Mysterious journey

Chapter 1193 Behind the Scenes 1

"Kong Yuan? What are you talking about?" The robot took two steps back. Gallon guessed him correctly. He was indeed just an ordinary scientific researcher with little combat ability. In other words, he had obtained part of the Slayer's pseudo-divine pattern. , is an imitation, but it doesn’t have the guts to show its strength.

Just like a thin ordinary person, no matter how thin he is, he still has strength. With a little training and enough courage, he can easily kill his original self. The man in front of him obviously didn't even have the courage. He relied on thick armor for defense. The first thing he thought of was to make himself invincible. Use poison against enemies.

For such a small character, Garen didn't even have the energy to kill him.

"Didn't you capture Kong Yuan?" Garen asked impatiently.

The robot backed away continuously, looking extremely panicked.

"I don't know what you are talking about? What Kong Yuan, I don't know anything!"

"You loser!" Garen was really impatient. It seemed that the other party didn't know anything.

He stretched out his hand and turned his palm into a knife, and rushed forward fiercely.

With a sneer, the palm of his hand pierced the robot's chest directly, like a real blade, with violent high-speed vibrations, swiping from top to bottom.

Suddenly, a clear white line appeared in the middle of the entire robot's body.

Garen jumped away holding Kong Xinxue with one hand, and quickly left ten meters away. There was a roar and vibration behind him.

boom! !

The robot exploded.

The fire burned for a while, and almost no one appeared from the surroundings. Garen was also sure that the enemies here might have evacuated quickly. Seeing the flames burning bigger and bigger, he originally wanted to go over and check if there were any trophies, but he only Can give up.

"The question now is, where to find the departing ship." Garen looked around and found no navigational props at all. "People here should have a boat to leave, or a plane."

He began to carry the unconscious Kong Xinxue around the island.

Soon, in the center of the island, a white helicopter slowly took off. The pilot was a black man. Gallon threatened him and the aircraft flew directly into the distance. Soon the helicopter disappeared above the sea level, leaving only the people on the island getting more and more burned. Thick smoke billowed into the sky and turned into black and gray smoke columns.

No one noticed that at one end of the island, in the center of the robot explosion, a crystal clear white gem was slowly shining in the gradually extinguishing fire. The gemstone is hexagonal, as if it has been polished and carved, and is crisp and bright. It exudes an aura of soul power that ordinary people cannot detect at all.

If Garen were here, he would definitely recognize it immediately. This is simply a missing soul power crystal, which is also the component of the soul ring that he has always valued most. It is also part of the soul seed.

The soul crystal must contain various precious experiences, insights, and power. Although the ability to condense is not as advanced as the soul seed, it only takes a few soul crystals to condense and refine a soul seed.

If Garen gets it, he can turn it into soul power and absorb it. Maybe he can condense a new soul seed and turn his soul ring into a four-seed soul ring. It will also greatly benefit him when he enters a higher level of the Demon King level. Shorten the time and at the same time increase the limit of the soul. As long as you enter the five-type soul ring stage, and then break through, you can reach the seven-color stage, which is to condense a total of seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple soul rings again. Finally reach the level of true spirit.

After all, the Demon King level also has levels.

Or you can use it as pure soul power to strengthen your physical fitness. Achieve the purpose of further accelerating your own growth.

It's a pity that he didn't pay much attention to such a small role, and he didn't have time to check carefully with Kong Xinxue, so he left like this.

Only one soul crystal was left shining brightly in place.

The Soul Crystal was lying crookedly on the scorched and still smoking black metal. Suddenly, it was gently pinched and grabbed by a big hand.

"The killer's soul crystal imitates the divine pattern." A deep male voice sounded slowly. It was a black man wrapped in a black trench coat. His face could not be seen, but his deep voice could only be heard.

He carefully collected the soul crystal and hid it inside the windbreaker. Then he looked far away in the direction Garen left.

"Collect two more and you will be able to condense the seeds of divine patterns."

He murmured and turned to look at the sky, where a plane was slowly flying over at a low altitude and dropped a suspended ladder.


The helicopter flew slowly, with the endless sea in front and behind in all directions.

Garen sat on the plane and kept making calls. Unfortunately, this place was out of the way, and his mobile phone was not a satellite phone, so there was no way to connect to the signal.

"Is there communication?" He looked at the driver impatiently.

"Yes! There must be!" the black driver quickly replied loudly, fearing that he would kill him if he got angry. He was scared to fly the plane all the way. You must know that when he first got on the plane, Garen showed his ability to fly the plane by himself. If this guy hadn't seemed a little lazy, he probably wouldn't have survived until now.

"Call me this number." Garen ordered.

The black driver immediately looked back at the phone screen. Follow the number and start contacting immediately.

Unfortunately, the number communication was also unavailable.

Garen was helpless. It was very scary that the communication on the plane could not be connected. It would not have mattered if he was alone, but now he was accompanied by someone. It would be really troublesome if I still swam back as before.

"Is there an emergency radio?" he asked the driver with the last glimmer of hope.

"No," the pilot became even more panicked, "But I'm pulling up the chart. There should be a large supply island nearby. We often go there to replenish our living expenses!"

"Then go there!" Garen made the final decision.

Beside him, Kong Xinxue slowly woke up at this time.


"Where is this?" She rubbed her head and slowly opened her eyes.

"It's at sea." Garen looked back at her.

"I remember I seemed to have been kidnapped." Kong Xinxue said hesitantly. "How long have I been unconscious?" She spoke smoothly.

"How do I know how long you have been unconscious? It's not short anyway." Garen said angrily, "I went to the sea to swim and play just for you."

"It's not like you neglected your duties and left the local area, otherwise how could I have been kidnapped?" Kong Xinxue was in good spirits as soon as she woke up, and started quarreling with Garen.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have left my position casually." Since he promised everyone to protect everyone's rear, Garen was not an irresponsible person, so he simply didn't argue with her.

This was indeed his fault.

"What should we do now?" Kong Xinxue frowned and looked at the black man driving the plane in front of him.

"Find a way to contact the outside world, and then wait for rescue support." Garen answered concisely and clearly. "It would be best if we could contact Kyuubi and the others. However, the most important thing to do now is to find out first what kind of force is attacking us."

He focused his attention on the driver in front.

"I say! I say! According to international standard laws, you cannot abuse prisoners!" the black driver shouted quickly.

"First of all, who are you!?" Garen asked directly.

"White Crab, I am an ordinary pilot belonging to the White Crab Army!" the black man replied immediately. He didn't dare to pause at all, for fear of being late in answering and risking his life. He just watched Garen kill more than a hundred elites without blinking an eye. You must know that many of the elites were terrifying after being transformed by semi-mechanization. It is common for characters to kill people without blinking an eye.

But one by one, they were smashed and destroyed by Garen as if he was chopping up a watermelon. Most of those who survived were in hiding, for fear of being killed.

"White crab?"

"Yes!" The black chick nodded like he was pecking at rice, "The White Crab Army is an independent private army. We don't know our true affiliation, but the general tasks are issued by the commander-in-chief above. Our small island base It’s just one of the more than twenty islands under the command of the Commander-in-Chief. The code name is the Biochemical Legion. There are many other legions.”

"Who is the commander-in-chief of the White Crab Army?" Kong Xinxue asked coldly. This is the key to the problem. This White Crab Army is probably connected with their inner ghost, otherwise they would not have such a clear grasp of their whereabouts. , and captured her just after Garen left.

"Where's Kong Yuan? Are you okay?" Garen asked Kong Xinxue in a low voice.

"You just remembered it now!" Kong Xinxue rolled his eyes at him, "It's okay, he was just temporarily protected. He doesn't know what happened yet. He was asked to cooperate in the name of assisting in the investigation of a murder case. Now At the police station.”

"That's good." Garen nodded. Start listening to black people’s explanations.

"How could I, the Commander-in-Chief, an ordinary soldier, know this!?" The black man shouted loudly at this time. "I'm just a soldier, a soldier!!" he kept repeating.

"Okay, okay, I know you are just a soldier." Garen was speechless. "Tell me everything you know."

"Understood! Understood!!" The black man breathed a sigh of relief.


on a cruise ship

The nine-tailed fox Lihua stared at the opponent's heavy robot as if facing a formidable enemy.

The appearance of this humanoid robot is no different from that of ordinary people. The only difference is that there is a metal ball swinging at high speed in series with its arm. The surface of the ball is covered with dense spikes.

The robot is 1.8 meters tall and has a thin body. It looks more like a person wearing armored clothes than a machine.

But his neck clearly has a cluster of gaps connected by lines of metal. From the outside looking in, you can see that there is no flesh and blood in the neck, only wires and metal bars.

The waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the entire cruise ship was littered with corpses. The corpses' signs of death were very obvious. All of them had collapsed sternums, had their chests smashed by something heavy, and died of internal bleeding.

Among the dead were crew members and agents, but mostly passengers.

This robot suddenly rushed out from among the passengers. When Garen and the others were fighting outside, he lurked and remained motionless. However, after Garen left, he suddenly attacked the Nine-tailed Fox.

Although she realized something was wrong in time and dodged away, the nine-tailed fox was still injured in the waist by the extremely fast poisonous needle. The steel needle was extremely powerful. Not to mention the toxicity, the force directly penetrated the muscles in her waist.

At this time, blood slowly dripped down from her right waist.

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