Mysterious journey

Chapter 1312 Cooperation 2

"No need for now." Garen refused.

Shaking away the chattering hag, Garen flew towards the depths of the swamp.

Soon, the swamp on the ground gradually turned red, and a tall black palace appeared in the depths. Patrolling around the palace wall was a black war puppet more than ten meters tall. This humanoid puppet with horns has extremely strong concussive power. Sturdy and durable, it is one of the best alchemical items to use as a guard. It only takes an ordinary soul to power it for several years, making it very cost-effective.

Garen was blocked by the war puppet and was not allowed to move forward. The level of the owner here was unknown, and any monster could appear in the abyss. No creature dared to conflict with an unknown enemy for no reason. So Garen did not force forward, but retreated.

Following the other side, he soon left the green swamp.

But soon he felt that someone was watching him. After leaving the swamp, there were a few small figures vaguely following behind.

Garen is still in the shape of a young dragon. With such a body shape, he looks very petite and weak, only at level 4. It's no wonder that some blind people are staring at him.

He found a hill and flew over, then landed in the shadow of the hill's back, turned around and waited for the pursuer behind him.


Amidst the subtle noise, three translucent and somewhat distorted figures appeared on the top of the hill, looking down.

"Actually discovered?" one of them asked in surprise.

Now that they were discovered, they no longer hid, and the translucent spell on their bodies immediately dissipated. Three figures in gray silver armor were revealed. These were clearly three knights.

There was a light red light flashing under their bodies. These light red lights were constantly centered on them and radiated outward in circles, representing their blasphemous status as knights.

Blasphemy knights are knights who have been judged as blasphemers by the church of gods for various reasons. Many of them enter the abyss through special channels, so as to avoid their lives and souls being captured by the gods and tortured forever.

After all, the gods punish blasphemers very severely. Although the abyss is cruel, there is still a chance of survival.

These three blasphemous knights were two women and one man. They were all young, and their armors seemed to be of the same style.

"I want the skin and eyes of this young dragon, and you will divide the rest." One of the female knights said calmly.

"Its eyes look weird at first glance. It might be some kind of treasure. Isn't it good to classify it so early?" Another female knight said dissatisfied.

"I think it's not too late to deal with the opponent first before talking about this." The only male knight seemed to have noticed something was wrong with Garen. His eyes were fixed on Garen.

"Only the three of you are following?" Garen glanced behind him dissatisfiedly, and after careful sensing, it was indeed these three fools who followed. It seems that most of the traders are very smart.

He looked at the three knights carefully and saw that the wave aura was at level four. How dare three level four knights hunt a level four baby dragon from the abyss? Maybe they have special hiding methods, but don't they know that the things that should not be messed with in the abyss are those seemingly weak beings?

In a place like the abyss, who is not afraid that his strength is not fully revealed? Only by showing strength can you avoid fraud and oppression. Only those powerful beings who deliberately want to lure hunters to resist hunting will deliberately show weakness to the real weak ones and native creatures. There may be some among demons, but almost none of the outsiders are too weak.


The male knight took the lead in pulling out the big sword, and the blade was dyed with a light red aura. The level four fluctuation suddenly jumped to level five. Looking at the way her body was swollen and the muscles were knotted, it was obvious that she had used some kind of temporary method to enhance her strength. .

ah! !

He rushed towards Garen fiercely and struck out with his sword!


The level 5 sword struck Garen hard on the head. Garen stood still, not even a white mark left on his scales.

Instead, a big crack appeared in the giant sword.

The male knight's face instantly turned pale. Garen originally thought he would drop his sword and turn around and run away, but instead he looked resolute and roared.

"Rena, Erin! Run!!!"

He did not retreat but advanced, and continued to charge towards Garen without hesitation.

The two female knights behind immediately realized what had happened. One ran away, while the other was stunned for a moment. She also drew her sword and rushed towards Garen, obviously wanting to save her companion.

"Interesting." Garen stretched out his claws to gently block the slash of the sword, and with a slight exertion, the male knight was suddenly shaken by a violent shock and fell to the side.

"I'll fight with you!!!" The female knight who rushed up had her eyes red, thinking that her companion was dead, she burst out a red light with all her strength and rushed towards Garen. She actually rushed to the sixth level wave!

Sure enough, those who can be teleported from other planes are not weak! Garen sighed in his heart. He can easily meet masters of level 5 and level 6. This may not be a big deal to the dragon clan, but among humans, this It takes thousands of people to achieve this level of master.

He stretched out his claws and gently blocked the big sword slashed by the female knight. Garen suddenly felt something was wrong. The aura of the female knight's big sword turned into countless tiny red vines and tightly entangled his claws. Although the power of entanglement is negligible to him, for an average master of level 5 or 6, this entanglement is enough to make him pause for a moment, reflecting the slowness of one beat. This slowness is likely to be the difference between life and death. .

"Being kind and righteous, I originally planned to eat you, but now it seems that you may be of some use." Garen shook his hand and passed it out, killing the female knight and paralyzing her on the ground.

The skills passed down from the secret martial arts are invincible against the melee physics warriors here. This extremely sophisticated skill can almost be called a divine skill in the eyes of people here.

Therefore, although Garen's other secret martial arts effects cannot be used, this skill combined with his own strong qualities still puts him at the top of the physical warriors.

"Kill me!" The female knight was determined.

"Who asked you to come here, Irene!" the male knight said angrily, "Rena knows how to run away. Only by running away can you have a chance to come back and save me! Why don't you run?"

"We will die together!" the female knight replied flatly.

The male knight was so angry that he could not speak.

Garen flapped his wings and flew directly towards the female knight who escaped earlier. Within a moment, he saw the guy's fleeing figure.

She covered her entire body with the stinking swamp mud, and it was almost impossible to distinguish the style of the armor on her body. Her movements were only slightly hurried, and it was difficult to find her among the sparse humanoid creatures around her.

But Garen never looks at people by their appearance, but by sensing their soul.

Spotting this guy, he swooped down and the shock was transmitted, instantly eliminating all resistance from this guy and carrying him back easily.

He has a strength of up to eighty points. As long as the opponent's physique is not tough enough and cannot reach more than fifty points, then his vibration technique can be said to be invincible and he will fall down if he touches it.

Flying back to the place, what surprised Garen was that there were actually two hags secretly collecting the souls of the two prisoners who fell limply on the ground. The souls of the two blasphemous knights were almost pulled out of their bodies and were already halfway out.

"Dare you touch my trophies? I'm really tired of living!" Garen felt unhappy. Dropping the female knight in her claws, she pounced directly on the hag.

"Block it!!" a hag screamed.

Suddenly, a black beetle about seven or eight meters tall rose up from the ground, and its sharp and sharp pliers cut towards Gallon.

Garen ripped his claws from left to right, and the huge force was directly transmitted to the beetle's body along with the vibration. This guy's physique obviously didn't reach fifty points, and he went limp.

He was hit directly on the head by Garen's claw, and all the red and green brains were smashed out, and he lay motionless on the ground.

The two hags did not expect that the battle would end so quickly. They were so frightened that they lost their souls and ran away.

But with a speed of 80 Galleons, he caught up almost instantly. With one claw and one claw, he popped it like a balloon. The two hags screamed in deflation and turned into two green human skins falling on the ground. On the ground, he was put away by Galen and turned back.

The green poisonous smoke that floated out from the frustration tried to stick to Garen, but it was completely ineffective. It only lasted for two seconds before being immune to Garen's strong physique.

The three blasphemy knights were thrown together by Garen. He found a random vine on the ground to tie the three of them together, and grabbed them with one claw. Garen planned to find some subordinates to help him collect information. It was too passive to act alone. , before the ultimate transformation technique, moving in the body of a dragon was too eye-catching. You might as well find someone to represent you.

Catching the three blasphemy knights, Garen flew all the way and asked the flame beast if what it said was true. It was indeed not lying.

Garen quickly returned to the original cave location. If everything the giant beast said was true, then the task of forging weapons and equipment really had to fall on him.

Another two thousand points of potential value should also be added to the Void Original Code.

As he was flying all the way, he started to add potential points. Last time, he added more than 140 points, which raised it to 14%. This time, he added 500 points in one go, and saw that the Void Original Code had risen sharply.

It rushed directly from 14% to 64%. It was obvious that he felt changes in his body, some subtle but thorough changes, but he didn't have a chance to check it yet.

First throwing the three knights into his cave, Garen went to find the flame beast whose aura was still not far away. Casts a small barrier negative energy spell. Anyway, the three guys were made weak by him, their muscles and bones were injured by the shock, and they were unable to move, so there was no need to worry about them running out.

"How about it?"

The giant beast lay in the ruins of one of its buildings and looked up at the flying Garen.

"Have you decided to let me help you build weapons and equipment?"

"What are your conditions?" Garen didn't think there was such a thing as a free lunch.

"I want you to provide me with high-quality souls. Don't be too busy to refuse. I sense that you have a special soul artifact in your hand. I recently developed a magic circle that can try to condense high-quality souls, but what is missing is a Soul Artifact, if the two of us cooperate, we may be able to gain great benefits!"

The giant beast said sincerely that in fact, he originally planned to rob it by force, but unfortunately he could not defeat the opponent.

"High-quality soul" Garen was moved. The quality of the soul is too low, and he has almost no effect of absorbing it as a potential point. Just like now, if he absorbs an ordinary person's soul as a potential point, it will probably have no effect at all. No matter how much he absorbs, it will be in vain. Only when it reaches a certain concentration can it be produced. Only a soul of level three or above after qualitative transformation can allow him to absorb some potential points. ..

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