Mysterious journey

Chapter 1119 Planning 2

Garen and others sat in the rest area assigned to them, separated from other small and medium-sized schools around them, and there were dedicated people who served them various drinks and fruits.

Although I didn't hear anyone talking about myself, it could be seen from the glances of some of the surrounding sect members that they were quietly communicating about the Red Snow Alliance.

After all, the Chixue Sect is a very powerful sect in this spaceship.

With such a rapid rise in a short period of time, many masters appeared at once, and many spies had already been searching for information. The Red Snow Sect had obtained some kind of treasure that could enhance its strength. Such rumors inevitably spread from within.

This was inevitable for Garen and others. Although he tried hard to block the news, the news still came out.

Feeling the secretly observing eyes from all around, Garen and the others were minding their own business. Those who read read books, those who drank water, and those who closed their eyes to relax.

Hong Guo and Bai Ye Lingguang couldn't sit still and stood up to chat with people from other schools.

Alice saw an old friend and came forward to chat with him.

In fact, Garen knew very well that the Red Snow Alliance already had the background and strength of the big sect secretly, but it was not completely exposed, so everyone just thought that only the three eighth-level masters of Binghao, Bingcrack and Bingyang were in charge. Although the power has improved, it is still not too great.

This time, we are fighting against a person with a weak strength. On the one hand, we want to push the Red Snow Sect to a higher level. On the other hand, we also need to thoroughly understand the plan and conspiracy against the energy weapon master. In order to finally snatch the energy weapon master, The highest masterpiece of mechanics - the union, that would be the best.

The alliance is to unite the power of all the energy masters in the three major energy master cities. Each person disperses a little bit of free energy and concentrates it together to instill energy into the champion of the competition.

The ones who compare are not the masters of the sect, but the disciples of the disciples, so this step can greatly shorten the training gap between the elite genius disciples of the major sects.

Make the fastest accumulation to enter the eighth level.

Because in general, the highest level in the competition is not to fall down the grade. No participating disciple has ever been able to reach the eighth level. Not falling down is already the pinnacle of the competition. What is needed to go up is hundreds and thousands of years of accumulation and comprehend.

After all, reaching the state of Pan is not something that just anyone can achieve.

The spacecraft soon entered the Naga planet and stopped on a vast grassland. Near the grassland, you could see the white snow-capped mountains in the distance.

The spacecraft lowered the projection light beam and teleported the teleporters down in waves.

There are special anti-gravity vehicles below for transportation.

After Garen and others came down, they immediately saw a gorgeous golden anti-gravity speed car below.

The car door was open, and several young people in golden clothes were waiting in the car.

"The leader of the faction has asked me to come and greet everyone from the Crimson Snow Alliance. Please!" A young woman said loudly with a smile, with a hint of respect.

"You're welcome." Garen knew that it was the master of the Bone Metal Sect sent by Two-Face. As one of the fifteen major sects, the Bone Metal Sect has an extremely strong foundation. There are six ninth-level masters and eight-level masters in the sect. There are more than ten people, but there is no level ten. After Two-Face returned, he was promoted to level ten, which gave the sect great confidence. The entire Bone Metal Sect is finally qualified to compete for the throne of the Holy Lord level force, and is expected to become the fourth largest Holy Lord level sect.

Naturally, the disciples below also attach great importance to the instructions of the current new sect leader, hoping to give the greatest good impression to the sect leader's friends.

In addition to the rumors circulating now, it is said that the treasures of the Red Snow Alliance have further improved Two-Face. If this is really the case, then the gold content of the Red Snow Alliance is really too great!

Thinking of this, the respect on the face of the disciple responsible for the reception became even stronger.

A group of people got into the car, and under the envious gazes of the surrounding mechanics and pilots, the car door slowly closed.

The Bone Metal Sect's flying car was like a huge flying saucer, shooting straight towards the plain in the distance.

"It's up to you to participate in the competition this time." Garen sat in the car, with the three geniuses sent by Chixue sitting in front of him.

Red fruit, white night, prism.

All three are eligible. Participated in the genre for no more than one hundred and fifty years. In terms of strength, Hong Guo somehow inherited the soul seed and energy of an ancestor, and his strength was enough to rival inheritance-level masters, while Bai Ye has a solid extreme winter physique. Although not as good as Hong Guo, he has made rapid progress and now has it. Resonating at the full moon level.

At the last moment, Garen couldn't see through this little guy very well. He just felt that there seemed to be another soul body hidden in his body, a soul that seemed to be somewhat powerful. In addition, his own physique was a bit strange. Garen brought him with him. I came to the competition just to see what he is really like.

Although he has reached level 10 now, he is not the orthodox level 10 in this world. At least he cannot transform into a black hole, nor can he connect to counterspace, and he has endless endurance. His pure explosive power has reached the tenth level. The lethality is achieved, but the endurance is still not as good.

Even if the cold peacock's devouring ability is terrifying, it cannot compare to the near-endless endurance of the tenth-level eternal movers. Garen knew that his advantage lay in secret control.

Using the seeds of distortion to create more tenth-level holy masters, control them, and draw them into the alliance is the key to developing potential power.

Among the entire energy masters, although there are only three tenth-level holy masters, there are quite a few ninth-level masters. There are at least fifty people who work openly and secretly. If all this group of people could be parasitized

"Don't worry, leader of the faction. I will try my best to move forward! Earn a good ranking for the faction." Bai Ye replied solemnly with a hint of coldness.

"We will definitely do our best. Please rest assured, leader." In contrast, the same sentence coming out of Ling Guang's mouth seemed a little less serious and lazier.

"It depends on the situation. If you can beat me, go ahead. If you can't beat me, there's nothing you can do about it." Hongguo is honest and has always been calm. At first, because of Renee's incident, he didn't have a strong sense of belonging to the Chixue Sect, but later he was Many people took care of him, and there was a big change at the top, so he stayed under various constraints and joined Chixue. This time, he came because he had a good impression of Garen. After all, the two sisters who took care of him were Garen. However, he let them go and let them continue to stay by his side.

After spending so many days together, he had already regarded Xiao Yier as his relative. So for this reason, he will do his best to earn a good ranking for the Chixue Sect.

So among the three, although he spoke the most lightly, he was the most determined.

In addition, the soul seed he inherited still has a trace of identification with the Scarlet Snow Sect, so if he really wants to compete in the competition, he will definitely go all out.

"Unfortunately, my position means that I cannot participate in the competition and can only watch. I originally wanted to go on stage in person this time." Garen sighed regretfully.

"If your identity is still on stage, won't it mean that people from other schools have no way to survive?" Osho Bingyang shook his head and made a rare joke.

"If the leader is sent to the stage, it will be bullying the children. There is no point in it at all. We can just announce who is the champion and it will be over." Binghao laughed.

"So our Chixue's hope this time is on the three of you." Garen said sternly, "You are likely to encounter non-relegation. Once you encounter it, admit defeat immediately and don't delay."

"Understood." Bai Ye agreed seriously, and the other two people also nodded.

Garen took out three more gadgets, each of which looked like three small ice cubes.

"This is a little thing I made myself. It can erect an absolute ice wall at a critical moment to block the enemy's deadly attacks. Don't use it until the critical moment. This thing is very labor-intensive to make and is a disposable consumable." It can carry a powerful The materials used to make powerful props are very rare. Even for the big sects, the rarity level is only one or two pieces compared to free items. They are only consumable items that will be scrapped after one use.

So this determines that it is impossible for contestants to win the competition with powerful props made by powerful people.

Garen did not give his twisted seed to the three of them. After all, the stronger the basic strength of the twisted seed is, the better. If it is given to them now, it will at most be upgraded to the inheritance level, which is meaningless to the current Scarlet Snow Sect.

After the three of them took the things, Garen began to whisper to the three of them some precautions. For him who has a memory of general trends, the precautions are definitely the most detailed.

The car soon arrived at its destination, a luxury hotel in the capital of Nagadako.

There are already a group of people living inside. There are also speed cars parked outside.

A group of people from the Chixue faction got out of the car, entered the hotel, and quickly settled down.

Garen returned to the independent room, also opened the energy mark, and began to contact the other alliance guardians.

After repeated encryption more than ten times, the information communication channel was quickly established.

The images of more than twenty people shrank directly and appeared on Garen's retina, each occupying a small area.

"Leader, are you here?" one of the five ninth-level guardians said.

"Well, which of you are here? I'm at the Ulsan Hotel in the Nagadako capital." Gallon replied.

"According to the plan, we have invited our friends to join us for a meeting, and we already have an idea on the other side." The mummy, one of the three peak ninth-level people, said in a low voice.

"I also received an invitation from a ninth-level peak master to inquire about the treasure. I am still trying to keep him interested." Another ninth-level peak woman smiled.

"Be careful not to let others see your flaws." The last person was also at the ninth level, a wizened old man with gray hair. His skin had layers of wrinkles, which looked terrifying, as if the entire person's skin was about to collapse, completely separated from the muscles.

"Don't worry, I have lived for thousands of years, do you still need to remind me about this?" the woman said casually.

"You didn't call me in the emergency call? Leader, are you a little too out-of-touch?" A sharp voice suddenly broke into the words of several people, and the image of Two-Face arrogantly destroyed a large area of ​​images of eighth-level guardians. It was directly suppressed and occupied a large area.

"I have received invitations from the three holy masters here. Hey, there are also nine official letters of worship. They are all experts and veterans of various sects at the top of the ninth level."

"All nine!?" Garen's face was hidden under his helmet, and there was no hint of happiness or anger, but the eagerness in his tone still revealed his mood at the moment.

"Of course. I'm planning to discuss the price with them." Two-Face laughed sharply, "Treasures are not so easy to get. If you take them away without paying the price, anyone will probably worry about problems. So it's heavy enough. The price is the most critical point!”

"That's right." Garen nodded. "The supplies will be shipped directly to Chixue's headquarters. I don't know if you can contact other Holy Sons, preferably those at the ninth level."

"Holy Son, it's okay." The two-faced man hesitated and nodded, "But me taking the initiative to come to the door may make people suspicious. I will arrange this myself, so you don't need to ask more questions, leader."

Although he was parasitized by the Seed of Distortion, his own mind was not affected. Although his power was increased, the Seed of Distortion could not completely control the parasite. It could only link this amplified power to the mother body, and that was all. So it is indeed correct to say that this is a completely harmless transformation.

Although the parasites will spontaneously protect the mother, they will never be completely enslaved, lose their independence, or even completely disobey the mother's instructions. They just cannot harm the mother. ..

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