Mysterious journey

Chapter 13 The Beginning 1

Satisfied with the outcome, Garen took off his gloves and walked over to Erwin.

"It seems it won't be long before I can catch up with you, Senior Brother Erwin."

"Do you think you're the only one making progress?" Erwin glanced at him pretending to be contemptuous. "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. You have to go home for dinner later, right? Go back quickly. It's still a bit far from the main hotel to the city. There will be no cars later."

"Okay, I'll leave first." Garen also knew this situation. After saying hello to the other two people, he walked out easily, crossed the playground, and walked out of the main building gate with some other students who were going out.

Baiyun Martial Arts is just a martial arts gym in Huaishan City. It has two branches and one main gym. The branches are all located in the city. Only the main gym is in the suburbs, a few meters away from Lanshu Street where Jialong's family is located. Very long distance.

After finally stopping a carriage, Garen squeezed in with another female student who was passing by. Drive along the gray-white cobblestone road toward the city.

Sitting on the right side of the carriage, Garen relaxed and leaned on the leather backrest, resting with his head tilted back and his eyes closed. The crisp sound of horse hooves could be heard one after another.

The female student next to her was taking out a book and flipping through the pages, and the sound of flipping through the book could be heard every once in a while.

In a daze, Garen slowly fell into a state of half-asleep and half-awake.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was some slight noise around me. He slowly woke up and looked out of the carriage.

The black-haired girl next to her was also looking sideways to the left. A group of colorful children ran past the carriage laughing and chasing each other. The children in western Zhejiang each held different red, yellow, and green gift boxes in their hands. .

"Today is Children's Day," Garen suddenly realized.

"We passed yesterday, but some families have to spend the whole day at night, so it's less crowded and safer." The black-haired girl turned around and sat up straight, and glanced at Garen. "Where did you get off?"

"I'll get off at Burnington."

"This is already Black Tree Street. We'll be in Burnington soon."

Only then did Garen notice that the buildings passing by outside had turned into a grayish white color. The surfaces of one building after another were covered with relief carvings, and two rows of black-leafed trees were planted on both sides of the road.

"Thank you for reminding me. The corner of Burnington Street is just ahead. Master, please stop here."


The black carriage slowly stopped at the corner of Burnington Street. Galen jumped out of the carriage, gave the money, pulled off his wrinkled clothes, and walked towards the Dolphin Antique Shop on the corner.

The reddish sunlight shines into the store door, and the entire antique store is aglow.

The old man was still sitting in front of the bookshelf opposite the door, lying on the desk and dozing off.

Gallon walked in, without disturbing him, and walked directly to the place on the left where the Bronze Cross was placed.

Picking up the medal, he looked at it carefully again. The surface of the medal was covered with a faint layer of oil, but that didn't matter. Holding the medal, Garen's attention shifted to the attribute bar below his field of vision.

Although 100% of the potential attributes have been used, after so many days of 'accumulation' without exception, Galleons' potential is now at 47%.

"It's you again, kid!" Old Man Geguo's voice came from behind. "Come here to watch every day, why would you like to buy it back and watch it slowly?"

"Aren't I saving money? Do you think it's possible for me, an ordinary student, to be able to come up with such a large sum of money casually?" Garen retorted without looking back.

"Whatever you want, it just adds some popularity to my store. Remember the old rule, it's 10 yuan an hour."

"I know, I know! I'm crazy about money!" Garen was speechless.

After dawdling with the medal for more than an hour, it was getting late outside. Seeing that his potential was slowly increasing, Garen reluctantly put down the medal.

"Remember to protect it, I'll come back next time!"

"I got it! Get out of here! You're more verbose than me!" The old man waved his hand impatiently, "It's time for me to close the door after you leave!"

"You deserve to have no business at all!" Garen has been around the old man for a long time and knows his temper. The two of them were a little polite to hide it at first, but then they got acquainted and became completely relaxed, and their words began to be normal. Taboo.


Time passed day by day, more than two weeks passed.

Garen repeated his life between school, antique shop, and martial arts gym every day, and his potential was steadily increasing. Soon it exceeded 100%, and he could use new attribute points.

It's just that he hasn't decided yet what to add this time. Originally, he was planning to improve the subject, but unfortunately, not all skill items can be forcibly improved with attribute points.

Only a few special skill subjects can be improved, and others cannot be improved, such as Chinese studies and foreign languages. These subjects have not even been distributed with high-level textbooks. Garen himself has no relevant memory at all, so he naturally has no way of understanding them.

He also vaguely felt that increasing his attribute points could only improve the skill subjects within his known range.

In short, if the skill of Baiyun Secret Technique is only taught to one level, the subsequent levels are unknown and must be followed up to improve. In this case, it is impossible to forcibly improve the attribute points. Because there is no method or direction for subsequent improvement in his own memory bank.

Attribute points and talents, Garen himself concluded, are more like a way to tap into and use one's own potential to a large extent, but it is only reflected in this attribute way.

Therefore, if you want to improve your skills, you must thoroughly understand all the content and conditions of the next level. If it is missing, it will be impossible to upgrade.

Regardless of her own development and her relationship with her younger sister Ying'er, ever since the altercation that day, Ying'er has been in a hurry every time she comes into contact with him and dare not say anything more. appearance. Jia Long didn't know how Ying'er was doing, but he just felt more awkward than before. After finishing the meal, Ying'er also quickly cleared away the dishes, and then quickly hid in her room without saying anything to Gallon.

In a blink of an eye, the midterm exam is coming soon. Federal schools have three semesters a year, so each semester is very short. Younger sister Ying'er also immediately started the archery competition.

Garen reviewed it a little. Anyway, only the grades in the senior high school exam were important, and he didn't care about the other semesters. After all, going to college was not the only way. In addition, the subjects here, mathematics and physics, are ridiculously simple. It only took him ten days to completely advance the two subjects to the advanced level. Chinese studies and foreign languages ​​also reached the elementary level through memorization and memorization.

After improving his intelligence, his memory and understanding are also stronger than before. With the temperament and mind of an adult, his performance is definitely far higher than the previous Galleons. If he hadn't focused on studying, he might have been able to reach the level of a top student.


In the afternoon, the pale yellow sunshine slanted on the streets of Burnington. Both sides of the streets were deserted. There were only a few pedestrians passing by, all wearing thick windbreakers.

Two black cars were parked on the roadside, their smooth bodies reflecting a faint yellow light. In one of the cars, the driver could be faintly seen sleeping soundly on the steering wheel.

On the right side of the street, a boy with purple hair and red eyes was striding forward while rubbing his hands. His hair was already a bit long, hanging down from his temples to his chin. His purple hair covered his entire face, and was blown back by the wind from time to time. Turn over. He was wearing a light gray sweater and trousers, which highlighted his fair skin.

The boy raised his head and looked at the advertising banner on the building in the distance.

The red banner read, ‘From September 21st to 25th, Elizabeth Jewelry will hold a golden autumn promotion, with discounts ranging from 10% to 50% off. ’

"Is it already September? Time flies so fast." Garen quickened his pace. He was on his way to the antique store. Several days had passed since the time limit mentioned by Old Man Geguo. And because he was newly selected as a martial arts disciple, he had to wait until a quarter before he could participate in the internal trials, so he had no way to make money by participating.

He didn't make enough money, but the other buyer that Old Man Geguo mentioned didn't show up, so Garen felt at ease and could absorb the potential of the medal for one or two hours a day.

"It is more cost-effective to use attribute points to improve skills than to use them on your own attributes." Garron analyzed carefully, "Skills can be improved through mastery. Unless it is a very difficult skill to improve, it is better to use it on your own attributes in the future. This way Improvement is long-term improvement. If I use some attribute points in physics or mathematics before, I can easily reach an advanced level later. This will be a big loss, and at most it will save some time. And It’s very cost-effective to use it on the White Cloud Secret Technique that is difficult to improve.”

Garen glanced at the attribute bar below his field of vision.

Strength increased by two points and is now 0.52. The potential is 124%.

"The improvement in strength was achieved through my secret training, and it is also partially due to the effect of daily strength training. Moreover, the attribute abilities seem to have the effect of solidifying the body, and the physical strength will not decrease due to not exercising for a long time."

He looked at the skill bar.

Baiyun Secret Technique: Intermediate. Basic fighting skills: elementary level. Explosive Fist Technique: Not yet started.

"The entry-level boxing technique Explosion Fist can only be learned by formal disciples, and the intermediate Baiyun Secret Technique. Both of these can be improved by using attribute points." Garen hesitated, "The Explosion Fist can integrate the strength of the whole body to the maximum extent, and the power of the fist can Improved by 3 times, it is an upgraded version of the basic fighting technique. It usually takes at least two years to be initially practiced. After practicing, the skin will become very tough, and you can hit the sandbag with bare hands without getting hurt without using gloves. The Baiyun Secret Technique is the basis. The basics are very good, and the accumulated effect over a long period of time is very good. It is said that it takes more than ten years to reach the advanced stage, and it also requires extraordinary talent."

Garen is now very interested in martial arts in this world. The martial arts here are very similar to the national martial arts of the previous life on earth, but their popularity is far greater than that of national martial arts. Although it is also difficult to practice and develop skills, for him with super powers, these are not problems.

In his previous life, he wanted to learn martial arts to strengthen his body, but he didn't have the conditions. Now that all the conditions are met, my interest naturally increases and I almost devote myself wholeheartedly to it.

"Fortunately, with the medal, I can slowly accumulate more attribute points. If I continue to improve like this, I will first upgrade Secretary Baiyun, and then push the explosive fist technique to a high level. By then, I will definitely be able to reach the upper level of the entire martial arts hall! The entire Baiyun Martial Arts Hall The gym owner has only practiced the explosive fist technique to the third stage, and the Baiyun Secret Technique is only advanced and has not yet been fully mastered."

"As long as I keep using medals to improve, I only need five attribute points to push my martial arts skills to the same level as the gym leader!"

After recovering from the exciting prospect, Gallon had already reached the end corner of Burnington Street. Unlike usual, the door of the Dolphin Antique Shop seemed a bit messy today.

He walked over quickly and entered the store, and was slightly startled.

The store was a mess, with antiques and some old trinkets scattered all over the floor.

Two men and one woman in trench coats were standing at the door of the store asking the old man something.

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