Mysterious journey

Chapter 1309 Enter 1

"I object!" At the top of the Silver Tower, in a colorful space surrounded by several earth-yellow spheres, in the center, the Winged King and the other council members gathered here.

If Garen looks here, he will find that the earthy yellow sphere here is exactly the same as the shapes of the major planes he saw when he traveled here.

"I object."

After King Feiyi spoke, another congressman who always agreed with him slowly spoke.

Another councilman said.

"I reserve my opinion."

An old man in white robes standing at the highest point wore one-sided gold-rimmed glasses and held a short white oak staff. He held it in his hand like a small hammer and struck it repeatedly. The palm of the other hand.

"The automatic defense mechanism has been activated. Regarding the disposal of White Dragon Gallon or whether to hand over Gallon to Bailong Mountain, it is related to the respective attitudes of Bailong Mountain and the White Dragon Clan who have surrendered to the Dilada Empire Clan. Although you may feel that voting It seems a bit too serious and formal, but this choice is enough for us to vote." The old man said in a slow voice.

"A mere little White Dragon is nothing, but the key is the attitude of the two major forces. Although Bailong Mountain is far stronger than the clan, they may not necessarily be our strength. So I agree to support the clan." A female congressman The man in red robe whispered.

The fifth and last congressman wore a round hat studded with diamonds, and his smiling fat face seemed completely frozen.

"I think it would be a big gain if Bailong Mountain can tilt towards us because of this. Although I, Dilada, have the support of many dragon clans, this is only on the surface. In fact, everyone knows it well. The Dragon Clan only regards our empire as a place to train new recruits. Although the White Dragon Clan has surrendered to us, their strength is too weak. The most powerful elder is only a pseudo-tenth level and there are ancient dragons in Bailong Mountain."

"But this handling is related to the attitude of the major dragon clans towards us, especially since the trouble this time was caused by little Aicilia." The Winged King frowned. "I'm skeptical of Diamond King's opinion. Bailongshan has always been arrogant, and it's not a question of whether he can look down on us, Dilada."

"The Flying Wing King seems to be very supportive of the clan." Diamond King narrowed his eyes at him, "Then, do you dare to bet against me once?"

"What are you betting on?" The Winged King was not willing to be outdone.

"The Canberra Blade you won from me back then, I bet on whether this galleon can become the key to affecting the position between Bailong Mountain and the clan. If Bailong Mountain is willing to lean towards us because of this, then you give me the Canberra artifact , if you don’t want to, then I will help you solidify something.”

The Winged King was slightly lost in thought. He was hesitating whether to insist on supporting Garen.

King Diamond continued.

"I support handing Galleons to White Dragon Mountain in exchange for their inclination towards us."

"What if this makes the clan angry and breaks away from us?" one of the opposing members said in a low voice.

"Okay, okay. That's the end of this issue." Now that the vote has been taken, let's make a decision based on the number of votes.

The Central Speaker raised his short staff and waved it slightly, and the image of Garen in the city appeared among the five people.

"Three votes against it and handed over to Bailongshan, one vote for neutrality and one vote for support."

"But what to do with the Mark of the Disaster Dragon on Garen?" King Diamond continued.

"The Dragon of Disaster." The Speaker closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

Suddenly, new changes appeared in the Galleon image in the middle.


The spear of lightning hung above Garen's head, falling at high speed, and only missed Garen's head by a small margin. He did not move or resist at all.

A black necklace was looming around his neck. It was the teleportation necklace An gave him.

Garen was paralyzed, and at the same time, his eyes were filled with countless hallucinations. It was the highly toxic toxin that was stabbed on the tail and quickly spread throughout the body.

This poison is so overbearing that even with his current terrifying physique, he is actually paralyzed to the point of being unable to move.

But he didn't know that the two Bailongshan envoys behind him were stunned and stunned.

"This is enough tsetse poison to cause even the demigod dragon to faint after being stabbed! This guy didn't faint! It's incredible!!"

"And what is the black string of this necklace? I can't untie it!"

The two envoys struggled hard, using their ninth-level peak spell abilities to continuously explode, but they still couldn't break free from the ropes on their bodies.

The black rope extends from the necklace around Garen's neck.

"Where is An, the Shadow Dragon Queen and one of the three masters of the Dragon of Disaster?!" the formation spirits of the entire Snow City roared, and a thunderous face loomed in the thunder clouds in the sky, filled with incomparable anger.

Garen slowly recovered from the toxin. His extremely abnormal physique was already immune to the toxin. It was just that the toxin was so terrifying that it paralyzed him for such a period of time, but it was already the limit.

The power permeating the top of his head made his whole body tremble. This formation spirit was a terrifying existence that had survived for who knows how many years. Now it was so powerful that it was almost equivalent to half the power of the owner of the Silver Tower.

The strength of the owner of the Silver Tower is the pinnacle of the mortal world, and half of him is at least level 13. Such pressure makes Garen's breathing slow, and he is so oppressed.

The dragon power all over his body was tightly compressed into a ball, clinging to his skin and unable to get out at all. The physical quality was directly suppressed and dropped by an average of 20 points, leaving an average of only 60 points, which was a lot weaker.

"I don't know what you mean?!" It was naturally impossible for him to tell An's existence, whether it was for human reasons or for his own safety. Once he reveals An's whereabouts, not only will he lose his own safety, but he will also be convicted of colluding with the Dragon of Disaster. It is possible to be killed to vent your anger.

"I won't admit that I have the aura of that monster on me!" the formation spirit roared angrily.

"Okay, Array Spirit, we are now responsible for this matter. You can go back and rest." The speaker's voice sounded again.

A huge intimidating force forcibly suppressed the formation spirit, the thunder clouds dissipated, and the thunder and lightning spears also dispersed.

"You are not the Dragon of Disaster, or you didn't know that she was one of the three monarchs of the Dragon of Disaster when you came into contact with An, so this is excusable, but no matter what, you have to accept punishment because of the Dragon of Disaster. ." The speaker's voice came down from the sky, "The Winged King will be the sovereign person to deal with your punishment."

With a snap, the Winged King appeared directly in the sky in front of Garen, levitating and looking directly at Garen.

Garen's heart suddenly moved. "I deeply apologize for my ignorance and recklessness. Indeed, I may not even know that she is the Dragon of Disaster." He lowered his head.

"Then you are willing to accept punishment?" Feiyi Wang winked at him. He had earned this right of disposal through hard work.

"Yes, I do." Garen said quickly.

Behind them, Ken and Annie couldn't speak at all. They were directly restrained by the force field and could only worry. Garen was their clan's greatest hope. If there was anything seriously missing, they wouldn't be able to go back and explain it to the third elder.

"Well, the Dragon of Disaster has devoured countless lives. In order to absolve you of your guilt, I will send you to the abyss to undergo a bloody battle. If you can survive, all your guilt will be wiped away." The Winged King did not wait for other council members to speak, and used his scepter. With a wave, a blood-red crack suddenly opened in front of Garen like an eye.

Sent to the abyss? !

Hearing this punishment, even the Speaker was in a daze. This was no longer a punishment, but a disguised form of asking Garen to die!

What kind of place is the bloody battle in the abyss? If you don't fight until you die of exhaustion, it is impossible to escape. Without special recovery capabilities, you can only be permanently assimilated into the abyss and become a part of it.

This punishment is too severe!

Even the Diamond King thought so. At this moment, he felt that it was kind of him to support the handing over of Gallon to Bailong Mountain. Looking at the Winged King in the picture, he felt that he needed to reposition the personality of the Winged King.

Garen also showed a look of astonishment in cooperation, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

Before he could resist, the Winged King pointed his scepter, and the power of the twelfth-level Grand Arcanist unleashed his force field hand, grabbing him and throwing him into the crack.


His eyes suddenly turned red, and he felt like his whole body was spinning.

"He is a member of my Bailong Mountain! How dare you deal with him without permission!!?" The voice of the Bailong Mountain messenger loomed behind him, getting farther and farther away, and soon Garen could no longer hear it.

The blood-red tunnel flew before his eyes, as if he was traveling through a long, winding intestine.

I don’t know how long it took, but a bright light gradually appeared in front of me.


He was like a fish breaking out of the water. The first thing he saw was the gray sky and the blood-red sun.

Surrounded by endless black plains, there is nothing on the plain ground, except for large exposed white rocks, and no living things can be seen.

"The first important thing when coming to the abyss is to hide yourself first." Garen thought of the Wing King's advice.

He quickly looked around and found no unusual creatures. Fortunately, he hurriedly dug his tail into the ground, drilling back and forth at high speed, and soon dug a large hole. After drilling his body inside, Garen released a circle of temporary reconnaissance guards around him to prevent any creatures from approaching, and he felt a little relieved.

"Luckily, there was no battle that attracted the attention of demons and demons. Let's absorb the Despair Head first."

Without saying a word, he directly started to set up a barrier to isolate the breath. He had no problem with the low-level negative energy barrier, but it was impossible for a semi-artifact to have no breath escape. What he needed to do was absorb all the breath before it escaped. clean.

In the dark cave, Garen let the semi-artifact Skull of Despair float in front of him. This skull looked no different from an ordinary human being, with golden flames burning in its eyes, and faint golden runes between its eyebrows. The purple mist surged out of his mouth and nose, and was then sucked in by Garen himself.

He clearly saw that his potential point was rising rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"At this rate, I will be able to completely absorb all the breath in just five days." Garen estimated the time. If he hadn't been forced to come here early by accident, he wouldn't have had to be so worried.

But now that things have happened, there is no use being helpless. Facing reality is the main thing.

After calming down, he slowly lurked in the cave and absorbed the potential aura.


Somewhere on the black plain a few kilometers away from Galleon, a huge beast was lying prostrate.

This giant beast has the upper body of a giant dragon and the lower body of a spider. Its back is always burning with yellow flames, and its eyes are also golden vertical pupils, which are extremely ferocious.

The giant beast is surrounded by many yellow bugs similar to earth beetles. They crawl around in large groups on the giant beast, as if they are cleaning his body.

"There is an inexplicable aura. It's near me." (Abyss Language)

The giant beast suddenly spoke.

"It's the breath of a dragon." He sniffed. After moving his huge body, his body was more than ten meters long and eight meters high. Everything except his back was covered with thick scale-like earth armor.

"Go and take a look?" Countless beetles gathered around him and condensed into a humanoid state, which seemed to be a woman.

"No, no need, even a giant dragon can't escape the swarm of ice ants in the evening." The giant beast crawled down again.

"If it can survive the ice ant wave, it will be qualified for me to go and see it in person."

It sets the rules.

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