Mysterious journey

Chapter 1140 True and False 1

The people of Chixue Sect who had just followed were shocked and stood on the spot.

"It's the leader of the faction!! The leader of the Gallon faction!! Hahahahaha!! We are saved!!" Binghao among them suddenly laughed wildly, laughing crazily.

"I knew the faction leader would be fine. He will definitely show up, definitely!!" Bingcrack also laughed.

Two-Face and others also appeared, and a group of ten levels stood together to form a huge red force field group, blocking all external aftermath attacks from the outside world.

The four-armed woman looked solemnly at the fight between Garen and the White King.

"If I guessed correctly, the leader of the faction should have used some means to turn all the other people in the Sekireitang into his own incarnation. The White King should not be the real body, but a projection. His twisted essence can deceive everyone. According to human perception, the body that was previously attacked by Garen was probably a twisted phantom."

"I'm a little confused too." The two-faced man shook his head, and part of the woman's face said, "The current situation is in chaos. What method did the leader of the faction use to lean over and occupy those people's bodies?"

"The White King first disguised himself as Shi Nandi to plot against the faction leader. He should have expected that the faction leader would definitely show up at this moment. As a result, the faction leader showed up, but the White King's purpose was still not achieved." The four-armed woman said slightly. Think and give the explanation closest to the truth.

"So where is the real sect leader? Where is the real White King?" Two-Face asked in return.

The four-armed woman shook her head.

Who can scheme against whom, and who can really win against whom? Both Garen and the White King are plotting against each other.


white palace

In front of the dark golden crystal.

The White King stood quietly in front of the crystal stone, and the reflection from it clearly reflected his cold face at the moment.

"It seems you are quite well prepared."

"Aren't you the same?" Garen replied in the crystal. "Now it seems that the power attached to your projection is far less than my clone." A smile appeared in Garen's eyes.

"Even if you have a special essence, you shouldn't have so many projection clones." The White King showed a thoughtful look on his face.



Several rays of white light slowly emerged in another dark space, instantly turning from strips into a white halo. Floating in the airspace far away from the battle between Garen and the White King.

A series of figures with huge auras appeared in the halo. Each of these figures was wearing the identity mark of the Nine Emperors of Humanity. The four leading figures among them were taller than half of the people. They were two or three times as tall as ordinary people. They were very tall. abnormal.

These people are the human Nine Emperors forces who follow the movement of the White King.

On the other side, another circle of white people emerged, standing opposite the Star King and others. They were all members of the White King's family. These people are also the strongest forces directly controlled by the White King. A total of thirty people, all masters above the permanent motion level.

These were all secret moves made by both sides to ambush later, but now it seems that this secret move has little effect. Because what the White King came here was just a projection, even if it was destroyed, it would be of little use, and his attitude towards the Scarlet Snow Holy Lord Garen who had just appeared strangely was also somewhat unpredictable. The Nine Emperors forces have no intention of acting rashly until they truly understand Garen's attitude and strength.

At this moment, the White King, the Human Star Emperor and others were watching more than a hundred Galleons floating in the sky. No one spoke. These more than a hundred people were all the most elite beings of Sekireitang. Such a strange scene appeared in all of them.

A large area of ​​red robe Galleons all gathered together to form something like a red cloud, confronting the White King from afar.

"Now. What do you want to do? King of White" All Galleons spoke together, their voices gathered together, and the force fields gathered together, forming a powerful phenomenon like resonance. Sharp and weird.

At this moment, among the most powerful team of the White King - the Everlasting class team, each of the White King's relatives also raised their heads, without any exception, the entire White King's royal family, relatives, and all followers of the Everlasting Level, actually all of them turned into Garen's faces.

"You!!" The White King was also restrained. The perpetual motion level was already at a certain level with himself, belonging to the saint level, but now he was also controlled by the other party's weird ability. This drastically disrupted his original plan.

"Your Majesty!!" Suddenly a delicate voice came into his ears.

It's Blue Ella! !

The White King suddenly turned around and saw that Lan Erla had appeared in space at some point. One of the Galleons had her neck stuck with one hand, and she was struggling continuously.

"Gallon.!!!" An unprecedented anger burst out from the eyes of the White King for the first time. "You are looking for death!!!"

He could ignore his father and mother, but Lan Ella, who had taken care of him since he was a child, was the thorn in his heart.


"His Majesty!!"

Suddenly, countless Galleons suddenly regained their original identities and faces, and started shouting anxiously.

"Leave us alone! Kill him! For Fenit!!"

"Save me! Your Majesty! Save me!!"

"Avenge us, Your Majesty!!"

"Finite Eternity!!!"

For a moment, various chaotic sounds penetrated the White King's ears.

Such a chaotic voice penetrated his heart sentence by sentence, and he could not cover it up, nor did he dare to cover it up. It made him more and more restless.

"Your Majesty!!" The real Shi Nandi didn't know when he appeared next to the White King. "You must make a decision immediately, either retreat or kill! Please make a decision!" His cold face still showed no expression, as if he had been acting for a long time. Various personalities, the whole person has completely lost the ability to express.

Among all the people present, only he and several other princes from his relatives were not possessed. At this moment, all the remaining masters quickly gathered around him, facing the large number of people surrounding the White King. Long, Fenite's own camp was instantly transformed into the enemy's base camp, in danger.

"Withdraw?" A trace of struggle appeared in the White King's eyes. No matter how powerful his power is, no matter how terrifying his talent, he has the most important person after all. After all, he is just an ordinary person who has not lived for a thousand years. Even if he is a genius, the top genius, even if he has seen the general trend of destiny, even if he has an ideal for himself And the intention of dedicating oneself. The White King is still just a human being less than three hundred years old, a Fenite.

What he carries is the hope for the rise and unification of the entire Fenite people. No matter what, he must not lose it. The strength of Garen's clone has been tested, which is the peak level of the eternal Holy Lord, but because it is bound by some essential concepts, it can also delay his actions a little.

But the most important thing is not this, but that even if he takes action now, before he understands the details of Garen's strange ability, no matter how he kills, he will probably kill one of his own! !

This is the reason why he threw himself into the trap.


One king may not be able to fight him, and two or three kings may have no choice but to be chased and killed by him. However, I don’t know how many of the Nine Human Emperors have come, and they are likely to gather together, plus an unknown Chixue. Holy Lord Gallon, such a battle is not what anyone can predict.

On the frontal battlefield, the Nine Human Emperors have proven their strength. As long as five people join forces, they can barely fight against the twisted nature of the White King. The remaining three people join forces and can't compete with the Twelve Golden Knights Blue Prince. But now the situation has finally turned.


A difficult word finally came from the White King's mouth.

"Evacuate? Is it that easy?" Garen's deep laughter spread unscrupulously in the space.


One after another, Galleon's figures flew straight towards the White King and his party. Every figure carries a huge and terrifying intrinsic power of imprisonment.

"Withdraw!!" "Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!!"

Voices continued to spread among the masters under the White King.

In the dark counterspace, the white legion quickly moved toward the rear, and a huge and mammoth twisted hole appeared directly behind them, which was a jumping black hole.

A large number of galleons rushed towards the white army, launching a suicidal and crazy attack. Rays of red light flew across the low-level Fenite Legion. The screams suddenly became loud.

"Twist it! The ancient void!!" The White King suppressed the anger in his heart and stretched out his hand to grab a large number of Garen figures from a distance.

A large group of transparent twists flew out of his hand, dispersed into countless groups, and headed directly towards Galleons to surround them. In an instant, all the plundering Galleons were wrapped in twists and sealed.

There are countless more transparent distortions flying down, shooting towards more galleons below like raindrops, as if they want to completely eliminate everyone at once.

"Consolidate everything that exists!" Garen's voice also sounded. "Wither, all things."

One of the Galleons flew straight up, with countless pairs of huge white ice crystal wings blooming from behind his whole body, and his whole body was instantly enveloped in the white robe and golden helmet that he once was.

Amidst the clicking sound, countless ice crystal vines appeared behind him. These vines took root in the void and continued to spread in all directions, like a huge screen, a white screen.

Countless red snowflakes fell down from the universe in an instant, flying one after another, covering hundreds of light-years in radius, all covered by red snowflakes.

Everyone touched by the snowflakes, whether friend or foe, became stiff, lost all resistance, and was directly imprisoned.

Snowflakes and transparent distortions cancel each other out and annihilate each other, directly becoming a stalemate.


In the human army

"What should we do now?!" Bull King, one of the Nine Emperors, looked at the strongest Thousand Pillars King.

"Don't act rashly for the time being." King Qianzhu said calmly.

"Why!? Now is a good opportunity to seize the opportunity to pursue victory!" The Bull King wondered, "Do you think the current White King has any means of counterattack?"

"No, it's not." King Qianzhu frowned, "What I'm worried about is not King White, but Holy Lord Chixue."

"You mean the battle that wiped out the weapon masters back then." The Bull King immediately reacted. The two of them are the two strongest Nine Emperors of humanity present. At this time, their decisions will naturally influence the direction of the entire human race's combat power.

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