Mysterious journey

Chapter 1146 Omen and Chase 1

Amidst the rumble of water, Garen's voice was clearly transmitted to the other party's ears.

"True identity" Shi Nandi repeated.

He was silent for a long time, squatted down again, and actually ignored Garen.

"If you want to see it, come and see for yourself." He finally pointed to his forehead, slowly closed his eyes, continued to hold the fishing rod, and sat down again. As quiet as a sculpture.

Garen frowned.

Shi Nandi's original record was not like this. He used to not have this kind of personality at all, but it seemed that it was after a war with the Fenites that he changed into this weird look.

He had long suspected how Shi Nandi became the star of the White King. It's all a mystery.

Now, he has only one purpose for coming, and that is revenge.

Because of the grievances caused by the second elder of Chixue Sect and Shi Nandi's attempt to control him. But at this level, as a king-level person, facing the eternal-moving level Shi Nandi, there would be no accidents in such a short period of time. Garen knew everything about the movements of the White King and the nearest king-level being nearby.

"Come and see for yourself?" Garen repeated.

Without the slightest hesitation, he strode forward and gently placed his hand on Shi Nandi's forehead. The memory information was linked instantly, and countless memory fragments rushed from Shi Nandi's mind crazily.

Bang! !

In an instant, countless lights, white light, burst out from the place where the two people came into contact.

Garen's entire body was instantly submerged in countless white lights.

Massive memories flashed past rapidly, finally settling on a scene in space.

It was in a floating metal palace, and the White King withdrew his hand from Shinandi's forehead.

There was also a corpse of a man in white robe lying next to it.

Jia Long looked carefully and was shocked to find that it was actually another Shi Nandi.

"From today on, you are the new light of justice." The White King's voice came from his ears. The immature White King still looked like a teenager at this moment, with a soft and pure smile on his face.

Jia Long looked at Shi Nanti's body in his memory.

It was shockingly just a ball of flesh with no human shape, a scarlet ball of flesh!

boom! !

Amidst countless roars, memory began to recede rapidly, and everything around him turned into colorful rainbow light again.

Jia Long slowly retracted his hand and looked at Shi Nandi in front of him. He had never thought that this so-called King Star was actually an artifact made by the White King himself.

"So, the White King knew that I would come to you?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"How many more times can you come out?" Shi Nandi asked quietly.

Galleons paused.

Indeed, besides himself, there is no other person in the world who knows his situation better than the White King.

He immediately understood what the White King meant.

Shi Nandi is just an artifact of his, and it doesn't matter even if she is given to him. This will also prevent him from finding someone in the end and possibly going crazy.

This is just a transaction.

Jia Long rolled his eyes and stared at Shi Nandi in front of him.

"Are you willing?" He asked something that seemed unnecessary.

After all, whether willingly or not, Shi Nandi could not resist the White King's order.

Shi Nandi opened her eyes.

"I'm just a creature, just a dog of His Majesty's." His eyes were dry and lifeless.


Garen suddenly felt a little ridiculous. The enemy that had destroyed so many schools of powerful weapon masters and had troubled him for so long was actually just an artifact of the White King, and it seemed that he had been so determined to die for a long time.

Then why has he been so crazy about improving himself and looking for traces of Shi Nandi everywhere? Meaningless!

There was a surge of anger in his heart for no reason, and Garen pressed his palm violently.

Bang! !

Blood splattered everywhere.

Shinandi's head exploded instantly, and the top of her neck was completely empty, mixed with bones and flesh, suspended in the center of Galen's palm.

Shi Nandi's body slowly fell to one side, but she could still continue breathing. The strong vitality of her body showed that this body was indeed that of a saint and belonged to Shi Nandi's true body.

It all ended so simply.

Garen had a feeling of complete unreality. Holding in his hand a bead of flesh and blood that had been reduced to the size of a fingernail, he didn't even glance at Shi Nandi's body. Turning around and jumping lightly, he soared into the sky. Behind him, countless white jade-like ice crystal wings bloomed, layer upon layer, getting bigger and wider.

In just a few seconds, it almost covered the entire sky above the entire waterfall.

Countless crimson snowflakes fell one after another. The entire planet went from summer to winter in just a few seconds.

The huge waterfall quickly slowed down, slowly solidified, froze, and finally stood completely still. Transformed into a beautiful ice sculpture.

Shinandi's body was also among them. The frozen ice melted into one, and a large number of red snowflakes covered it, quickly dyeing the white ice waterfall into light red.

There was a muffled sound, and before everyone on the planet could react, the ice crystal wings in the sky disappeared instantly, leaving no traces except the cold red snow.

Next to the body of Shinandi in the ice waterfall.

The figure of the White King slowly emerged. He squatted down and placed his hand on the covered area of ​​Shinandi's body.

"Sorry." He spoke softly in a word that only he could hear.


Garen spread his wings and flew in the counter-space, and cracks in the void battlefield could be seen from time to time around him. Since the past few years, it seems that there have been more and more cracks in these void battlefields.

His whole body was like a big white bird, flying rapidly with ice crystal wings that were almost half the size of an ordinary planet. There was a feeling of frustration and annoyance in his heart that could not be vented.

Indeed, he had no reason to take action again.

Shi Nandi took the initiative to wait for him to come and die without resistance. What reason did he have to hurt other innocent people?

The strongest king star, Shi Nandi, is actually just a perpetual mover for the White King, a stronger perpetual mover. If a king's extreme revenge can be quelled, then what's the difficulty in letting him commit suicide?


From a black crack in the space, an extremely huge black snake head slowly emerged, with red eyes like the sun staring at Garen.

This is a giant void snake that has appeared more and more frequently recently. Most of the bodies of such giant void snakes are composed of space dust and various ordinary substances. They make a living by constantly devouring high-energy objects. Each of them has at least the ability to survive. Level strength.

In recent years, there have been more and more such wild animals.

Just as the giant void snake was about to approach Garen, it seemed to smell an extremely dangerous aura. He quickly retracted his head and quickly disappeared.

After a few flashes, Garen stopped beside an anti-space asteroid.

The wings on his back were like hands, tearing open the void in front of him, revealing a huge crack for advancement.

The huge wings quickly retracted and returned to Garen's back. A white robe and golden helmet appeared on him again.

Galleons flew lightly into the crack.


Red Snow Alliance, Blazing Sun Galaxy.

On this day, the entire galaxy was filled with red snowflakes.

A huge being with white ice crystal wings on its back arrived. Every ordinary person in the galaxy can see the white transparent wings that are constantly flapping in the sky of the planet, which are the extension of the alliance leader, the Crystal King.

The entire Red Snow Alliance was able to maintain stability because of the Crystal King.

Suspended in the middle of the galaxy and on the edge of the stars, Garen showed off his most powerful and brilliant power. This was not just a mere display of strength, but before he left, he finally told the young people that he was still there. He, Garen, the King of Crystals, is still alive.

"This may be able to preserve the peace of the Red Snow Alliance for hundreds of years. But that's all. Hundreds of years later, Klin and the others must have grown up." Garen looked at the four stars slowly orbiting below. He has done everything he needs to do on the planet. Shi Nandi is dead, and his will and flesh are condensed into beads, which are held in his current hands. The Red Snow Alliance will be Klin's greatest support until he grows up.

With the protection of mankind, even if the White King regrets it now, it is already too late. The trend is established.

Slowly folding his wings, Garen dived down and flew directly towards one of the main stars.

Everything in front of me zoomed in and out, and the surface of the blue planet quickly expanded into a lake.

The green lake is surrounded by forests. There is a tall white spire on the edge of the lake. On the top of the tower stand Klingberen and others, as well as Shuangfang and other high-rises.

All of them raised their heads and looked at the direction Garen was flying from.

"Leader of the alliance!" "Leader of the faction!"


Several different shouts sounded at the same time.

Garen slowed down slightly, landed on the top of the spire, stood firm with his feet, and then looked at the current Beren. It had been many years since I last saw him, and Beren had more and more white hair on his head, and he was looking at me with concern on his face.

"Brother" Beren took a step forward, "After receiving your summons, we rushed back immediately. What happened?"

In front of outsiders, she is the most ruthless murderous witch, but when facing the people she values, she only has an indifferent expression. Even her expression is because her facial muscles have been stiff for a long time, and she no longer knows how to soften her face.

"That's right! I'm having dinner with my daughter! They say that my daughter was my father's lover in his previous life, and it's true." Klin next to him looked like a weird uncle with endless aftertaste.

"Disgusting!" Bai Dong, who was not far away, looked at Klin with contempt, "I won't even spare my own daughter! Beast!"

"Hey, hey, I just have a good relationship with my daughter, it's not what you think!" Clinton's face darkened, "Bai Dong, I see we haven't seen each other for so long. Are you dissatisfied and want to fight, right?!" He started to roll up his sleeves .

"Just you!" Bai Dong raised his middle finger. The gentle personality he once had has now completely changed. "Xiao Lun gives you a hand!"

"Don't drag me along if you are arguing!" Beren glared at the two of them unhappily, and everyone fell silent immediately. Obviously her prestige in the circle is growing day by day.

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