Mysterious journey

Chapter 1334 The Lord of Lies 2

At the level of dream power that only void creatures can feel, an extremely huge storm of dream power is slowly gathering at the place where the attack just occurred.

Garen has already transferred the relevant people around him and left. Don't worry about any accidental injuries.

"Commander, a bizarre raid just occurred." Andrew's hurried projection appeared behind Garen, kneeling on one knee and saying hurriedly. "The two ancient dragon masters were attacked by an unknown strong person, and they are now."

"Don't worry about it so much." Garen interrupted him. "I have already arranged this matter. Just avoid that area and arrange the rest of the affairs."

Andrew quickly calmed down. Seeing Galen's expression, it was obvious that he had already made arrangements. He was frightened and didn't say much.

"Yes, I am resigning."

After his image disappeared, Irene's projection soon appeared behind Garen. Their four generals, Garen, were all assigned projection communication devices for emergency contact.

"Sir, how should we deal with the raid? This time the fluctuation is too big, and several other adults are already on their way." Irene said seriously.

The other adults she was talking about were the important figures in the fortress such as the other deputy commander and the leader of the Elephant Demon.

The incident of a level 15 expert being raided in Bailong Mountain is likely to cause great turmoil, and is also a major event for the entire Revenge Fortress. So they had no choice but not to be alarmed.

"It's okay. I have arrangements for this. Just tell them not to worry."

Garen said casually.

Eileen frowned, looking at Garen's calm look, she said no more, bowed and disappeared.

Garen looked at the place of attack quietly.

A large amount of dream power there gathered into a huge funnel vortex, and even ordinary demons were vaguely aware of the terrifying power fluctuations.

Soon, as time went by, light points of different colors flew towards the center of the power vortex, where other powerful beings came to investigate the situation. Among them, Garen even saw the Elephant Demon leader and another deputy. Commander.

He himself was quietly watching the huge whirlpool.

Soon a plea came to his conscious mind.

"There are powerful visitors requesting entry."

"Permission." Garen quickly allowed entry.

Soon, he saw a wisp of black smoke flying into the mage tower instantly, and soon rushed to the eighth floor where he was, condensing into a black smoke figure behind him.

The human form exudes a faint aura of divinity. Astonishingly, he was the demigod who had just raided and killed the ancient dragon.

He held a spotless white baby girl in his hands. The baby girl was just wrapped in a circle of white cloth. She did not cry, but looked at Garen with a pair of old and deep eyes.

"For the next period of time, I have to beg your help, Lord Garen." The baby girl said in a low voice, using the most standard Void language.

"It is an honor for me to serve the Lord of Lies." Garen smiled slightly, turned around and bowed to him.

As soon as the baby girl was born, her aura reached level six. She was worthy of being a terrifying true spirit-level existence that had sacrificed two top-level fifteenth-level souls.

"Don't worry, Kunda will protect me during this period until I regain a certain strength. During this period, I need you to launch a bloody battle and cause a lot of killings, so that I can absorb a lot of souls and restore myself." The Lie Demon said calmly. .

"But Ms. Revenge and Bailong Mountain will not give up." Garen was a little confused. "I still suggest not to be so drastic."

"It doesn't matter." The baby girl waved her hand, "I can't even handle it on the Bailong Mountain side. I opened two void cracks there, which will keep them busy for a while. Ms. Revenge's relationship with you should be able to handle it, right? As long as you If we don’t fail, what does it matter even if we overstep our authority and launch a bloody war?”

"Since Your Highness Lie has thought carefully about it, I can only agree." Garen put away his embarrassed look. He naturally knew that the other party would definitely make arrangements. After all, the demon lord will not be absolutely invincible when he comes. Time grows, and this period of growth is also when she is at her weakest. She will definitely make all arrangements thoroughly.

"As a reward for your help this time, I can help you solve the bottleneck that prevents you from condensing your true spirit." The Lie Demon said calmly.

Garen was stunned at first, then overjoyed. His Void Codex has been stuck at 70% for a long time, and there is no way to increase his potential points. If there is a real demon lord with a true spirit level to guide him, he will naturally be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

Originally, he was a little reluctant to have a demon lord level come near him, but now he feels that it is worth a thousand dollars.

During this period of time, he also used his consciousness and brain to analyze for a long time, but he still had no clue, and there was no way to advance. Now there is finally hope.

"Actually, the problem is very simple." The Lord of Lies smiled slyly, "Your soul ring is too weak. To put it simply, you need a lot of soul insights to condense soul seeds and soul rings, and I happen to have a method here to collect soul insights. Essence, speed up your gathering of soul seeds and soul rings."

"Oh? Please ask the Demon Lord for advice." Garen quickly asked respectfully.

"In fact, every soul will have some insights that more or less conform to the rules, but some are more and some are less. Under normal circumstances, if these insights do not accumulate to a certain extent and undergo qualitative changes, they will not lead to success or the like. results, so no one pays much attention to it. People only pay attention to the insights of successful people, and do not pay much attention to the existence of losers or those who do not have the aura of success. But this is actually wrong. My method is to be able to combine countless insights. Gather together to form a complete soul seed soul ring, accelerating your advancement process." The Demon Lord of Lies said with a smile.

"Such a method must have a high price, right?" Garen asked cautiously.

The Demon Lord nodded.

"You guessed it right. This method requires at least condensing the soul divinity to become a soul demigod, so as to avoid being confused by countless impurities of soul perception. If there is no soul divinity, it will be easily confused by a large number of impurities. If impurities cloud one's soul ring, the gain outweighs the loss. It may even cause one's own degradation."

"In the final analysis, does it still return to divinity?" Garen thought thoughtfully.

"Divinity is a very wonderful thing in this world. It is the sublimation and qualitative transformation of the soul, but it is also superior. It has the characteristics of a monarch to rule all souls, and can even trigger the power of the most fundamental rules of the world." What the Lord of Lies said It is obvious that Garen needs to take the initiative to cause killings. If he wants to gather more soul rings, he needs to cause more killings. It happened to coincide with her needs, and this was a conspiracy that forced Garen to submit.

"I understand." Garen gradually understood his direction.

If you want to become a true spirit, maybe it’s really what the Lord of Lies said.

He needs to become a divine demigod first, and then collect a large amount of enlightened soul essence to form more soul seeds and soul rings, so that he can gain a breakthrough in the Void Original Code and become a true spirit.

"At the beginning, the soul seeds are easy to condense because the insights will not be repeated. But as you go on, there will be more and more repeated insights. Until one day, most of the insights are just repetitions, trying to condense new souls. It will become more and more difficult to cultivate soul rings. At this time, it is often necessary for the demon kings to continuously explore different fields, accumulate a lot of different insights, and use time to accumulate them." The Lie Demon continued.

"And you are now in an unprecedented good opportunity. This world has many, many different perceptions that are different from ours. There are almost no repetitions, and divinity is also a shortcut to condense soul species and soul rings. Divinity plus a lot of The soul power itself is actually equivalent to a high-level soul ring. Therefore, the more divinity you obtain, if you can complete it, you can actually turn it into a soul ring and soul seed."

"In other words, I can use divinity to condense soul rings, or I can first find the divinity of the soul, and after becoming a soul demigod, I can kill souls on a large scale, and maybe gain enlightenment." Garon concluded.

"Yes, the former is to rob the divinity, which is much more dangerous than you think. The divinity itself has a large number of powerful people competing for it, and even gods will take action. The latter is much safer. You only need to plunder one soul divinity. That's good. For the rest of the killings, maybe even ordinary people can provide you with enough insights to condense soul seeds." The two paths given by the Lord of Lies actually require killing and plundering.

But Garen now has no choice.


In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

The Lord of Lies immediately settled down in Garonne's Tower of Winter, absorbing and devouring a large number of soul soul cocoons every day, and occasionally went to the River Styx to plunder and kill. Fortunately, it did not attract the attention of any powerful existence. After all, she Those who kill are relatively weak beings.

At her urging, Garen began a small-scale invasion of the Devil's Fortress opposite.

He has a standing army of 500,000 people with an average level of above level two, as well as an elite mage group called Bai Yu. Enough to launch a small-scale bloody battle alone.

In the mage tower, Garen officially put divine analysis on the agenda because he had a divine barrier.

He first gathered all the divinities together and integrated them into the Temple Pearl, and then isolated the obtained true divinities separately for conscious brain research.

The biggest advantage of the conscious brain is that it can use a large amount of data and insights in the memory bank of Gallon's mind for calculation and analysis.

Garen only needs to move the task up and forget about the rest. It will perform task analysis on its own.

The divinity received from Gerdemus is a ray of divinity about decay. It is full of various insights and understandings of decay. It is only as small as a hair, but it actually contains a terrifying amount of information equivalent to tens of thousands of petabytes. The conscious brain cannot completely analyze it in a short time. After all, it is not just random fabrication. It is all filled with profound texts and graphics about decay, as well as personal experiences and other holographic experiences and other kinds of insights.

With such a large amount of information, it is no wonder that the achievements of demigods need to be calculated in units of at least hundreds of years. Some are even thousands of years old.

Garen hung it on the task bar in his mind and glanced at the estimated completion time.

‘Fifty-eight years—sixty years. ’

After such a long time, it was already a god-like speed for ordinary high-level beings, but Garen was still not satisfied.

Moreover, after taking up the divine analysis task, the energy consumption of the element pool instantly increased to a new level. This is still the true divinity analyzed by Gerdemus. If it were a completely chaotic divinity, it would probably take even longer.

Fortunately, the calculation speed of the conscious brain is actually determined by the strength of the consciousness, and the strength of the consciousness is actually rooted in the strength of the soul.

With no other choice, Garen had no choice but to choose the slowest way to enhance his soul seed.

Hunt for high-energy crystals, such as soul cores.

Now he has also tried the soul core, and the effect on him is very weak. A ninth-level soul core can only increase Galleon by one-third of a soul seed. It was obviously what the Lord of Lies said. The insights contained therein were repeated and gradually became insufficient to gather more soul seeds.

But he had received the soul seed enhancement from the Pain Knight, and he might be able to continue doing so now. There may be some qualitative changes if the quantity is too much.

Those who can condense the soul core are often undead creatures. Garen soon set his sights on a nearby undead tribe. .

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