousand meters, it shrunk directly to hundreds of meters, tens of meters, or several meters.

Finally, when he arrived in front of Garen, he was only the size of a hair.


Garen exhaled and blew his golden hair away.

"How could the power I gave you be able to attack me back?" He looked at the other person calmly.

The mummy suddenly hugged his head. There seemed to be some huge latent power switch in his body. It was instantly activated and exploded by Garen's twisted seed. A heart-stopping beating suddenly spread from his body.

The Seed of Distortion is affecting his spirit, making him understand that the root of everything is the Seed of Distortion, and the root of the Seed of Distortion comes from Galleon.

After a long time, he slowly calmed down and regained his strength.

The golden light in space also gradually disappeared and faded, and everything became calm again.

The mummy finally calmed down completely, raised her head, and looked at Garen quietly.

"Originally I thought my life was about to end, but I didn't expect..." He looked at his rejuvenated skin under the bandage with an uncertain expression. The eyes are complicated.

"I am willing to serve under you." The madness and violence in his body was subdued. He finally understood that the source of his strength and lifespan was the man in front of him, and still chose to surrender. In order to survive, for this intoxicating power.

"So, next one."

Garen turned and flew towards the War Fortress.

"You come with me."

The mummy's eyes flashed fiercely, but he was suppressed by the twisted seed after all. After understanding the root connection, he finally stopped testing Garen. Follow him quickly.

As for the sect behind him, he didn't care about that kind of thing originally. It was just to quietly improve his strength that he chose to cultivate in this sect and become the founder here. Now that there is another way, he naturally does not Reasons to stay.

Following Garen and flying to the war fortress, the mummy was suddenly shocked.

Except for a few ordinary people on the war fortress, the rest were all not downgraded, as well as the two eighth-level masters who had just besieged him.

But what really shocked him. But it was a group of people standing alone on the other side.

They were four terrifying figures covered in white robes that exuded a faint chill. Each of them was shrouded in distortion, making it impossible to see their physical appearance.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are powerful! !

Level nine! All are level nine! !

None of these four people were below this level. The two strongest ones were even at the peak of level nine like himself. The Eternal Mover needs the Final Disk, which cannot be achieved by simply improving strength, so the ninth-level peak is the peak under the Final Disk.

"With you, there are five of us." Garen said calmly. "Be careful to hide yourself, don't reveal your identity, stay here and don't go out. Soon, there will be a time when you need all your strength."

The mummy nodded and walked to the side of the four people. The same twisted space covering his body covered the eyes of others.

Garen nodded with satisfaction.

The star fields near the Chixue Sect have basically been cleared, and even the territory of the sect further away has been cleared by him. At least half of the thirty-six sects of the medium-sized sect have been parasitized by him, either openly or covertly, with the strongest guardians. Next, the alliance must have sent experts to intercept, but even if the alliance sends people, what level can they send? Level nine, or level ten?

The tenth level itself is the pinnacle of the energy masters. There are only three tenth level masters in the whole group. It is impossible to move lightly. So the only possibility is to send the ninth level, and they should be the strongest ones among the ninth level. .

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