Mysterious journey

Chapter 1188 Attack 2

"Eight times." Garen gasped. Kong Xinxue, who looked like just an ordinary person, had actually traveled through time and reincarnation more than eight times!

The chill in the restaurant also slowly dissipated. This time, he was indeed too rash. He did not expect that besides the massacre, he would still have the power to target Kong Xinxue.

"The most important thing now is to get Ashue back." Lihua said quickly.

At this time, Garen put down the phone again, and Kong Yuan didn't answer the call.

This made him feel a little uneasy.

"We searched all the places we needed to look for, and finally came to the sea to look for you." Lihua sighed. "I hope you can understand Wen Zhen's emotional loss."

"I was careless this time." Garen frankly admitted that it was his fault. Through what he learned from these time travellers, he understood that both his talent attribute points and the mother river system he traveled through were almost unique. There were too few people who practiced the mother river system, and almost no one had succeeded in it. What a name. And things like talent attribute points are even more perverted, and can help ordinary people get through the initial weak stage as quickly as possible.

This has also led to the fact that up to now, the strength of Nine-tailed Fox and others has reached its peak and has stagnated, but because his soul limit is too high and the soul ring continues to nourish him, he has reached an extremely terrifying point.

With an average attribute of more than five points, even a mammoth can be easily knocked down in front of him, which is basically equivalent to a humanoid tyrannosaurus. The ordinary ingredients are almost the same as flour for him. It collapses at the first touch.

Sitting upright in his seat, Garen's entire figure was much taller and stronger than a year ago. , the whole person is almost the size of two nine-tailed foxes, and the white suit he puts on gives him an unusually tall and strong posture.

"Is there any information about the last place where Xue disappeared?"

"Of course, I have asked the strongest pursuit experts to check and record the situation at the scene." The nine-tailed fox had completely calmed down. Although his tone was still cold, it was not as out of control as before.

"Give me the information." Garen said directly in a tone that left no room for doubt.

"The massacre is outside, I'll go ask him directly."

The nine-tailed fox was slightly startled.

"I have fought against the Slaughterer, and the gap is huge. I am no match for him. Even if I join forces with you, it will be the same."

"It doesn't matter." Garen grinned. Exuding an inexplicable confidence. The Nine-tailed Fox and Lihua, who wanted to speak, were immediately speechless.


The border of Sri Lanka, the Yahan forest area.

On a winding and rugged small road between large and lush mangroves.

Woo! ! .

Yuriwa rode a black heavy motorcycle, bending forward and galloping forward. He was wearing a tight black leather suit and brown windshield, focusing on the road ahead.

His sister, Yuri Jie, was behind him, with her arms around his waist.

The motorcycle was speeding, making a whining engine sound, passing through the large red forest at lightning speed, picking up a large number of fallen leaves on the road and flying forward.

The gloomy sky was covered with dense clouds, and the entire sky was gray-white. From time to time, thunder rumbled and rolled by.

The motorcycle drove through a curve, and a thick log suddenly appeared on the road in front of it, completely blocking the entire path forward.

The motorcycle slowly slowed down and stopped in front of the log.

Yuriva motioned for his sister to get out of the car without saying a word, but looked around with vigilant eyes. His right hand slowly pulled out the long knife worn at his waist.

Yurijie nodded silently to him, and also drew out the long knife on her back. The two of them slowly approached the woods on both sides in tacit agreement, one on the left and the other on the right.

boom! !

Suddenly there was a violent explosion at Yuriwa's feet.

Violent fire shot up into the sky, and the ground was broken by the explosion. A large cloud of red flames and smoke poured out, violently throwing Yuriva into the air, spinning and flying sideways to hit the nearby thick tree trunk.

"High-explosive explosives!!" Yuriwa felt a sharp pain all over his body, and his vision suddenly blurred.

The knife in his hand was blown off without knowing when, leaving only half of it.

"You really look up to me. This power is enough to kill even an elephant." No matter how strong his sword skills are, facing such a sudden attack, even if the savior has a physical bonus, he can only be seriously injured immediately.

Yuriva tried his best to widen his blurred vision. His body rolled down from the tree trunk and finally stabilized. In the dim light, he seemed to vaguely see a tall figure slowly walking towards him.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

It was the sound of heavy footsteps.

"Human. How can there be such heavy footsteps?" Yuriva lay on his side on the ground, trying to support his body, but he couldn't stand up. He wanted to borrow strength, but was shocked to feel that he was completely weak. , the power of the savior that was absolutely effective in the past has completely failed.

"Brother" he seemed to hear someone calling him.

"Xiao Jie." He stretched out his hand to grab in the direction of the sound, and seemed to have caught something, but the thing immediately became loose.

Soon, the tall figure finally walked up to Yuriva, and he saw clearly that it was a huge robot more than two meters tall.

It has a triangular head, and its body is as hard and strong as a tank. The robot raised one foot and stepped hard on Yuriva's back.


A sharp pain.

Yuriwa's eyes were filled with blood, and he didn't know anything anymore.



The raindrops fell slowly, and the cold rain slid down Yuriwa's cheeks.

At night, a petite figure walked up to him and squatted down. Turn Yuriva's body over and pat his face gently.

"Hey, wake up!"

Yuriwa did not move at all. The blood on his body was washed away by the rain and slowly flowed out from under him, dyeing the nearby grass pale red.

The petite figure did not hold an umbrella, and he was soaked by the heavy rain. Seeing this, he pressed Yuriva's heart hard and leaned down to listen to the heartbeat. Found alive.

The man stood up and looked around, but couldn't find anyone else who could help. He had to squat down again and lift Yuriva on his shoulders with difficulty. He began to walk step by step towards the road outside the woods.


"What? Yuriva is missing too?!"

Gallon stood in the restaurant, holding the phone and frowning as he listened to the National Security Bureau agent's report.

"When did this happen?"

"Just now, our contact with the Yuriwa brothers and sisters was suddenly interrupted. At the same time, all the contact equipment on his body was disconnected. Satellite surveillance found that the motorcycle he was riding was left on the road, and there seemed to be traces of explosions around it." The female agent was specially arranged by the National Security Bureau to deliver classified intelligence to Gallon. She spoke concisely and clearly, without any waste.

"Only we and the National Security Bureau know about Yuriwa's whereabouts. Is there someone inside?" Lihua stood up and said in a deep voice.

"The problem is serious." Garen nodded, his face a little ugly, "Yuriwa is the most critical character, this scene did not appear in the original plot. Now Ashue is also missing."

"Could it be done by the same group of people?" the nine-tailed fox stood up and asked. Her mood had completely stabilized at this time.

"It's impossible for the Vulture to do such a thing. Maybe it's the other two forces." Gallon guessed, "Who should be the Red Country or the Black Federation?"

"The Black Federation is more likely," the nine-tailed fox replied. "They are ambitious and have always wanted to provoke a war. As one of the four cornerstones, Yuriwa is now known to many high-level officials in the world. The goal is too obvious. But how could Ashue be targeted as well?"

"Go out first and then talk."

Garen strode out of the restaurant, pushed the door open and came to the deck. He held the side of the ship with both hands. The vast blue water outside continued to stir, and ships could be faintly seen sailing in the distance.

The two nine-tailed foxes followed them out.

"They started," Lihua whispered. "You escaped early. It seems that their attack list did not include you. The target this time should mainly be the massacre."

"The participating forces include the Vultures, the Black Federation, and people from the Red Country who must be hiding." Nine-tailed Fox confirmed.

"The question now is, first we need to find out who kidnapped Ashue and Yuriwa?" Garen frowned.

Toot toot.

Suddenly Galen's cell phone rang again.

He pressed the connect button.

"The latest news, our surveillance found that Yuriwa was rescued by a girl and disappeared after entering a small valley. Now we have sent people to pick him up, but we have not found Yurijie's whereabouts. We suspect the person who attacked them It’s very possible that the real target is Yuri Jie!”

The intelligence officer's words made the three of Garen feel somewhat relieved.

Yurivar is the key to the plot. Once something unexpected happens to him, everyone will completely lose control of the plot. Moreover, Garen has taught Yurivar for so long that it is a lie to say that he has no feelings.

"Yuriwa must be found immediately. I suspect that his attacker may be related to Ashue's disappearance." The nine-tailed fox said firmly.

"There is a problem with Yuriwa, but I think we should solve the immediate problem first." Garen slowly pulled out the two long knives he was wearing.

Woo woo

At this time, a large number of white speedboats were gradually approaching from all sides of the cruise ship. On each speedboat were one or two masked men in white military uniforms. They were holding weapons such as firearm barrels and aimed directly at the cruise ship.

Among them, the people on three yachts are particularly eye-catching. They are three black all-metal robots that are more than two meters high!

The robots have triangular heads and a white crab pattern engraved on their chests. The back bounces away from the densely packed launch tubes like a hedgehog.

"It's quite a scene." The nine-tailed fox pulled out a white ribbon, "It seems we have to abandon ship. One person at a time!"

"Okay!" Lihua pulled out her pistol and strode towards the bow of the ship. There was already a female agent there who was at war with the other party, and gunfire started sporadically.

Garen held two swords in his hands, jumped slightly, landed on the side of the ship, squatted down, and compressed his whole body like a spring, tsk! !

He ejected directly and landed hard on a white speedboat that happened to be passing by.

With two swipes of the sword, the two men holding guns above were chopped off and fell into the sea.

"Be careful to stay alive! Be sure to ask who sent him!" Garen shouted loudly.

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