Mysterious journey

Chapter 1160 Take action 1

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The few telephone poles on the street seemed to be out of order. They were flickering and dim. After a few pedestrians passed by, only an occasional car passed by.

Dao Yi Dao Er and Dao Yi Dao Er were wearing blue and white school uniforms and walking back with their schoolbags on their backs like ordinary students.

Dao Yi's name is Yuriwa, and he is a sunny boy with fair skin and a bright smile, while Dao Er's name is Yurijie, she has twin tails, and looks very similar to Dao Yi, but the only difference is that her skin is more delicate. He looked silent and inseparable from Yuriva.

The two walked along the street to a corner. There was a bar on the corner. Quiet music could be heard faintly from inside, and red lights were projected from inside. There is a line of letters engraved on the side of the door. They are so twisted that I can’t understand what they are.

"How did you develop the chief's skills? He feels so strong that I may not be able to defeat him with one hand." Daoyi Yuriwa asked his sister casually while holding his cell phone and replying to his friend's text message.

"Who knows." Dao Er was taking a selfie with his mobile phone, preparing to post it to his circle of friends, pouting and puffing up his cheeks to pretend to be cute.

"At such a young age, he can reach such a level of strength, but I don't know how he is doing in actual combat?" Dao Yi said boredly.

"Actual combat?" Yuri Jie put down her phone and glanced at her brother, "Are you still thinking about that incident before?"

"Have you forgotten?" Yuriva asked. "That person arrested Sister Xue, and then lured out Brother Lilkadan. The real target in the end should be me." He pulled his hair, "Being targeted by such a pervert for no reason, I really feel a lot of pressure."

"Why don't you call the police?" Yuri Jie suggested.

"Is it useful? I've reported it twice." Yuriva rolled his eyes. "Don't you tell the police that we are not ordinary people. In order to protect the peace of the earth, we are being targeted by an organization called Vulture. They want to arrest Let us use it for research? Do you think the police officer would believe such nonsense?"

"It is indeed a problem." Yurijie nodded seriously, "How about finding help?"

"Who are you looking for? Please, actual combat and competition are two different things. How many people in this era have experienced actual combat?" Yuriwa was helpless.

"We can pay to hire mercenaries or something."

"You must have read too many novels." Yuriva was speechless. "Besides, where did we get this kind of channel?"

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't wait for others to attack again, right?" Yuri Jie shrugged.

"Then what else?" Yuriva touched his chin, "Think about it, uncle had anticipated this day, so he let us train with Brother Lilkadan since we were young. We used to hunt wild boars. The skills of hunters such as foxes can be directly used to deal with these aspects."

"You put it that way, it's really similar." Yuri Jie has always been relatively slow-witted.

While the two were talking, they turned a corner and walked into an alley. This was a shortcut that led directly to home. They had walked there countless times and were already very familiar with it.

But just turned around.


Yuriva pulled her sister sharply to avoid something hitting her in the air.


The black thing plunged into the side wall, and actually sunk deeply.

The two of them were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat. When they looked carefully, they saw that it was a black metal weapon that looked like an animal's paw.

The murder weapon had three fingers, which penetrated directly into the cement wall, hooking deeply and digging out pieces of cement ash.

"Who is it?" Yuriva's vigilance suddenly reached its peak, and he opened his eyes wide and stared at the darkness in front of the alley.

In the darkness, a two-meter-tall figure gradually approached and emerged.

It was a man wrapped in thick clothes, like a seriously injured person who just ran out of the hospital. His whole body looked bloated, huge and thick, giving people a heavy feeling.

The man's only exposed face made Yuriva's whole body tense up instantly.

"Yuriva, I let you escape last time, and I will never let you escape this time." The man's voice was low and stiff, and he seemed a little inhuman.

He grabbed it with one hand, and a silver chain fell down with a clatter, shaking, reflecting a subtle silver light.

"Silver chain!" Yuriva's expression instantly became solemn.

"You go first." He said softly to his sister.

"We can't leave." Sweat dripped from Yuri Jie's temples, "There are people guarding us in front and behind. I can feel the reflection of the gun's muzzle!"

"It's troublesome." Yuriva's heart sank.

Silver Chain took a step forward.

"This is just a test."


He rushed forward, his tall body as agile and agile as a wild wolf.


A few minutes later, two knives were lying on the walls on both sides of the alley. Scarlet blood flowed out from under their bodies, forming two clearly visible red lines.

The whole alley smelled like rust and blood.

"Is this the power of the savior?" Silver Chain looked even colder than last time. His hands were no longer human palms, but completely mechanical claws, glowing with a cold light in the darkness.

"According to rumors, isn't it true that you can borrow the power of others?"

The silver chain walked towards Yuriva on the ground.

"Sure enough, he is still too weak. The strongest savior in the legend is the one who can borrow the power of a hundred people to reach the most terrifying state."


He walked up to Yuriva and kicked him hard, causing Yuriva to vomit blood again.

"And you can't borrow the power of three people, right? How pitiful."

"Don't touch my brother!!" Yurijie yelled not far away. She never expected that the silver chain that they managed to cut off her hands last time would suddenly become so powerful that it was on another level.

She never expected that her brother would be defeated so easily head-on in just a few confrontations.

My brother, who has always been known for his strength and ability to borrow the power of others, was defeated so easily! ! incredible!

"Hit me. Hit me!" She supported her body tenaciously, her lower abdomen was full of blood, and it kept dripping.

Silver Chain turned his head and looked at Yurijie impatiently.

"Not a savior, worthless to us."

He left Yuriwa's side and walked towards Yuri Jie.

"Should I kill you?"

Yurijie's pupils shrank instantly. No matter how much she had been trained, no matter how much she had experienced two life-and-death battles before, when she faced death, she still felt like her whole body was shaking and her heart was contracting and tightening. It almost feels like I can't breathe.

"Don't touch my sister!!" Yuriwa's voice came from behind.

Silver Chain suddenly grinned and was about to speak.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a subtle sound from an electronic headset coming from him, and he stopped, as if listening to something.

"Are you kidding? Retreat?! Hahaha." The silver chain suddenly crushed something and threw it to the ground. "My hands were broken and I almost died at the hands of these two brats. Now is the best opportunity for revenge, and they actually asked me to retreat?!"


Suddenly, a bullet hole appeared directly on the ground at his feet.

"Huh?" Silver Chain raised his head and looked in the direction of the gunman ambushing outside the alley.

"Are you threatening me?"

With a snap, he instantly ran into the darkness like a giant wolf in the night.


A distant scream suddenly sounded, and Yuriwa and Yuriwa took this opportunity to crawl together.

"Let's go! That guy is no longer a human, half of his body has been transformed into a machine! I can't beat him at all!" Yuriva said hurriedly, "Hurry and find Brother Lil Cardan! Don't call the police!"

He tried his best to help Yurijie up, but his sister's body had no strength at all. Just when she barely stood up, the wound on her abdomen burst open and the blood began to flow vigorously again.


The two fell to the ground again, and this time they couldn't get up.

"Eh? What are you doing? Playing with the forbidden love between brother and sister?" Suddenly a bored voice came from the alley.

"Boss!" "Headquarters Chief!!"

Seeing Kong Xiaofei at the entrance of the alley, the two people lying on the ground were so moved that they wanted to burst into tears.

Finally there is help! !

Suddenly Yuriva seemed to remember the current situation and became anxious again.

"Headquarters Chief, please help me call my cousin!! It's very dangerous here, leave now!!"

"One sword, two swords?" Garen walked into the alley, frowning, and his nose twitched, as if he smelled something wrong.

"This is the smell of blood."

His expression condensed. Glancing at the two anxious-looking brothers and sisters on the ground, he was about to speak when he suddenly turned his head and looked further down the alley.

"The sneaky rat hiding in the alley." Garen's eyes sharpened, and he immediately stared at the two-meter-high cyborg silver chain that slowly walked out of the depths of the alley.

"Outsiders, leave by yourself, or you will die!" Silver Chain raised the black claws in his hand and made a cold, hard voice.

The two were face to face, only three meters apart. Garen's hand gently grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, and the black claws on the silver chain hand tightened, as if they might burst out at any time.

The situation is on the verge of breaking out.

Dao Er, who was seriously injured on the ground, covered his abdominal wound.

"Headquarters Chief?! Why did he come here suddenly?!" Daoer Yurijie asked weakly in a low voice.

"You have to warn him to leave quickly! That guy is not something a human can resist!" Daoyi was sweating profusely, and he probably had three broken ribs.

He now understands that this is a battle belonging to the Four Cornerstones. The opponent is the Vulture. It is a huge organization formed specifically to capture the Four Cornerstones. It is not a force that ordinary people can resist. If it was just them, as the four cornerstones, they would not kill two of them so easily. But it's different once outsiders get involved. These people never take human life seriously!

Don't involve others!

With this thought in mind, Daoyi grabbed his keychain and slammed it towards Garen.

"Let's go!" He shouted with his last strength.

The sound of clattering keys echoed in the air.

But the moment the key flashed through the air.

Clang! !

A white light lit up. Garen drew his sword. (My novel "Mysterious Journey" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a Friend", Search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!)

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