Mysterious journey

Chapter 1183 Plot 1


Garen's leather boots dug deeply into the sand of the beach. He stood in the distance and quietly looked at Yuriwa and Jiatai, the root doctor, who were still fighting. Both of them had reached the point of exhaustion.

"Now as soon as I go up, the battle will be over immediately."

Garen felt someone coming behind him and recognized the footsteps of the nine-tailed fox and others, and said casually.

"Then why don't you come up?" The nine-tailed fox and a group of subordinates in black quickly walked from the rear and stood next to Garen, also watching the battle on the beach from a distance.

"Why do you want to go up there? Hasn't the vulture always had no ill intentions towards us?" Garen asked, slowly sheathing the knife in his hand, "So I let that guy go, he was just It’s just a test.”

"So just let them know how powerful it is, right?" The nine-tailed fox stood beside him with his arms folded, seeming to agree with this approach.

Garen wasn't quite sure what she was thinking. The nine-tailed fox was so actively involved, so he probably had big intentions.

He now knows that even among time travellers, almost no one has abilities like his innate attributes, so the only way they can make themselves stronger in each world is to seize the familiar plot and get the most out of it. Required benefits.

Garen didn't know what the others wanted. If it was about soul seeds and soul power like him, I'm afraid there would be a few more people on the final enemy list.

At this time, the battle on the beach was basically decided. After Jiatai verbally threatened Yuriwa to no avail, he decisively chose to retreat.

A submarine emerged from the sea, carrying him quickly away from the beach here, and soon disappeared on the sea level.

Garen and others slowly walked over, and the nine-tailed fox quickly took people there for treatment. This time was the best opportunity to build relationships. The friendship of the savior was one of the biggest advantages in the plot.

Garen watched from a distance as the nine-tailed fox led the people there. Lihua and other time travelers did not appear, and Kong Xinxue did not know where he had gone.

"I don't know why. Although the level of force in this world is a bit beyond my expectation, there is still no sense of crisis at all. Why is this?" He touched his chin, feeling that he seemed to have taken it too easy recently.


The nine-tailed fox looked at the Yuriwa brothers and sisters who were carried away, and Lihua stood beside her at some point.

"How is it? What's the situation?" Lihua asked in a low voice.

"Something's wrong." The nine-tailed fox frowned, "The plot is a bit out of control. It feels like something is very wrong!"

"Is it Yuriwa's problem? Or is there something wrong with the newcomer Garen?" Lihua also frowned. She knew that the nine-tailed fox's premonitions were always very accurate.

"It doesn't seem to be the case." The nine-tailed fox walked a little further away to prevent being eavesdropped. His long hair was blown up by the sea breeze and ignored it.

"I always feel like something is not as it should be. But I can't tell what it is."

"Could it be your imagination?" Lihua said casually.

"No" the nine-tailed fox shook his head, "Forget it, let's not think about it. We can only take it one step at a time. We just need to follow Yuriva closely. The savior will naturally lead to the main plot. Sooner or later, clues will appear whether it is right or wrong. We just need to be more prepared.”



Garen was bored and cared about Yuriwa's injury, and determined that he was just overtired and fell asleep, so he went back to sleep. Now he was completely relaxed. In fact, there was nothing in this world that could really threaten him. Not much. Now with his sword master level strength, he is basically invincible on land, not to mention the higher level of swordsmanship that he has achieved by using his soul ring. The soul power is also nourishing his body all the time.

Yuriwa brother and sister, Kong Xinxue, Nine-tailed Fox, and a group of time travellers, these people were all around the plot almost all the time, but he was very leisurely.

Since the battle on the beach, Yuriwa seems to have been stimulated by something, and she has been exercising frantically to strengthen herself every day.

The nine-tailed fox Kong Xinxue stayed together every day and didn't know what to discuss.

Garen himself was too lazy to pay attention to this. He would go out to a restaurant every day, eat some side dishes, go out to a hot spring, take a sauna, and occasionally go to class to reminisce about the wonderful school days.

Life is so cool.

As for money? There is no need to worry about this aspect at all. With his ability, making some money is just a trivial matter. One night, people from the Ministry of National Security came to the door. After discussing with Gallon for a night, Gallon got what most people would probably get if they worked hard all their lives. The less than 100,000 yuan of wealth is enough for him to spend as he pleases.

And all he needs to pay is to take a few shots when needed. He became the so-called chief instructor of the XXX special forces, or some other title of chief instructor of the military.

As for what kind of army it was, he himself had forgotten it. Anyway, just make yourself live a better life.

Of course, the identity of the other party soon came back from the Nine-tailed Fox. The other party turned out to be from the Vulture. The Vulture and the Ministry of National Security were basically two sides of the same coin.

This made Garen and others puzzled. Why did the Vultures massacre a large number of coast guards at sea? This doesn't make sense.

But Garen didn't bother to think about these things.

Anyway, his mission goal is to stay behind and wait for news from the Nine-tailed Fox and others.

After more than two months of living a boring and comfortable life like this, new news finally came.


Lying in the large bathtub next to the floor-to-ceiling window, Gallon soaked in a milk bath sprinkled with rose petals. He put a towel around his neck and squinted his eyes lazily.

The night view of the city is particularly charming. Occasionally, helicopters will fly over, reflecting the traffic and sweeping lights of the city below.

"Is something going on again?" Garen lazily looked at Kong Xinxue, who was sitting not far away watching TV. "How else would you have time to come to my place?"

Kong Xinxue held the remote control board and rolled her eyes at him. I randomly changed a few channels and turned on mute.

"Look at yourself, how do you look like a student now? How long has it been since you went home? Your father almost thought you were missing."

"It doesn't matter." Garen shrugged, "We are just passers-by in this world anyway, and being too nostalgic would be bad for everyone."

Kong Xinxue was speechless, stood up and walked over.

"The situation has taken a new turn. Yuriwa has received news that the real strongest Vulture people are about to show up."

"So what?" Garen remained unmoved.

"What do you think?" Kong Xinxue said angrily, "I rushed here eagerly to tell you the news. What do you think I did for that?"

She straightened her hair.

"Last time, the rooted doctor Jiatai ranked sixth among the vultures, and there were five stronger beings above him. A few days ago, after Yuriwa learned the news, he planned to set out to find his mother, the former top rewarder. Golden Hunter Guanglu, are you still going?"

"What? Are you ready to go to sea?" Garen reluctantly opened one eye and glanced at her.

"It's good that you know. We don't have enough manpower to fight this time. Are you going or not?" Kong Xinxue said impatiently.

Garen did not answer immediately, but turned over and lay on his stomach in the bathtub.

"Why don't you go straight to the point? Go to the Slayer and kill him first, or build a good relationship with him first and relax? Why do you have to follow the Savior?"

Kong Xinxue frowned slightly. "What are you thinking? Why do you ask, isn't the savior the main line of the plot? If you don't follow him, who will you follow? Do you think you can beat the killer? Otherwise, you can deal with him alone, and we won't have to go to such trouble. Now, everyone does his or her own thing and does whatever he wants."

"No, I'd better live my own life honestly. I don't want to do such a thankless thing. The four cornerstones can't be killed at all. They will be resurrected in a year. Even if they can be killed, What's his point?" Garen said sternly, "What I care about is, what is your real purpose? Can you use the four cornerstones and get any benefits from it?"

He added with a yawn.

"I don't want to work for nothing."

Kong Xinxue did not answer immediately, but began to think. He seemed to be weighing whether to really tell Garen the truth or not.

Garen is not in a hurry. After all, he came to this world to find fluctuations in soul power as a secondary purpose. The main thing is to repair his condition. Being tense all the time does not conform to the law of relaxation. Even if he couldn't get any soul power clues, it didn't matter to him. On the contrary, he was more interested in the lighthouse.

In a high-rise hotel with more than 50 floors, the two of them did not speak for a while, just one was thinking and the other was waiting.

"You know the original plot, right?" Kong Xinxue suddenly said.

"I know a little bit, but I'm not very familiar with it." Garen nodded.

Kong Xinxue turned around a few times and put her hands behind her back. After carefully sorting out his thoughts, he spoke.

"The core of the original plot is the story of the vulture helping the savior, supporting him, and fighting against the massacre. Everything revolves around the grudges between the third generation of massacres and Yuriva. The first generation of massacres, was killed by Yuriwa. Riva killed independently. This is the first generation era. After the second generation massacre was resurrected, he began to seek revenge and was killed by Yuriva and the vulture together. This is the second generation era. In the third generation era, massacre The hunter resurrected again and killed Yurijie. At this time, the vulture had fallen apart and had internal conflicts. He was unable to help Yuriva anymore and could only fight against him alone. At this time, there will be two endings. One is that Yuriva is killed. , everyone related to him was killed. The other ending is that he and the massacre died together."

Kong Xinxue briefly introduced.

"In the entire plot, the center has always been the battle between the third generation of Slayers and Yuriva. The other two cornerstones will also appear in the middle, the Mind Reader and the Dreamer. They will deal with the Slayers from different standpoints."

"So, among the three eras, which era are we in now?" Garen asked.

"The first era. That is, when the Savior and the Slaughterer first came into contact, the Vulture only helped Yurivar from the side and did not officially intervene in the battlefield. In this era, Yuriva almost single-handedly solved the Slaughterer. Also. It can be regarded as the most peaceful era." Kong Xinxue sighed. "That's why we dare to follow Yuriva everywhere. If it were the second and third eras, the bloody and chaotic era, we wouldn't dare to do this so obviously."

"Then what's your real purpose?" Garen asked. "It's no good, so it can't be so obvious, right?"

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