Mysterious journey

Chapter 1168 Watching the Battle 2

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"Mom...!" Yurijie's breathing suddenly became heavier. "I'll be right back!!" She was participating in the training activities of the Unlimited Fighting Club.

After putting down the phone, Yuriva felt that she was a little impatient. She called her sister before thoroughly verifying the situation. It was really inappropriate.

He immediately called his mother's workplace to inquire about the situation, and then called a nearby aunt who often played with his mother to inquire about the situation.

But no one said they had seen their mother.

The trace of luck he held in his heart was also disappearing with the phone calls one after another. It wasn't until the last phone call that he was finally convinced that his mother was indeed missing.

"Vulture!" He put down the phone, his eyes showing complete anger for the first time.

Phew. Suddenly a cool breeze blew the curtains.

The curtains were raised, and on the edge of the covered window below, there was actually a note with a similar color to the window sill.

Yuriva immediately took a step forward and rushed forward. It seems that there is new hope. I hope it’s a clue left by my mother! ! He was hoping.

Pull off the edge of the paper and take a look.

‘Go to ZT City and find a person who calls an owl. She will tell you everything. ’ followed by an address.

"It's mom's handwriting!" Yuriva's eyes suddenly lit up. "It seems like she must be fine!"

He breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he knew his mother was fine, everything would be easy.

After walking out of the bedroom, he stood on the fence on the second floor with eyes blank. His highly tense spirit relaxed and he suddenly felt a little tired.

"I really don't know what's going on in this world!" He murmured. People who seemed normal at first have become no longer normal one by one. If the mother's message is true, then it is likely that there are many things hidden.

Why have I and others been trained in various skills by my uncle since they were young? Now that I think about it, those skills are probably used on people, rather than hunting wild beasts.

There was also the vulture that appeared out of nowhere, and how did he suddenly become one of the four cornerstones?

Everything seems more and more mysterious.

He took out the phone again and dialed Lil Cardin's number. At this time, the only person he could think of was his cousin.

But unfortunately, there was only a busy signal on the phone.

"Huh." He took a long breath, feeling extremely depressed in his chest. Unexplainable events kept happening, making him increasingly filled with doubts.

Suddenly, an inexplicable tingling sensation emerged from his chest.

"Is this...?" His heart tightened and he suddenly rolled to the left.


A small sound of firecrackers sounded, and a small hole with white smoke appeared directly on the ground where he was standing.

"Gunner!! It's a penetrating sniper rifle!" The knowledge about various weapons that his uncle taught him when he was a child suddenly came to mind.

There is a sniper taking aim in the distance!

All Yuriva's fatigue was immediately swept away, and he entered a state of high concentration.

Suddenly he swung the stick to the left and hit a vase. With a crash, the vase shattered to the ground, but there was a clear small hole where he was before.

"It can shoot through walls. It must be a thermal imaging sight. The distance should not be far!"

He recalled the Vulture gunman who failed to catch last time. After analysis, they also confirmed that it was definitely not the two people who fired the gun. Judging from the traces left at the time, there should be a third person at the scene, but at that time there was no Only two people were seen.

Rushing forward, and then rolling on the spot, Yurivar took an L-shaped route, and there was another bullet hole on the only path in front of him.

The intense crisis threatened every cell in his body, causing them to unleash their strongest potential.

After dodging two more shots in a row, he finally rushed out of the building and ran an S-shaped route towards the gunman.

From a distance, he saw a man in black putting away his mounted firearm from a window of a nearby building and looking at him from a distance.

Not far away on the way home, Yurijie was running over quickly.

"Chase!" She obviously heard the gunfire, and she was prepared with a long knife on her back.

The two of them rushed towards the house without saying a word.

The surrounding environment is very strange. There should be a lot of pedestrians at this time, but there are very few, and no one can even be seen. It seemed like someone was deliberately alienating the crowd.

An unpleasant smell can be smelled in the air. Don't know what it is.

The two chased each other wildly and finally intercepted each other at the entrance and exit slope of a residential driveway.

"Stop!" Yuriva yelled.

The other party actually stopped.

Turning around, the man in a black trench coat completely revealed his appearance.

Thick eyebrows, big eyes, calm eyes, giving people a feeling of calm as water.

"What do you want to say?" the man asked calmly.

"Where did you take my mother!? Tell me!" Yuriva yelled suppressing his anger and anxiety.

The man did not answer immediately, but looked at Yuriva and his sister strangely.

"It seems that you really don't know anything."

"What do you know!?" Yurijie slowly pulled out the knife at the side with a solemn expression, obviously planning to fight quickly. Recently, her sword skills have greatly improved, and she has gained unfilial confidence in her own skills. After all, she was trained as a child, and now she just incorporates many fighting aspects into her sword skills, and the essence remains the same.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's capture him first!" Yuriva didn't bother to say any more, so he simply pulled out the short knife he carried with him and rushed forward with a single lunge.


In another window in the distance.

Garen and the nine-tailed fox were standing side by side in front of the window, each holding a telescope and looking at the battle between Yuriva and the gunman over there.

The nine-tailed fox was wearing a jet black top, a white skirt and long black stockings. Her slender legs stood tightly together without any gaps. Coupled with the youthful appearance of a beautiful girl, the combination of innocence, cuteness and sexiness reveals a strange temptation.

"That's Haifeng." She pursed her lips and said with a smile, "How is it? How is your strength?"

Garen didn't reply and looked at it for a while before putting down the telescope.

"What is his semi-mechanized part? Why does it feel weird?"

"His ability is basically invisible to ordinary people. People who don't know the inside story will think that he has no ability at all and has not undergone transformation." The nine-tailed fox smiled like a fox. "But in fact, he has the most secret ability among vultures - the fragrance of flowers."

"It's the smell?!" Garen suddenly understood.

"Yes. It's the smell." The nine-tailed fox nodded. "And it's not a harmful gas or a poison, it's just a catalyst."


"Yes." The nine-tailed fox turned around and leaned against the window sill. "A special gas that can accelerate the opponent's physical strength consumption. It also has a certain hypnotic effect and is very covert."

"It's impossible to guard against him." Garen nodded, "His own fighting skills are also very strong. In this way, the opponent will unknowingly fall under the influence of his scent, resulting in excessive physical exertion."

"Haifeng is a relatively cold person among the vultures, and he is also a very special person." The nine-tailed fox said with a smile.


"You'll find out if you keep reading."

She calmly and gently moved closer to Garen. The same faint sweet fragrance came out and slowly filled the air.


Yuriva punched Haifeng in the abdomen, but the opponent dodged it, but he himself was almost scratched on the arm by his sister's knife.

The three of them were huddled together in the middle of the slope, and swords flashed from time to time, reflecting bright white light.

Yulijie's knife kept missing Haifeng's body time and time again, but it was always just a little bit behind.

The same goes for Yuriva's fists, legs and feet, as if they were acting together, he was just a little bit closer every time to just hit the opponent.

"You can only hide! Damn it!!" Yuriwa yelled, a little angry. He is a calm person on the outside but very impulsive on the inside. Otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed to save people without saying a word when his cousin was kidnapped last time.

Now fighting like being played by the opponent, the anger in his heart is rising steadily.

"Hide?" Haifeng said lightly, "I just don't want to kill you."

"What is your purpose!" Yulijie slashed down with his sword, but Qi Qi easily dodged it.

"Didn't your teacher teach you not to use all your strength when chopping?" Haifeng said calmly, without even a hint of breathlessness in his tone.

"You don't need to say it!" Yurijie became angry and hacked even harder. But still couldn't hit anyone.

"Second-rate swordsmanship, third-rate talent." Haifeng commented coldly. "Learning this kind of sword technique will only keep you at this level for the rest of your life."


"This guy is really annoying." Garen said unhappily.

He was the one who taught him swordsmanship. Although he really didn't put much thought into it, he was actually evaluated as second-rate, which made him a little unhappy.

"Hehe. Aren't you telling the truth?" The nine-tailed fox covered his mouth and laughed, "Who told you not to teach seriously? You don't even teach students in accordance with their aptitude."

"They will all go their own way sooner or later anyway, so I thought that teaching them would be in vain anyway, so I might as well just give them random guidance." Garen shrugged.

"How about you go up and teach him a lesson, let him know what the real sword skills are like?" The nine-tailed fox never forgets to test Garen's strength.

Since there is no intention to escape from the place where the plot develops, several of the time-travelers with armed forces have become the targets of everyone's struggle.

Among them, Garen and the Nine-tailed Fox are naturally one of them. The Nine-tailed Fox originally seemed to have a good impression of Garen and planned to absorb him into his own force. Now that there is an additional reason, it is even more legitimate contact.

Garen also understands that whether it is Kong Xinxue or the nine-tailed fox, the so-called sacrifice of a little color to seduce him is not just to make him work hard? He wouldn't be so stupid and swallow the temptation directly. As for taking action, let's see the situation first.

He now plans to see what the soul power aura of the four cornerstones is and whether it can be used. In addition, he is going to do tasks to accumulate some task points and go to the lighthouse headquarters to have a look. Everything else has to give way to these two purposes. (The novel "Mysterious Journey" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add Friend" in the upper right corner, and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!)

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