Mysterious journey

Chapter 1216 Kill 2

With a tear, Garen's hand was pulled out from the woman's chest, bringing out a large amount of blood. At the same time, he actually dug out a still beating red heart.

"You!" The woman who was suspected of being parasitized by void creatures struggled and said, "Someone... will avenge me...!" Her body continued to exude a large amount of soul power visible to the naked eye, which was directly inhaled by Garen gently into her mouth and nose. Nothing is wasted.

"I'll wait." Garen replied calmly.


The woman died immediately, and her body fell to the ground. The impact sound immediately woke up No. 2 completely.

She turned pale, raised her hand, and pointed at Garen. But he couldn't speak, he just kept trembling.

Gallon No. 4 didn't take it seriously and looked straight at the young man in white trench coat who had run far away.


He instantly disappeared from the spot. His speed was so fast that no one around him could catch up with his movements. Even the dynamic vision of his eyes could not capture his speed. Only a blurry flash could be seen, and Garen appeared directly hundreds of meters away. The man was only half a mile away.

In another flash, the two were close at hand.

Garen could even see the horrified face of the man in the white trench coat. The opponent's pitch-black eyes not only lacked pupils, but also lacked even the basic whites of the eyes. They were obviously parasitized by void creatures.

In this world, there seems to be records of being parasitized by void creatures, which is called being possessed by demons. After being possessed, a person's eyes will become pitch black and there will be nothing, which represents a bottomless abyss.

ah! ! !

Seeing that he was about to be caught, the man opened his mouth and screamed wildly.

An invisible sound wave like a bat spread wildly, and like a tsunami, it quickly gathered into a force that rushed towards Garen behind him.

"Soul shock?" Garen's body trembled slightly, and he immediately knew he had caught a big fish. The other person was knocked back more than ten meters by the impact, but instead of getting angry, he started laughing.

"It's actually a soul shock? It seems that it is at least a void creature above the general level! Maybe it is also a demon king level!" In this universe, even the demon king level void creatures will be severely suppressed and will not be so abnormal.

And after killing such void creatures, it will also be of great help to Garen's own improvement as a void hunter. Even the void crystal core obtained from it is comparable to the mind-reader soul ring just absorbed!

"Good stuff!" Garen laughed. In his eyes, the other person was no longer a human being. He was simply a living ginseng that could run away!

With eyes like looking at food, Garen chased after him again.

The man was horrified. He was on the same level as Black Dog Sin Quan. They were both demon kings, but they were only junior demon kings. Moreover, their strength was severely damaged after being severely injured by chance. It was originally planned that after successfully killing Garen in a sneak attack, he would be able to obtain Garen's soul ring and the mind-reader's spirit ring in one fell swoop, killing two birds with one stone. Unexpectedly, the situation changed drastically. Now not only is the power of sin dead, but he also has to face Garen's pursuit and revenge!

With a bite of his teeth, the young man in white immediately mobilized his little demon power, his speed suddenly increased, and he shot rapidly into the distance.

Garen was not to be outdone. He only slowed down slightly and followed closely.

The two of them disappeared from everyone's sight almost in the blink of an eye.

"What to do now?" a school-level officer asked Vulture 2.

"What should we do?" Number 2 also saw clues from a series of changes. It was obvious that the young man in white and the stupid woman joined forces with Number 4 to try to harm Garen, but they were counterattacked. Death is death, injury is injury.

But the identity of the dead woman cannot be underestimated. If it were just an ordinary person, it would be nothing, but the other party was

A trace of worry flashed in No. 2's eyes, and his heart sank to the bottom when he thought of Galleon's barely human-like strength just now.

Once a conflict breaks out between the two sides, it will not only be a matter of grudge between two people, but the entire country of Sri Lanka will be in turmoil. It would be fine if he could kill Garen, but if he could escape, the Red Country and the Black Federation would be very happy to accept the strongest master like Garen.

"Immediately investigate the identity of the man in the white trench coat just now! At the same time, collect the body of Mrs. Song." No. 2's voice lowered, "I will notify No. 1 and President Song Lingshan immediately."

The people around him suddenly felt chilled. The identity of this woman on the ground is actually the wife of President Song Lingshan, the supreme leader of Sri Lanka? ! !

"But isn't President Song's wife Zhao Guomu?" Genzhi doctor Jiatai asked with a stern face.

They followed just now, but the change happened so quickly that no one had time to react. Everything just happened.

"This is his second wife." No. 2 seemed to have aged several years all of a sudden. Once a conflict broke out between the two parties, he would inevitably choose to give up Galleon. No matter whether he was public or private, he would have no choice but to give up on him. The supreme leader of the country, no matter how powerful one side is, is still just one person, and how to choose is simply a simple matter.

"You're still too young and energetic." With a long sigh, No. 2 turned around and walked away.

"Publish a wanted order."

The deputy of No. 1 also arrived. As soon as he got out of the car, he spoke directly to No. 2 with a stern look on his face.

Jiatai and others were completely at a loss. The situation changed so fast that people were at a loss as to what to do. Everything was already a foregone conclusion.


tank repair yard

Two white shadows rushed into the huge maintenance site instantly. Some veterans who were still undergoing maintenance seemed to hear something and stuck their heads out of the tanks to look outside.

Boom! ! !

A white shadow was hit hard against the side of a black tank, and the entire tank was dented directly. A large number of metal parts were broken and flew away, scattering like glass.

A white shadow rushed towards him from behind and punched him!

boom! !

The tank was blocked. It was like paper, dented inward, the metal plates on both sides were flattened and pressed together, and then the section collapsed, like broken chopsticks.

There wasn't even time to roll back to remove the force of the impact.

The man's speed was so fast that one could hardly see his fists and only thought they were bombarded by artillery shells.

"You can't kill me!" The white figure in front rushed out from the debris of the tank, covered in blood, roaring wildly, but anyone could hear the deep fear in his tone.

Without saying a word, Garen retracted his right fist and chased after him again.

Bang, the punch was empty and hit the ground hard. Avoided by the man.

Garen didn't take it seriously. He rotated his body around his right hand and swept his legs across.


A round of silver-white sword light flashed out of thin air.

A sharp cut was made directly on the man's chest clothes.

"Is this!!?" He looked ferocious, confused, turned around and continued running.

Anywhere on the body can bring out blade-like lethality. This is the truly scariest part. This level may not be a big deal in other universes, but in this place with such huge restrictions, it is incredible that such an achievement can be achieved!

Apart from being faster than Garen, he could hardly see any hope of escaping.

"Silver, please! I won't die! Definitely not!!" He kept praying and started running around the Z-shape.

At the same time, a large amount of small black granular things were continuously spilled from his hand, and they were scattered on the ground behind him.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Continuous explosions and flames shot into the sky, and these little things were actually all kinds of bombs.

Amidst countless flames, Garen walked out unscathed.

"Little ginseng~~~Where else do you want to run?" There was even a smile on his face. "Consuming too much will affect the efficacy of the medicine."

Garen's whole body suddenly burned with a faint white flame. It was an invisible realm fire. Only those who have reached extremely high heights and transcended the limits of the world can have such a flame.

"The game ends here." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared and appeared directly in front of the man in white.

The hand knife slashed down.

"Demon Soul!!" The man roared wildly, and his speed also increased greatly, but more than half of his soul power was consumed in an instant, and he could barely move a small distance to the left.

Boom! ! ! !

The sword in his hand missed and hit the ground straight.


A huge crack and ravine more than ten meters long appeared on the ground below.

Garen's hand kept turning a faint red color, which was caused by the scorching heat generated after violent friction, the huge strength and terrifying speed, and the huge momentum that was so powerful that it was abnormal.

The man almost watched the hand knife scratch a little bit in front of his nose, and he didn't dare to move at all, almost! Just a little! !

He was completely cut into two pieces.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

The hot air flow continued to pour into the chest, and the man did not dare to move anymore. He watched Garen in front of him, raised his palm at least a hundred degrees, and blew in the faint smoke coming from it. The speeds of both parties reversed instantly. The other party could obviously continue to move, but he could only explode for such a moment. The outcome is already clear.

"I really didn't expect that you could catch up even here." Garen stretched out his hand and grabbed the man's head.

Countless soul power emanated from Garen's hands in a space invisible to the naked eye, like countless small snakes burrowing into the man's mouth, nose, and ears.


The clothes on the two men were instantly torn to pieces. Huge force field fluctuations erupted like a heart. Tear open their shirts.

Different lines slowly appeared on their chests.

There is a black sun pattern on Garen's chest, which is the representative of the original divine pattern, and represents the extraordinary in this universe.

On the man's chest was a huge jet-black eyeball, which continuously exuded a huge amount of soul power and was quickly absorbed by Galleon's black sun pattern.

The terrifying force field fluctuations directly isolated all the space more than ten meters around the two people.

"Sooner or later you will be like me!!!" The man struggled crazily and shouted at the end.

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