Mysterious journey

Chapter 1303 Dragon Mage 1 (I wish everyone a good mood during the Dragon Boat Festival! Haha!)

Dragon City Hotel.

Different from the human city, the hotel houses in the dragon city are high and low, and the entrances and exits are uneven. Some are on mid-air cliffs, some are underground caves, and there are also poisonous mist lingering, which is obviously a suitable residence for poisonous dragons.

The buildings in the city are surprisingly large, three to five times the size of ordinary human buildings, and are very conspicuous. People walking on the streets are dragons and dragon beasts of all sizes, and dragon beasts are generally powerful and terrifying beings.

Walking all the way through the city, the surrounding buildings are all pure white, and occasionally there are some with light gold.

The three of Gallon followed the guide's guidance and quickly arrived in front of a large pyramid-shaped building covered with ice and snow.

"Welcome, distinguished three white dragon masters." The person greeting you at the door was the two enchanting dragon Xi. This kind of giant lizard has the blood of the dragon clan and looks very much like a miniature version of the dragon clan. From the aesthetic point of view of the dragon clan, They have nice and sexy figures, very much in line with the taste of the Dragon Clan.

It's a pity that Garen didn't react at all to the flirtatious glances of the two little dragons.

"This is it." He raised his head and glanced at the name of this hotel - Blood of the Moon.

"You must be Mr. Garen, right?" When the two dragons were complaining, one of the dragons came out of the hotel and said with a smile, "Welcome to our Blood of the Moon, the hotel rooms for the three of you have been booked. What's the matter? Feel free to ask if you need anything. Now please come with me to see the room."

Garen nodded, and the three of them followed the larger Long Xi and walked into the pyramid. As imagined, the inside was compressed by space. The actual space was much larger than it looked.

The hotel is specially set up for the ice and snow dragon. Inside, the white cold air like an air conditioner is constantly sprayed out from a funnel-like mouth above, and falls down, like a dream.

In a large pool on the side, several ice and snow blue dragons were leaning against each other and whispering to an old white dragon.

Apart from this, no other dragon clan appeared.

Garen and the other three walked in and looked around casually. There were holes everywhere like honeycombs.

Following Long Xi into a cave, the space inside changed and he was instantly transferred to a new white ice cave.

"This is your room. If you need anything, just knock on the door and a waiter will come to serve you." Dalong Xi explained in a low voice.

"Thank you." Garen looked at the cave. It was divided into three separate caves. There were also some special props inside the room, large props for the dragons to play with, such as some kind of huge hammock.

"If the three of you want to play some interesting games together, we can also provide some more convenient services." Long Xi laughed.

Garen and the other three heard a black line.

However, Annie seemed to be a little moved, and she secretly glanced at him, obviously she was in love.

Although dragons were sexually promiscuous, Garen was still instinctively speechless for such a heavy taste.

After signaling Long Xi to leave, the three of them assigned caves respectively. Not long after Garen entered his cave to rest.

Anthropologists have investigated and it is said that dragons spend more than half of their lives sleeping or resting, and 70% of the remaining time is spent mating.

"It seems that this is indeed true." Garen was speechless.

Pan was sleeping on his ice bed. He reached for a bunch of ice grapes and threw them into his mouth. He chewed them in a few mouthfuls and swallowed them. They were crunchy, sour and sweet.

Rest and dream again.

Rush into the third floor skillfully.

It's that closed villa room again with giant crows flying around.

Garen opened his eyes and found himself sitting on the sofa in the middle.

Faint black ash slowly drifted down in the air, and almost disappeared as soon as it landed on him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The Winged King's voice came from behind him.

"Flying Wing King, the room you arranged for me?" Garen turned around and stood up, and saw Flying Wing King holding a staff, standing by the window, leaning against the window lattice with his eyes closed.

"Yes, are you satisfied? That is one of the hotels that the Dragon Clan wants to visit most. It has the blessing of the God of Fertility, and the blood of Yuewang, which can improve fertility to a certain extent." The Winged King opened his eyes and gave him a naughty expression. Wink.

"It's weird to be satisfied. My taste is not that strong." Garen was speechless. "Okay, let's talk about the plan you mentioned last time."

"What's your answer?"

"Answer. I can promise you, but it will take time." Garen frowned, "It took a little too long for you to be sure."

"I have no choice. Apart from you, I have two other candidates, but they are not as suitable as you." The Winged King shook his head. "Contact with that race is not only dangerous, but also very troublesome."

"The evil clan is originally the enemy of the gods, and being sealed and locked in that plane is also the handiwork of the gods. Why is it your turn to suppress them now?" Garen asked.

"There are many reasons that you can't imagine, and this group of gods has almost escaped the sight of the gods. They use some special means. If we hadn't discovered the clues and used them as one of the weapons against the gods, It is estimated that they have broken out of the seal now. The power of this group of gods is extremely terrifying, and the consequences will be very serious once they escape." Feiyi King briefly introduced.

"Then besides guarding and strengthening the seal, what else do I have to do?" Garen asked in detail.

"If you can get complete control at the critical moment and let go of the evil beings when we need to release them, then the alliance will also be very happy. With the nine-sided body on your body, you must have a way to absorb souls, right? "The Winged King smiled.


"I would like to remind you that the Nine-Hedron fundamentally robs the soul of this world. It has the same nature as those gods, so it is easy to be discovered by the gods. Once you are targeted, you will become a big problem for them to eradicate immediately, so don't Don’t go on a killing spree at the critical moment.”

"How many years do I need to guard it?"

"Fifty years. Within fifty years, if you are willing, I will build a mage tower for you in the garrison. If you are willing to set the location in the sealed land, I will apply to waive most of the material costs for you. If not, then You just have to pay it yourself.”

"Fifty Years" Garen came to this world only a few years ago. The price of fifty years is indeed a bit high.

The strength of the evil clan is very terrifying. They are tyrannical beings that can fight against gods. They have a very powerful restraint effect on divine beings.

Generally, just the birth of a divine evil can trigger panic in the country and even the plane, let alone an entire race of divine evil. Once released, the consequences will be catastrophic.

This is also one of the chips that allows arcanists to remain independent among the gods. They have mastered the sealing places of thirteen divine evils and maintained the safety of these seals.

The place where the Flying Wing King wants Garen to go is one of them, and his purpose is actually to let Garen have the right to open the sealed land fifty years later and cooperate with the alliance to destroy the entire plane.

"You are not the only one participating in the plan. The alliance will also send two powerful enough beings to go there. This may not necessarily succeed, or the chance of success is very small. We are just some secrets. Success is the best, not It doesn’t matter if you succeed.”

"Fifty years is too long, I still need to make up for it." Garen said and continued to bargain. In fact, he was already a little moved.

"What do you want as compensation?" The Winged King pondered for a moment. He still values ​​Garen very much. After all, even for high-ranking demon kings, it is very rare for Garen to increase in speed like this.

"I need a lot of magic cores. Or soul crystals. The higher the level, the better." Garen said solemnly.

"Demon core? This is okay. What level do you need?" The Winged King's brows widened. He may still have some difficulties, but Snow City has plenty of magic cores.

"What's the maximum compensation you can give?" Gallon asked.

"How about one magic core for level nine, ten for level eight, and a hundred for level seven?"

"Then I might as well go hunting by myself!" Garen said disdainfully. "A few other level nine creatures in the ocean can kill more than you can give me."

"It seems that you like soul things. Maybe there is something you will like very much." The Winged King smiled. "The Despair Head of Anas."

With a swipe of his finger, a floating image suddenly appeared in mid-air. It was a white thing that looked like a human skull.

But as soon as the thing came out, Garen felt an unprecedented surge of potential, and then it disappeared automatically like an illusion.

"This is a semi-artifact left behind after the death of an unprecedentedly powerful god. It was originally part of the artifact Death War, but was later dismantled, so it is only a semi-artifact." The Winged King also saw Garen's moved expression.

"The function of this semi-artifact is to forge and steal the power of faith. And it contains the extremely violent and huge will of the gods. It can suppress the power of any existence below its own level, reducing its overall reaction speed by two energy levels. .”

Garen stared at this semi-artifact, almost unable to look away. What he was missing in the Void Codex was a large number of potential points, and this semi-artifact might contain at least thousands of potential points. It was simply the first thing he had ever seen. The most powerful potential storage device in history.

After thinking for a moment, Garen raised his head.

"Then, it's a deal."

"That's good." The Winged King showed satisfaction. "In addition, if you want to participate in the bloody battle, it will not be affected. I can send you directly to the Wanyuan Plain. The end of our plan is that you must come back alive. Otherwise, everything will be nonsense."

"Of course." Garen replied.


When I woke up from the dream, it was already the next morning.

Garen recalled what he promised to the Winged King. Regarding the semi-artifact and guarding the sealed land, both of them were very important events.

He touched his right leg and found a rather large tumor on the right side of his hind leg. It was red and looked a bit conspicuous, and it seemed to be getting bigger.

"I need more potential points and more souls. It seems that I have to go to a bloody battle. The real decisive battle will begin in fifty years. If you don't have enough strength then, people will die."

"Lord Garen, someone is looking for you outside, saying that he is an old acquaintance of yours and came here to visit." Annie's voice came in softly from outside.

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