Mysterious journey

Chapter 1263 Existence 1

Everything seemed to be back to the way it was when he first entered here.

Garen completely passed out.

The armor of the pain knight behind him exploded instantly, like fine crystal glass, exploding into countless crystal fragments. Countless black rune symbols tried to escape like tadpoles, but were immediately hit by the huge dragon power. Freeze, bang!

All symbols once again exploded and shattered into finer fragments. This time, they completely disappeared and turned into the most basic flow of negative energy, which merged into the air.

"Lord.!!" The last voice of the Pain Knight echoed in the abyss, and there was no more audio or video after that.

Everything returned to its original calm. The dragon's power slowly faded away, as if it had never appeared before.

Countless fish-like human faces and black smoke surrounded Galleon. They tried to get into Garen's skin and ears, and one by one they tried to take over Garen's body as a young dragon.

But there seemed to be a thin layer of light covering Garen, protecting him from any harm.

Time passes slowly, and there is always darkness in the abyss, and the sky is unknown.

I don't know how long it took, but Garen slowly woke up.

The dense black smoke surrounding the faces suddenly dispersed like frightened little fish. At the same time, Garen, who had been held in the air by them, fell hard again.

He quickly flapped his wings and tried to levitate.

Looking at everything dark around him, Garen recalled the previous situation.

"What happened just now?" He felt a splitting headache.

The pain knight chasing behind him disappeared. He suddenly remembered.

"Did he be crushed to death by the dragon's power just now?"

What surprised him the most was that every soul ring he apparently exploded by himself was still intact, which was simply a miracle.

He clearly remembered that at the last moment, he exploded all his soul rings in an instant to gain maximum power. Unexpectedly, all the soul rings are intact now.

"What a ghost!" Garen muttered in his heart. Although he didn't understand what happened, it was obvious that someone saved him.

He was floating in the darkness, looking down, and saw that the colorless light source was very close to him.

He simply flew down, and it was obvious that the unknown existence below saved him. Since you were saved, no matter what, you have to go down and meet the person to say thank you.

As he flew closer and closer, Garen soon landed on the edge of this huge light source.

The light source is very small, only more than ten meters in diameter. The interior is pale white, and only a little bit of the scene inside can be seen.

He circled around this ball of light. The bottom of the abyss was flat and smooth, as if it had been polished by someone. There was no irritation to his feet when he walked on it.

This seems to be a large palace.

Garen vaguely noticed it after circling around here.

He found a stone tablet lying around.

The black stone tablet was half inserted into the ground and half exposed. It seemed to have writings engraved on it. It was the dragon language he knew, but the grammar was a bit old.

Garen used a little light to read the writing carefully.

"The most evil. The dragon that devours everything. The capital in the center of the earth."

A lot of the content at the back is blurred, and it's completely blurred by a lot of scratch-like things.

Garen carefully identified it for a long time but couldn't restore it, so he grabbed the stone tablet hard.


His claws were actually worn down with a layer of white powder.

The stele is so hard that even sharp dragon claws cannot scratch it. This surprised Garen.

He circled around the light source in the darkness again and found the same stone tablets in the other two places. There are similar writings engraved on them.

One of the stone tablets reads: Forbidden Place.

Another stone tablet reads: Sleeping, do not disturb, disaster.

The rest of the writing is blurred, and there are many paragraphs in between that are indistinguishable.

Garen looked at the stone tablet and checked around it again.

The strange thing is that although this is the center of the abyss, there are no human-faced black smoke approaching at all. They all seem to be afraid of something.

Garen thought for a moment, then walked a little further outside.

He followed the bottom of the abyss in a wide circle.

Finally figured out the structure here.

The entire abyss is as big as several football fields. It is circular in shape, and the light source guarded by the stone tablet is exactly in the middle.

Soon, Garen found a sticky black thing in an open space. He felt that the breath of this thing was very similar to that of the pain knight who was chasing him just now, so he grabbed it directly.

This thing seemed to be a soft ball like brown candy, with a large dark red symbol shining on it. It looked very much like a Y letter, but it was much more twisted.

As soon as he took it in his hand, he felt a trace of cool soul power flowing out of the ball.

"Soul power!" Garen was delighted. He quickly put the ball away and held it in his paws.

The strange thing is that looking towards the light source from a distance here, Garen can clearly see what is inside.

It was a golden round longan. It was vague in the white light and not very clear, but it could still be identified. It was indeed a golden dragon eye vertical pupil.

Garen was a little shocked.

It would be fine if it were a giant beast from other worlds, but as a dragon in this world, it is not known how big its true body is if it can develop such a big eyeball.

In this world, such a huge dragon would definitely not be an unknown person.

Looking from a distance, he vaguely saw a woman in a black dress standing seemingly floating in the dragon's eyes.

"Assuming this is a seal, then the guy who can be sealed inside is definitely not that powerful." A thought flashed through his mind.

Looking at Longyan, he thought for a while, and then spoke loudly.

"Thank you for your help, sir. My name is Garen, and I am a young dragon from the White Dragon Tribe."

The voice echoed in the darkness, but there was no response.

There was still silence. The woman in the spherical light source remained motionless, as if she didn't hear his call at all.

"Thank you, sir, for your life-saving grace!" Garen shouted again, this time with a louder voice.

However, there was still no response, and the bottom of the abyss remained quiet.

Garen hesitated for a moment, recalling the content on the stone tablet just now. Could it be that the woman here is just sleeping? Did you just save yourself unconsciously? impossible!

It was just an unconscious defense, and it was impossible for him to remain intact under this level of attack. Unless the other party is specifically targeting to protect themselves.

"This is not the place you should be, you can leave." Suddenly a cold male voice came from the light source.

The moment Garen heard this voice, he felt as if his whole body's soul power was vibrating and resonating, as if the other party could make his whole body's soul rings collapse just by relying on his voice.

The blood all over his body accelerated, and his heart beat faster. It took him a long time to recover, and then he realized that the curse on him had actually been lifted.

He took a few deep breaths and finally looked at the woman in the center of the light.

Garen flapped his wings and flew towards the outside of the abyss.

This time, it seemed that there was the will of the light source woman. Countless faces of black smoke condensed into a high layer of waves under his body, which quickly lifted him up and threw him towards the outside world.

Garen looked back and glanced down. The light source was getting farther and farther away, getting dimmer and dimmer, until it completely disappeared from sight.

"After you get out, don't mention this place to anyone, remember it." The clear male voice once again entered his mind across the distance.

Garen was not surprised that the other party was obviously a woman but had a man's voice. These powerful beings had all kinds of strange things, so this situation was considered normal.

He just felt weird, the other party had no reason at all, and there was no reason at all to save him this time. The seventh-level Pain Knight was crushed to death in an instant like an ant in the opponent's eyes, let alone him who was weaker than the Pain Knight.

With such doubts, Garen was quickly shot out of the cracks in the snow mountain with countless black smoke, and flew away in the direction he came from. Soon he flew back to the wind and snow on the other side of the lake where blizzards were constantly sweeping.

In the abyss.

The woman in the light source moved her body. The arms stretched slightly.

"White Dragon has always been selfish, and his soul is as filthy as black soil. I didn't expect that an alien would appear, and his soul is as clear as crystal." The man's voice echoed in the light source.

"Alien. Hehe, he is so strong and powerful. An interesting little white dragon."

She vaguely remembered her original self, who was also an alien among the dragons and also ran counter to the nature of the race.

A feeling of exhaustion came over her, and she fell asleep again, or in other words, went into deep sleep.


By the time Garen found his way back to his clan after all the hard work, more than a month had passed.

When he returned to the clan, almost all the young dragons thought he was dead, but they didn't expect him to come back. The young dragons in the breeding center, especially those who survived the ice stalagmite competition, all stared at Garen with displeasure. After all, he was the one who snatched away the biggest prize, the ice stalagmite. Fortunately, there were several fifth-level crystal nuclei and fourth-level crystal nuclei shared equally by everyone, otherwise Galleon would be even more jealous.

After returning, Garen and Sasisa Er Sasan explained their situation, saying that they got lost in the wind and snow, and lost the ice stalagmites, so they could not bring them back. It was hard to find the way back.

The brothers and sisters didn't believe it at first, but after seeing Garen's injuries and barely moving body, they became more convinced.

After Garen came back, before he could go to class, Sastre and Polly arrived at his residence to inquire about the situation.

"What! The ice stalagmite is lost!!??" Polly opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

Sast next to him also looked sad.

"Why did it just get lost? If I had known it would get lost, I could have just pounced on it and took a few bites!"

Leona was more concerned about Garen's body.

"Then what happened to your injuries? Why are there so many scars?"

"Injured by the giant lizard." Garen replied helplessly. "Because I got lost on the way, I encountered several monitor lizards, all of which were advanced, so I had to run around. In the end, I was caught by a level five monitor lizard. After being beaten for a while, I finally got lucky and found my way back."

"Who told you to be so greedy!" Leona said contemptuously.

"I was originally going to snatch it away first, and then bring it back and secretly divide it between the two of us. Unexpectedly," Garen said with an aggrieved look.

"Really?" Leona was dubious. The little girl is easy to deceive.

"Of course it's true, we are a team!" Garen said loudly. Of course he wouldn't mention that he wanted to keep it all to himself at this time.

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