Mysterious journey

Chapter 115 Eliza - Scale City 2

"Why don't you tell your family your true situation?"

Su Lin was silent for a moment and did not answer, with a complicated expression on his face.

Seeing that he didn't want to mention it, Garon paused and said, "Let's change the topic. How did you get into trouble this time?"

Su Lin frowned slightly.

"I have no idea."

He stretched out his index finger and scraped it gently on the small table, making a squeaking sound.

"If I hadn't had a friend in the mercenary world give me the news, I would have died without knowing what was going on. I guessed that the other party's purpose was to kill my sister and me in order to attack my father and brother. "When he thought of this, he felt a little emotional, "Ansara. Such a big deal. It is one of the most powerful killer organizations. If I hadn't discovered it in advance and warned my family secretly, I might have fallen into trouble this time. . But this time, no one would have thought that a young man who was just waiting to die would have an unusual identity. Originally, I didn’t want to expose it, but this time they forced me.”

"Ansara!! If you dare to attack my cherished family members, I want them to die one by one! One by one, both of them will die!"

When he mentioned the name, his voice was low and a chill appeared on his face.

"Garen, it's all up to you this time." After seeing Garen's terrifying physical strength, he had unprecedented confidence in Garen.

"Don't worry, I will try my best." Garen said solemnly.

The two of them were speechless for a moment, both in silence.

The train gradually stopped, more people got off, and new passengers got on.

The two of them were seated in a six-seater, and there were four seats available. Soon three young people got on the bus and sat over.

Galen and Su Lin sat a little deeper inside, making room for a few others.

The three of them were two boys and one girl. The only girl looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old. She was beautiful, with a slim figure, and had light blue shawl hair that was as smooth and shiny as fine silk satin. However, she was dressed in ordinary clothes.

Of the other two boys, one was dressed a little noble and had a handsome face, but he was a little thinner and had a petty bourgeois aristocratic air about him.

The other one is dressed in ordinary clothes, has a strong build, has a bit of dark skin, always has a polite and soft smile on his face, and looks like he comes from a very average family background.

The three of them sat down as the two boys sat next to Su Lin and Garen, while the girls sat outside.

With outsiders around, Jialong Surin couldn't continue talking about the topic just now, so he fell silent for the time being.

This time, both of them traveled in a low-key manner, allowing the makeup artist to try their best to cover up their very human temperament. Even Su Lin's overly handsome face was smeared into an unhealthy complexion, looking much gloomier. The clothes are jeans and T-shirts worn by ordinary young people, nothing special.

At this time, after the three people sat down, they glanced at the two of them casually and stopped paying attention. After packing their luggage, the three of them sat down and began to take out some of the food they had prepared for the meal.

The things that the sturdy boys and girls brought were very ordinary white bread and wheat cakes, respectively packed in plastic boxes, along with their own small bottles of boiling water. This is also the most common meal combination for most people on the train.

The other skinny boy brought out cookies, milk, and tiramisu cakes.

"So beautiful." The girl's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the small cakes were made into the shape of small animals one by one.

"Irene, Jeff, let's try it together." The thin boy smiled, feeling slightly proud, and pushed the cake box onto the small table. Intentionally or unintentionally, he deliberately placed the trademark part of the cake box at the most conspicuous angle.

"I don't have to." The sturdy boy smiled a little cautiously and continued to eat his wheat cake. It seemed that the gap in family background made him a little uncomfortable.

The girl also noticed the obvious contrast and smiled awkwardly, "No, you can eat it yourself, Sharman. I just have this."

"You're welcome." Although the thin boy has a little problem and likes to show off, he is still quite sincere. I'm sorry that I eat well and my friends and companions eat poorly. Simply use tweezers to divide the small cake into three parts, and stuff two of them into the companion's food box.

"It's not a good thing. Let's eat together. I still have milk here. I have plenty of it." He piled the milk cartons on the small table.

The other two people were a little embarrassed at first, but then gradually relaxed. The skinny boy Shaman also changed the topic and talked about some interesting things about the last trip. The three of them chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was lively.

Here, Jialong and Sulin just drank boiled water slowly without eating anything, and listened quietly to the three people chatting.

Maybe he was just a little embarrassed to eat by himself, so Jeff, the sturdy boy, touched Su Lin's arm.

"Dude, you forgot to bring food? Come on, have some." He divided some pieces of wheat cakes and cakes and handed them over, placing them in front of the two of them.

"Uh, no, thank you. We're not hungry." Su Lin didn't expect the other party to be so enthusiastic.

"It feels like we are eating on the side and you are watching on the side, which is a bit embarrassing." Jeff smiled and said frankly. "By the way, are you two together?"

"Yes, you three are together, right? Are you going to college in Yinjia City?"

"Well, we are students at Deep Blue St. Art Academy. We will start registration soon."

"Dark Blue St., that place. When I went there before."

Su Lin casually chatted with him for a few words, then stopped talking and just listened.

Garen had no idea what they were talking about and couldn't get in the conversation, so he just listened quietly.

After listening for a while, I became a little bored.

"I heard that the concert in Yinjia City is very famous. It wasn't called that originally, but it was later changed to Yinjia?" Garen recalled that he had learned some geography knowledge by himself.

"That's right." Su Lin nodded, "There are three types of concerts in Yinjia City, one is a large venue, the second is a salon-like format, and the third is a private concert."

"I went to listen to the big show. It's very comfortable and feels good." The girl Yilin answered. "By the way, seeing as you are so strong, you must be someone who likes to exercise, right? Then your body must be in very good shape?"

She said this to Garen.

"It's not bad." Garen smiled. His figure is indeed very strong among his peers.

"I'm so envious. It's hot and cold this season, and I catch a cold if I don't pay attention. Last time I went to a concert, I caught a cold when I came back. I had a high fever and it took me a long time to recover." The girl said helplessly. "Have you ever been to a concert?"

"Um, no." Garen shook his head. He couldn't tell the difference between the sounds of the violin and the erhu. Let alone the concert.

"I also went to the Lakeland venue to listen to that concert. It was a violin solo, and I didn't feel very good. Since Australia came back from Weisman, I feel that my condition has been declining." Shaman, a thin boy, continued, " In fact, if you are interested, you can buy box tickets, which are only a little more expensive than ordinary tickets, but there is a dedicated person burning the fireplace inside, which makes it much warmer."

"Forget it, you can do a lot of things by saving some money." The girl stuck out her tongue, "The ticket price is already high, so I can't bear to stay in a private room."

Sharman smiled and looked at Garen and the two. "Compared to Odo, Kusi Felita's piano is much more beautiful."

"You also like Kusi's piano." One of the three people playing cards nearby, a boy in white clothes, sat over with interest. "This time the Bundestag issued a document on concert scale control, and Kusi is one of those who requested to be rectified. We don't know what impact it will have on his status."

"Is this document issued?" Two other people playing cards also came over to chat together. One of the girls with brown curly hair looked at the boy in white clothes. "Hutch, where did you get the news? From your dad?"

"Mr. Herris, the provincial executive officer, came down. The news came out that he went fishing with the Governor some time ago. My father happened to be in charge of this file in the Governor's office. In a few days, your mother's bureau will also receive the notice. I just It’s just a matter of time to know first.”

"Executive Officer Herris?" Su Lin suddenly said, his expression slightly startled.

"Ordinary people have probably never heard of it." The boy in white clothes glanced at him, "It only took him ten years to reach the deputy provincial level from the general department at the municipal level. He is the hottest rookie official in Eliza right now. .”

"That's not the point. It's Mr. Herries! The youngest deputy provincial official in this province. Tsk tsk, has your father seen him? What kind of person is he?" the girl asked curiously.

"I haven't seen him in person. He is said to be very serious." The boy in white clothes smiled, feeling a little complacent. "Besides, what I just mentioned is a document issued by the central government. There will be no mistakes when it comes to the province and then to the city."

The three people here were listening to the chat of the three people there, and their intuition was that they couldn't get in the way at all. The level of the three people was too much higher than them, and the topics they talked about were simply beyond the reach of people of this age, and some of them even touched on the topic. Governor's Office Policies.

Maybe because he was addicted to talking and gained face in front of a beautiful girl like Yilin, the boy in white clothes named Heqi simply said, "Well, lunch time is here, I invite everyone to go to the restaurant to have a meal together! Don't say no Go, anyone who doesn’t go is not giving me face! The taste and quality of the K3 train restaurant are very good, I have eaten there many times.”

He stretched out his finger and pointed at the five people on Yilin's side.

Su Lin politely refused.

The others were unable to refuse their hospitality, so the three of them had no choice but to follow Heqi towards the front compartment of the train. Among them, Sharman, who originally had a sense of superiority, was so overwhelmed by the aura of the three that he shrank and even seemed a little embarrassed to speak loudly.

The six people left temporarily.

Garen and Sulin were the only two people left in this row. The surrounding area became quiet for a while.

Garen saw the strange expression on Sulin's face.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing." Su Lin came back to his senses. "When I see young people of their age, I always feel as if I am very old. I really want to go back to my youthful days."

"You're not that big, either." Garen was speechless.

"By the way, your accommodation has been arranged for you. I just bought No. 43 Huayuan Street. Someone will send you the train key after you get off the train. What model do you want for the car?"

"I don't have a driver's license."

"It's a matter of one sentence."

"Then give me whatever is the most expensive." Garen said bluntly.

"You're so rude!" Su Lin punched Garen and scolded him with a smile. "The Tequila S7 I'm driving now is for you. The market price is 12 million. It's a bargain for you!"

"By the way, why did you have such a weird expression just now? Are you still embarrassed to show off with these kids?" Garen asked.

"Do you know who the executive officer they are talking about is Helis?" Sulin asked.

"Only the devil knows!" Garen rolled his eyes.

"That's my brother."


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