Mysterious journey

Chapter 1143 Opportunity 2

Garen had a feeling that ever since he started pushing the Void Crystal to imprison himself, his body had broken away from the connection structure between forces and had become a purely static way of existence.

He himself doesn't know how his body exists, nor why his body is imprisoned, but his will can still travel through dreams. The understanding he gave is that the essence of traveling through dreams is higher than imprisonment.

Garen's half-understood essence of confinement can at most be used to barely offset the essence of other general kings, or it can be used when talking to the White King. The effect is only very obvious when dealing with beings who are not kings.

If you really want to confront the king level head-on, you will be powerless.

He had a premonition that since he barely comprehended half of the essence, especially the essence of confinement and extended to comprehend some of the essence of dream travel, his entire worldview would undergo earth-shaking changes.

The world is no longer only the material world, but also the dream world, the non-material world formed by the intertwining of spirit and spirit, and the fluctuations and intertwining of many things.

The entire universe has become more mysterious, vast and unpredictable.

Perhaps it confirms that sentence more. The more you know, the more you feel your ignorance.


Finite Shrine

The blue sky is white with clouds floating slowly. The golden sunlight falls from the sky and falls on the tall white palace below, reflecting a light golden color.

The King of White walked up the white stairs. Every few hundred steps, his figure would flicker, spanning a long distance in an instant, and appear directly on the next step of the stairs.

The White Palace exists alone in the middle of a large white desert. There is an endless sea of ​​white sand in all directions. The entire desert is astonishingly dazzling under the golden sunlight.

Soon, the White King came to the palace gate wearing a white robe.

As he advanced, the thick stone doors tens of meters high automatically rumbled apart on both sides, revealing the long and deep hall inside.

The floor of the hall is paved with thick white stone tiles, each of which is hundreds of meters long and wide. The entire palace is as huge as a huge city, empty, white, and empty.

The White King walked into the hall and looked at a floating white circular stone platform in the center of the palace.

"Mother, after many years, I come to see you again." The White King's calm voice echoed throughout the palace.

King Finite and Queen were both killed by their own sons. After the White King succeeded to the throne, he had no good impressions of his father. However, he still posthumously named the Queen who he loved as a Goddess after he killed her with his own hands. The woman Blue Ella went to take care of the tomb behind her. This was also sensational news at the time.

"You killed my body with your own hands just to prevent me from hindering your plan. Why do you still have time to come here to see me now?" A cold female voice came from the floating stone platform.

"Killing you was not my intention, everything was for fate." The White King replied calmly. "I came here not only to see you, but also to see Lan Erla."

The woman's voice snorted coldly, said no more, and fell silent.

Soon a woman in blue came out from behind a tall stone pillar on the other side.

"His Majesty."

The woman covered her face with a white cloth. Her figure was thin and she looked like a willow tree in the wind. She also walked a little unsteadily.

"Blue." The White King went up to meet her, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the woman was indeed standing in front of him. "As long as you're okay."

"What's wrong, Your Majesty?" the woman asked doubtfully, but before she could finish her words, the White King pulled her into his arms, untied the white cloth from her face, and kissed her.

What is surprising is that the woman’s face under the white cloth is not beautiful at all, it can even be said to be ugly!

She has small eyes, a flat nose, a big mouth, and her skin is just okay, but it can't be called beautiful in any way, and it can't even be considered ordinary. It can only be described as ugly.

But the White King looked at her with unabashed love. He doesn't care about Blue Ella's appearance. In his eyes, Blue Ella is like a gem that emits bright light all the time. Her spiritual will is almost as beautiful as anyone can match.

"Your Majesty, you are not calm anymore." Blue Ella gently stroked the White King's hair. She was a little shorter, so the White King crouched down and rested his head on her arms.

"Yes. Whenever I feel depressed, only you can make me calm." The White King leaned on Lan Ella's arms. The relationship between the two was like a lover and a mother and child.

Blue Ella is the source of all motivation for the White King.

"What? Did your father's will escape? Or did all the princes of Fenit riot at the same time?" the Queen's voice came coldly.

"It's just a little trouble." The White King raised his head from Lan Ella's arms, "I will take care of it, so I won't worry about it. You should just spend your days here honestly."

He came just to confirm that Lan Ella was really fine. Garen's blow really scared him.

With his goal achieved, the White King stood up and kissed Blue Ella's cheek again.

"Your Majesty, this is an urgent meeting. Prince Longyan asks you to come as soon as possible. It's about this family matter." A man's voice came from the palace gate.

"I know." The White King replied calmly.

"Go." Blue Ella gently stroked his face, "I've always been here."


The King of White held her hand with deep attachment in his eyes.


During the anti-space battle, the name of the Scarlet Snow Lord Garen suddenly spread throughout the two nebulas.

The combat strength assessment report also appeared on the desk of all the king-level forces' heads at the same time.

"Holy Lord Scarlet Snow Gallon: King level.

Risk level - the highest.

Combat strength level - King level ranking is unknown.

Combat range - greater than 300 light years (the hallucinations once released affected all creatures within 321 light years.)

Conceptual properties - confinement, illusion. Exactly unknown.

Special ability - Possession, similar to projection, with unknown restrictions. There is an 80% chance of exerting its strength. Only one possessed unit can exert its power at a time.

Status and rights - leader of the Scarlet Snow Alliance, leader of the Scarlet Snow Sect, and the tenth Star King-level existence (king-level) in the human race. "

Then most of the growth experiences from childhood to adulthood were investigated, and many scholars also began to study several big jumps and abnormal leaps in strength that occurred during their growth.

In this anti-space battle, although there were king-level assistants such as the Thousand Pillar King, Garen's method of deceiving the White King to retreat and create a time difference really interested many strategists. Someone revealed the truth. It is rumored that Degaren's body is still in the White Palace, imprisoned by the workers' hardest substance, the dark golden void crystal. Being alive is one of the reasons why he understands the essence of imprisonment.

A king-level person who was imprisoned could actually exert such a great effect and role through projection, which was immediately talked about by most of the senior officials.

After research and negotiation, the Nine Emperors of Humanity officially gave Garon the title of King of Scarlet Snow.

However, more people believe that Garen is more suitable for the King of Crystals and the King of Lies than the King of Scarlet Snow. Imprisoned in the crystal, relying on hallucinations and lies, he could still deceive the White King and others into heavy losses. After all, the King of Lies is indeed more in line with his nature.

As a result, the official title was in vain, and Garen's popular names among the people became the latter two titles. Those who had a good impression of him called him the King of Crystals, and some who had bad feelings about him, as well as the Fenite people, called him the King of Crystals. Call him the King of Lies.

And the rumors are gradually fading and weakening with the fluctuations of time.

The Red Snow Alliance broke out independently and established its own new region in a new galaxy. It officially became the tenth largest Star King force and was recognized by other forces and joined the Human Alliance.

However, due to the special situation of Garen being mysterious and almost invisible, there were no kings in charge on many occasions, so Chixue naturally ranked last.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed.

Several wars broke out between humans and Fenites, but all ended in vain. Garen's figure only appeared occasionally, and the frequency of his appearances became increasingly longer.

On the contrary, Klin Beilen and others who joined the Red Snow Alliance have grown into a new generation of top masters. Klin successfully entered the eighth level, while Beilen directly reached the ninth level. He has achieved outstanding results in many battles, and even once He also escaped unscathed from the level 10 permanent movers and successfully squeezed into the circle of the top masters. During a latent operation, she simulated the abilities of a Fenite master, successfully deceived the heavily guarded defenses, obtained the most important information, and successfully allowed the human army to severely injure three Fenite Jin Xunlan princes.

Because of this great achievement, her title of Almighty Daughter also resounded throughout the two nebulae.


white palace

Garen is still the same as before, without any change. The essence of confinement not only stagnated all activities in his body, but also stagnated all time in his body.

There is no difference between him now and him two hundred years ago.

Compared with the original confinement power, the current crystal has reached an extremely terrifying level. The power of imprisonment seems to be increasing infinitely. At the beginning, Garen can also communicate with the White King through the crystal. He can rely on the part of the essence of imprisonment that he has mastered and comprehended to transmit and exchange sounds. But now, not even the sound works.

Garen felt that the nature of the shadow dragon seemed to have risen to a level that he could not understand at all.

Now he can only rely on his own understanding and reluctantly accept everything from the outside world unilaterally. The Void Crystal is constantly absorbing everything from the outside world, absorbing and imprisoning everything that comes into contact with it.

It seems that due to the long period of confinement of the Cold Hell Peacock Mother, the crystal has somewhat integrated the devouring essence of the Cold Hell Peacock Mother.

Now, he can only see and hear, but his voice cannot be heard. Even the most basic body movements, such as blinking and smiling, are no longer possible. Confinement has been raised to a level that is completely incomprehensible. .

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