Mysterious journey

Chapter 1207 Obtained 1

Bang! !

The blond man crossed his arms in front of his chest to block, but Garen was too fast to react in time. Before he could flex his muscles, he saw Garen's palms stabbing straight in front of him.

"This speed!!?" His eyes shrank, bang bang bang bang! ! !

The soldiers around him fired loudly, but all their guns missed. The bullets hit Garen's original position and all hit the open space. Part of it bounced back and hit these soldiers directly, making a subtle metal rebound sound. It was obvious that these soldiers were also wearing body armor such as steel decks.

The storm and chaos of bullets directly detonated the entire store. Everyone screamed like a bomb and squatted down with their heads in their hands. Some even cried loudly in fear.

Garen and the blond man fought close to each other, and their four arms kept making violent collision sounds like phantoms.

Every sound exploded like muffled thunder, and every time the blond man's arms were transferred, his face turned a little pale, and there was a slight crunching sound of bone cracking in his arms.

He stepped back one after another and exited the store step by step.


With a loud noise, the blond man was sent flying out, hitting a bronze statue in the center of the street in mid-air. The statue broke and rolled down, with a large amount of white powder dust scattered around it.

"It's been a long time since I met a master who can challenge me head-on." Garen slowly walked out of the shop with his arms lowered and looked at the blond man who was struggling to get up from the ground. His current physical fitness is comparable to that of a monster. It is really unimaginable that there are still people who can fight him head-on without breaking down in an instant.

"You!." The blond man looked in disbelief and tried to stand up with his arms, but his arms were bent into irregular shapes and there was no way to support his body.

Seeing the soldiers lying down in the store in the blink of an eye, the man's heart felt cold. He could not even imagine that his current situation was real.

As a military flag, he was the second most powerful expert in the Black Federation. He actually couldn't hold on to the man in front of him for half a minute. In just over ten blows, his specially modified high-strength arms were directly fractured.

If someone had told him the day before that there was someone in this world who could fight head-on with him who was good at physical arts in half a minute and completely defeat him, then he must have thought that the other person was joking.

But now, the facts were truly before his eyes, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

"Everyone underestimates you." Junqi vomited blood, as if all the bones in his body were falling apart, and he couldn't get up at all.

Garen strolled out of the shop, followed by the fallen corpses of soldiers whose blood flowed into streams.

Miraculously, a few other ordinary customers in the store were injured or killed by stray bullets from paper cups, while the rest remained intact.

Looking at the blond man with a military flag lying on the ground, and combined with the uniforms of the soldiers around him, he roughly guessed who he was. Regarding the Black Federation, the Vulture's Intelligence Department also had detailed records.

He walked forward toward the military flag.

Bang! !

Suddenly a bullet hit the foot in front of him. He was supposed to take half a meter with this step, but for some reason, Garen's step happened to be a little smaller, and he finally walked a quarter of a meter, just like he was walking with him. The snipers cooperated in a tacit understanding and just missed the sniper bullet attack.

White smoke and dust slowly rose from the craters made by the bullets on the ground.

Garen placed his right foot gently on the ground, then raised his toes suddenly, and a pebble rose into the air and flew in the air in front of him.

A flick of the right index finger.


The stones shot out into the air, making a sharp and terrifying scream.

There was a faint sound of pebbles hitting metal in the distance, as well as a small human scream.

The military flag stared at Garen as if it were a ghost. This was beyond the scope of human cognition. It was possible to kill a sniper from a distance with just a small stone. The accuracy and power were terrifying to the point of being terrifying.

Even the massacre is nothing more than this!

Only then did some people in the crowd on the surrounding streets notice that what was going on in the shop here was not a TV shoot, but a real murder. Screams suddenly started, and most of the pedestrians fled everywhere, hiding in places they thought were safe, and even more. Most of them fled away from each other.

Some brave ones who were not afraid of death even hid and started shooting videos with their mobile phones.

In just a few minutes, the entire densely packed street suddenly became deserted, and the passing vehicles accelerated and rushed past, as if running for their lives. Vehicles in the distance that haven't passed by here just take a detour.

The area between Garonne and the Army Flag became a vacuum zone, and the surrounding area quickly became empty, with no one in sight.

Most of the people in the store also took the opportunity to escape quickly. At first, a bold person tried to escape, and then the rest of the people saw that the previous person was fine, and they also started to rush out. Ning Caini and two friends also rushed out. Among them, he was pulled and ran wildly outside.

While running, he turned back to look in the direction of Garen and the military flag.

Up until now, Ning Caini and the other three were still confused and couldn't figure out what was going on. How did a good high school classmate suddenly turn into a murderer and a violent terrorist?

Recalling the soldiers with guns lying on the ground, Ning Caini couldn't help but shudder.

"How many people have come from your Black Federation?" Garen asked, one meter away from the military flag. All the bones in the opponent's body were displaced by his shock technique, making him unable to move at all. There was no need to worry about the opponent's violent counterattack.

"You can come to our Black Federation. We have the best scientific research and technology to help you improve your body. We have the best treatment and services, money, rights, beauties, whatever you want! As long as you agree to join us, with me and Zhan Qi With your cooperation, you will definitely become the most powerful sword master in history!!" The military flag actually began to persuade Garen in turn.

His eyes flashed brightly.

"What can you get in the Slan Kingdom? Even if you are the third number one of the Vultures, you don't have much quota for the real power in your hands, right? But it's different in our Black Federation. You can even have a private army, a private army On the island, human trafficking is not allowed by law in Sri Lanka, but in our Black Federation, under the unspoken rules, you can even have your own four slaves!"

The military flag tempts.

"Think about it, we are the social world where there are no restrictions and the strong survive!! You are the most suitable for my Black Federation! Come here, you can get everything you want!"

He is actually recruiting Galleons!

Garen looked at the other person amusedly.

"Return everything? Then I want the divine mark, can you give it to me?"

"Divine Marks?" Jun Qi was stunned for a moment, "As long as you want it, we will fully cooperate with you! As long as you join us, your strength will naturally be stronger, the better. Even if you are not active, we will continue to increase your strength. An increase in strength! As long as you agree to join us, you will immediately become the number three person in the entire Black Federation! Instead of just the number three in a vulture organization! Think about it. Wealth, power, beauty, as long as you think about it, Anything is possible!!”

It has to be said that the temptation bargaining chip of the military flag is indeed very tempting, and Garen is indeed a little tempted.

Compared to the Slan Kingdom, the Black Federation's strength is supreme, and the environment in which the strong survive is indeed more suitable for him. If he hadn't already decided to leave this world and go to the lighthouse, he might have agreed.

But it's a pity.

"It's a pity." Garen shook his head, "Although your words are indeed very exciting, I'm not interested."

He immediately stepped forward and hit the military flag in the middle of his forehead with his kick. Poof.

Red blood slowly seeped out from Junqi's forehead, flowing out a red and white liquid that looked like oil.

Garen strode directly towards the direction of the soul power fluctuations without looking back. It was obvious that the people of the Black Federation took the initiative to send generals like Junqi to stop him in order to delay time. Maybe Junqi's words later were also to save his life. Just delaying time.

Each of these big shots is full of tricks, with various trump cards, strengths and abilities. If Garen hadn't been preparing to leave this world, he might have been persuaded by the military flag to rebel.

Looking at the deserted streets around him, Garen walked slowly towards the direction of the fluctuation of soul power.

As we walked along, there were sounds of windows being closed on both sides of the street. However, after Garen speeded up and walked quickly through a few streets, the flow of people soon increased. Many people didn't know who he was at all, but there were People were discussing and asking passers-by what the noise that just happened was, and some people were describing it vividly.

Garen blended in with the crowd and quickly walked towards a small alley on the street.

As soon as he entered, a sound similar to the spray of laser welding rushed into his ears.

The mind reader was being chased by a white man holding a laser welder, and he just passed by the opposite exit of the alley.

Without saying a word, Garen accelerated and rushed up, rushed out of the alley, and looked along another narrow alley. The mind reader and the man had almost reached the end of the alley and were about to turn.

Garen was about to catch up when suddenly there was a series of dense footsteps behind him. A large group of gunmen quickly caught up from the alley behind them.

Seeing Garen standing in the alley, the men in black immediately raised their guns and took aim.

"Don't move!!"

Before the sound of moving words could even be heard, Garen stepped hard on the ground with his right foot.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the ground in the small alley shook violently. An obvious shock wave rolled directly towards the front and back sides with Garen's right leg as the center.

Amidst the continuous bangs and bangs, the soldiers were shaken from side to side one by one. The violent shock waves not only made them unstable, but even directly hit them. In an instant, most of the weak soldiers were knocked unconscious, while only a few strong ones managed to hold on without fainting.

Garen was too lazy to pay attention to these people and quickly chased forward.

"It's Sword Master Garen! Surround him!!"

A voice shouted from the side.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

Continuous gunshots with silencers sounded beside Garen. Some hit the wall beside him, making holes of different sizes, and some hit him, but were directly blocked by the strong muscles and had no effect at all.

Garen snorted coldly and was attacked when he rushed out of the alley. He felt a little unhappy. He slapped his hand on the wall and immediately grabbed a large handful of cement blocks and threw them at the soldiers who were rushing up the alley on the right side.

The mud shuttled at high speed, penetrated several people's bodies, and hit directly on the last wall. More than ten people in an alley were stabbed through the chest in an instant, and no one survived.

Blood splashed everywhere in the alley, the fishy smell escaped, and blood flowed into a river.

Garen didn't even look at it and directly chased the mind reader ahead.

There were more and more people blocking him along the way. At first it was black federal personnel dressed in black, and then some local police officers appeared. But soon the police disappeared and were replaced by armed police. Finally, more and more white soldiers appeared. More and more, many soldiers have white crab patterns printed on their chests. (A great pie-in-the-sky event, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ click / Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat - add official account - enter qdread), participate now! Everyone will win a prize, now Follow qdread WeChat official account!)

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