Mysterious journey

Chapter 1291 Strength 1

Stretching out his paw to touch the sculpture in front of him, Garen felt a touch of fur on his skin.

The space in the middle of this sculpture seems to have something like a strong electromagnetic field. Anyway, it is a force field that isolates the middle space into a separate area.

"More than seven hundred years ago, Caswell created the Code of All Things, thus opening the passage between the void and this world."

Suddenly an old and deep voice came from behind Garen.

Garen turned around and saw a tall figure wearing a green robe appearing on the snow in the distance. The sound came from his mouth.

The figure was wearing a cloak and a hood, and it was unclear what face it was.

"Then, you souls from other worlds also came here through the passage." The figure slowly raised his head, revealing a fleshless skeletal face under the cloak.

Two green flames burned in the skull's eye sockets, and a dark red blood symbol was carved on his eyebrows, carrying a strong religious atmosphere.

From the snow around the edge, more than a dozen pain knights dressed in black slowly walked out. Some of them were holding swords, some were holding knives, some were holding spears, and some were holding swords and shields. Each of them had different weapons.

The armors of two of the pain knights had faint silver lines.

"Silver Pattern Knight?" Garen raised an eyebrow.

The silver-patterned knight represents at least the seventh level, and if the undead silver-patterned knight gets good nourishment, it is very simple to become an eighth-level creature.

"What is your purpose for coming here this time?" the skeleton asked in a low voice. "Kill my three pain knights, and I will definitely take your soul into the gem."

It seemed that this was a very cautious lich. Garen recognized the identity of the skeleton in front of him, the Great Necromancer, and at the same time, he had obviously transformed himself into the immortal existence of the lich.

He didn't launch an attack immediately just because he came in alone, and there must be other back-up men around him. Even so, the other party was still so careful.

"In that case, what else is there to say?" Garen grinned, "I only have one purpose here."

"What?" The Lich became alert.

Garon's mouth spurted out streams of white air.

"Of course we made peace."

I originally thought Garen was going to take action, but I didn't expect it to be this. The Lich was visibly startled.

boom! !

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed in front of his eyes. In just a blink of an eye, the body of the white dragon suddenly expanded, and the body of an adult white dragon rushed towards him. In just a blink of an eye, Garen was already in front of him. It's like teleporting!

Roar! ! !

The dragon's power exploded, and the seventh-level dragon's power instantly condensed on the Lich.

The white dragon claws hit the Lich with terrifying force.

There was no sound, a transparent barrier blocked Garen's claws, and large transparent light spots spattered out and flew away.

The barrier blocked it for a full second, but that was enough for the lich to react.

He raised his hand, wearing a black bracelet on his wrist inlaid with five gems of different colors, one of which lit up red.

"Loss of sanity."

The lich's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

A large red net suddenly appeared in the surrounding air, shrinking instantly and completely wrapping Galleon in it.

This is an eighth-level spell. It is his unique spell that combines the effectiveness of several different mind control spells. Although it is only an eighth-level spell, its practical effect is comparable to that of a ninth-level spell. It was solidified on the Lich's bracelet and released instantly.

The psychic influence may take some time for other strong men to react, but it is meaningless to Garen's tempered will. Even An praised his willpower as the Holy Spirit.

The red web disappeared on the Galleon scales without any reaction, and had no effect.

Green fire danced in the Lich's eyes, and the bracelet once again released a spell. It was a black mist that enveloped Garen and his surroundings.

The form changed so fast that the surrounding pain knights only reacted at this time. The two silver pattern knights crossed several meters in the blink of an eye, and the two giant swords struck hard at the roots of the dragon wings behind Garen.

"Aura of death?" Garen was shrouded in black mist. He felt that this black mist was not a simple spell, but contained some kind of special potion. This potion could quickly corrode the resistance of his scales. Reduces his magic resistance.

He suddenly became wary.

Just as two silver pattern knights behind him rushed towards him, he flapped his wings fiercely, bang bang twice, and with eighty points of terrifying power, he knocked the two pain knights away like slapping chickens.

Although the silver-patterned knights are equivalent to level eight after becoming undead, even those at the same level have different preferences. Some are biased toward strength, and some are biased toward speed. However, no one at the same level can confront the dragons head-on. This is an iron rule!

The eighth level of humans and humanoid races relies more on technology, special abilities, such as special equipment and the like.

Just as Garen knocked away two silver-patterned knights, he heard the remaining ten or so pain knights roaring in unison.

"The final battle to the death!!"

Boom! !

The red space instantly covered all the empty space around him, and in a blink of an eye, Garen found that he had once again arrived in the strange and special space like last time.

More than a dozen pain knights around them took out scrolls at the same time. It was an old yellow scroll like last time, with red thread tied to it.

"In the name of death!"

Shouts came and went.

One by one the scrolls were opened. Amid the lingering black energy, different creatures slowly emerged.

Roar! !

Inside the scroll are actually huge behemoths!

Among them are the eighth-level Earth Dragon Beast and the ninth-level Bone Dragon! There are also some weird and powerful species whose names are unrecognizable.

There were more than twice as many enemies around him in an instant.

Garen also felt that a special threat that made his skin tingle might erupt at any moment.

It was not like he knew nothing about magic now, and he immediately identified the source of this feeling.

"The finger of death!"

The lich's voice suddenly sounded.


An ordinary light green ray penetrated from an inner wall somewhere in the red space and shot straight towards Garen's chest.

A creepy feeling instantly surged into Garen's heart.

I have the strongest white dragon body at my peak, but I don’t believe that you can kill me directly with just one finger of death! !


Amidst the huge roar, Garen spread his wings and released terrifying power ripples all over his body. It was not the effect of any spell, but the power ripples that spread simply by agitation and vibration of power.

The muscles and skin all over the body are extremely tight.

Garen swooped forward, not retreating but rushing forward, facing the light green ray.

The terrifying body of an ancient dragon is enough to confront any level nine being without losing.

The light green ray fell on Garen, dyeing his entire dragon body green for a moment, and then nothing happened. It was as if it had never been sent at all.

"Level 9!! You actually achieved it in such a short time!!" The Lich's frightened and angry voice came from outside the red space.

At this time, Garen's dragon body expanded, and his huge elephant-like body slammed against the inner wall of the red space.

The rest of the Pain Knights behind him were not as fast as him, so they caught up and attacked Garen from behind. The Bone Dragon, Earth Dragon, and various weapons of the knights all struck hard at the dragon wings on Garen's back from different angles.

Dang, Dang, Dang! !

The sounds that erupted one after another turned out to be like metal, and Garen's skin scales had a faint platinum sheen.

Not only his wings, but also all of his body scales glowed with a light white gold color.

God statue skill! !

This is the strongest qigong that Garen has ever practiced in the first world, and at this time, it actually appeared automatically to resist attacks.

The God Statue Skill based on the body of the giant dragon has reached an extremely terrifying level, and the improvement of the body's defense has reached an abnormal level.

At the beginning, Galen's average quality was not even ten points, but he could block bullets with his eyelids using the God Statue Kung Fu, which was considered the strongest in hard qigong! invincible!

Now that the Void Original Code has been increased to 14%, the first thing revealed in the restoration is the most powerful secret weapon in the first world.

The greatest function of the Void Original Book is to restore all the abilities that Garen has achieved in all the worlds he has experienced, and then, based on this, carry out fusion and sublimation, and finally achieve the body of a true spirit!

Countless weapons slashed at Garen's back, but only left some faint white marks. Not even a scratch on the skin.

However, several bone dragons relied on the weight of their huge bodies to knock Garen forward slightly, but this only strengthened his impact.

With a bang, Garen concentrated all his strength and hit the inner wall of the red space hard.

With a clicking sound, the inner wall of the red space suddenly shattered.

Outside the broken pieces, the Lich's incredible skull face was revealed.

The dragon's claws slammed into the Lich's head like an explosion, and even the afterimage didn't have time to appear. Then he hit the countless barrier spells in front of the Lich.

Black runes circulated in mid-air, blocking the way of Garen's claws and being smashed to pieces. Immediately afterwards, another large piece of insect-like black smoke flew out, and was also struck by the huge concussive force. It fell directly before it touched Galleon.

The dragon's claws are getting closer and closer to the Lich's head, and the threat of real and complete death hangs over the Lich.

The red symbol between his eyebrows suddenly brightened.

ah! ! !

A huge and ferocious turquoise banshee face appeared behind him, the lich's mouth opened, and a violent and sharp scream of terror erupted directly at Garen.

"Howl of the Banshee!?" Garen's heart tightened, "It's still the complete manifestation of the Banshee!!"

If the previous Finger of Death was just an improved ninth-level spell from a seventh-level spell, then the Banshee's Wail is now a real ninth-level spell, and the lich in front of him obviously had the banshee gene in his body during his lifetime. Otherwise, it would be impossible to reveal the shadow of the real banshee, and the power of the enhanced spell would be at least half if the shadow appears!

The actual sound waves turned into countless ripples of wind, blowing violently from Garen's body in circles, and the slightest cracks appeared on his white-gold idol skill.

The huge body shrank in an instant, and Galleon shrank from the size of an elephant to the size of an ordinary human, directly reducing the contact area of ​​a large amount of the sound waves of the Banshee's Howl.

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