Mysterious journey

Chapter 1328 Eve 2

The terrifying and powerful explosion wave instantly spread throughout the entire cave exit. A huge mushroom cloud spreads along with a terrifying red shock wave.

Gerdemoth's face turned pale, and he was blown away by the self-explosion of this most powerful artifact.

"Locust plague!" He roared angrily. He had been severely injured in the fight with Fila's incarnation, and his strength could not be used to half of it. Now he was hit hard by the self-destruction of this powerful artifact, and his injuries instantly increased from half to half. Eighty percent. Even the divine fire was severely impacted. Much weaker.

This is a powerful artifact, and even as one of the three monarchs, he had to be severely damaged by the huge divine power shock.

After being plotted at this time, he watched the 'artifacts' flying across the sky and no longer dared to approach them randomly. He could only wave his hands and use fire clouds to block them.

"Rain of fire at the end of the world!" The man in red robe on the other side opened his arms, and the radiance of divinity emanated from him. The red light turned into substance and rose into the sky.

The sky rolled up, and countless red clouds appeared. A large number of red clouds quickly thickened and deepened.


A huge red meteorite fell from the sky and slammed downwards.

Next came the second and third meteors. Countless meteors fell from the sky, bombarding them on the gray and black plains.

The originally uneven plain was made even more bumpy.

Under the bombardment of meteors and meteorites, some of the scattered artifacts turned into phantoms and disappeared, while some revealed their true bodies, which looked like giant dragons escaping one by one, and some were indeed semi-artifacts or artifacts.

Garen was also among them. A huge meteorite just fell in front of him. With a bang, the huge shock wave hit his body and almost knocked him back several meters.


Suddenly, a figure in red robe appeared in front of him. Gerdemus grabbed the neck of a shrunken dragon of disaster in his hand and blocked his way with ferocious eyes.

The huge bloody aura and scorching force field instantly fell on Garen.


He suddenly felt his body sink, and his body values, which had been weakened by most, actually dropped again.

"The sixth head." Gerdemus' eyes were calm, and he stretched out his hand to grab his neck.

It was as if there was an invisible coercion that was tightly stuck on Garen's neck, making it difficult for him to breathe and make him feel weak.

"This is soul pressure!!" He was shocked. Such a situation would only occur if the soul gap was too large. He never knew what the nature of the power of gods and gods was.

Now that he was facing it for the first time, he instantly understood that this was a soul that had been completely sublimated to the extreme. The only difference from the true spirit was that the soul in the state of divine fire possessed countless pure powers of faith. Use faith as a means to strengthen yourself, rather than absorbing all soul power like a true spirit.

Faith is only a pure part of the power of the soul.

Gerdemoth's big hand grabbed Garen straight away, carrying an inexplicable aura of death.

Garen had a premonition that as soon as he touched this hand, his body, including his soul, would be snatched away by the opponent in an instant.

But as he watched the hand getting closer and closer, he couldn't resist at all.

The gap between the twelfth level and the true god is too huge. Even if Gerdemoth was severely injured and could not exert 20% of his strength, the qualitative change in the nature of his power was far from just the galleons of the mid-level demon king. able to resist.

The big hand got closer and closer, almost touching the scales on Garon's throat.


At this moment, Garen roared violently.

A black necklace automatically exploded around his neck, turning into countless black smoke and flying out, wrapping Gerdemus' right hand.

"An!" Gerdemoth's complexion changed drastically, and his body suddenly retreated.

But it was too late.

An extremely ferocious giant dragon arm popped out from the black smoke and grabbed his right hand with a snap.


An's slim, almost perfect figure was looming behind the black smoke, but she gave out a clear voice like a man's.

"No! No no no!!! An, it's not me!!!" Gerdemoth's face became even more twisted and frightened.

He screamed and ran towards the back frantically.

Garen was helpless as he watched him run away. The dragon arms turned into black smoke grabbed him tightly and quickly disappeared from sight.

Not long after, a huge transparent distortion exploded on the plain in the distance. This spherical distortion lasted for more than ten seconds before slowly dissipating.

"Let's go!" Suddenly a brass-colored dragon claw grabbed him suddenly, lifted him up and flew quickly towards the distance.

It’s the Brass Dragon Locust Plague!

It had a serious expression on its face, grabbing Garen and looking back while flying.

"That's just a projection of An. We can't contain him for long. We must leave immediately!"

Garen felt so weak that he could barely open his eyelids.

The struggle just now seemed to have consumed too much of his strength.

"Why did you save me?" he asked in a low voice.

"Why? Your necklace represents a subordinate that An recognizes. Saving you is equivalent to giving him face. Among the three monarchs, An is the most brutal killing dragon. He once swallowed billions of creatures in one breath when he was angry. But because he has such a deep understanding of the laws of time and space, Fira and other gods can only suppress him, but cannot kill him. Because by killing him in the present, he in the past can also be traced back from history."

Garen opened his eyes wide. This was the first time he heard a powerful description of An from other dragons.

The brass dragon said in a low voice.

"Many powerful beings don't even know how many An beings there are. He can pull all three of his past, present and future selves into one time and space. He is the most powerful Disaster Dragon in history and the most powerful among the Shadow Dragons. A legendary existence. Your essence has a trace of the feeling of a shadow dragon, so you can break free from the confinement of divine power for a moment, because the confinement of divine power is also a kind of confinement, and what you shadow dragons are best at is confinement."

He glanced at Garen.

"It seems you don't know anything yet."

Garen regained some of his strength.

"He didn't tell me much." He could see that Brass Dragon Locust Plague really wanted to save him.

The brass dragon's eyes changed slightly. "They're catching up!"

Garen also felt the threat approaching quickly from behind.

Looking back, in the sky behind them, a huge red dragon covered the sky and rushed towards them. There was a trace of scarlet blood flowing from the ferocious dragon's eyes.

"There are several extremely powerful An's disciples in the abyss. Please pray that we can survive until they arrive." Only then did the Brass Dragon tell the truth. He saved Garen because of his relationship with An, so that when he was being hunted, An's disciples in the abyss would have enough reason to come to the rescue. What he was looking for was this unknown rescue.

Garen understood and stopped talking and tried his best to regain his strength.

His entire body's attributes are now severely weakened, mainly because Fila's divine ray knocked out the ninth-level spell resistance.

Facing these attacks with divine power, he had almost no power to resist. No matter how strong his physical quality is, if the opponent weakens, his attributes will be directly weakened by half, which is completely meaningless.

"It seems that we must study divinity and build a mage tower as soon as possible." Garon made up his mind with a headache. This time, faced with the suppression of divine power, his powerful physical power failed to exert any effect.

Turning back, he looked at Gerdemus who was chasing after him.

"We can't let this guy speed up and catch up."

The brass dragon threw something behind it while flying.

Bang! !

The thing exploded and turned into a huge white gas elemental giant. Just as the elemental giant raised his fist and was about to smash it down, he was directly punched through the stomach by a breath of dragon breath from Gerdemus, and his whole body burned and slowly dissipated.

The messy treasures like the brass dragon were thrown back, all using the most extreme self-destruction to stimulate power, allowing these treasures to exert their most powerful power, but this kind of explosion can only be used once before it will self-destruct.

In just ten seconds, Gerdemus was getting closer and closer behind him, and every time in order to stop the opponent, the brass dragon threw out a treasure.

Within ten seconds, dozens of different high-level treasures were thrown out, all of which were top-notch treasures that could make any non-divine creature jealous.

And the Brass Dragon just threw them all out without hesitation.

"Use whatever means you have! If this continues, we will all die!" The Brass Dragon yelled at Garen in the middle of his busy schedule.

Garen closed his eyes for a while, turned around, and suddenly opened his eyes.


Two white-blue rays shot out suddenly, flying towards Gerdemus behind him.

This is the poisonous eye, and it's Garen's most powerful attack right now.

He was just trying out the effect. Unfortunately, the two rays hit Gerdemus, not even leaving any scale marks.

For him, he didn't even need to resist an attack that could threaten level 13.

"Only divine attacks can hurt him!" Brass Dragon quickly explained angrily. "Whatever An gave you, take it out now! If he catches up, we will all die!"


At this moment, a huge flame wing sliced ​​past him. Although the Brass Dragon avoided it in time, half of its body was still burnt to black.

Where did Gallon have any other things from An? He hadn't seen An for a long time.

"I am the only hope for the Dragon of Disaster!!" Gerdemus roared from behind, "Only when we merge into one can we truly become the greatest Dragon of the Abyss!! You can't escape! Escape! Don’t fall off!!!”

He already seemed crazy.


In the endless dark canyon.

In the center of the ancient magic circle, in the hazy halo, An's eyes that had been closed slowly opened.

"Gus. Why are you forcing me? I don't want to. I really don't want to."

She murmured on her lips, her expression showing a hint of helplessness and sadness.

Slowly, a hazy black circle of light appeared in front of her, and in the circle was Gerdemos, who was chasing Garen and the Brass Dragon.

The sadness in An's eyes became even stronger.

"Gus. Why do you want to forget what I said?"

She murmured, stretched out her hand, and scoffed.

Her slender hand actually reached directly into the light screen image and grabbed Gerdemus directly inside.

"No!!! No!! An! It's not my fault!! Let me go!!" Gerdemus was only as big as an earthworm in An's hands.

"We used to love each other so much," An said sadly, "I doted on you so much."

She closed her eyes and dropped the Gerdemus in her hand into her mouth.

Click click click

In the crisp chewing sound, accompanied by Gerdemus's screams and weak fluctuations of divine power, everything melted away in An's mouth.

She chewed it carefully, as if savoring the last taste of her former friend.

"No!!!" Gerdemus was not completely dead yet. His divine fire let out a heart-rending roar at the end as it melted away.


But everything disappeared with An's gentle swallowing.

The light curtain disappeared, and An sighed, but it didn't feel pretentious at all, as if he had really lost a close friend and a former lover.

"It's you again, the demagogues." An opened his slightly closed eyes, "If it weren't for you, Gus wouldn't have died. Everything is your fault. It seems that I really need to have a talk with you."

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