Mysterious journey

Chapter 1239 Black Hole 1

"Good luck?" Garen smiled, "Good luck is not enough."

The most direct impact of the depletion of the Mother River is that all masters of the Mother River system will gradually lose their vitality. If they cannot find a way to change their cultivation before it is exhausted, then everyone and all Mother River creatures will directly or indirectly rely on the Mother River for survival. All the masters will face the danger of being cut off.

"Soul seeds form soul rings, and the soul rings generate soul power, and so on. This process is actually supported by the rules of the mother river. Once the rules of the mother river disappear, not only all the soul rings will collapse, but the structure of the soul seeds will also collapse. By then all soul species will cease to exist, which means that we will also be completely reduced to mortals." Garen whispered.

"Maybe this is good." Hawthorn from the multi-eyed tribe picked up the tea in front of him and took a sip. "But huge risks can also bring huge benefits. If we can understand the original generation process revealed when the mother river collapses, then we will also have the opportunity to understand the core laws of time and space."

"So what? Even the mother river, the largest aggregation of rules, has collapsed, and it won't be of much use if we understand it." Garen shook his head.

Hawthorn smiled slowly.

"That's not certain. Don't forget that there are thirteen origins of time and space, and the mother river is just one of them. We can do well in other places if we understand a few core laws."

"That's a good idea." Garen was speechless.

"I was just thinking about it." Hawthorn also shrugged, and suddenly a small thing on his ear made a beeping sound.

"Okay, my time is up, and there are still a lot of things to deal with. I wish you all the best tomorrow."

He stood up.

"Don't worry." Garen nodded with a smile.

Watching Hawthorn leave.

Galen landed a piece alone, and his right hand finally checked his left hand.

He chuckled and shook his head slightly.

Since his reincarnation on earth, he has been moving forward almost non-stop. Now, he has become the Demon King of Four Soul Rings and belongs to the middle level of the Demon King level.

The Four Soul Rings can forcibly raise another four levels at the level of the pinnacle of world power. This is an extremely terrifying improvement. It also represents the exaggerated and terrifying strength of the middle-level demon king.

And the high-level demon kings are naturally even more powerful. The color of the soul rings ranges from colorless to seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Only when all the soul rings are condensed into seven colors, with a total of eight soul rings including colorless and seven colors, can one be called a high-level demon king.

It is said that above the seven colors is the level of true spirit. But now, Garen clearly feels that although he has four soul rings, they are extremely unstable. After all, only the first one was obtained through his hard work and enlightenment of soul seeds, and the rest were plundered and devoured by himself.

"In other words, I am now a middle-level demon king on the surface. In fact, my strength is probably at the level of a bottom-level demon king." Garen shook his head.

"The soul ring is not stable enough. Even the colorless level is barely obtained, let alone the color after being colorless. I don't know how long it will take at this stage." He sighed, closed his eyes and began to concentrate on adjusting his state for tomorrow. Prepare to see the true source of the mother river.


Garen's arrival did not cause any big changes. He just lived in seclusion in silence. As a planet-level combat power, he had no corresponding pomp or servants.

This attitude of completely ignoring everything and not participating in everything was also recognized by the three major racial forces. Since he did not participate in the struggle for interests, they naturally regarded him as non-existent by default.

There are many masters like this in Beacon, but Garen is the most powerful one among them. After releasing the news that he would soon be observing the true source of the Mother River and shutting out the envoys of all forces, all forces temporarily gave up on wooing Garen.

The next day, Gallon rose very early, and the simulated sky completely followed the laws of nature. It was exactly seven o'clock in the morning. He prepared everything and headed towards the link area of ​​the circular square.

What Kakaqiuer arranged for him was the unique teleportation board here, which is also a direct flying board, the item they took when they came.

Garen asked Kakaqiu'er to stay in the house, and he took the flying board to the link area alone, and started teleporting directly through the small pavilion.

Large swaths of white snowflake-like things kept dangling in front of my eyes, and this transmission process lasted for more than ten minutes.

Finally Garen felt his feet sink.


A deep male voice sounded in his ear.

Garen's eyes brightened.

When he opened his eyes, he was standing in a circular white hall, with his position in the center. Standing in front of him was a bald black man with gold earrings.

"I have been notified, Lord Sword Master. Your arrangements are all ready. Please come with me." The bald black man, wearing a white robe, whispered to Garen politely and respectfully.

"Thank you." Garen said politely.

"You're welcome, this is our daily job." The black man grinned and showed his white teeth.

However, Garen had no intention of observing him at this moment, but carefully observed the surrounding environment.

He followed the black man out of the teleportation point, opened a small door on the left, walked through a long and dark corridor, and came to a small white stone pavilion.

The small pavilion seems to be open to the air on one side, and half of the direction has transparent glass. Through the glass, you can see the bright starry sky slowly turning outside.

"This is the Mother River in the Supreme Hall. Here is information about the true source of the Mother River that was recorded by a powerful senior who experienced life and death. These glasses are actually used to block the negative impact of the huge information. Please Don't worry, it will never interfere with your thoughts." The black man explained in a low voice.

"After I close the door, the record will start playing in about ten minutes. Please be prepared. The total duration is calculated based on your own achievements. Although we don't know the principle of the calculation mechanism, generally speaking, the stronger the adults , the longer it lasts. Some even lasted for three days.”

"How long does it usually take?" Garen asked.

"About ten minutes, this is a common ongoing situation." The black man explained patiently. "In addition, this handle in this room can be used to turn on the alarm. Once you encounter any dangerous situation, you can notify us in time. We will turn off the playback as soon as possible and come to the rescue at the same time. This button is required for eating and drinking. This button is required for Special items, this requires the cooperation of special talents."

He began to introduce the functions of the small pavilion room one by one.

Garen listened casually, but his mind fell faintly on the walls of this room. The white pavilion-like room was filled with a faint aura of soul power all the time.

"It's not like pure soul power, but more like a combination of soul power and soul power. The water of the mother river is made up of the liquefaction of countless soul entities. Could it be said that soul power combined with soul power will eventually become a higher level of power?"

He secretly guessed.

"The situation is like this. If there are no other requirements, we will deduct one million points from your account as the cost of this viewing. Would you like to start watching immediately?" The black voice came over and removed the galleons from Pull back from the feeling.

He looked around. There were tiny scratches all over the walls, and some even had tiny holes. It seemed like someone was scratching and blasting like crazy here. Obviously, watching the true source of the mother river is likely to cause some unpredictable phenomena.

"You can start." He nodded, indicating that he was ready.

"Then, please wait a moment." The black man exited the room and gently closed the door of the small pavilion room.

Bang, the sound of locking came from outside, and then layers of power fluctuations and energy fluctuations came, all attached to the door.

"Are you worried that I will be possessed by my mind and destroy it like crazy?" Garen has heard that most people who watch the True Source will fall into a state of confusion and attack the room crazily.

He walked to the glass, and looked quietly at the boundless starry sky outside through the transparent and cold glass. This was the Supreme Hall. Inside the lighthouse, it was impossible to directly connect to the outside galaxy. The scenery trapped here was all simulated. .

Time passed slowly, and soon, the galaxy outside the glass gradually changed.

The dark blue and pitch-black starry sky slowly accelerated. Faster and faster, more and more urgent.

Garen only felt that his eyes were filled with countless blue starlights flowing rapidly, drawing out long and thin traces.

The entire galaxy suddenly transformed into a tornado funnel with a big top and a small bottom.

hiss! !

In an instant, all the galaxies shrank down and condensed into a ball, a ball of small silver-white buttons.

Inside the small button, which is only the size of a fist, is a slowly rotating galaxy. It looks extremely beautiful.

"Have you started yet?" Garen held his breath and stared at the buttons carefully.

Suddenly, the button made a loud bang, and instantly exploded into infinite white light. The white light was countless times brighter than the light of a nuclear bomb. In an instant, Garen's eyes only felt a sting, and he closed his eyes unconsciously.


A soft sound.

The white light disappears.

He quickly opened his eyes, and his eyes had completely changed.

He was no longer standing in a small white pavilion room, but was floating in an endless pale yellow space.

Small balls like water bubbles floated around him, floating upward.

He raised his head and saw endless pale yellow. The bubbles seemed to float upwards forever and became smaller and smaller.

"here it is?"


Another bubble floated up from beside him.

In a trance, he actually saw countless galaxies swirling and flowing from the bubble. A bubble that was only the size of an eyeball actually reflected countless huge scenes.

He couldn't help but stretched out his index finger and touched the bubble lightly.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, countless, terrifyingly huge amounts of information crazily poured from the bubble toward his brain.

The energy mark was running wildly in an instant, and a large amount of soul power was consumed. Garen felt like a dry sponge, absorbing the huge amount of information coming from the bubbles.

The information content was so huge, yet so meaningless. It was simply the countless lucky formation histories of countless planets. Although spectacular, it was meaningless to him. Every planet has a long or short record, some are billions of years old, and some are hundreds of billions of years old.

But slowly, with the crazy influx of information, Garen gradually realized that something was wrong. There was some inexplicable aura in these messages, which seemed to be the aura that he had discovered before, the aura that combined the spirit and soul power.

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