Mysterious journey

Chapter 1270 Communication 2

Garen was disconnected and felt speechless for a while. He could only look at the guy with the second largest number of crystal cores. He was a warrior wearing full armor and a helmet. He seemed to be a male, very serious and serious.

He quickly regained consciousness.

The soldier was stunned for a moment, and then communicated with Garen.

"Your Longwei is a bit weak."

"Although I, Long Wei, am a little weaker, I am still on par." Garen defended.

"You're still a young dragon, right?" The face under the warrior's helmet frowned. "I have no prejudice against any small creature, but what I want to ask in advance is, can you breathe fire?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a white dragon and I can only spray ice." Garen was helpless.

"The white dragon can only breathe ice? I thought the dragons could breathe fire. Uh." The warrior was a little stunned. Then he reacted, "Sorry, I need a fire-breathing dragon. This is my dream since I was a child." He apologized again and again, "Sorry, sorry."


Garen had no idea how this guy started the summoning ritual. He obviously didn't look like a mage.

The third.

He is a tall, bald man with strong muscles, wearing gold earrings, a lot of chest hair, and two bronze wristbands. Next to it is a whole line of corpses of an unknown giant beast.

"Come on, I'm well-paid here. The Giant Ax Tribe never discriminates against fighting partners. Even if you are very young, even if you are just a white dragon and not the black dragon I want, it doesn't matter. Just leave the fighting to me. You stand back and spray. Just fire!" Baldhead said loudly and roughly.

Garen looked at the corpse next to him. Although it was disguised, that guy was simply a dragon, right? And it was a young dragon who had just died.

Does this guy think he's an idiot? Only a fool can't see such an obvious summoning trap.

Gallon is speechless, the so-called summoning trap is to use the reward to lure the summoned dragon over, and then kill the summoned dragon as a material treasure resource.

These methods are often only used by evil mages, and they are obviously interference from the Black Pattern Empire.

Decisively cut off this connection.

My mind suddenly became empty.

The rest of the summoners are extremely shabby.

There are no magic cores among them. Garen only needs magic cores, and most of these summoners are very weak. The weakest one is only level 2. Looking at her pale face, she is about to vomit blood. If you bring such a partner to fight together, then He was going to fall to the ground in a matter of minutes.


Looking at another one, he was tall and thin, like a bamboo pole, wearing a poor mage's robe. His reward was only some ancient-looking antiques, not even an object with mana fluctuations. These things are so cute just trying to summon a dragon.

Also skip.

The last one, this voice that entered his mind from the very beginning, this voice called Kevin, even though he hasn't responded to the other party yet, he hasn't given up yet.

Garen was a little surprised. Take the initiative to pop up your consciousness and contact him.

"Is there a magic core?"

"Yes, there are two, two level four!" Kevin seemed a little panicked and quickly replied. He released the summoning request, and all the dragons who were slightly in tune with him would hear this request. However, until now, the summoning ceremony was almost over, and the one who responded to him was only a small white dragon. Originally, he had already planned to give up, thinking that it was absolutely impossible for any dragon clan to take a fancy to him.

After all, there are too few things that I can bring out that are very attractive to the Dragon Clan, except for some gems. But the Dragon Clan likes the gems as a collection, but the various prop scrolls with useful combat effectiveness are the focus.

There was no news about the Black Dragon and Red Dragon that he had the most hope for, and the Purple Dragon immediately cut off contact with him.

As the contacts were cut off one by one, Kevin's mood quickly hit rock bottom.

But at the last critical moment, I didn't expect that the last connection came with the awareness of connection.

"It seems like you have no other dragon choice." Garen whispered.

Kevin groaned a little, lowered his head and was speechless. He has never been a confident person. As a fourth-level mage, facing the white dragon, even the weakest dragon clan, the young dragons are all noble species of fourth-level creatures. , all his original unrealistic extravagant hopes were gone. Now as long as there is a dragon willing to choose him, it would be good.

Garen actually has many other choices, such as the underground black ghosts, but he really doesn't like those coal people who look dirty, not only in appearance, but the most important thing is that these black coals believe in the Spider Goddess, so This guy has always been known for playing with souls, and his kind of soul mutation used to be a bit weak.

"Forget it, that's it, I don't have a choice." Garen looked at Kevin helplessly.

Kevin also saw a hint of sympathy in Gallon's eyes. Both were chosen to remain. We can only rely on each other.

"Let me ask, can the rewards be replaced by magic cores in the future?" Garen began to bargain. "I'm not interested in gems."

"That's okay, no problem." Kevin agreed readily.

"If you don't have a magic core to fight, it's best not to fight with me. It's not cost-effective." Garen continued to make his request. "If your opponent has level 5 creatures, the risk factor is a bit high. You need to increase the reward, at least one level 4 crystal core."

"Is this a bit expensive?" Kevin was embarrassed. After all, his income was not generous, so being able to produce two level four crystal cores at once was already very good. But now Garen actually requires three level four crystal cores for one summons.

Three! This was a large sum of money, enough to buy the most expensive villa in town and hire more than a dozen servants to live a corrupt life for a month.

"This is already very cheap." Garen said casually, "Anyway, you can figure it out. You won't be able to get even this little thing, right?"

He showed that he was negotiating easily and nonchalantly, but he was very serious in his heart. After all, this guy was his only best way to quickly obtain the magic core.

Ever since he offended the seventh-level pain knight last time, Garen felt that there was always something dangerous waiting for him in the outside mountains, so now he didn't dare to go out to hunt for magic cores by himself, and could only huddle near the Elder Peak.

And now this summoner will be his main source of magic core for a long time to come. It has to be taken seriously.

"Also, the number of summons cannot be less than once a month." Garen continued. Otherwise, if the other party only summons him once for a long time, wouldn't there be no profit?

"Your request is too high, I can't afford it." Kevin was silent for a long time before answering with difficulty.

Garen was also speechless.

The two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and no one was too lazy to speak for a while.

After waiting for a while, Garen spoke helplessly again.

"So how much can you afford?"

No matter how bad he is, he is still a dragon, a young dragon, and a white dragon as a fourth-level creature. Even if he hires a fourth-level mage, he won't be so shabby, right? If a fourth-level crystal core is removed as the cost of opening the summoning door, wouldn't Galleons only be able to earn a pitiful meager profit?

"I only have these two fourth-level crystal cores." Kevin's face turned red, and he lowered his head and answered, "Besides, I sold the house, and I can still get one third-level crystal core." This is all he has. 's belongings were lost.

Over the years, in order to support his daughter's education, most of the profits he made from making potions without sleep and food were given to his daughter. Mage is the most expensive profession, because just the waste of materials from annual experiments can bankrupt a small rural noble. . For those things that failed in the experiment, except for a few that can be barely replaced with some resources, the rest can only be destroyed and wasted. Too much money is wasted every year.

For ordinary people, Kevin's wealth is pretty good, but for the Dragon Clan, this is simply a poor thing, and he is so poor that he can't even afford to wear pants.

"These can be used as the price of a summons." Garen was speechless, but now all other connections were gone and completely severed. It would be impossible for him not to choose this guy. If he had known earlier, he would have chosen. Sigh. He suddenly remembered that no one would choose him at all. Except for the Kevin in front of me.

In other words, he actually had no choice.

"So, I can only rely on myself in the future?" Garen thought speechlessly. I originally had good expectations that I might be able to use summons to earn high-level magic cores to improve my growth, but now it seems that it is just a luxury.

This guy named Kevin is not only a poor man, but he also doesn't look like a battle mage. He is obviously academic. There is no future even on the battlefield. Maybe he will die somewhere one day.

"Forget it, forget it, don't bother me if you have nothing to do in the future." Garen let out a deep breath, completely cutting off any hope of earning magic cores through this path.

"Now give me something from your side as a coordinate. That's it."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm too poor. This is the deposit for the first summoning." Kevin helplessly put his fourth-level crystal core into the summoning ceremony.

With a scoff, the crystal core disappeared and appeared in front of Garen. Galen's consciousness also left a mark on Kevin.

One person and one dragon immediately established a contract and oath through exchange.

"That's it. I usually like to sleep. If you have nothing to do, don't come to me. Wait until you have accumulated enough magic cores." Garen dropped the words in an unhappy mood and completely cut off contact.

The other side.

Kevin reluctantly stepped down from the summoning circle where the light was extinguished, and his daughter came forward to support him worriedly.

"How's it going dad? Did you get the contracted dragon?"

Looking at his daughter's expectant eyes, Kevin wanted to say no, because looking at the attitude on the other side, yes meant no. But he didn't want to disappoint his daughter after all, so he nodded and forced a smile.

"I was lucky enough to meet a white dragon. Although he was the weakest dragon, the guy I met was very strong. I was shocked at first. That head and body shape were simply not an ordinary white dragon. All that can be compared can be compared with the Black Dragon, very strong!" He was surprisingly good at making up lies.

"It's just that the reward is too much. He needs at least three level 4 crystal cores. I managed to reduce it to two level 4 crystal cores and one level 3 crystal core." Kevin pretended to be satisfied but in pain.

"This is also very expensive, but fortunately, dad, you finally have a dragon companion, and you will have a trump card on the battlefield in the future." His daughter was sincerely happy for him.

"So we'd better not call him at ordinary times, just call him at critical times." Kevin said quickly. Although I don’t want to lie to my daughter, I really don’t want to disappoint her.

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