Mysterious journey

Chapter 1250 Stability 2

"Ola, my name is Aola. There are not many dragons in the magic class, only a dozen young dragons. The class time is not fixed, but there will be exams at a fixed time. The time will be notified every month, just within the clan On a stone wall in the Elder Peak." Aura explained, "Because we want to impart knowledge and skills to you, we will receive compensation. In this world, knowledge and skills are not imparted in vain, so you need to work for the clan."

"What is the job content?" Garen naturally understood. Such a selfish White Dragon Clan will definitely not give them benefits for free.

"It's a battle." Aura replied succinctly, "With humans and other creatures, in order to expand our living space. If there is no problem, then put a claw on it." He put the paper in front of Garen.

Garen carefully read the contents of the contract written in dragon language.

Then he pressed it with a snap. From now on, he will be tied to the clan for the rest of his career until he reaches adulthood.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Although the baby dragon is stronger than ordinary animals, its ability to attract hatred is far superior to other ordinary creatures. Without the protection of the clan, even now he cannot go out of the surrounding ten kilometers.

It is said that the group of humans simply settled down near the clan. Apparently he was planning to fight with the clan.

After leaving Aura, Garen flew out of the registration office and went to the combat class to register again. Then he returned to the temporary gathering point, where the three dragons from Sa Er and others were already waiting here. They just register for one class, which is obviously much faster than Galleons.

"The guide is the instructor dragon. There is a question day every three days. We can ask anything about fighting, but we can only ask for half a day. Then we will assess it once a month." Sa Si asked carefully and clearly.

"I heard that the humans who killed Sa Yi outside stayed there and refused to leave. It was too dangerous. They are not afraid of the clan!" Sa Er said loudly.

A group of young dragons were talking loudly in a crevice between rocks on the snowy peak.

From time to time, adult white dragons can be seen flying past outside the gaps between the snowy peaks, as well as more baby dragons. They are just an inconspicuous part of it.

"We must work hard." Sa Si said, "Don't worry about humans. I've asked. Among a hundred baby dragons, there will be no more than five that can reach adulthood safely. There were various battles and being killed along the way. They are not strong enough. If we are not careful enough, we will never reach adulthood. Without our mother, we have no protector."

What he said was the truth. Now Jialong and the others belong to a weak group without relatives to protect them. Once they encounter danger, Elder Peak will not protect them at all unless they have been near Elder Peak. But this is impossible. If you want to In exchange for knowledge, they must complete a task, and to complete the task, they must go out and leave. This is an endless cycle.

Garen knew even more. He even inquired about the specific conditions of the humans stationed outside.

It was a nearby powerful mage group called the Dilada Empire. Their leader was a seventh-level mage named Gu Shan. This time, there has been a conflict with a white dragon family. Almost killed an adult white dragon. And it seems that they haven’t used their full strength yet.

But even so, the White Dragon Clan did not dare to start a war rashly, because behind the ancient mountains is the huge Dilada Empire. This human empire is said to have many seventh-level mages, at least dozens, and even higher-level Yongs. Only top mages who have reached level eight or above can be called eternal radiators. Only the ancient dragons of the Dragon Clan can deal with such existence. The strength span is very large compared to that of a seventh-level mage.

Therefore, even if an adult white dragon is almost killed, the clan can only endure it. The selfish nature of the white dragons is unwilling to fight for interests other than their own. What's more, the foundation of the Dilada Empire is simply not something they can fight against.

There are no ancient dragons in their clan. The only ones they have are a few old dragon priests. However, the evil dragon god Tiamat will never appear in confrontations with humans because she was once injured by the human god of war. Over the wings.


Time flies, spring passes soon, and hot summer comes.

Garen also officially started to learn knowledge and skills from the two classes.

The content of the combat class is very simple and consumes almost no energy from him. It is mainly the Offensive class, on which he puts all his energy.

Just as stupid as him, there are more than a dozen young dragons who are very obsessed with magic. They are sitting together in a valley somewhere in the Snow Peak Mountains.

Garen was sitting on the right edge, quietly listening to the explanation of the young dragon above.

To his expectation, Sa Si also chose the Austrian class with him. However, Sa Si was not as energetic as him and gave up the combat class. Sitting behind him on a stool made of ice, he listened intently to the explanation above.

The wind and snow were howling outside, but it couldn't affect the young dragon's huge voice at all.

"Level 0 spells are also called level 0 tricks. In addition to being used for performances, they are also used to test the spiritual qualifications of the mage. Other uses are very small, but this is the basis of all spells, so it is also our A threshold that must be crossed." Young Dragon said loudly.


"There are a total of fifty-six orthodox level 0 tricks, but here we only need to be able to use ten, which means we have completely mastered the introductory energy manipulation of each faction. This will serve as a basis for choosing a faction in the future."

The young dragon stretched out his claws, and a small ball of white light suddenly lit up above his claws.

"This is the light technique." He waved his hand, but the light ball remained motionless and was held in the center of his palm. "I used the condensed snowball as a luminous body and cast a light spell on it, so it became like this."

The young dragons below have all seen many collections of light magic collected by their relatives, so naturally they will not be surprised by such a small movement, and they are all calm.

The young dragon also quickly began to explain how to adjust his mental power and release a simple light technique.

Garen listened carefully. I quickly understood the principle of the spell.

The spells here actually use the most basic spiritual power to draw the subtle energy in the universe, dividing it into different categories and factions, thereby forming various complex and simple derivative changes, and naturally forming a spell system of different levels and categories. .

This is equivalent to a series of chain reactions of chemical reactions. If mages want a specified chemical reaction, they need to put in the specified materials in the specified order.

The same is true for spells. A spell is finally formed. This is the result of the reaction. To form and produce this result, it is necessary to use mental power to continuously adjust and guide, so that different energies can collide, merge, and react with each other, and ultimately produce extremely Complex changes to achieve the final magic effect.

The various energies in the air are the different materials required for chemical reactions. How to take and put materials in, control the weight, and even how to stir and guide them are all matters that the mental power has to do.

"So when releasing a spell, we need to focus. This is a continuous process. Once it is interrupted and the reaction time is missed, it will be difficult to continue." Young Dragon explained the principle of the spell.

"Then what is spiritual power?" A young dragon stood up and asked loudly.

"Spiritual power is your attention." The young dragon smiled, grinning and showing his white fangs, "Just like you are listening to my lecture with all your concentration, your mental power is now concentrated on me. You All my senses are paying attention to me, and once I release an enhanced version of the light spell at this moment."


Suddenly, a dazzling ball of light burst out from the young dragon's hand.

oh! ~~~

Suddenly there was a cry of exclamation.

This enhanced version of the light spell obviously took into account the endurance of the young dragons. A group of young dragons were immediately blinded by the light and screamed in surprise.

Garen dodged in time to avoid this sneak attack.

"Okay, let's take a break. Everyone can move freely. We will continue after one third of the hourglass." The young dragon took out a golden hourglass and placed it on the snow. The fine black sand inside began to slowly leak from top to bottom.

Garen and the other young dragons all rubbed their eyes. They had been badly dodged just now.

Sitting alone on the stool, Garen was bored and began to recall what he had learned about the situation here these days.

The clan and the Dilada Empire seemed to have some kind of agreement, so that the adult dragons above were no longer attacked. At the same time, the people from the Dilada Empire did not even attack the young dragons, but began to build something deep in the forest. .

I heard from Aura that the Dilada Empire seemed to be at war on the border. Two other empires were invaded by the Dilada Empire at the same time. This time, it is estimated that an agreement may be reached with the senior leader of Elder Peak, Old Dragon. The White Dragon Clan may Will help Dilada participate in the war to gain asylum from the empire.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the young dragons around him. He didn't know how well these young dragons could survive the war.

The baby dragons of the White Dragon Tribe are never valuable, because the White Dragons are so fertile when they reach adulthood. But if a young dragon wants to grow into an adult dragon, it takes too long and costs too much.

"It's really troublesome. It's too difficult to reach the point of being in harmony with the soul within ten years. We have to find a way. Maybe we can only think of a way from the mysterious arcane laws of this world."

Garen frowned unconsciously.

"Garon Garon." Sa Si behind him patted Garon's back wings.

"What's up?"

"Sa Er has brought us food." Sa Si whispered.

Garen suddenly understood.

Due to lack of time during this period, he spent most of the time just listening to lectures at both ends, and had no time to go out to hunt. At this time, Sa'er, who already admired Garen a little, took the initiative to share the meat he hunted with Garen. The same goes for Sarah.

Both young dragons felt that Garen had his own opinion on everything. Even when they met the powerful mage, he was extremely calm. Directly to his senses it was different.

Garen and Sarah got up and went to the entrance of the valley. They saw Sarah and Sarah putting meat frozen into ice cubes on the ground. He glanced at the two Gallon dragons from a distance, turned around and flew out quickly.

The two of them went over to get the food and ate quickly. Isaac has the glory of Galleons.

Garen is now the leader of this small group of young dragons. During this time, he has gained the admiration of these young dragons both physically and mentally.

Although Bailong is selfish, he is also obedient and obedient to the strong. It is his nature to prey on the weak.

"Eat quickly." Garen chewed the raw meat. But my mind began to think of other things.

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