Mysterious journey

Chapter 1332 Completed 2

"The interior of Bailong Mountain is not monolithic. There are many factions. I really hate those two envoys, but I have no conflict with the two powerful men in front of me. Besides, they came here specifically to help me solve my trouble." Long retorted, "I'm not in the habit of pushing my helpers out."

He looked at Kratos.

"However, you, Kratos, had enmity with me at the beginning. You knew that the two gentlemen came here specifically to contact me, but you still came to follow me. In addition to what you just said, are you sure you are not here to sow discord?!"

As soon as these words came out, the two old men suddenly looked at Kratos with something wrong.

Kratos' face turned red and he glared at Garen hatefully, not knowing what to say for a moment. His previous attitude of sowing discord was too obvious, and it was difficult to refute it now.

"Okay, you both have to give in. After all, Kratos is here on behalf of the Fortress of Ten Thousand Cries. This visit is for official business." The kind old man hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Hmph." Another old man snorted coldly, looking at Kratos with a somewhat unkind look.

Kratos knew that he couldn't stay any longer, so he simply left. Before leaving, he gave Garen a hard look.

Garen hesitated, but still didn't take action.

Kratos is here on behalf of the Fortress of Ten Thousand Cries. To attack him like this is to attack the Fortress of Ten Thousand Cries. It will definitely make the owner of the Fortress of Ten Thousand Cries furious, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Besides, if he dared to come alone, he must have been fully prepared. Don't be in trouble if you can't keep him after you move your hands.

After coaxing the two old men, Garen sent someone to follow Kratos. As expected, this guy also had a bodyguard, another mysterious and strange figure from Qixi, following closely behind him.

After the two old men were settled and all kinds of food, drinks and fun were brought to them, Garen turned around and left the mansion, taking the two members of the White Feather escort team straight to a crypt outside the city.


He entered the cave and walked around in the dark tunnel for an unknown amount of time. Finally, the stone wall at the end of the cave appeared in front of him.

Garen signaled the two Bai Yus behind him to stop and walked forward alone.

A light bump. The stone wall suddenly faded automatically like a phantom, and Garen suddenly shuttled into another deep black ancient hall.

The hall is filled with a faint illusion-like fog. When you are not paying attention, you feel that the surrounding fog is filled with fog. But when you look carefully at the fog, you find that they do not seem to exist at all, they are just the distortion and refraction of light.

Several figures had gathered in the hall at this time.

Seeing Garen coming in, several figures turned their heads.

"Commander, why are you so anxious to summon us?" a figure said in a dry voice.

"A big event is approaching. Now is a critical moment. Let's meet as little as possible to avoid any setbacks." Another person whispered.

"I came here because I have a very troublesome matter that I need your help with," Garen said seriously.

The group in front of him was a small group called Proof of Lies, which was an underground organization. The worst among the members were level 12 beings, and one of them even had a faint aura of demigods.

Demigod! That is an existence as powerful as the real body of Ms. Vengeance, and she can also serve as the fortress master of a fortress in the Abyss Plain!

Such an existence actually appeared in such a small group, which was also the key to why Garen treated this group with great solemnity.

If it weren't for the banner of An behind him, he probably wouldn't have the qualifications to talk to these beings on an equal footing.

Although he was somewhat respected for the evidence of lies, they were not his subordinates. When they heard that they needed help, they immediately fell silent.

"This matter can even get more souls and preparations for the upcoming big event." Garen smiled slightly, "Aren't you guys still worried about the source of the top souls?"

"Oh? Do you have a way?" the leader of Lie Evidence, the existence suspected of being a demigod, said.

Garen smiled.

"There may not be a way, but there are two ready-made souls."

"If the Demon Lord of Lies can offer two more peak souls as a sacrifice, it might be able to increase the speed at which this adult recovers his strength faster, right?"

"What about the possible unrest?" the leader of Evidence of Lies frowned. "Every fifteenth-level peak powerhouse has a solid foundation. If they reach this level, even if they die, their souls will be taken back by the gods they believe in. Once their souls are plundered, our troubles will be endless."

"I'm not afraid of trouble." Garen's face darkened, "Besides, aren't we in this world just to cause trouble?"

He is now stuck at a bottleneck. There are only two places where he can hope to break through to level 12 with his strength. One is divine research, but it requires a mage tower to isolate the divine induction.

The second is his newly discovered way, using the evolution of the Nine-Hedron and the Void Codex.

In this short period of nearly a year, he saw with his own eyes that void creatures used the 9-hedron to kill on a massacre in just a few months, rapidly rising from less than level eight to level thirteen. The speed was so fast that Garen was also stunned.

After reaching the thirteenth level, these void creatures stopped and seemed to have encountered a bottleneck. But this speed of improvement far exceeds Garen's original speed.

According to his secret observation, those void creatures seemed to be mid-level demon king-level souls. Like him, they also had a variety of special abilities, a variety of methods, and extremely strong survivability.

If it weren't for this relationship with An, Garen would have been unable to secure his position as deputy commander.

Arrange contact information with the person who testified to the lie.

Garen then left the Hall of Lies and returned to the fortress with two guards who knew nothing and were only responsible for protecting him.

The bloody battle is about to begin again. Fortunately, this is also an opportunity.

Garen's mage tower also lacked a tower spirit in the end. This problem was easy to solve. He was not confident about the soul of any other creature as a tower spirit. Garen decided not to use the tower spirit directly, and connected the mage tower with his consciousness brain. At the same time, the mage tower is directly controlled by its own energy master computing core.

Anyway, the computing power of the conscious brain is extremely terrifying, and it is no problem to control a mere mage tower.

Finally, after solving the problem of the tower spirit, the Mage Tower also ushered in its final completion.


The tall, white and slender mage tower slowly rotated.

Surrounded by suspended construction floating platforms, these gray floating platforms are occupied by mages and demons responsible for inspection.

The surrounding mage group responsible for the construction is also on the side, closely monitoring the various data and changes.

A huge crystal stone showing complex colorful lines floats on the side of the mage tower, showing the balanced changes of various elements in it at any time.

Hundreds of mages and spell-casting creatures of level six or above were surrounding him. Garen was surrounded by people. He stood less than two hundred meters away from the mage tower, looking up at the tower that soared into the sky from the fortress. Big tower body.

Many people in the surrounding area were temporarily cleared to avoid accidents and casualties.

But even so, there were still many onlookers coming to watch the excitement. Some of them were demons, some were travelers from other planes, and there were also void creatures, all looking at this from a distance.

The entire mage tower is located in the lower left corner of the fortress, next to the original city wall. However, because Garon expanded the fort to a large area, forming a huge oval, this also changed the position of the mage tower. The center of this oval.

"The final divine barrier is solidified." The senior mage responsible for the construction clapped his hands.

An old and frail ninth-level peak mage slowly stepped forward and floated up.

Divine Power Barrier is just a classic spell with a fixed formula. It belongs to level 9, so any level 9 mage can release it. However, solidifying this spell requires a high price.

Generally, to solidify a spell of the same level, the caster's spellcasting level will instantly drop from the peak to the level just entering this level. This is the price of a whole level. At the same time, as a ninth-level spell, solidifying a spell of this level also requires the solidification of the spell. life.

The old mage used this solidification in exchange for Garen's care for his son, a fifth-level mage.

And the lifespan and mental energy required for such a huge mage tower are also staggering.

After solidifying this time, his remaining ten years of life will be exhausted and he will die completely. Although there are many powerful people in the abyss, a ninth-level mage can still do many things, and he still belongs to the middle-to-high-level powerful class.

Just because of the solidification spell, it is a loss for any force.

Looking at the old mage's back, Garen lowered his head slightly to show respect for the other man's efforts.

He bowed his head, and all the other strong men also bowed their heads to show respect.

The old mage was wearing a somewhat tattered robe, stretched out his skinny arms, and slowly pointed at the huge mage tower.

A white halo bloomed from his arm.

The halos circled one after another, becoming more and more densely packed, forming a white disk on the old man's hand.

The plate is covered with countless fine circular patterns, just like the substance.

The old man looked at the disk in his hand intently. His face was rapidly fading away, and the already thin muscles on his body were also rapidly withering. His face, which was originally a little bloody, gradually turned pale. It was as if all the life in his body was concentrated on the white disc in his hand.

He began to chant a small mantra in a low voice, and densely packed tiny tadpole runes began to swim on the disc.

As he chanted more and faster runes, the number of runes on the disc also increased.

Suddenly, he waved his arm.

The disc burst out with a bang and hit the mage tower in front of it.

Buzz! ! !

Like a stone dropped into water, countless transparent space ripples appeared on the surface of the mage tower.

The sky suddenly dimmed, and a ray of pure white light fell from the sky and fell on the Mage Tower. Even the blood-red sun of the abyss could not cover it up.

This is a moment of brilliance that only takes ten years of life and all the vitality to exchange for it.

The old mage's body slowly turned into a point of light and disappeared.

Garen faintly heard the cry of the young man and sighed slightly.

"The Tower of Winter is officially completed from today on!"

His voice was directly vibrated by the spell effect and spread to the ears of all surrounding creatures.

Two ancient dragon old men from Bailong Mountain also heard the sound in the distance and cast their sights here. .

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