Mysterious journey

Chapter 1128 Unplanned 1

Countless dazzling white lights suddenly exploded from the white lion.

It was a terrifying sharp sword like countless golden spears, which spread out in all directions in an instant. One of them, carrying a secret filthy aura, burst into the chest of the backlight Holy Lord in front.

"You!!" Backlight's surprised voice sounded, and a transparent vortex of air suddenly appeared in front of his body. The terrifying tearing force in it continued to interfere with the explosion of the golden sword. The two forces were stalemate with each other for a moment.

Suddenly, a hand as white as jade silently pressed on Niguang's back.

puff! !

Backlight spit out blood. He looked at the Star Magnetic Holy Lord in disbelief.

"Star Magnet. You!!"

boom! !

At this moment, the power of Star Magnet's palm exploded violently, sending the backlight flying towards the other side.

"Backlight, are you okay! Star Magnetic, do you know what you are doing!!?" The Black Knife Holy Lord roared angrily. He rushed to catch Backlight, but his wrist stabbed forward fiercely, stabbing Backlight's vest.

Dang! !

A crisp and harsh impact sounded suddenly. Two white shadows directly grabbed his stretched out wrist.

"Holy Lord Black Knife, I didn't expect you to betray me, the weapon master." Two old prosecutors appeared out of thin air beside Black Knife, one on the left and one on the right, clamping down on him.

"You guys!!" Holy Lord Niguang reacted instantly, staggered away, and walked to a safe distance with difficulty, his face turned pale. Get together with the last censor.

The situation suddenly became extremely strange.

First, White Lion made a sneak attack, and then was blocked by Backlight, but the real secret move was the palm behind Xingguang. After injuring Backlight, Black Knife pretended to save others and tried to make up for it, but was blocked by two prosecutors. Block.

A series of instant changes all happened in a blink of an eye.


Backlight spit out a mouthful of blood again, and the blood showed a dark and foul smell.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. I almost died at the hands of my companions." The white light on his face dispersed, revealing the fair face of a middle-aged man. This man is a very ordinary man. He looks just like a bunch of random people on the street. He doesn't have any surprising temperament or anything extraordinary.

"I didn't expect that either." The Black Knife Holy Lord sneered, staring at the two white-bearded old prosecutors in front of him. "I didn't expect that there are three masters who are also at the perpetual motion level hidden here. Dean Patham, when did you break through the tenth level?"

His eyes turned to the oldest white-haired old man standing next to Backlight.

The old man's eyebrows were lowered and his expression was calm.

"It's been a hundred or two hundred years, is this important?" The old man Patham has been the president of the Central College of the three major cities for thousands of years. Almost everyone thought that he was restricted by the limit, and it was absolutely impossible for him to break through to the perpetual motion level, and could only stay at the peak of the ninth level forever.

But he didn't expect that the old man would break through to level ten without saying a word.

"How much do you know about our plan?" Heidao asked coldly.

"I know everything you think you should know." The old man smiled and turned to look at the Star Magnetic Holy Master. "Your Excellency, the Light of Justice, now that you are here, why are you still pretending to be someone else? Is it possible that the great General Finite, the Light of Justice, does not dare to show his true face to others?"

"Light of justice?" Backlight's pupils narrowed, and he immediately looked at the Star Magnetic Holy Lord.

Sure enough, the entire Star Magnetic Saint Lord melted away like mud, and was quickly reshaped into a brand new human form, which turned out to be the Light of Justice, Shi Nandi.

However, at this time, Shinandi's eyes were no longer the withered pale white, but instead had a strange and alluring rainbow light, one red and one blue.

"Sure enough, it's you!!" The Lord of the Backlight was kept in the dark all this time. At this moment, he saw a series of changes. The true appearance of the light of justice also represented the pilot's real attack on the energy mechanic.

This is a real and complete break.

He was frightened and angry for a moment, remembering that the outside world must be in chaos at the moment. Since the pilots decided to take action and plotted against the three holy masters like this, the results outside would definitely be worse than here!

At this moment the situation was finally completely clear.

Shi Nandi has ever-changing incarnation abilities, and she disguises herself as the Star Magnetic Saint Lord in order to plot against the backlight's palm. Now that they have succeeded, I didn't expect that there will be three more permanent masters.

For a moment the two sides also reached a stalemate.

But both sides understand that the Energy Mechanic is really over. If Shi Nandi cannot solve the problem, then more Shi Nandi will take action until the entire Energy Mechanic is completely eliminated.

This is the general trend of the entire pilot world and is irreversible, because the mechanics occupy too many resources.

"Unexpected variable Patham, who conveyed the news here to you?" Shi Nandi asked calmly. The strange shape of his left eye red and his right eye blue made his whole person's aura swell more and more.

"There are still many variables that you didn't expect," the old man lowered his eyebrows and said calmly. He reached out with one hand to hold the backlight. "It's okay, backlighting?"

"It's not bad, plus the other two, against the two of them, we are all three against two. Hey, it won't be much worse." Niguang replied firmly. In fact, that palm was far from what it looked like. Simple, but a highly toxic substance, metal, entered his body. At this moment, his whole body was poisoned, and the inside of his body was decaying and festering rapidly.


Outside the light beam

Garen was surrounded by Shi Nandi, and there were nine-level masters lined up around him. In this moment of great change, top masters who were rarely seen in ordinary times kept showing up like cabbage.

Without this level, one cannot even stand firmly.

The innermost ones are Garen and Shi Nandi, followed by the White King's four level 9 masters. On the outside are Two-Face with a circle of level 9 masters to counterattack, and the outermost are the four level 10 masters newly parasitized by Garen. .

The scene was completely deadlocked. No matter how powerful Shi Nandi was, she was just a clone. The real power was still put into the inside of the light pillar. At this moment, the light pillar separated the inner and outer sides. The situation was instantly reversed and became extremely fragile.

"Do you think I will retreat because of you eternal movers who have just advanced?" Shi Nandi said calmly without changing her face.

"Where are your team members? I'm afraid they are still suppressing the Demon King's transformation team of the three holy masters, right?" Garen looked indifferent.

boom! ! ! The words just fell.

The entire ground shook, and circles of seismic waves came from very far away, as if there were huge forces colliding with each other in a very distant place.

"Look, the Demon King's Transformation Team is not that easy to deal with." A flash of understanding flashed across Garen's face.

Shi Nandi's face darkened slightly.

"Who are you?" Even Jie Liusi shouldn't know so many inside stories.

"Who I am is not important." Garen whispered, "What is important is what can I do?"

He looked at the various airships and airships that were still escaping around him. The people from the Chixue faction had already left early with their own people.

And Hei Yao and others had already evacuated in advance.

"Shi Nandi, you said we would leave you here now. I wonder if the Star Emperor's people would be willing to help?" Two-Face sneered.

"Star King?" A hint of sarcasm flashed in Shi Nandi's eyes. "Do you think Star King's people are here to help you?"

The two-faced man and the other tenth-level people suddenly froze.

The conflict between the pilot and the mechanic has always been the same. Now it is just a matter of being squeezed for too long and erupting in an instant. With such a big move now, the pilot will never give up easily. The Star King forces were probably their second back-up move.

It is even said that it is very likely that the entire energy mechanic's resources may have been divided up by them.

At this moment, neither side dares to act rashly, because at their level, once they take action, no one can contain the aftermath of the destruction. It may only take a few moves to cause the planet to collapse.

Such a result is something neither the pilots who want to share the resources nor the mechanics themselves want to see.

Garen is very aware of this weak balance, which is like the nuclear chain balance on the earth. When everyone has the ability to destroy everything, no one dares to act too rashly. Once the situation becomes urgent, everyone will finish the game together. There's no drama left.

"Give up, your plan has failed." Garen said calmly. "As long as one Perpetual Mover is not imprisoned, it is still easy to destroy the entire planet of Mechanics. In the end, no one will get anything."

There was a hint of compromise in his words. People cannot go against the general trend, but they can make changes on a small scale. Energy masters are immortal and conflicts cannot be reconciled. What Garen wants to do is to protect something within his own ability. That's all.

The decline of the energy master is a choice of the times and cannot be reversed, so he can only choose to be wise and protect himself.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Shi Nandi. His decision at this moment determined whether all the masters present would fight or make peace. Once a fight broke out, not many of the ninth-level masters present could escape unscathed, and the aftermath of this battle would The entire Naga Planet will definitely be completely destroyed without any accidents.

The destruction of Naga Star is likely to trigger a space-time storm riot in this anti-space area.

Don’t forget, Naga Planet is in a special environment. It is not in the positive universe, but in counterspace, a time and space where everything is completely opposite to the positive universe.

All around are violent and violent space-time storms, and everyone will be finished playing if they are not careful.

There is no air flow, and the force fields of the experts present are intertwined. Even the tiniest air particles cannot pass through here. Everything except the force field is repelled. The nine-level 10,000-fold gravity is intertwined. All were concentrated on Shi Nandi and the others, while the powerful aura of the tenth-level masters such as Two-Face and others were locked on Shi Nandi, and they did not dare to ignore them for a moment.

As a king star, Shi Nandi has a strength that far exceeds all other eternal movers. If he really has no scruples in fighting, these people may not necessarily be his opponents.

But now the situation is special.

"Make a decision, Shi Nandi." Garen's voice conveyed the aura of having everything under control. The situation was exactly as he expected. Whether it was the situation inside the light pillar or outside the light pillar, it was almost as he expected.

"The only thing that puzzles me is that you would actually concentrate your efforts on me, and actually target me as an attack target? This makes me a little confused." Garen asked the doubts in his heart.

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