Mysterious journey

Chapter 1337 Absorption 1

It has such a big advantage.

In this way, he can build the most complete logistics and trial base for void creatures. Beat it to the point of being unique.

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, but Garen's hands did not pause at all.

He began to walk to the edge of the biochemical pool, and his claws quickly carved tiny tadpole-like symbols on the edge of the pool.

His claws are obviously very big, but the extremely tiny symbols carved out are very complex and delicate, giving people a chaotic and delicate beauty.

"I'll leave everything to you." Perhaps the female elf had seen too many promising guarantees, so she responded casually without much expectation, then slowly closed her eyes. It was the only part of her body she had control over.

Garen ignored him. All his energy was now focused on the new symbol he had carved.

‘Building biosample scanning structures. ’

The instructions and responses from his conscious brain continued to enter his mind.

A faint white halo spread over the elf.

‘Cultivation in vitro cell collection begins.’

Garen watched helplessly as another elf body, which was bred from the nuclei of elf hair cells and a biochemical pool, slowly developed from a little lump of flesh into an almost complete body that was exactly the same as the female elf.

The two bodies are almost identical, but the only difference is that the copied body does not have as much positive energy as the original body and the accumulation of other energies.

The whole copying process took no more than ten minutes, and was almost completed under Garen's eyes.

Copying is actually the simplest step, and the next step is the most difficult part.

The problem to be solved is to enable the female elf to freely control her body and to eliminate the excessive positive energy load in her body.

"We can only use precision transfer." Garen frowned. Among the biochemical technologies he mastered, this was the only method that could solve the current situation.

Precision transfer can use the process of exchanging blood and body fluids to connect the two bodies into one. On this basis, the overly heavy load in the original body can be evenly distributed.

One copy can share half of the burden, so as long as multiple copies slowly share it equally, the original body's internal troubles should be quickly eliminated.

"However, the level of precision required for precision transfer is a bit too high. Maybe there are many demon king-level masters in this world who have mastered technological civilization, but I guess they don't have as strong a consciousness as me. Maybe I am the only one who can do this technology," Garen thought. Guess, after all, the mecha world he went to was a very remote place where Mother River could only reach.

He had arrived at that place by accident, and he had almost no energy or vitality.

"Please be careful, I will perform energy transfer surgery on you next. It is best to keep your soul's fluctuations as calm as possible and not affect any changes in your body."

Garen warned.

"No problem." The female elf replied in a low voice.

Garen nodded.

He stretched out a claw and pointed it at the female elf from a distance.


A large amount of white silk thread suddenly shot out from the edge of the biochemical pool, wrapping the two bodies tightly.


The far edge of the star realm, the dark place in the void.

If we say that the inner plane, the main material plane, and the upper plane form a huge structure that is unified from top to bottom.

Then the astral realm is the space where they discharge a lot of impurities, waste, garbage and corpses.

It is just below the entire side of this extremely huge structure. Huge amounts of various garbage are continuously discharged from above, floating into the star realm.

As a result, they are devoured by the astral creatures that live in them. The astral creatures that become stronger due to the devouring will also invade other major planes from time to time, and then be crushed and destroyed by the powerful existences therein.

This forms a standard material and energy cycle.

The star world, as the name suggests, seems to be a world like countless stars. It is colorful and filled with countless garbage and energy polymers. They are floating everywhere and shining with various dangerous colors, which contain a large amount of astral energy. And death.

According to legend, the place where the gods fell is also hidden in the star realm.

Even gods, after death and death, will be forcibly pulled into the boundless star realm and become a part of death.

This is a place that even the God of Death cannot control.

And right at the edge of the star realm, in the endless darkness of the void.

A huge space like a silver-white moon is spinning and rolling, getting closer and closer to the star realm.

In the space, there are vast grasslands, rivers, mountains, a sun that seems to be real, forests and hills, animals and plants, and creatures of various races.

It is as if the entire silver-white moon is a complete small plane.

"Lerenwell! Do you think you can avoid my sight by escaping here?"

A huge and sharp sound filled the air from the void. Just the vibration of the sound and the huge power and rules it carried caused violent fluctuations and distortions on the surface of the silver-white moon.

"The majesty of God cannot be blasphemed!!" A majestic voice came from the moon, both male and female.


A silvery-white figure instantly appeared on the surface of the moon, looking out into the void through the white protective layer.

The figure's entire body glowed with silver. Wearing gorgeous and extravagant silver armor, he has a handsome face, and his long moon-white hair slightly flutters towards the back.

He held two shields in his hands, a tower shield and a small buckler, with patterns of lions and unicorns respectively engraved on them.

"God of springs and the new moon, is this your kingdom?" A huge white eyeball with a diameter of more than a thousand meters appeared in the void.

It rotated, its blood-colored pupils releasing greedy and bloodthirsty sight.

"In my kingdom of God, my power will be increased by one level. If you have the courage, come after me." Lerenweir said loudly, grabbing the shield.

He has already notified the gods who are close to him, and they are on their way urgently, but it depends on whether he can survive until they arrive.

"The Kingdom of God? It's just a small plane wearing fragile armor." The giant eyeball looked dismissively, "Go, my children."

His central pupil suddenly lit up a little red.

boom! ! !

A huge number of void creatures poured out from the red ring in the center of the eyeball.

It was a black creature with the same shape as a bat. However, they are different from ordinary bats. Their speed and strength are much faster, and their claws and teeth shine with a faint red light. There is also a black mist in the shape of an eye suspended above the back.

These bats range in size from the size of a football field to the size of a washbasin. They were still very small when they swarmed out of the eyeballs, but they quickly expanded and swelled not long after they flew out. Rushing towards the silver-white moon like a swarm of bees.

The giant eyeball also accelerated towards the moon of the Kingdom of God.

"It's just destroying the plane. It's not like I've never done it before! Die!!"

The sharp sound of the void finally rushed into the moon and quickly faded away.

A large number of biological souls and holy spirits can be seen faintly fighting with the void bat army throughout the moon.

And that huge eyeball fought fiercely with the master of the Kingdom of God, Leren Will.

Countless silver rune chains suddenly appeared around the entire silver-white moon, which were densely packed with arcane runes and divine runes, possessing great power.

Countless chains covered up the situation inside, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

About ten minutes later.


There was a crisp sound, and a huge crack suddenly opened in the entire silver-white moon.


The moon was cut off in the middle, and a large amount of messy junk escaped, which was pulled by the huge gravity of the star world.

A terrifying white eyeball with a size of tens of thousands of meters slowly rose from it.

"You should be my first sacrifice when I come to this world, hahahaha!!!" The giant eyeball let out a wild and sharp laugh.

With a snap, it disappeared instantly.

The silver-white moon, leaving only two short sections, slowly fell towards the star realm. like two huge continents


Lerenweir, the god of springs and the crescent moon, has fallen.

The entire main plane was shaken. The god of springs and the crescent moon worshiped by many water elemental tribes in the inner elemental plane, such a powerful god with medium power, actually died?

But the fact is that many of the statues of gods enshrined in water element tribes have instantly lost their divine light, and the names and inscriptions of gods carved in temples have instantly cracked.

This means that Lerenwill is not just giving up the priesthood, but actually falling completely.

The major churches in the east, west, north, south and central part of the main plane all received emergency notices at the same time.

The invasion of void cracks, which had always been regarded as just a minor trouble, actually became an important factor in the fall of Lerenwell according to the Oracle.

This shocked all the churches.

Thirteen huge empires in the East jointly issued a statement that they will completely clear and garrison all void cracks within their territory to guard against any dangerous creatures that may enter the main material plane.

This is an extremely large project. Each of the thirteen empires spans hundreds of millions of square kilometers, and they can only rely on long-distance mage towers for communication tasks. To completely monitor such a large territory, the manpower and material resources required are far beyond what previous actions could compare to.

The Western Ocean Federation also suspended civil wars and small-scale divine wars under the oracle, and united to inventory and monitor all void creatures.

The ocean area is larger than the land area. There are also boundless seas that are equivalent to several continental plates. This project is even more massive.

In the center and the other two directions, all the gods of the human pantheon, the elf pantheon, and the dragon pantheon all issued oracles in unison, targeting any void creature to kill without mercy, and their souls were directly annihilated.

The death of a god with medium power in his own kingdom sent an unparalleled shock to the entire world.

Before this, even the time when the void creatures invaded Meteor City, it was only a slight shock. I didn't expect that there were such powerful beings among the void creatures. That's all. No one would think that they could actually deal with the high-ranking people. That group that represents supremacy poses a threat.

But now, this threat has actually emerged.

Many gods in the upper plane, headed by Fila, also became vigilant, and most of them traveled together. Don't dare to act alone.


The void, the outer layer of the black hole.

A huge floating black crown is slowly flying towards another world inside the black hole.

The diameter of the crown is an unknown number of tens of thousands of light-years, and its size is extremely huge. There are even planets and meteors rotating slowly inside.

In the center of the crown, in a twisted black palace surrounded by several stone pillars of different shapes standing on the floor of the hall, there is a blood-colored eye in the middle of each stone pillar, and above the eye shines various faint shapes of different shapes. Plant patterns. That represents different contact signals.

A total of eight stone pillars formed a circle, forming a standard circular array.

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