Mysterious journey

Chapter 1130 Confinement 1

Garen's skin tightened instantly, and an extremely strong sense of threat spewed out from the soul seed in his mind. How can it be! ! ? what happened! ?

He should have shuttled directly back to the void battlefield! There were Chixue people waiting for him there, how could they instantly travel to the North Pole, the headquarters of the White King! ? ?

He couldn't understand it, his mind was instantly in a mess, and he was caught off guard by this sudden and huge change.

The White King! That is the terrifying existence that dominates most of this galaxy! It is the pinnacle of the king level!

He is now just an ordinary level 10 permanent mover! If the other party wants to kill him, it is easier than crushing an ant! !

The gap between the two sides is so huge that there is no comparison at all!

Garen tried hard to calm down, but his heart was still beating wildly uncontrollably.

"Based on all your experiences, all sudden changes and rises, combined with my judgment, 25% of your real name is Nonosiwa, 6.2% is Jieliusi, and 100% Above sixty, it is Galleons." The White King looks like a very ordinary young boy with a very pure smile. His skin is very delicate, like fine milk jelly, and his eyes are calm and seem to be smiling. It seems that you are smiling anytime and anywhere.

"I don't know if I'm right?"

Garen's heart suddenly tightened again.

"What do you want to do?" He felt his voice was so hoarse for the first time.

Even the King of White, who has not yet reached his peak, is far from being able to compete with him.

"You are not the only one who has seen destiny." The White King replied in a low voice with a pure smile.

The entire white palace is wrapped in an endless nebula whirlpool. A large number of meteorites are circling here at high speed. This place is like the eye of the storm. It is extremely violent outside, but there is only tranquility inside. It can be seen that this is the center of a huge meteorite vortex. I don’t know where I am. Somewhere in space. Isolated by the endless powerful whirlpool, this place is like a paradise, and ordinary experts are not even qualified to enter.

"Everything in the world has a destiny, and your and my efforts are all included. Just like many years later, I will be killed by the Red King. Although he will become my only confidant in the future. But that is fate." The White King Looking up at the stream of meteorites rotating in the sky, huge gray meteorites tumbled and flew overhead, carrying a huge and depressing feeling, as if they might hit the palace at any time.

Understanding that the White King didn't seem to show any signs of taking action, Garen relaxed a little.

"You knew you were going to die in the future, why didn't you make arrangements in advance?"

"That's destined." The White King showed a pure smile, "My life is to write my destiny."

Garen knew the ideal of the White King. He wanted to make the whole world no longer have fights and wars.

And since he has seen the general trend, he will definitely understand that after the Red King kills him and unifies the human race, there will be an unprecedented peace and prosperity, and this peace is likely to last for a long, long time. years.

"Then I am destroying destiny, what are you going to do with me?" Garen asked calmly.

"Originally, I planned to kill you." The White King said softly, "But when I saw you, I hesitated."

"Hesitation?" Garen breathed a sigh of relief quietly, "Why?" No one wants to die if they can live.

In fact, he doesn't agree with the White King's ideal at all. The universe is too big, and the Milky Way is too big. Fenit plus humans can only occupy two major nebulae, and the total can only rule tens of thousands of life planets. One hundred thousand uninhabited planets.

This data may seem huge, but in fact, compared to the scale of the hundreds of billions of stars and countless nebulae in the Milky Way, it is simply a small gap on the edge of a big pond.

As for what has been observed in the universe, there are hundreds of billions of galaxies the size of the Milky Way, each with hundreds of billions of solar systems. Such a terrifying scale, not to mention those that have not yet been observed, and whether there are other galaxies outside the universe. There is a universe.

A mere mecha human civilization, even a king-level master who can destroy the planet, is just a drop in the ocean.

But no matter what, he still had respect for the White King, a martyr who risked everything for his ideals.

"Because you are not what I thought," the White King said softly. "I am a reasonable person. Your fate should let you die in the hands of Shi Nandi, then you should not be killed by me."

"Didn't you choose to fight? You will die if you fight?" Garen asked in return. "Why are you accepting your fate now?" He tried hard to find a topic, but he still couldn't help but bring it up.

After hearing his words, the White King shook his head.

"Since the direction of destiny is what I want, why should I reverse it?" He answered with a smile.

He no longer looked at Galleon, but walked along the palace square to the stone steps below. Walking down the stone steps step by step.

Garen looked around. It was deserted and deserted. Only the ground seemed to have vague traces of the war, with dents and gaps everywhere.

He glanced at the White King who was walking further and further in front of him, and chose to follow him.

On the long stone steps of the white palace, two small dots slowly went down one after another.

After descending the stone stairs, the White King walked to a blood-colored stone tablet that was inserted diagonally into the ground. He stood still and stretched out his hand to gently touch the texture of the stone tablet, as if touching his lover's skin.

Garen followed him and stopped, frowning at him, wondering what the White King was planning to do.

"Do you know?" The White King suddenly said.


Garen stared at him quietly, waiting for the next step.

"The current fate was changed by me myself," the White King said peacefully.

"What do you want to do by catching me?!" Garen frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Have you ever heard of a saying?" The White King turned around and smiled slightly. "One day in heaven and one year on earth."

He raised his finger, and a tiny golden shimmer shone on his fingertips.

As the glimmer of light dispersed, Garen realized that all the body under his legs had actually been frozen to the ground.

What froze him was not ice, but an extremely clear dark golden crystal.


The dark golden crystals grew slowly, crawling up Garen's legs, like living creatures. Keep covering and spreading to more areas. They absorb the icy cold air naturally released by Galleons themselves and can quickly strengthen themselves.

"Is this!!?" Garen tried hard to move his legs, but the power of that crystal was extremely powerful. "Golden void crystal...! The most powerful imprisoning substance?"

This thought flashed through his mind, and Garen soon felt that his body was out of control. As he struggled faster and faster, the dark golden crystal spread more and more upwards, and soon covered his chest, directly constricting his throat. .


For so many years, Jia Long felt cold for the first time since he practiced the Cold Peacock Technique.

A bone-chilling coldness kept trying to penetrate deep into his skin and bones.

Chirp! !

The shadow of the peacock struggled and whined behind Garen, letting out its final scream. Countless white ice crystal vines tried to spread behind Garen, forming a huge ice network to draw strength from.

But the void here has nothing to draw on.

"Do you know?" The White King stretched out a finger again, "Many people call me, Absolute Distortion."

The dark golden shimmer flashes and disappears.

Peng! !

All the ice crystal vines suddenly shattered and turned into countless white light spots floating down one after another.

Garen's entire body was completely sealed in the dark golden crystal, unable to move. He could only stare at the White King with wide eyes. The terrifying force fields all over his body were constantly trying to condense and tangle, but they were directly scattered by an inexplicable twisting force. They condensed again and again, and were scattered again and again.

Even the power of the soul seed was completely collapsed by this twisted force, and everything in Garen's body fell into chaos.

"Distortion. This is an absolute concept! As long as it is within this range, any biological material can only have one attribute, and that is distortion." The White King explained quietly. “Without a concept of your own, no matter how hard you struggle, it’s meaningless.”

He still had a pure smile.

"You are right here, quietly waiting for your destiny to come."

Turning around, he slowly walked towards the top of the white palace, his figure gradually drifted away, and slowly disappeared on the stone steps, no longer visible.

Garen looked through the crystal in the direction where the White King left. It wasn't until the other party left completely that the twisted force weakened slightly.

"Is it twisted?"

He tried to restore the true form of the Peacock Skill in the Cold Region. However, the secret weapon of life cannot penetrate the crystal to absorb the void power from the outside world. There is a huge devouring power that directly sucks away the cold air from his body.

With this devouring power, the large amount of cold energy accumulated in Garen's body was rapidly declining.


A blue thread trying to reach out of the palm exploded and broke.

"Trouble!" Garen's heart sank, "This devouring power is not strong, and is even weak compared to myself, but because of this additional twisting power, I can't condense my devouring power at all! !”

At this moment, he has confirmed that the White King has no murderous intentions towards him, but because his power exceeds expectations and is likely to change the situation, he is imprisoned here and awaits the inevitable future.

"If the White King hadn't lied to me before, then this should be a place with an extreme gravitational force. This gravitational force can even distort and change the flow of time. The so-called day in the sky and a year on the earth. He originally had this idea."

Garen instantly seemed to understand the White King's plan.

At this moment, he looked outside through the crystal. The meteorites in the sky outside seemed to be rotating faster, and there was a trend of getting faster and faster.

Suddenly, several streams of light fell from the sky, rushed directly up the white steps, and soon shot down, and then flew back into the meteorite flow outside.

There were white and blue in the stream of light, and it seemed that there were human figures wrapped in it, but with Gallon's eyesight, he couldn't see clearly.

On the ground around the crystal, the stones gradually broke into pieces, becoming smaller and smaller, and finally turned into grains of sand, which condensed into soil under the moist water vapor.


Some large and small meteor fragments fell from the sky, and the large fragments repeated the process and turned into soil.

Gradually, Garen felt that the dirt around the crystal was getting higher and higher. It gradually went up from Crystal's feet, and soon reached his waist, almost submerging him halfway.

Looking at all these changes, Garen finally came to some realization.

"Sure enough, even time was distorted by him."

Through the crystal, he felt that only a few hours had passed, but the outside world seemed like a long, long time had passed.

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