Mysterious journey

Chapter 1259 Pain Knight 1

"As for these little guys, as long as you're careful, there shouldn't be much of a problem."

Garen felt confident and quietly left the team and walked towards another corner. While all the young dragons were distracted by the fluctuations of the battle, no dragon noticed his departure.

Along the snow wall, Garen slowly walked to a depression and listened to the noise outside.

If he wanted to get the ice stalagmite, his current strength alone would not be enough, he would have to rely on other means.

Garen circled around the place where the fight was taking place. There were several groups of young dragons hidden around him. Among them, he could feel the burning gazes of the young dragons coming from behind him when he moved to some places. Some of them contained obvious warnings.

He remained unmoved and continued to look around and memorize the terrain structure here.

A very simple but somewhat vicious strategy appeared in his mind.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Leona and the others stay away, it's enough."

Garen weighed this simple strategy repeatedly and decided to take action.


Deep in the snow.

Outside the tunnel, it looks like two circles, one large and one small, next to each other.

In the front circle, several giant lizards were fighting around a broken sharp stone pillar, while in the back small circle, there were a large number of baby dragons ambushing them.

The whole thing is like a string of candied haws.

A small baby dragon flew out of the tunnel, flew up from the outside, braved the wind and snow, and landed on the small circle mountain of Tanghulu.

The wind and snow here were dense and nothing could be seen clearly, but Garen relied on his strong memory and calculation power to quickly find the place directly above where one of the teams was hiding.

He noted down this location carefully, and then went to find several other points.


"Huh? Where did Garen go?" Leona noticed that one person was missing from her team, and she was suddenly confused.

"I saw him go out as a dragon. I don't know what he was doing." Sast replied honestly.

"I always feel that Gallon is a bit mysterious. I don't know if it's an illusion. I always like to act with a dragon." Polly said dissatisfied.

"Indeed." Leona nodded in agreement.

"It's just a baby dragon, don't worry about him." Dongni said nonchalantly, "Is it okay for us to cooperate like this? If there's no problem, how about we just settle on it?"

"Okay, once a fight breaks out, clean up the other baby dragons first." Polly agreed.

"It's a deal."

The two sides reached a temporary alliance.

The other young dragons without solidification spells naturally have no say. They cannot leave these leaders like Garen. Without the fifth-level attack spell, they have no way to kill a fourth-level monitor lizard. They are hunted. Not bad.


"Hmph, that guy Dong Ni seems to have gathered support, what should we do?" In a small cave dug in another place, several young dragons gathered together to discuss in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter. We can't survive. We'll just wait until they start fighting the giant lizard before we show up. It doesn't matter if we give them those crystal nuclei. Our real target is the ice stalagmite!"

A young dragon with slightly red skin whispered.

"Is this really okay?"

"Of course, with my solidification spell, there will be no problem!" the reddish young dragon said confidently. "Catch them all in one fell swoop! Hehehehe. If they are seriously injured, we will ask them to hand over all the crystal nuclei."

"Desai, you are so smart!" Several young dragons immediately exclaimed.

"As long as you understand, you won't suffer any loss if you follow me!" Desai became proud.


Garen was lying on a high cliff and looked down. It was completely white below. He couldn't see or hear anything. The roar of the wind and snow blocked the sound of the giant lizards fighting below.

Nothing can be seen or heard here.

But it doesn't matter. Garen has already positioned himself according to his sense of direction and memory. Below is the position where the giant lizard will fight.

Unlike other young dragons, his intelligence far exceeds that of other young dragons.

Bailong's brain is not very developed, so naturally it cannot be compared with his seventeen-point level.

I mentally calculated the process a little.

Garen began to cut along the hard ground using his ice-pressing knife with his claws.

He hit the ground and stabbed it, leaving a deep scratch. He had clearly detected the terrain features and textures here.

Soon, he dug out a large gap in this large piece of snow cliff fault that was as big as an elephant, and it might be on the verge of collapse at any time.

This is what he can do with his extremely sharp claw skills like the Ice Press Knife.

Without hesitation, Garen flew up and crashed down hard.


The entire snow cliff suddenly made a crisp sound, and the remaining link was suddenly disconnected.

Amidst the howling of the wind and snow, this breaking sound was not harsh and clear, but was directly drowned out. Only a large piece of ice cliff the size of an elephant was seen rolling down and falling.

Not long after, boom!

There was a loud noise, and a huge wail and roar suddenly came from below. It seems that a monitor lizard was hit!

Garen carefully identified it and couldn't tell which end was hit. But as long as the stalemate is broken, it is considered a success.

There must be a fight down there.

Garen quickly moved to where the other hatchlings were hiding.

Following the same movement, he began to cut other large ice blocks. Sometimes he cut stones, and they were scratched by him a few times. The dragon's claws were already sharp, and with his special skills, the sharpness was greatly improved.

With a bang, another huge ice block crashed down.

This time there was no sound of the baby dragon. It must have been due to the howling of the wind and snow, but Garen knew that it must have attracted the attention of the monitor lizards.

This baby dragon hiding spot is the closest distance. Once the baby dragon is injured, the smell of blood will definitely be as clear and bright as a beacon in the dark for the monitor lizard with a keen sense of smell.

Then once they find a lurker waiting, they will definitely deal with the lurker first.

He calculated that this position happened to be the closest to the monitor lizards. Even if there was no smell of blood, it would create a sense of crisis for the monitor lizards and speed up the battle.

Garen did not stop and continued walking towards the third marked location.

He was the only one who dared to run around like this in such a heavy snowstorm. The other young dragons did not have such a good sense of direction and memory, and would be completely lost in the snowstorm if they were not careful.

The third piece also went down.

Looking at the tumbling cliff, Garen found that the distance seemed to be skewed, and was blown away from the calculated position by the sudden increase in wind and snow.

"But it doesn't matter. Making noise can also attract the attention of the monitor lizards."

He didn't care at all. Forget about the fourth piece, that's Leona's hiding spot.

Returning along the original path, Garen patted his paws, and all traces behind him were completely buried by the dense wind and snow.



The Level 5 monitor lizard was hit in the back by a huge cliff and was crushed to the ground. It could only roar incessantly.

Another level five monitor lizard was being besieged by four other level four monitors. The two sides were fighting each other with flesh and blood flying everywhere, biting and biting.

Two level four monitor lizards were scratched with deep gashes on their sides. The blood flowed out and was immediately frozen, turning into red ice crystals. The only Level 5 monitor lizard was blind in one eye, had deep scratches on the side of its neck, and was lame on one of its hind legs. It was extremely miserable.


It made a final effort and used the last earth vibration to shake away the four giant lizards around it, and also exhausted the last of its strength.

The four level four monitor lizards were exhausted and scarred at this moment. If it hadn't been for a huge snow cliff that suddenly fell from above and hit a level five monitor lizard, they probably would have had no choice but to turn around and run away.

Looking at the broken ice stalagmites on the side of the center, several monitor lizards suddenly let out low roars of joy, seeming to expel the fifth-level monitor lizards away.

Fights between monitor lizards generally do not end in life or death.

In desperation, the fifth-level monitor lizard helped its companions push off the cliff, and prepared to leave with their heads down one after the other. The ice armor on their bodies was also used up in the fight. If they don't leave now, they might attract others. The monitor lizard is a bargain.

At this moment, bursts of huge vibrations came from the direction of the only entrance and exit here.

Several monitor lizards suddenly became alert.

"Charge!!" Immediately, they saw a group of white baby dragons rushing out. Each one was only half a man tall, but their eyes were filled with greed.

There were more than a dozen young dragons, swarming towards the ice stalagmite in the middle.

Several young dragons found the scarred level 5 monitor lizard. The rings and necklaces on their hands shone with a faint colored halo, which were obviously magic equipment that solidified advanced spells.

"If a big stone hadn't suddenly fallen down, we could have waited a little longer before taking action!" Polly said helplessly. Looking at the monitor lizard in front of me, I feel a little scared. After all, this is a level five monitor lizard!

"What are you afraid of? It has no innate spells! This is when it is at its weakest." A young dragon on the other side said loudly. It was Desai who was planning to hide and clean up the mess, but now he was in a mess. It was obvious that He was also injured by the cliff and boulder, and he felt a lot of anger in his heart.

They were all smashed out. If it didn't do it together with everyone else, obviously the other young dragons wouldn't be so stupid and would do it on their own, so he could only destroy the plan and do it in advance.

That being said, facing such a level five monitor lizard, everyone felt a little scared.

"I'll carry it!" A strong young dragon rushed over. He grabbed the giant lizard's eyes without fear of death.


A giant tail hit him hard at an extremely fast speed, like hitting a rubber ball, and instantly knocked the young dragon away. White blood suddenly spilled out. You don't need to look to know that this guy is seriously injured.

It was not as strong-willed as Garen, and it passed out before it even hit the ground. It couldn't even buffer or slow down the force. It hit the hard ice wall not far away, causing a big crack. I don't know how many bones in the body were broken. It looked like I couldn't survive.

If you reduce the impact force in mid-air, you may reduce the damage caused by the impact, but if you are knocked unconscious directly, not only will you not be able to reduce the impact force, you will not even be able to tighten your muscles to resist the impact, and the damage you will receive will be much greater than normal.

"Don't go up! Use magic!" When Polly saw this situation, he immediately knew that it was impossible to fight head-on and could only use solidification magic.

Needless to say, the other young dragons also knew that if they went up to them head-on, they would only be beaten in seconds.

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