Mysterious journey

Chapter 127 Notes 2

"It only increased the attributes by 0.01 on average. There is still 2% left to increase the potential, just a little bit. Unfortunately, there are no antiques of misfortune for me to absorb. Antiques of misfortune. What is the secret of this kind of thing?" He has been unable to figure it out. What is the potential in the antiques of misfortune is just a guess. The more dangerous the ancient bloody legends of the antiques, the greater the potential they contain.

"It's a pity. It would be nice if the ring on my uncle's hand was stronger. Wearing it for a few months can replenish these two potential points. But no matter how strong it is, my uncle probably won't be able to wait for me to find out before something goes wrong." The level of that ring is too low, and it has basically no effect on him. It will probably have some effect after wearing it for a few years. It's better to start with the golden ring.

"I wonder if this golden sword holder may have potential. If antiques with widespread legends can be antiques of bad luck, then why are some similar antiques I found later completely useless? Does it have to be something that can bring bad luck to collectors? Does something have potential?"

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it so much. This matter is not over yet. I will know when the time comes."

He stopped thinking about it and looked at the current skill bar.


Colossus mutation: bursting (top layer), skin hardened by one level (iron body), Qi and blood stabilized by one level (boulder skill).

Iron Yin Palm: The accumulation has not reached the entry level (accumulates two layers of body toxins).

Fire Hands: Progress is weak. (fourth floor)

"Ansara probably didn't know that I killed a king general last time, otherwise he would never talk nonsense in the end and just kill me directly. But if he escaped this time, he will be in trouble next time."

"Now that I'm stuck in this vortex of trouble, I can't leave and look for low-level secret weapons. But if I can't do it, it doesn't mean Su Lin can't do it! Maybe I can ask him to help me find some low-level secret weapons for practice."

The most valuable thing to him is the low-level fourth-rate secret martial arts that require less external conditions. Generally, the more advanced or high-level secret martial arts are, the more advanced they are, the more powerful they are, and the fewer restrictions they have, the more they need external assistance. It is not conducive to his practice at all.

After getting out of bed and putting on the clothes prepared by the bedside, Garen suddenly saw the martial arts notes he had previously found from General Pink Eyes lying underneath. He took them over and flipped through them.

The above are all about Wang Jiang’s confusion when he was practicing martial arts and the solutions he came up with afterwards. It's like a person records his own difficulties and then concentrates on overcoming them.

Garen just browsed through it casually at first, but unexpectedly he became fascinated by it without even realizing it.

Many of the things recorded in it are unexpected flaws and difficulties in martial arts. There are many that Garen has encountered and many that he has yet to encounter. Most of them have solutions later.

Only then did Garen realize the value of this booklet. Because of his poor background, he was only a third-rate secret martial arts sect, and his many martial arts knowledge did not reach a certain level. This booklet could just try to make up for some of his shortcomings.

This also let him know why his physical attributes had not improved for so long.

In other words, if it weren't for the innate ability to maintain the solidification of physical fitness, his quality might have started to decline long ago.

"Although it is not of great use to me, it is very popular and instructive for ordinary people to learn martial arts." Garen looked at the booklet with satisfaction. This was an unexpected gain.

Inadvertently, he turned to a page about the practice of secret martial arts.

'I tried to practice the cumulative low-level secret martial arts, but failed and the progress was extremely low! Why? ’ This is the problem that King Pink Eyes will encounter. Exactly the same as what Garen encountered.

His expression gradually became serious.

Turn gently to the next page. The line of text recorded above made Garen's heart skip a beat at first, but then when he saw the text below, the corners of his mouth finally couldn't help but curve.

The light yellow paper is clearly recorded with dense black characters.

‘Most of the accumulated low-level secret weapons are incomplete. Here is a rough summary of the missing parts of some common secret weapons. ’

‘1. Bayonet Hands: Boil water from the stamens of scarlet flowers and smear it on your hands, using the same technique as before. ’

‘2. Bazbek Arc Swordsmanship: It is necessary to create a special hilt for continuous training. The hilt design is as follows.’

‘3. Odin’s Steel Fist: It needs to be practiced with the spiked plate and the potion in the first stage of the fist technique. ’

The more Garen went through, the more satisfied he became, not because of the missing parts of many other secret martial arts that he had never heard of, but because he actually found the missing parts of the two low-level secret martial arts he practiced, Yanliu Hand and Iron Yin Palm.

‘31. Iron Yin Palm: You need to hang upside down when practicing. ’ Just such a missing piece of content, Garen just scanned it and recalled the Iron Yin Palm training method that he had remembered before, and he immediately became enlightened.

Many of those seemingly weird training methods, if practiced with the body hanging upside down, will immediately become smoother from the perspective of martial arts concepts.

Look again, the back.

‘38. Flame Style Hands: The most time-consuming among low-level secret martial arts. Its practice must be assisted by hot iron sand. Initially, the iron sand basin is used to continuously beat and insert, and later it can be replaced with real charcoal. Specific training methods are attached with pictures. ’ Following are several clearly outlined diagrams of the steps and stages of practice. There are training methods for each stage of Yanliu Hands.

Garen couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Finally, even without going to the Nantian Holy Fist Sect, I can perfect these two low-level secret martial arts!" With this harvest, he was defeated due to injury, and his originally depressed mood suddenly eased.

"Practice hanging upside down, hehe, I want to try it." Garen was about to try it impatiently, but when he got excited, he felt a little tight in his chest.

"I haven't recovered yet! Ansara is really powerful. Such a light force can actually have a negative impact on me for so long!" Garen was shocked. Recalling Ansara's tricks at that time, his originally happy mood calmed down again. Come down.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Mr. Gallon, please go to the conference hall. Breakfast will be delivered there."

"I know." Garen replied loudly, quickly arranged his clothes, and glanced at himself in front of the mirror.

The strong white body is well-proportioned and toned, without any sense of fat or excessive muscle disharmony.

Her purple-black hair was a little long, almost covering her eyes, and her shawl fell down, making her look a little frizzy. The dark red eyes faintly shining through the hair give people a cold and powerful aura.


Putting on a black shirt and a white suit, letting his shawl black hair spread freely, Garen tugged on the collar of his shirt and took one last look at himself in the mirror.

The man in the mirror has a hint of wildness, but also a hint of indifference and strength. His chin is slightly raised, which can give people a strong sense of fear and oppression without opening his mouth.

"Unknowingly, I have become like this." Garen lifted his hair that blocked his sight.

I pressed my chest lightly, and there was still some slight numbness.


He put the notes in his pocket, turned around and opened the door to leave.


Manor meeting hall

In a small light yellow room, there is a zigzag yellow wooden table in the middle, with several black leather chairs surrounding it.

A square chandelier hangs from a black wire above the table, emitting a soft yellow light.

Sulin's father, Lieutenant General Krohn, was sitting at the main seat beside the curtain, wearing a black suit, quietly holding a cup of hot coffee and drinking it slowly.

Dragon King Yoda and Su Lin sat together with calm expressions and drank coffee lightly.

An old woman with a gloomy face sat alone on the other side. The old woman was also wearing a military uniform, with golden epaulettes on her shoulders shining with three silver stars and a pair of crossed swords. That's the sign of a lieutenant general.

"Sorry, I'm late." In front of the opened door, Garen slowly entered, glanced at the people present, and sat directly next to Su Lin.

"It's okay, your injuries are not serious." Crohn smiled friendly at Garen. At this time, Garen's temperament changed into a well-fitting dress, which perfectly reflected his own strong strength and courage.

Sulin and Yoda looked at Garen in surprise. After the battle at Ansara, Garen's original strong aura seemed to have gradually subsided, and now he looked like a volcano hidden under the sea. Unlike before, just seeing him can make you think of strength, power, and crushing!

He is worthy of being a martial arts master who can confront Ansara head-on in a short period of time!

Crohn admired in his heart and pointed to the white-haired old woman sitting alone.

"Let me introduce, this is the head of the newly established special response room of the Federation, Lieutenant General Lanni."

The old woman Lanni nodded dullly to the three of them without saying a word.

"Lieutenant General Lanni is the main person in charge of tracking down the aftermath of this terrorist attack. She is very interested in your knowledge of the actual situation and hopes that you can tell her some information about Ansara. Of course, I will also tell her about me. Tell me the source of the conflict with Ansara."

"No problem." Su Lin was the first to express his opinion.

"I have reservations about some personal privacy matters. Don't worry, it won't have any impact on this incident." Yoda replied lazily.

"I have no objection either." Garen nodded.

Crohn nodded with satisfaction.

"Then let me start."

He waved the guard to close the door. Then scan the whole place.

"Actually, no one except the maker knows what the essence of the Golden Sword is. Including me, the owner."

He paused and continued.

"When I went to the ruins of the Nabudas Empire in the Five Stars Continent, I purchased a golden ornament from the elders of the indigenous tribes there. The image was of a sword piercing an ancient stone similar to a throne. It was only the size of a palm, and a It’s almost like a pen holder. I didn’t expect this to be the mysterious and weird golden sword holder in the rumors.”

"Wuxing Continent is different from our Shiyan Continent and Lan Continent. There are many backward and ancient areas there. It's not surprising to have such gold decorations. How do you know that the decoration is the Golden Sword Constellation?" Lieutenant General Lanni asked. road.

"Please wait, can you first tell me what the golden sword seat does?" Su Lin interjected.

"This was confirmed by my daughter and also by Ansara. As for its function, some say that it contains the secret of an ancient and powerful martial arts inheritance. Others say that it is something used by ancient warlocks to curse souls. There are also It is said that the Golden Sword Seat is the key to a mysterious ruins. Those who open the ruins can get gifts from the devil. There are different opinions, and I actually don’t know its real secret." Crohn explained, "Originally, I was I didn’t care much about it, I just regarded it as a good collectible. I didn’t expect Ansara to suddenly contact me and want to trade with me to get this thing. You also understand that Ansara is such a terrorist organization. If it can be eliminated by taking the opportunity, it will be a good thing for me. The Federation is something worth celebrating for the three continents. So..."

"So you used this as bait and invited the entire Secret Service to come forward to catch Ansara in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, the opponent was too strong, so that's why it ended up like this?" Yoda interjected.

"That's true. It's just that I miscalculated, and it's indeed my responsibility that caused so many casualties." Crohn sighed.

"Not even the entire Secret Service can stop Ansha Luo. If Crohn and your son Sulin hadn't invited two top experts to help, you would have been completely in trouble this time." Lanni said calmly.

"I'm already miserable." Crohn shrugged helplessly. "We invite you here this time mainly because we have discovered the ruins of the place where Ansara went. So I hope you can help our military to intercept this terrorist leader. Although we are reluctant, we have to Admit it, maybe only Mr. Garen and Yoda, together with the army, can suppress Ansaro."

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