Mysterious journey

Chapter 1297 Pearl of the Temple 1

"Everyone, prepare to fight."

Lan Xu's voice was amplified through amplification spells so that everyone could hear it.

The soldiers put on their armors and helmets and picked up their weapons. The mages began to temporarily enchant them. The magic light of spells appeared on the armor and weapons, temporarily improving their performance by one level.

The camp was centered around the contractors, and temporary fences were quickly built around it. The circles of bone fences are the masterpieces of the necromancy mages. There is a lot of negative energy here. The spell of the bone fence is easy to release, and it is above The spikes can also carry toxins, and even ordinary undead zombies will rot when they are stabbed.

Groups of illuminating light balls were released and floated above the camp.

Soon a circular camp with a diameter of 100 meters was established. It occupies a large area in the square.

In the darkness, traces of black smoke and mist gradually filled in from the invisible shadows all around, and waves of subtle low roars floated faintly from the black mist.

The camp was illuminated, the most obvious target in the dark square.

Lan Xu flew in the air with several archmages with serious expressions. They all had scrolls in their hands at all times.

At this time, consume the scrolls as much as possible first and preserve your mental power to prevent you from running out of energy to escape.

As a large noble family, their scroll reserves are naturally very rich.

Several scouts rushed into the nearby darkness with light steps. Soon there was a subtle sound of swords clashing, and the scouts quickly fled out in embarrassment.

"Undead!! So many undead!!"

One of the scouts shouted in panic.

From the time he entered the ruins to now, he often went out to investigate, but he had never been so panicked.

"There are also high-level undead!" Another scout also reported loudly.

"Get ready!" Lan Xu shouted, signaling for the scouts to return to the team.

The remaining dozen or so warriors were standing at the front of the team, and in the back row were the mages accompanying the team, giving instructions and preparing spells.

"If you can prepare the holy light ray, please use this. If you can't, please release the light of Lunia."

Holy Light Ray and Lunia's Light are both first-level spells, but they are both spells with pure positive energy and have a very good suppressive effect on the undead. But the difference is that there is one element of the holy light ray that needs to be observed, otherwise it cannot be released, and that is that it needs to be abstinent for at least three months.

This element is necessary to induce the pure positive energy of Heaven Mountain.

That's why Lan Xu said that he could not use the light of Lunia.

The light of Lunia is the first level of wandering energy in the Kingdom of Heaven Mountain Light and God of Fire. It has special vitality and can also restrain the undead to a certain extent.


A mage released a circle of pale white ripples, which was a spell to detect the undead. Immediately, wherever the ripples swept, there were densely packed large red dots.


Seeing the number of red dots, every mage began to gasp.

"A lot!!" Kevin also saw the effect of detecting the undead. It was a proportional display of the enemy situation in the surrounding area. The red dots displayed above were all undead surrounding the camp.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands of them!

From what the two scouts said just now, it seems that there are still high-level undead. That would be really troublesome.

Kevin stood in the team of contractors. Although he was safe for the time being, he felt terrified when he thought of the huge red dot.

"All contractors, please be prepared to summon your partners at any time. Once you find that the situation is critical, summon the dragons as quickly as possible to deal with the situation." Lan Xu's order came back from the front.

More than a dozen contractors came out one after another, standing side by side, with various casting materials ready in their hands.

Kevin stood there, neither walking nor walking.

"Let's go, Mr. Kevin?" Gege Feier pushed him hard from behind. Although it only hit the mage armor force field ring on Kevin's body, it still made Kevin feel a push. Let yourself take a few steps forward.

"Father, are you okay?" Maria leaned against him, her worried expression barely concealed. She is not a fool. As a slightly talented mage, how could she not see the abnormality in her father and just keep silent about it.

"What are you pushing for? I know it myself!" Kevin turned around calmly and scolded Gegefeil. This hateful guy now looked like he was watching the fun. He was the one who cast greedy eyes at Maria everywhere along the way.

"As a fellow contractor, I'm afraid that you accidentally forgot to summon your partner. The situation is not good now. It would be a pity if you lose one of the most important combat capabilities." Gegefeier said with a sinister smile.

Kevin saw two contract mages standing far away talking quietly. While talking, their eyes drifted toward him from time to time, as if they were looking at a joke.

He became calmer and calmer, and at this moment, the more panicked he was, the more exposed he was.

Now they are only doubtful, not sure. With so many preparations, maybe it will end without him summoning the dragons just like the previous times.

The unknown represents uncertainty and can still be a certain deterrent to other contractors.

He held Maria's hand tightly, and Binglan also stood beside him, but compared with other female mages or female warriors who followed other contractors, she felt extremely regretful and blamed herself for choosing such a contractor to follow. It's a pity that everything has been determined.

Fortunately, the contractor did not ask her to sacrifice her body.

Although she was ready to sacrifice her own body, this is what she did in order to obtain the qualification to study and obtain the tuition and research expenses of the Arcane Academy. Most poor female mages would have such experiences and choices. . Not surprising.

But I didn't expect that Kevin didn't mean it at all, which was the only consolation.


Suddenly, with the huge impact sound like the tide, all the mage warriors including Lan Xu changed their expressions.

Directly ahead in the darkness, large groups of skeleton soldiers surged out of the square. Judging by the number, it's no less than several thousand.


Lan Xu tore open a scroll.

After a slight snort, a dazzling golden ball of light bloomed in the sky. The ball of light sprouted two golden wings, swayed slightly, and flew straight down. Smashed into a place where many skeletons are densely packed.

Bang! !

In the explosion of the stage, golden light scattered in all directions, and at least hundreds of golden rays twisted and shot out like threads. Each ray of golden light hit the surrounding skeleton soldiers, directly corroding a huge hole.

This time, a large number of skeleton soldiers were killed, numbering at least hundreds.

The morale of the somewhat subdued mages suddenly rose.

One after another began to release the prepared holy light rays and Lunia's light. Large tracts of Lunia's light lit up pure silver and rose into the sky, mixed with a few golden rays of Lunia's light. That was the same as just now. The golden light ball released by Lan Xu has completely similar energy attributes.

"The compound fifth-level spell composed of the fourth-level light of heaven and the shining net is worthy of your Excellency Lan Xu. This scroll is definitely carefully crafted by the seventh-level royal mage, right?" The other two archmages in the sky sighed sincerely.


As soon as he finished speaking, the skeleton soldiers were beaten to pieces by countless silver holy lights, and more black zombies poured out from behind, staggering towards the camp.

The bodies of these zombies exude black air and plague, and once they get close, they can cause horrific disease contamination.

"Long range coverage strike." Lan Xu shouted.

The second round of large swaths of silver light rose into the sky, and all the mages, except for the contractors, began to release the light of Lunia again. The large swaths of silver light were like poured silver liquid, pouring heavily on the heads of the zombies.

The hissing sound of corrosion is endless, and the negative energy of death and plague are constantly canceling each other out with the silver light. The offset of the two extreme energies releases a huge neutralizing wave. Start disrupting the casting speed and power of mages.

The black zombies fell down in large areas at once, leaving only a few dozen walking towards the camp, which was no longer a problem.

The warriors resolved the battle without even engaging in close combat. Everyone felt relaxed and began to watch the mages easily clean up the remaining undead.

"For the sake of safety, contractors, please attach an anti-undead force field to the soldiers." Lan Xu continued to command. He was the only sixth-level peak warrior present. He had just released a high-level spell scroll, which had already consumed a lot of energy, and now he looked a little tired.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large group of pale vampires wearing gray linen clothes appeared in the darkness ahead again. Each of them had pale skin and sharp fangs at the corners of their mouths. They jumped up and turned into bats the size of human heads and flew toward the camp. come over.

"The third round! Sure enough, there are high-level undead!" The archmage beside Lan Xu said in a low voice, "Now we are in trouble. The high-level undead can continuously summon cannon fodder from the undead world, constantly consuming our power!"

"We must rush over! I saw the place where these undead came out. It seems to be the tallest square sculpture!" Another archmage said hurriedly.

"Are you sure?" Lan Xu said solemnly.

"Very sure! My detection spells have shown five times in a row that this is the core source of these undead souls!" The archmage waved his hand and released a golden ray that fell on the vampire below. The ray immediately hit the two overlapping vampires, killing them. It turns into fly ash.

But hundreds of vampires flew toward the camp faster and faster.

The light of Lunia released by the mage hit them, which only caused the skin of these incarnated giant bats to rot and scream, but it was not fatal, and they still flew towards them at high speed.

Suddenly some of the mages began to release fireballs.

There were roaring explosions and flames rising into the sky. But it was quickly annihilated by the accumulation of more negative energy, and could not continue to burn at all.


At this moment, the huge butcher statue in the square started to move slowly.

It clutched a huge broken kitchen knife and walked towards the camp.

"Oh my god! It's a seventh-level high-level undead!!" The old mage in the air was the first to notice the situation and shouted in disbelief.

Without waiting for the crowd below to panic, Lan Xu calmly flew forward, the flying aura of the boots on his feet flashing, holding him up from falling.

"I come!"

He was calm and composed, holding the six-level magic core high in his hand.

"Andisilna!! Come on! I need your help!!!" He shouted loudly, using ancient dragon language. There are also individual words from the Abyssal language mixed in there.

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